The Madworld Thread (Sega/Platinum Games) - Out Now

Woot, just came home to find MadWorld sitting in my mailbox. Amazon FSSS FTW since I would rather be patient than spend moar monies on fastar shipping.

I have to decide whether or not to watch Transporter 3 or play MadWorld...
Yes, the extra weapons eventually go away (or "break").

Is anyone else having some freezing issues with this game? The game has frozen on me twice now, both times immediately after
those big fuuuuuuucking bull guys with chainsaws
come on screen. Kind of annoying, but I really don't mind having to play Man Darts over again.
[quote name='wii skiier']Yes, the extra weapons eventually go away (or "break").

Is anyone else having some freezing issues with this game? The game has frozen on me twice now, both times immediately after
those big fuuuuuuucking bull guys with chainsaws
come on screen. Kind of annoying, but I really don't mind having to play Man Darts over again.[/quote]

Havnt had that problem yet.

Anyone else have a black border around the game like RE4
[quote name='Kaoz']Havnt had that problem yet.

Anyone else have a black border around the game like RE4[/quote]
Hm. It's been on two totally different levels now.

Yes, there is a very small black border. I know this makes some people crazy, but as soon as I start playing I immediately don't notice.
[quote name='wii skiier']
Yes, there is a very small black border. I know this makes some people crazy, but as soon as I start playing I immediately don't notice.[/quote]
Yeah it's not as bad as I thought it would be when I first saw it on re4, I dont notice it when playing either.
First wii game I've bought and played in A WHILE (seriously had to do the whole "dig it out of storage" thing) and this is awesome. Every moment I'm playing this game I am having fun, and really, isn't that what it's all about?
I find myself drawn to this game due to the hype, but suspect I'll be in the same camp as homeland. I played God of War 2 for about 10 minutes and have yet to even pick the game up again. Ok, so it was gory. What else? Still, I find myself drawn to Madworld. The good thing is it's short so used copies should be out there soon enough, and I should be able to recoup most of my losses if the seemingly inevitable proves true.
[quote name='crunchewy']I find myself drawn to this game due to the hype, but suspect I'll be in the same camp as homeland. I played God of War 2 for about 10 minutes and have yet to even pick the game up again. Ok, so it was gory. What else? Still, I find myself drawn to Madworld. The good thing is it's short so used copies should be out there soon enough, and I should be able to recoup most of my losses if the seemingly inevitable proves true.[/quote]
This is going to sound weird, but a huge part of the appeal of this game for me is how beautiful it is and how complete a work of art it tries to be. I went through a similar experience with Okami. My wife walked in the room the other night when I was playing Madworld and she also immediately commented on how beautiful it was (she does not really like video games outside of Tetris and Rock Band) and asked if it was made by the same people as Okami.

God of War, however, is dull and "video game" generic in many ways visually. I also couldn't get into GOW2, but based on GOW1 I'd imagine it's much of the same. Madworld is in many ways more simplistic than GOW, so it might bore you. That seems to be a common theme in this thread with people who don't like the game or are afraid they will not like it. It is very repetetive, but it is also fun.

It has to do with the fact that everything clicks to make doing the same thing over and over continually enjoyable. I liken it to the driving in the GTA series. Starting with GTAIII, Rockstar figured out how to make the driving really fun. The developers realized you would be driving cars a lot, so it might as well be fun - something that most of the scores of GTA clones never picked up on.

All this rambling to make my original point comparing this game to Okami. If this follows the same sales arc it may not ever be all that cheap, but I also don't think it's the kind of game that you must play now, especially if you're feeling swayed by hype.
Just played the game and I have to say it's awesome. There's some things I don't like, but it's great stuff.

Sega needs to release that damn soundtrack in the US already fuck!
I'm kinda surprised that there isn't a loathing mother-killing crowd demanding this game in HD on the 360/PS3. (General feel of Wii-hate).

I'll hopefully grab this when the price is right, been watching videos and looks exciting.

