The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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In reference to Punk/Cena. At this point I don't think WWE knows how they are going to finish the match. I stated before and still firmly believe that Cena is going in facing the most vicious crowd against him since One Night Stand 2 against RVD. Do I hope CM Punk wins, hell yes. Do I think CM Punk wins, I have no earthly idea. I think the most telling point of the night will be who wins the WWE MITB match, if it is a face I will be more likely to think Punk wins and we keep the WWE title in WWE.

I would love to see how WWE would handle Punk leaving as champ, what they would do and how Vince would "recover," alas it won't happen. My full on prediction here is that if Punk wins, the MITB winner comes out and beats Punk for the strap on the spot. Gotta admit having Punk put over someone like Kofi as his literal last move in WWE would be awesome and really classy.
The day after Cabana was released, he showed up in PWG and challenged for the PWG championship. The 8th anniversary show for PWG is next weekend, featuring a 3-way championship match between Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Davey Richards.

I'm crossing my fingers for a fatal four way.
[quote name='JJSP']The day after Cabana was released, he showed up in PWG and challenged for the PWG championship. The 8th anniversary show for PWG is next weekend, featuring a 3-way championship match between Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Davey Richards.

I'm crossing my fingers for a fatal four way.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Sway']It's also on the Rock's YouTube channel but the same audio problem still occurs for me.[/QUOTE]

I'm getting audio in the left speaker only. Definitely a great promo and he seemed really pissed starting halfway in the video. As for the hint of him showing up, I take it that means he'll show up at the Survivor Series PPV(MSG & his debut)?
[quote name='JJSP']The day after Cabana was released, he showed up in PWG and challenged for the PWG championship. The 8th anniversary show for PWG is next weekend, featuring a 3-way championship match between Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Davey Richards.

I'm crossing my fingers for a fatal four way.[/QUOTE]

You going to the show? I'll be there.
[quote name='Matt Young']You going to the show? I'll be there.[/QUOTE]
It's dependent on when I get back into LA area. I'm flying to Portland on Wednesday through Saturday afternoon. I'm not sure if the timing works out. I haven't been to a PWG show in a really long time. :(
Does anyone else think Wade Barrett will cash in the title shot on Punk if he wins the money in the bank match? I'm not completely sure they specifically say that the winner has to cash in against their brands champion, does it? And it would explain why Wade dropped the IC title quickly to Zeke. It also makes storyline sense because Punk seized control of the Nexus from Wade, but Wade never got retribution on Punk. So what better way to screw him over? Revenge is a dish best served cold right?
Sort of like what punk did to Orton.
I'm probably the only one but I'm pretty so what about the Rock thing. Creative/Cena should have let the CM Punk thing wrap up first. And then with the Rock going on about how he's back and not going anywhere doesn't carry much weight because between last WrestleMania and the next what do we get? A year of Internet videos, taped promos on Raw, and maybe he'll guest ref a match? Maybe he will show up on the PPV and maybe something good will happen to turn that around.
[quote name='KaneRobot']This stuff about (The Rock) not being deserving is hilarious. "He's not here busting his ass in the ring for all of you!" Yeah dipshit, because he already paid his dues 13 years ago, and was far more successful and beneficial to the company's notoriety than you'll ever be.[/QUOTE]

Hey, Rock saw my post from a few pages back! That was a little long but it was pretty good. Really picks up around the 7 minute mark.

I'm actually kind of tempted to get the PPV Sunday, which would be my first non-WM PPV since the early 2000s. However, sanity will prevail and I won't do it.
The Rock delivered a fine promo. At the core, that's what it was... no more than 'fine'. Not even likely in the Top 50 Rock promos. It's the same thing that I'm seeing with the current Punk storyline... an ounce of charisma and passion in this milquetoast age of promos makes people cream in their pants.

The promo meandered, overused certain things (whiny voice seques to cut off), and could've been tightened by at least 2-3 minutes. However, the sheer fact that Rock actually seemed invested in it makes it feel like one of the best promos of the past 5 years. The sad part is, that seems pretty likely to be true.

