The Mickie James Roast Beef Wrestling Thread

[quote name='lombarvm']Maybe he is ADR's new bodyguard? You guys are too quick to judge.[/QUOTE]

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

My guess is that Nash is back at Triple H's request, to make Punk pay for disrespecting the WWE. We shall see.

Myke - I looked for pictures of Orton's bloody thumb but I had no luck. Basically it got cut somehow towards the end of his match and after he won the title he did one of his crazy faces and a thumbs up with his mangled thumb. It was pretty funny.
[quote name='Halo05']I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

My guess is that Nash is back at Triple H's request, to make Punk pay for disrespecting the WWE. We shall see.

Myke - I looked for pictures of Orton's bloody thumb but I had no luck. Basically it got cut somehow towards the end of his match and after he won the title he did one of his crazy faces and a thumbs up with his mangled thumb. It was pretty funny.[/QUOTE]

I am not being sarcastic. I will not judge the use of Nash until I get a full explanation. If the explanation sucks, then I will drop a deuce on it.
I actually think he cut it on the table smash. When they were showing the replay of that you see him immediately hold his hand look at it.
[quote name='007']Really think back to how excited you were a month ago, and then realize that Kevin Nash just showed up.[/QUOTE]

I think your points about Triple H needing approval and recognition are spot on. I think this sentence above highlights the key issue with the angle(s) of the past 8 weeks or whatever. They took a white hot angle that had people talking about the product well outside the typical "we're ashamed to be WWE fans so we only talk about it in private company" arenas. TMZ covered it, ESPN covered it.

It did not translate into immediate this-very-minute ratings increases, so they balked and went back to the comfort zone. They turned white hot potential into paint-by-numbers rebel-versus-evil-owner WWE feud. That we've seen time and time again for a decade and a half in WWE, in WCW, in ECW, and TNA.

Nash makes sense in that HHH would want to stop a "rebellion" within Punk. The corporate would want to hammer down the nail that stands up. But going back to the tired, worn out warhorse of "rebel versus owner" is indeed endemic of a severe lack of faith in trying new things in the company, as well as reifying that the corporation is indeed stuffed to the brim with yes men who won't rock the boat creatively.

So Nash makes sense, unlike Punk's stunted time off-contract, which was shorter than Cena's firing, I think. It makes sense, but it's depressing nonetheless.

I'm not too bothered, as the mic work should be amazing. The matches should be good as well, particularly if Nash plays the heel and really emphasizes the "big lazy" part of him as he plods and poses and gains the ire of crowds hot for Punk.

Speaking of crowds hot for Punk, between last night and MITB's crowds, WWE is willfully ignoring that the dude is crazy over.

Del Rio as champ? Meh. Ask Sheamus and Jack Swagger what that felt like. fuck, ask Miz, too. If Jack Swagger was quietly released from WWE today, how long before you would notice?
[quote name='mykevermin']
Del Rio as champ? Meh. Ask Sheamus and Jack Swagger what that felt like. fuck, ask Miz, too. If Jack Swagger was quietly released from WWE today, how long before you would notice?[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree. I truly feel that Del Rio has "it." Sheamus and Swagger aren't even in the same league. Christ, Swagger has a beast of a lisp, and Sheamus is more of a cartoon character than an in-ring performer. Del Rio has a look, can wrestle, and is fairly decent on the mic. I saw him as a future champ once he debuted.
That's the other thing about last night... they screwed themselves with Del Rio. Del Rio was crazy over when he was on Smackdown, and his WHC run would've been great. After moving to Raw, they systematically killed all of his momentum, to the point where giving him the MitB briefcase was a bad idea. They wrote themselves into a corner here, because they're once again expecting that a sudden title run will monumentally change the crowd's feelings on a guy.

The corner they wrote themselves into was that either they pulled the trigger on Del Rio immediatly, even though he's losing his connection to the crowd and his heat, or they wait until they can build him back up, which puts him firmly in the timeline of what they have planned for WM28. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like this is the 'get Del Rio out of the way before we have to do important shit' angle.

Even if he's an integral part of this storyline, as in he's 'someone's' champion or whatever, it still goes back to what I said earlier, which is the complete neutering of the Punk angle. Punk/Cena could've easily run until Survivor Series on it's own, so tossing Del Rio in seems forced. Shit, they let Christian and Orton headline 3-4 PPVs by themselves, so it's not like there isn't a recent precedent for booking here. Ultimately, I feel like they had Del Rio penciled in for a title run before they came up with the Punk angle, but no one felt like making the effort of changing the original plan. Non-organic booking, basically.