I would love to grab it cheaper than MSRP, but well, just can't pay full price for any game. Plus it's on the Wii and it's not by N, so it will get to $20.
Thanks for the input wii skier. I do think the visual style of it is also what is drawing me to it. I'm just wary.... I was hoping I might get lucky and find a used copy during the b2g1, but I didn't see any at the 3 GS's I visited. I'll get it eventually. I'm not one for renting, since then if I like the game I feel like I wasted my money. It's like betting on losing. I'd rather get a great deal in buying it such that even if I don't like it I can turn around and recoup my losses or most of them. I.e. pay the "rental fee" only if I didn't like it.
[quote name='crunchewy'] I'm not one for renting, since then if I like the game I feel like I wasted my money. It's like betting on losing. I'd rather get a great deal in buying it such that even if I don't like it I can turn around and recoup my losses or most of them. I.e. pay the "rental fee" only if I didn't like it.[/quote]
I hate renting too for the same reason (of course, that's why I have a closet full of games I have played once). Have you tried gamefly? Usually you can find a month trial for free and their "keep it" prices tend to be decent deals even on newer games.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Hooray! I made it to the "Super" rank! Does anyone else think it's really hard to get high ranked kills?[/quote]
Yes. I think it's hard.
[quote name='wii skiier']I liken it to the driving in the GTA series. Starting with GTAIII, Rockstar figured out how to make the driving really fun. The developers realized you would be driving cars a lot, so it might as well be fun - something that most of the scores of GTA clones never picked up on.[/quote]

Everyone knows GTA is about the hookers.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']Everyone knows GTA is about the hookers.[/quote]

If you don't have a car how are you going to pick them up? On you bicycle maybe. Yeah I'd like to see that.
Beat the game and the finishers on the bosses seem to have gotten lamer as the game went on. Especially the final boss fight. That was totally awesome, though, about who was the final boss.
[quote name='crunchewy']I find myself drawn to this game due to the hype, but suspect I'll be in the same camp as homeland. I played God of War 2 for about 10 minutes and have yet to even pick the game up again. Ok, so it was gory. What else? Still, I find myself drawn to Madworld. The good thing is it's short so used copies should be out there soon enough, and I should be able to recoup most of my losses if the seemingly inevitable proves true.[/QUOTE]

FWIW, the first two levels didn't do anything for me. Other than the style & blood, it was just another run of the mill brawler and I wasn't very impressed. It wasn't until level three that things picked up. They introduce some of the most creative weapons this side of Dead Rising which makes the motion actually fun. The enemy variety is just as cool. I'm only halfway through and they've already thrown
zombies, werewolves, ninjas & Frankenstein's monster
into the mix.

The only real gripe I have at this point is the weapon 'crates'. With everything in b&w, they are too hard to spot. They should have done something more stylistically or given them a subtle shade of color or something.

[quote name='wii skiier']Yes, the extra weapons eventually go away (or "break").

Is anyone else having some freezing issues with this game? The game has frozen on me twice now, both times immediately after
those big fuuuuuuucking bull guys with chainsaws
come on screen. Kind of annoying, but I really don't mind having to play Man Darts over again.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Mine totally cut off at the spiked bat/dartboard area of the second stage. Not only did it freeze, the music stuck as well sending a constant ear piercing screech through my surround sound. Very annoying especially since that is later in the stage and I had to go back and replay the whole level again.
[quote name='Corvin']
Yes. Mine totally cut off at the spiked bat/dartboard area of the second stage. Not only did it freeze, the music stuck as well sending a constant ear piercing screech through my surround sound. Very annoying especially since that is later in the stage and I had to go back and replay the whole level again.[/quote]
That's one of the spots mine froze too. I played for a couple hours last night with no freezing though. A couple stutters that freaked me out because I had just passed a hard part, but I was able to get through boss five. I think. I kind of lost track of the bosses already. I was able to get a Super kill pretty easily in Chinaland or whatever they call it -
I stuck as many horns as I could find in a guy's head, headbutted him a bunch, dragged him to the spiked bus and slammed him through another guy over and over and then chainsawed them both (the one stuck to the bus doesn't actually get cut)

What happens if you run out of lives? Is your game totally over, or do you get to continue in some way?
You start the level over when you run out of lives. I died on the 'Frankenstein monster' and it tossed me back out to the map screen. When you re-enter the level it starts at the beginning.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Hooray! I made it to the "Super" rank! Does anyone else think it's really hard to get high ranked kills?[/quote]
I think I got a couple Super kills in the first level, maybe the second, but beyond that I've been stuck at Hardcore.
[quote name='Corvin']You start the level over when you run out of lives. I died on the 'Frankenstein monster' and it tossed me back out to the map screen. When you re-enter the level it starts at the beginning.[/quote]
Oh, that's not so bad. I can deal with that. I just didn't want to get eight bosses in and have to start completely from the beginning.
[quote name='xycury']Thanks for the link.

