The Madworld Thread (Sega/Platinum Games) - Out Now

[quote name='crunchewy']Ok, to me, most games these days have almost no replay value. The only games that have replay value are ones that are score based, and not where the score is completely meaningless and ignored by everyone. I mean where what matters is getting a high score and trying to beat your high score. Mostly this is just old-school arcade games and more recent games that take that as their approach, though often they muck it up and so are fail. Anyway, those kinds of games have replay value. Other games do not, at least not for me. I don't get value out of replaying other types of games. I also don't watch movies more the once, with rare exception, which is probably quite the same thing. Other people like to watch movies over and over, but I get no satisfaction out of doing that. I've got movies I own and I have absolutely no idea why I own them because I've only seen them once and will never watch them again.[/QUOTE]

Thats exactly how I am.

I watch it once and maybe another time with family or firends. After that I am extremely bored if i have to sit through it again.

Games are the same I never replay, and rarely get through any anymore unless i fall in love.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']Looks like this game installs new firmware.[/quote]
Do you know if it does anything cool? Like, uh, add another clock to the Wii menu or something? I think the only firmware improvement anybody wants is to read games directly from the SD slot and I figure you would have mentioned it if that was the case.
[quote name='wii skiier']Do you know if it does anything cool? Like, uh, add another clock to the Wii menu or something? I think the only firmware improvement anybody wants is to read games directly from the SD slot and I figure you would have mentioned it if that was the case.[/quote]

If I play this I cant play my copy of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom as it would kill the homebrew channel.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']If I play this I cant play my copy of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom as it would kill the homebrew channel.[/quote]
If you're already doing that then you are capable of customizing your system menu to bypass disc-based updates. If you haven't already, you probably should so you don't kill your Wii by updating it with some other country's firmware the next time you import a game.
[quote name='wii skiier']If you're already doing that then you are capable of customizing your system menu to bypass disc-based updates. If you haven't already, you probably should so you don't kill your Wii by updating it with some other country's firmware the next time you import a game.[/QUOTE]

I'll have to look into this because as it stands, I cannot play MadWorld even when it does arrive tomorrow. :(
can anyone confirm if the new firmware from this disc will mess with the homebrew channel? i am using it for tatsunoko vs capcom :l
what's the consensus from those who have played it, is it worthy of picking up? It looks really cool but I'm always so disappointed with wii games I wonder if this will change that.
[quote name='fatez']can anyone confirm if the new firmware from this disc will mess with the homebrew channel? i am using it for tatsunoko vs capcom :l[/quote]

I was at 3.2U before the update, and I am 3.2U after the update. It seems it isn't a full firmware update.
[quote name='fatez']can anyone confirm if the new firmware from this disc will mess with the homebrew channel? i am using it for tatsunoko vs capcom :l[/quote]
Someone will eventually (if they haven't already) extract the updates, then you just install them via wads (so then you can uninstall them if need be.)
I've only played through the first boss (tutorial + a ten minute level), but it's good times. The violence is certainly something to consider if you're at all squeamish, but it's cartoony and hilariously presented enough so it doesn't bother me, though when someone gets impaled through their ass, I wince.
did anyone get the official soundtrack with their pre-order or was it a european only exclusive? if so anyone mind ripping the soundtrack and uploading it somewhere?
[quote name='triforcer']did anyone get the official soundtrack with their pre-order or was it a european only exclusive? if so anyone mind ripping the soundtrack and uploading it somewhere?[/quote]

So how do you get your hands on it? Right now, the soundtrack is going to be a pre-order bonus if you reserve your copy of MADWORLD at selected retailers in the UK and Australia. It won’t just be handed out on the first day, so make sure you pre-order to guarantee that you get it, but also check with your retailer to see if they are offering the promotion. If you don’t live in one of those two countries, keep your eyes peeled for contest or promotions where you can get your hands on the soundtrack as well.
Wow just wow! The game is amazing. the firmware update like others have said doesn't do much or anything at all..:whee: Tatsunko and the homebrew live...Although if jack could delete them there should be a animation for the "murder" :lol:

Madworld is so far one of the best games of 09. I know it's sounds cliche but heck it's another example of how to make a amazing/great wii game.