As a random aside, I just started watching The Wire last week and... ok, first, yes, I'm aware that I've completely dropped the ball by waiting this long to watch it. I've blown through the first season in about 4 days, and can say it's easily one of the finest seasons of TV I've watched. Now, my wrestling related points are: 1) Having just reached episode 2 of Season 2, was that Kozlov as one of the Russian heavies? 2) I can't get over how much Jay looks like an obese John Cena. That shit is uncanny.
[quote name='007']Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like this is the 'get Del Rio out of the way before we have to do important shit' angle.[/quote]

I feel more like they have taken 6-8 months or more of huge money making angles into 8 weeks. OTOH, they took a 4-week angle and turned it into a David Foster Wallace novel w/ Christian and Orton.

As a random aside, I just started watching The Wire last week and... ok, first, yes, I'm aware that I've completely dropped the ball by waiting this long to watch it. I've blown through the first season in about 4 days, and can say it's easily one of the finest seasons of TV I've watched.

The whole show is magnificent. 5 is a letdown as its own season, however the series finale is phenomenal.

Now, my wrestling related points are: 1) Having just reached episode 2 of Season 2, was that Kozlov as one of the Russian heavies? 2) I can't get over how much Jay looks like an obese John Cena. That shit is uncanny.

1) Yep. Sure was. Good eye.
2) Heh. Let others be the judge of that.

I think the only reason they were in a rush to get Del Rio the belt is because they want him as champ when they tour Mexico in the fall. At least that's what I've heard. No whitey privilege view here. :lol: He really seems to have lost a lot of his hotness the past few months so him winning the title last night was lame. They've been dead set on a Del Rio push for months, but I think sometimes you need to put stuff to the side when you got someone crazy over like Punk is.

At least Rey gets a rematch for the title. Did they ever address that when he lost it to Cena? It seemed like he should have gotten a match with Cena, but they didn't even bother explaining that (to my knowledge).

Nash and Punk will probably have some pretty good promos so I'm looking forward to that. As long as Nash stays away from actually wrestling I don't have a huge problem with his return.
Just once I would like to see the MitB winner NOT win the belt.
As far as Nash is concerned, couldn't they have found someone on the active roster to do the run-in?
[quote name='lombarvm']I am not being sarcastic. I will not judge the use of Nash until I get a full explanation. If the explanation sucks, then I will drop a deuce on it.[/QUOTE]

Got it. I had flashbacks to the discussion about what bringing Punk back after 8 days would lead to. Which is still developing but I... I just don't trust Triple H around wrestlers I like. He's passable in the ring and on the mic, but he never practices what he preaches. Punk has "grabbed the brass ring" like no one else since possibly Austin and his reward is what seems like a half-baked and rushed run with the title and a trip down to Nosey's wood shed.
Good on you, 007, for watching The Wire. Once you've finished it you might consider watching Treme. It's the show David Simon (The Wire creator) is now doing. Completely different subject matter but still top-notch quality.

I forget which season it is but there's a scene where Omar essentially does a run-in as he's walking through the projects, people scattering everywhere. "Oh shit, here comes Omar!"
[quote name='Blackout']I think the only reason they were in a rush to get Del Rio the belt is because they want him as champ when they tour Mexico in the fall. At least that's what I've heard. No whitey privilege view here. :lol: He really seems to have lost a lot of his hotness the past few months so him winning the title last night was lame. They've been dead set on a Del Rio push for months, but I think sometimes you need to put stuff to the side when you got someone crazy over like Punk is.

At least Rey gets a rematch for the title. Did they ever address that when he lost it to Cena? It seemed like he should have gotten a match with Cena, but they didn't even bother explaining that (to my knowledge). [/QUOTE]

Better be careful or the racism police will be all up in your shit for making valid points.
[quote name='neocisco']Good on you, 007, for watching The Wire. Once you've finished it you might consider watching Treme. It's the show David Simon (The Wire creator) is now doing. Completely different subject matter but still top-notch quality.