You know when this feud worked best? When WWE let John Cena go to the ring and be John Cena. The man has some honest-to-god mic skills, but they've been systematically blanched out of him ever since he was anointed Hogan Mach 2. That's the most frustrating part about Cena... I know he's better than this. I know that while he certainly won't ever possess the ungodly amount of charisma Rock has, he can easily go toe-to-toe with him in a way that doesn't make it appear that Rock is beating up a toddler at the very least.

It's been the same thing in the Punk feud, something that myke pointed out in the most spot-on way possible, where Cena is a square peg they try to keep pounding into a round hole. If they'd just sand the corners, he'd be perfect, but they're just stubborn enough to keep pounding away at it without fear of not succeeding.

I guess, really, the overall point here is that Rock isn't better than John Cena, he's better than the entirely of 2011 WWE. The company. The entire goddamn company. While it's great for business that he's back, I have to question the logic in completely exposing just how far the company has fallen in the past decade. When Rock ran down the list of his peers from the Attitude Era, it said it all... The Rock. Austin. HHH. Undertaker. Gee, Rock, you mean the guys that elicit reactions from the crowd in 2011 that no current roster member could ever dream of? Unless WWE has a plan in place to make their current guys look that strong, I don't know, maybe it's not the best thing to point out?

That was a random brain fart that I felt like wasting time with by writing it down. Maybe it made sense, maybe it didn't. At least it killed some time at work. ;)

... oh, and not to be 'that guy', but in the midst of this GLAAD thing, I'm disappointed that Rock still chooses the use homophobic remarks. You're better than that, Rock. Yes, I understand the bizarre nature of calling out a guy who still uses 'pie' as a talking point on this, but still.
[quote name='007']The promo meandered, overused certain things (whiny voice seques to cut off), and could've been tightened by at least 2-3 minutes.[/quote]

It seemed like something he wanted to do with some brief time off. You can't truly compare that shot to a WWE scripted and Kevin Dunn overproduced segment, can you? I mean, I don't buy that it was totally off the cuff, but the Rock video and Punk's work the past few weeks have been among the best talking we've seen in wrestling in years-years-YEARS. And they weren't scripted. I want to see more of that. Protecting talent who can't cut promos (I'm looking specifically in the direction of two hillbillies named HARDY) isn't worth the dilution of the integrity of the product.

You know when this feud worked best? When WWE let John Cena go to the ring and be John Cena. The man has some honest-to-god mic skills, but they've been systematically blanched out of him ever since he was anointed Hogan Mach 2. That's the most frustrating part about Cena... I know he's better than this.

Give me a video. I don't remember getting into a John Cena promo since as far back as his first t-shirt (with the "word life" hands on them).

... oh, and not to be 'that guy', but in the midst of this GLAAD thing, I'm disappointed that Rock still chooses the use homophobic remarks. You're better than that, Rock. Yes, I understand the bizarre nature of calling out a guy who still uses 'pie' as a talking point on this, but still.

Yep, yep, yep.
[quote name='mykevermin']Yep, yep, yep.[/QUOTE]

I don't get why this is such a big deal. These people play characters on a fictional program. Would you get as upset if homophobic remarks were used in a movie? I see no reason why GLAAD has to get involved. If John Cena and Dwayne Johnson were caught on film in real life using this language then I could see it. Truth is, if CM Punk called any one of us a vagina or a homo, we'd probably mark out.

If they're worried about it influencing the youth, well, the responsibility lies solely on the parents. I grew up watching Austin on TV, yet I wasn't flipping everyone off everywhere I went or cursing uncontrollably from watching R rated movies when I was 10. Why? Because my parents taught me the difference from right and wrong.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Apparently Terry Taylor's wife died on Thursday following a long bout with cancer.[/QUOTE]

Was trying to find out what happened as Becky Bayless and Gunner alluded to it, but couldn't find any info. That really, really sucks. I hope he and his family are able to get through this very harsh time.
[quote name='tangytangerine']I'm getting audio in the left speaker only. Definitely a great promo and he seemed really pissed starting halfway in the video. As for the hint of him showing up, I take it that means he'll show up at the Survivor Series PPV(MSG & his debut)?[/QUOTE]

Guess I gotta upgrade my ghetto audio setup then.