Granted I've played though the first level but the art style is well done. It's sin city/kill bill mixed with a little grindhouse with the fuzzie loading screen to the screen the announcers who actually give great commentary. The game also doesn't hold back. GTA( i know it's not the best comparsion) holds back. Madworld doesn't hold back. That's what i think is great about it. The comic book style with the ink black looks gorgoeous too. The wii controls are well done. Comboing a person multiple times and getting rewarded for hardcore violence and two i didn't get yet which are ultra violence and the other one escapes me... Overall this is a must own game. I'm sure people here didn't need to know it. The game is fun I rank it above No More Heros until the second one comes out. I wonder how this game will influence suda and other game desginers who push the limits of violence in the game industry..;)
My buddy is on the way with the game and we're going to try it out tonight. Lets hope it doesnt look like complete ass in 480i.

Ok, a lot of you guys know im not a Wii fan, in fact, ive yet to finish a single game on the wii and i have ~20 games for it + some Wiiware games. I have to say Madworld is just unbelievably good. One thing tho, i use a Sony 34" CRT Tube HDTV, so wii doesnt look like a vasaline fest on my tv. With that said, there were moments like when during the first boss fight that looked absolutely mind blowing. Ive played a LOT of 360/ps3 games (the majority of the major releases in fact), and madworld at times looks up there with the rest of them.

Controls need major work tho. Im not sure what the point of the waggle attacks are when i have a standard attack and a chainsaw. Also, putting tires and barrels on people can be an effort in frustration. Also, why would they put things like the boss battle icon on the top of the level where the map has no idication of a 2nd top story? The level design was pretty iffy since they never tell you theres a whole upstairs with a new weapon, boss battle and a challange!

Overall, my impressions up till level 2 are that this game is really good. And truly shows how a good art style can go a LONG way in making a game look utterly gorgeous. That said, i'd prefer this in HD with better controls, however, i do like the special waggle QTE stuff. Mixes it up nicely. This will likely be the first game i ever finish.
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I'm so excited. My copy should show up today or tomorrow...

The game keeps drawing comparisons to NMH which I loved but had some definite room for improvement. If this is at least as fun as NMH then I am set for a while.
I just hope that this game sells well so we get more games like it in the future. I think I'm going to get a copy of MadWorld instead of Killzone 2 or Resident Evil 5. I think it's about 5 months since I last played something on the Wii, excited to play some MadWorld.
just got my copy from amazon today... so glad i jumped on it when they had it for $39.99, this game is awesome. the controls are great, the art style is great and works well with the wii. a whole lot of mindless killing with combos.
game is too good... in all aspects except for the camera... I died on the 3rd boss coz I couldnt see where I was getting hit from >_<

I needa step my combo game up... all my kills are either "routine" or whatever the name is for the 2nd rank...

I saw there's 5 ranks for rating kills!!! I gotta get dat 5th rank!!
[quote name='JEKKI']
I saw there's 5 ranks for rating kills!!! I gotta get dat 5th rank!![/quote]
Everything I hear about this game makes me happier. Especially this. I just saw my copy is scheduled to arrive today. Now I have to make sure I can stay up late enough to play tonight!
Mine just arrived today from amazon (free super saver shipping). I probably won't have time to play it until tomorrow though...along with RE5. Can't wait!
Haven't played my Wii for a few months now, but this game has me really excited and hopefully it will have me playing that system again.
I have been hearing the MadWorld update is nothing but a Trucha Bug patch. Time to see about downgrading to 3.2 before I play, I guess...:bomb:
[quote name='MorPhiend']I have been hearing the MadWorld update is nothing but a Trucha Bug patch. Time to see about downgrading to 3.2 before I play, I guess...:bomb:[/quote]
Depends on your setup, but you may not need to downgrade if you have updates disabled. Mine showed up today, no update needed and I can still play my Japanese games.


Holy crap. This games looks amazing. This game is amazing. My only complaint so far is the controls are a little tricky for my six-year-old. All he can really do is run and punch right now.
jus beat the first stage of
Asia Town

I swear... this game is one of those games where you're not gonna figure out how exactly to play it until u beat it lol.

that stage has little mini challenges you can do, "death watch challenges" that arent broadcast or anything, but if u complete them u get an orb and more points!!

first stage in Asia Town has a optional mini boss in it, a turtle dood.

also I still cant achieve a higher score than "Hardcore Violence" which is the second tier kill combo... lol I still gots much to learn.
Is this game like No more heros? I fu@king hated that game. I want this game, I'm just hoping its not so mindless and repetitive like NMH. Does it have good variety? I'm asking those that have played it/own it. NMH looked cool, but just fell flat for me.
[quote name='Sk']Is this game like No more heros? I fu@king hated that game. I want this game, I'm just hoping its not so mindless and repetitive like NMH. Does it have good variety? I'm asking those that have played it/own it. NMH looked cool, but just fell flat for me.[/quote]
Yes. Good variety of mindless and repetetive things. You will hate it.
[quote name='wii skiier']My only complaint so far is the controls are a little tricky for my six-year-old.[/quote]o_O

[quote name='Sk']Is this game like No more heros? I fu@king hated that game. I want this game, I'm just hoping its not so mindless and repetitive like NMH. Does it have good variety? I'm asking those that have played it/own it. NMH looked cool, but just fell flat for me.[/quote]I don't hate NMH...I just haven't felt like going back to it after the first couple hours. Just didn't see what all the hooplah was about. I'll get back to it some day...