I forget which season it is but there's a scene where Omar essentially does a run-in as he's walking through the projects, people scattering everywhere. "Oh shit, here comes Omar!"[/QUOTE]

No honey nut?
Really fun opener, even if it had no real meaning. Sheamus-Henry was short, but had some good, stiff action in it. I loved the finish a lot, but enjoyed Sheamus's match with Khali more. Divas match was fine, and the Glam Slam>Victory Roll finish was a thing of beauty. I hope that spot makes it into the games because it really looked awesome. Jimmy Hart's cameo with Truth was funny. Danielson-Barrett was Wade's best singles match yet and I'm glad he won because he badly needed to win something. He lost the title to Zeke, who did nothing with it, and really wasn't doing much before that, so hopefully this hard-fought win leads to him FINALLY getting into the WHC title picture. Loved King and Booker countering Cole's bullshit for once. This was a really stiff match that helped both guys - especially Wade, who not won, but also busted out some new moves, like a swank flying forearm.

Orton-Christian was a tremendous modern-day hardcore match. They used a lot of weapons, but got a lot out of each. Loved the choke with the tip of the kendo stick - that was a pretty dark spot for a WWE match, and the powerslam through the corner-mounted table looked sick, while the draping DDT on the garbage can was a nice spot and the finish of a dive into the RKO, just like their first match, but this time ONTO THE STEPS made for a fine blowoff for the feud. I wouldn't mind Barrett-Orton feuding for the title and maybe have Christian and Danielson feud over the case. Christian really carried himself like a main eventer here, so I'm hoping this isn't the end of the road for him in that role because he had a really sinister edge to him in this match he hasn't had before in WWE.

Cena-Punk was pretty good, with Cena's best matwork yet - especially when he did the STF in the submission countering exchange early on. Move looked like shit later, sadly. All the GTSes hurt the move, and having Cena's foot on the rope disputed Punk's undisputed win. Cole not knowing who KEVIN NASH was was ridiculous, but was saved by Booker calling him his big homie. Alberto cashing in gives me hope that they'll change the design, which makes no sense for a Mexican Aristocrat to hold. Yes, I know it makes no sense for anyone but Cena to hold it, but goddamn it, I'm tired of this belt design. It's been six years - CHANGE THE GODDAMN THING. Make it the '03-'05 WWE Title again - that looked good on anyone once they increased the size of the belt. Loved Alberto winning his first world title in WWE like Punk did - with a one-move match. I think they oversold the "HHH HAD NO IDEA" thing purely to lead to a line where HHH says that Punk buried his acting, but he was a good enough actor to outsmart Punk. Actually, everything they did tonight with HHH and his affiliates in Steph and Nash seemed to indicate that is the next feud for Punk and they're not going to wait - perhaps they'll have Punk face Ace and Nash before, but it's definitely leading to Punk-HHH as Punk's next major deal.

Screens -

Quotes -
Sign - Joey Numbas
Stephanie I’m just Vince’s clueless daughter, right?
Punk - More or less, but you said that - I just called you idiotic.
Stephanie Good luck. (Steph tries to shake his hand)
Punk - I would, but I know where that hand has been.
Booker - Mark Henry’s been laying it on like molasses man - THICK!
Cole - Beth looking very roller derby girl-like with her outfit.
Jimmy Hart - I don’t know where Little Jimmy is!
Booker - I saw him at catering today eating some tofu, some pasta, and a salad. What he’s eating is working for him.
Cole - He’s an athlete, right?
Cole - I am - that’s why I’m wondering if he should eat a meal. Or some protein every now and then.
Booker - Daniel Bryan threw a yell into that for some extra pressure!
Cole - Ya know how long it took him to grow that beard? TWO MONTHS! HAHAHA. WAIT, HE HASN’T EVEN SHAVED YET! AHHAHAHAHAHA
King - What is Daniel Bryan gonna have to do to make a believer out of you?
Cole - QUIT!
Booker - He’s been a champion…
Booker - Oh, okay…
Cole - He calls it Wasteland because it leaves his opponents as waste.
Booker - There’s a fight breaking out here, guys!
(as Christian gets kendo stick)Booker - This reminds me of my daddy saying GO GET THAT SWITCH!
Booker - I don’t like CM Punk, but I respect him for his ability - HE IS STONE COLD BAD!
Booker - Cena’s cardio is off the limits!
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Just once I would like to see the MitB winner NOT win the belt.[/QUOTE]