Currently watching Impact and despite being pretty much Ledger's Joker, I'm enjoying this new side of Sting. I do wish the base of white paint was also haphazardly applied and maybe add in a few splotches where it's thinner.
[quote name='Trakan']I don't get why this is such a big deal. These people play characters on a fictional program. Would you get as upset if homophobic remarks were used in a movie? I see no reason why GLAAD has to get involved. If John Cena and Dwayne Johnson were caught on film in real life using this language then I could see it. Truth is, if CM Punk called any one of us a vagina or a homo, we'd probably mark out.

If they're worried about it influencing the youth, well, the responsibility lies solely on the parents. I grew up watching Austin on TV, yet I wasn't flipping everyone off everywhere I went or cursing uncontrollably from watching R rated movies when I was 10. Why? Because my parents taught me the difference from right and wrong.[/QUOTE]
The problem is that using homophobic insults as a putdown continues to perpetuate the idea that being gay is wrong and something worthy of being made fun of for.

Would it be okay for Cena to come out ad insult R-Truth by calling him a porch monkey?
[quote name='JJSP']The problem is that using homophobic insults as a putdown continues to perpetuate the idea that being gay is wrong and something worthy of being made fun of for.

Would it be okay for Cena to come out ad insult R-Truth by calling him a porch monkey?[/QUOTE]

Wait, you mean that's not alright too? ;)
[quote name='JJSP']The problem is that using homophobic insults as a putdown continues to perpetuate the idea that being gay is wrong and something worthy of being made fun of for.

Would it be okay for Cena to come out ad insult R-Truth by calling him a porch monkey?[/QUOTE]

Right, I get that. I agree, but I still think it comes down to parents teaching kids what's right and what's wrong. "Don't believe everything you see on TV." It isn't something GLAAD needs to get involved in, or made a spectacle of each and every time it happens.

I also wouldn't equate sexual preference with an entire race of people, though I know what you're getting at.
[quote name='JJSP']Would it be okay for Cena to come out ad insult R-Truth by calling him a porch monkey?[/QUOTE]
It's ok, he's "taking it back."
[quote name='Trakan']Right, I get that. I agree, but I still think it comes down to parents teaching kids what's right and what's wrong. "Don't believe everything you see on TV." It isn't something GLAAD needs to get involved in, or made a spectacle of each and every time it happens.

I also wouldn't equate sexual preference with an entire race of people, though I know what you're getting at.[/QUOTE]

There's also the element of face vs heel - Rock is the guy you cheer for, so he shouldn't go there.

Punk, I can semi-understand. He's not the guy you cheer for, allegedly (though he's been really enjoying this "cool heel" thing for a bit now, and lord knows he's the babyface favorite on Sunday). A heel should say outlandish things; not a babyface.

I deeply disagree that wrestlers are on the same level as actors in terms of role-playing, because wrestling transcends boundaries of performance and reality. You meet Rey Mysterio, not (whatever the fuck his name is). You meet CM Punk, not Phil. Rock, not Dwayne Johnson. It's not a fair comparison in the least.

Wrestling is not acting, so the comparison between the two is poor at best.
It's a persona/character in a fictional setting. They're not as far apart as you think, but I can agree to disagree.
[quote name='Trakan']It's a persona/character in a fictional setting. They're not as far apart as you think, but I can agree to disagree.[/QUOTE]
It's a fictional story guised as a sporting event. I wouldn't put it same level as film/TV even though it shares the storytelling element. It's some sort of hybrid is the point I would make.
[quote name='Regian']Watching Impact right now.

The blatant Dark Knight ripoffs make my head hurt.

just saw some of the replays on youtube..and i just wanted to punch my computer screen at the poor Dark Knight rip offs. I can care less of the outcome tonight but just let sting him be him and not the Joker. Its getting pathetic!

edit: Meant sting. didnt proof read my post lol.
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The average age of the people in that TNA clip has to be above 50.