:applause: on Sega and Platnium games for doing something not completely for money.

Can't wait to play this gem.[/QUOTE]\

I will be buying this at full price shortly, with credit of course, but it will be new and within the first 60 days of release.

Glad its got the reviews it has. Viewtiful joe was good and my Okami is yet to be played, but I own a new copy of each.
This game is so awesome. I'm in asia town and running around finding ways to kill people is so fun. I suck at it though. Also lol at Ninja Turtle people.
i've only finished the first area.
how many are there by the way?

for the first level though. i absolutely love this game. i rarely like this type of game. but this one is really really fun. they put in so many little touches. and fighting is so varied. i've enjoyed being as creative as i can.
[quote name='buttle']i've only finished the first area.
how many are there by the way?

for the first level though. i absolutely love this game. i rarely like this type of game. but this one is really really fun. they put in so many little touches. and fighting is so varied. i've enjoyed being as creative as i can.[/quote]
I have no idea. I'm taking my time and enjoying it, also slowed down a little by the couple crashes I've had.

I wanted to hate it, but the
pirate hat for the "pirates vs. ninjas" makes me happy.
Just finished the castle area and it was awesome. Couldn't kill the
, but I got through it. I couldn't kill
death blade
either and he killed me a couple times. Castle Boss was hilarious.
I hadn't played the game in a week since I was sick, so I started a new data and got up to the point where I left off (after the second boss).

I'm really liking the game.
yuuuup. FInally played for my first time since friday.

I think I'm on the final area now... prolly beat it on friday so I can play other games tomorrow.

camera is still a bitch, especially on stage
4-2... the space station or whatever

also... technodrome!!!
someone from europe on gaf posted their pickup thread of this game, including soundtrack.

lots of other ppl should be getting their soundtracks too.

should be up on ebay or bittorrent or rapidshare or however u wanna get it soon!!
[quote name='JEKKI']someone from europe on gaf posted their pickup thread of this game, including soundtrack.

lots of other ppl should be getting their soundtracks too.

should be up on ebay or bittorrent or rapidshare or however u wanna get it soon!![/quote]

fuck YEAH! Thanks for the news, JEKKI!
I need downloads for all those songs to put on my iPod. RIGHT NOW! :cry:


Hopefully it's not against the rules to share that.

I cannot tell you how happy I am. I've been checking various torrent sites periodically for the past week just looking for this soundtrack. Been dying for the song playing during Rinrin, however girly it may be...
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[quote name='Bavgate']The link is legit too. Just finished downloading it and the quality is excellent for all the songs. :D[/quote]

I concur. CD quality. Listening to it from my iPod as we speak. SO awesome.
[quote name='Bavgate']I need downloads for all those songs to put on my iPod. RIGHT NOW! :cry:


Hopefully it's not against the rules to share that.[/quote]

You just made my next two 10-hour shifts at work bearable, thanks.
No problem guys! So now that we have the soundtrack, what's everyone's favorite track? Pretty obvious what my favorite is: Ain't That Funny?
thanks Bavgate.

btw, jus beat the game. It was incredible.

took like 3 hours lol, which I assume does not count the cutscenes.

Regardless it's some of the best 3 hours ever, despite the absolutely terrible camera
what's everyone's favorite track?
My all time has to be Crimson Rain, but right now I'm feeling Look Pimpin.

took like 3 hours lol, which I assume does not count the cutscenes
The game timer is screwed up. The first time I played the game I played for 45 minutes, but the game told me I had only played 8.
[quote name='Bavgate']I need downloads for all those songs to put on my iPod. RIGHT NOW! :cry:


Hopefully it's not against the rules to share that.[/quote]
Seems weird that pirated music talk would be OK but not pirated game talk so I hope you don't get in trouble. Thanks for the link! I'm downloading now. I have to admit, I have not been able to hear the music at all while playing, but the bits I have caught sounded good. I thought I was going to get to play more last night, but ended up getting sick. Maybe tonight. I don't want to finish the game too quickly, but I am almost done already. I do look forward to going back and getting better scores on earlier levels.
bread's done