it will happen...unfortunately I am sure that Daniel Bryan will be the one to get dicked on the MitB contract...hell the night he won it there was a blurb on talking about the pressure of having the shot blah blah blah and then they ominously asked will he be the first person not to win the belt...
What do people see in Del Rio? Sure, he can wrestle a good match, but he has shown nothing on the mic other than the ability to repeat the same promo every week and make stupid facial expressions.
I agree with niceguyshawne that someone desperately needs to lose their MitB cash-in. Just my opinion, but the entire MitB thing is becoming tired, which has a lot to do with their insistence on not changing up the formula. Outside of Van Dam, all MitB victories have been the obvious 'catch a guy when he's down' variety, which is just lazy booking. Now, logically, that makes sense, but that only excites me for so long, especially now that it happens twice a year, with an all-time high of THREE different times the year before. If they keep it around, they either need to revert it back to WM, have enough people lose that it doesn't seem like a lock, or change the rules. Honestly, make it a guaranteed title shot, but it has to be for a *real* match.

It's also just a tool for lazy storytelling. You're telling me that Jack Swagger won for any other reason than Vince or someone else in power said "Hey, I want to see how Swagger does with the belt?". They didn't feel like writing a storyline for him to build to it (or afterward, for that matter), so they tossed him a briefcase and it was a done deal. If you can't be arsed to write a fucking storyline to give a guy the WORLD fuckING TITLE, then just don't do it.

To me, Del Rio was the perfect guy to have failed at his cash-in, since he'd already been screwed over. It's sort of a re-do of the pre-leaving Jericho story, but hey. Instead of blathering on about his fucking destiny, have him slowly go insane because he can't manage to win the belt. The submission finisher is great for that, and have him apply that thing like the opening Anton Chigurh scene from 'No Country For Old Men' where he chokes out the cop. Insane Del Rio face will get him over. Guaranteed. Obviously, too, have him revert back to the glad-handing politician character when he's done with the move, like nothing ever happened. He does some great one-one matches to build him, and then he's a legit main eventer. But hey, why go through all the effort of getting him over, since it's WWE.

I worry, though, that Del Rio's title win right now has nothing to do with anyone being high on him, but that they feel like they owe him after being a good sport about the Edge thing. It's obvious that Del Rio was planned to leave either Mania or Backlash (fuck me if I know what the post-Mania PPV is anymore) with the belt, so I really get the sense this is more WWE making good on a promise than making good on him showing promise. I like Del Rio and think he'll be a major player in the future, but this was simply not the right time. I'm also afraid that this was simply a nice way of getting the belt back to Cena without having to job out Punk. Eh.

... off-topic, yeah, what's kind of embarrasing about having not seen The Wire until now is that I've actually owned the Complete Series set for like 3 years. Just never got around to it, but this is a nice side effect of not having cable... getting to finally go through stuff you missed. If nothing else, I'll definitely feel my two hours tonight will be better spent on that than Raw. Speaking of great TV, all three seasons of Breaking Bad are $14.99 each at Best Buy right now. Just a heads up, especially since that's a hell of a price for the only-been-out-for-about-4-weeks Season 3.
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Along those lines, MitB now seems to just stand for "well this guy's gonna get the title at a random moment with no buildup and for no other reason than to just have a random creative swerve for the sake of having a surprise."

It certainly needs a bit of a refresh because at this point it's essentially just a delayed title win.
[quote name='Spyder187']Better be careful or the racism police will be all up in your shit for making valid points.[/QUOTE]

Nationality ≠ race/ethnicity. Saying having the belt on Del Rio because they're touring Mexico does not necessarily have anything to do with race, since del rio is (1) from Mexico and (2) fucking hugely over as Mistico. Same reason William Regal always got a decent match when they hit the UK.

Which is different from what you said, which is that WWE was pandering to hispanics by featuring Rey/Del Rio in a title match. That has nothing to do with nationality.

Your poor cultural literacy is showing, yet again. Stop while you're behind.

[quote name='CaseyRyback']No honey nut?[/QUOTE]


[quote name='neocisco']I forget which season it is but there's a scene where Omar essentially does a run-in as he's walking through the projects, people scattering everywhere. "Oh shit, here comes Omar!"[/QUOTE]

Treme didn't do it for me. It totally makes me want to go back to Nola, but the show is not as good as The Wire.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nash makes sense in that HHH would want to stop a "rebellion" within Punk. The corporate would want to hammer down the nail that stands up. But going back to the tired, worn out warhorse of "rebel versus owner" is indeed endemic of a severe lack of faith in trying new things in the company, as well as reifying that the corporation is indeed stuffed to the brim with yes men who won't rock the boat creatively.