[quote name='Trakan']It's a persona/character in a fictional setting. They're not as far apart as you think, but I can agree to disagree.[/QUOTE]

The boundaries of the fictional setting are *very* unclear for wrestling compared with acting. The closest you'll come in film is with people who engage in method acting (Depp as Jack Sparrow, Ledger as Joker, if memory serves, and Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman). Heck, Andy Kaufman's personae transcended traditional television boundaries because he continued to "sell," so to speak, while off camera. He was lauded as a genius (postmortem) for doing something that pro wrestling had been doing for three quarters of a century at that point - maintaining kayfabe.

I saw Joe Pesci advertised for some broadway show last week when I spent some time in upper west side manhattan. If I were to run into him, would be be Joe Pesci, or would he be his character? But chances are I'll not meet the dude who pays the bills "playing" Santino Marella in any role *other* than Santino Marella.

Here's where I'll compromise - there is *one* person I can think of in modern media who comes close to doing what pro wrestlers do. Stephen Colbert.

It's being reported that CM Punk wants to face Steve Austin at WrestleMania 28 in Miami next year. While Punk dropped a hint on last Monday's RAW that he wanted the main event at WrestleMania 28, it's said that the chances of Punk vs. Austin happening next year are slim to none.

For me, that would easily outclass Rock vs. Cena. The buildup alone could be amazing. It'll never happen though as I highly doubt Austin will ever step in the ring again, why should he risk his health?
So I just got my first taste of Joker Sting and honestly, it doesn't really bother me.

Surfer Sting can't happen again, not at his age.

Crow Sting is even more outdated than Joker Sting.

As an old wrestler, Sting needs to use what I guess you could call mental games to convincingly defeat his opponents. The gimmick explains his success. Could it be pulled off with a bit more nuance? Of course, but this is wrestling (haha) not masterpiece theater.

I'm also simply thrilled that Anderson is no longer the champion. The guy is a bore and has never struck me as anything more than a midcarder, even in TNA.

EDIT - Austin vs. Punk would have been amazing like 9 years ago. Or with an Austin that didn't get his neck broken. So while I'd love to see the two of them tear each other apart in promos, I don't think the in ring performances could live up to the billing. At least with Cena and The Rock, both guys are healthy enough to still go. Even then, I'd much rather their program span 3-4 months just so Rock could get back into the rhythm of wrestling. One of his biggest draws was that his work just flowed. I don't know if he can do that today without some serious refresher work.
to each their own, but I've always thought that The Rock was extremely boring in the ring. If the Hogan/Rock match wouldn't have been such a passing of the torch moment, it would literally have been the most banal 20 minutes in the history of WM.
[quote name='nasum']to each their own, but I've always thought that The Rock was extremely boring in the ring. If the Hogan/Rock match wouldn't have been such a passing of the torch moment, it would literally have been the most banal 20 minutes in the history of WM.[/QUOTE]

Goldberg/Lesnar would like to challenge that notion. Bigelow/Taylor is next in line as well. :)
I think the fun part of Punk vs. Stone Cold is that, as someone previously eluded to in this thread, Punk is currently a very similar anti-establishment character as the one that made Stone Cold so popular.
[quote name='Shoulda Been Harvey']☑ Running the Macho Man's name through the mud
☑ Advertising talent that yout haven't signed
☑ Lying about not one but two children's hospitals being given charitable donations
☑ Not even being able to supply a ring bell
☑ Failing to pay some talent and the band

...but enough about TNA

[quote name='neocisco']Goldberg/Lesnar would like to challenge that notion. Bigelow/Taylor is next in line as well. :)[/QUOTE]

Maybe I'm alone, but I love to watch Lesnar/Goldberg for the crowd alone. It was such a culturally significant moment.