That's my main concern with Madworld...the apparent repetiveness. I've been watching gameplay videos and after the same moves are performed 5+ times in the same got really boring. Maybe playing it is different than watching it...

It's still on my list as a must purchase for all the hype if nothing else. I'm gonna wait it out a little, though.
the game is VERY similar to No More Heroes.

gameplay wise, ure jus beating up on foolz all day with the A button.

the difference is the variety to kill ppl is much greater in this game as the points system implements itself into combat plus the game has a lot more moves than NMH has, but the game sacrifices collecting t-shirts to maintain the non-stop action.

the pacing is also extremely different.

In NMH it was like fight, chill out/explore, do a minigame, chill more, fight, repeat.

this game is fight, minigame, fight, fight, minigame, fight, repeat.

it's a difference of a level based game versus an open world game of NMH.
JEKKI's comparison is pretty apt. The fighting is extremely repetetive, but that's kind of the point. I have yet to get tired of seeing how many things I can string together; stick a garbage can on Thug1's head, a tire around Thug2, light Thug2 on fire, stick them together with a road sign, throw them in a dumpster and chop them both in half. Fun.
I jus beat the 9th boss.

I've come to the conclusion that I wouldnt care if the gameplay was pure ass...

the commentary introducing the boss was pure comedy platinum,

and the finishing move was too fukkyn good, I seriously needa see a replay of it!!

this game is freakin amazing no matter how u look at it!

btw that's another thing that this game does better than NMH, it has more bosses, and each one is very unique and interesting similar to the bosses in NMH.
Just tried it, and already tired of it. Maybe I'm getting old but, extreme violence repeated over and over again doesn't grab me like it did when I first saw MK in the arcade.
Got this this afternoon, but Resident Evil 5 took priority. I'm about to start it up now. I'll post impressions in a while.


Ok, well, I just turned it on and I'm already upset that it's not true widescreen. *Sigh* Oh well, NMH wasn't either, and I loved it. Hopefully the gameplay will (probably) redeem itself.
[quote name='wii skiier']Yes. Good variety of mindless and repetetive things. You will hate it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JEKKI']the game is VERY similar to No More Heroes.

gameplay wise, ure jus beating up on foolz all day with the A button.

the difference is the variety to kill ppl is much greater in this game as the points system implements itself into combat plus the game has a lot more moves than NMH has, but the game sacrifices collecting t-shirts to maintain the non-stop action.

the pacing is also extremely different.

In NMH it was like fight, chill out/explore, do a minigame, chill more, fight, repeat.

this game is fight, minigame, fight, fight, minigame, fight, repeat.

it's a difference of a level based game versus an open world game of NMH.[/QUOTE]

Well thanks for being honest guys. I appreciate that. It's better than me blowing 50 bucks on what I would think is crap (respectfully so I can see how other would enjoy it). My taste in gaming has changed since the early days of beat 'em ups. I might give this one a rental though. It seems worth checking out just for the style alone.

Oh yeah those minigames and the flawed open ended world of NMH really pissed me off. They just seemed so out of place. Go collect coconuts...go kill him...go do that...blah blah blah... fighting 500 of the exactly same looking guys in exactly the same looking rooms the whole level. Then do a boss fight in a cool local, but with damn near the same combat as other bosses.
I just started playing this game today and I beat the first boss so far. The game is a lot of fun, but i agree the pacing is definitely different from a normal game. Its pure nonstop action and the first level at least is formatted with a small tutorial at the game...fight...second mini game...fight...boss.
I haven't played no more heroes yet( but its on my list of games to play) so i don't really have anything to compare it to other than the old school beat'em ups like Fighting Force(i think that is the name lol)

I am really liking the chainsaw though and all the finisher moves ^___^
by the way with the weapon you pick up in the first level (the bat with nails in it) can that break? because i was scrolling through what it said pretty fast and i thought it said something about wearing down from use?
bread's done