Gotta watch it on a copy of the original broadcast, however, since the DVD release (I believe) cut down on the crowd shitting. Not entirely, but enough to rewrite history.
[quote name='Shoulda Been Harvey']☑ Running the Macho Man's name through the mud
☑ Advertising talent that yout haven't signed
☑ Lying about not one but two children's hospitals being given charitable donations
☑ Not even being able to supply a ring bell
☑ Failing to pay some talent and the band

Congratulations on being a scumbag Dino Puglia! Randy 'Macho Man' Savage benefit called a 'blemish on the name of wrestling'.[/QUOTE]

LoGrasso called the show "a rinky-dink operation." There was no sound system, no bell to ring. In honor of the Macho Man, Puglia held marginally observed moments of silence, repeating "ding" into the microphone.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']

For me, that would easily outclass Rock vs. Cena. The buildup alone could be amazing. It'll never happen though as I highly doubt Austin will ever step in the ring again, why should he risk his health?[/QUOTE]

Punk/Austin would be amazing. I would buy Wrestlemania for it. I don't know what more I can say than that. The issue about Austin ever stepping into the ring again is moot as Austin himself has said he thinks he could do it for a little while longer. He just chooses not to. For the right price, the right opponent, and the right angle, I think he would gladly come back for "one more match" because I think he respects Punk enough to do it and Punk would probably have no problem laying down for Austin... and quite possibly vice versa.
[quote name='mykevermin']Maybe I'm alone, but I love to watch Lesnar/Goldberg for the crowd alone. It was such a culturally significant moment.

Gotta watch it on a copy of the original broadcast, however, since the DVD release (I believe) cut down on the crowd shitting. Not entirely, but enough to rewrite history.[/QUOTE]

The crowd was the only redeeming quality of that match. Match-wise, I would consider it a much bigger letdown than Rock/Hogan since those two were certainly able to go whereas Hogan was just a shell of his former self.
We're forgetting Bret Hart/Yokozuna at WM9 that ended with Hulk Hogan winning the title over Yokozuna. I always thought that PPV sucked - the only match I really remember as any good was the opener with Michaels and Tatanka.
[quote name='mykevermin']Maybe I'm alone, but I love to watch Lesnar/Goldberg for the crowd alone. It was such a culturally significant moment.

Gotta watch it on a copy of the original broadcast, however, since the DVD release (I believe) cut down on the crowd shitting. Not entirely, but enough to rewrite history.[/QUOTE]

Never seen it, cliff notes?
[quote name='nasum']Never seen it, cliff notes?[/QUOTE]

Brock had given his notice shortly after signing a 10 year (I think, it may have been a 5 year) contract and it was also well documented that this was Goldberg's last appearance in WWE. They just stood in the ring for a few minutes, did lots of collar and elbow lockups, did lots of techniques/moves/taunts to stall and the crowd booed them out of the building. It was built up to infinity and beyond and it was awful. The booing continued through the very short match, Lesnar flipped off the crowd at the end, then Austin, leading to Austin stunning him.

I don't know if this is the PPV version, but you can see the stalling techniques and hear the crowd fairly well. JR tried to spin it into gold, though.
[quote name='nasum']Never seen it, cliff notes?[/QUOTE]
It was known for a while that it'd be Goldberg's final WWE match, but news came out that Lesnar would be leaving as well about a week before the event. Austin refereed the match, and the NYC fans at the Garden shit all over the match that everyone expected should have been a historic immovable object/irresistible force booking.

It took almost three minutes for them to lock up, the fans chanted everything from "You Sold Out" to "Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye" to simply chanting for Austin alone, and eventually screaming "boooooring". It's the equivalent of the Show/Batista match at Hammerstein, except at 'Mania and at the Garden.
2 most overhyped pieces of trash ever

Between Goldberg's initial "I'm getting paid on my old WCW contract so why work at all" after WWE bought WCW and Lesnar shitting all over Vince and the WWE after being handed a career on a silver platter they've both left me unimpressed in terms of their work ethic. This match is a culmination of everything that's wrong with both of them.

The both suck in the ring and on the mic. Neither one should have ever even been curtain jerkers let alone main eventers. Wrestling Entertaining is better off without both of them.
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