Speaking of crowds hot for Punk, between last night and MITB's crowds, WWE is willfully ignoring that the dude is crazy over.

Del Rio as champ? Meh. Ask Sheamus and Jack Swagger what that felt like. fuck, ask Miz, too. If Jack Swagger was quietly released from WWE today, how long before you would notice?[/QUOTE]

In regards to comments about HHH, I always think of HBK saying (He's only hung out with main eventers, he's never been one.) and part of it makes me think HHH is dying to leave a legacy like HBK did.

They *could* save this angle a bit by making Del Rio the corporate champ and saying HHH screwed Cena so he could make an example out of Punk with Nash. This of course puts Punk in a bullshit partership with Cena, or gives Cena the opportunity to finally make that heel turn by turning on Punk. Won't happen, but there's always some way to get out of bad booking, the WWE writers just don't have any desire to innovate anymore imo.

As 007 said, maybe Cena is the problem. Cena's been stagnant for a long time due to the steamrolling they did of their entire roster during his title runs, and Cena's stuck in the same rut HHH was. The absolute best thing to do with Cena is pull him out of the title picture (cause he, much like Orton won't gain/lose anything by not holding a title) and use Cena to get guys like Ziggler, Ryder, and D Brine over. Even if he's not doing the job, book him in tag matches and let those guys get the pins. Truth and Morrison are both exceptional talent and in a program with guys that can help make them look great would be a smart move. Orton/Christian does nothing since Orton is "established". Christian vs

As far as Del Rio goes.. I don't know what you guys see in him. You're fucking fooling yourself if you think they didn't put the belt on him just so he could headline the mexico tour as a latino champion. It's a cash money move, and asses will buy seats to see the Mexican champion. It's the same reason Rey Mysterio ALWAYS has a match on TV in San Diego, and he usually wins it. Big hits for the local demographics. Same for Sheamus in Ireland or Regal in England. It's not racism, it's selective booking.

For tonight, if they were smart, they'd do the red carpet thing and present Del Rio with a new WWE championship belt. I agree 100%, get rid of the fucking spinner.
[quote name='mykevermin']HBK said that about HHH? I'd never heard that before. Source?[/QUOTE]

It was a promo cut on Raw when they were feuding. He said to someone (I forgot who he was talking to) "he's only hung out with main eventers, he's never been one." It was when they kept teasing the DX reunion only to have them turn on each other. That writing sucked so bad, most of you probably forgot about it.

EDIT: Adding to this - at the time HBK was "teasing" him, so it was done in the "wittle baby" type voice. It's probably not significant, but ever since that happened I've always felt that HHH has been trying to prove he's as "good" as HBK was. I'm pretty sure his first WWE Title win happened after that feud.
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[quote name='Mr. Beef']Mike Chioda has been suspended for violating the Wellness Policy.

Black Ref approves.[/QUOTE]

Quick, what drug causes temporary blindness and poor decision making?

If Miz comes out tonight and mentions this suspension as a reason for him to get another title shot I'll be set. Who else has Chioda screwed over lately, I'm drawing a blank. Was R-Truth one of them?

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Quick, what drug causes temporary blindness and poor decision making?

If Miz comes out tonight and mentions this suspension as a reason for him to get another title shot I'll be set. Who else has Chioda screwed over lately, I'm drawing a blank. Was R-Truth one of them?


Are cocaine and other recreational drugs tested for under the wellness policy? Also, they most likely administer drug tests to all of their employees.
Not saying it's any more thrilling, but am I the only one that thinks that maybe Nash isn't connected to Triple H (in the story, I get the real connections) and that CM Punk and Triple H could be working together? I think Nash may have just been hired by Del Rio or whatever. It kind of makes sense considering Triple H seemed to be trying not to see Cena's foot on the rope. It may be that Punk and Triple H are working together to screw Vince over and eventually Vince comes back with someone to feud with CM Punk. I admit the CM Punk vs. Triple H feud is more likely, but what I'm suggesting does seem like it could be the typical WWE thinks it's shocking, but it is really not kind of move.
[quote name='lombarvm']Are cocaine and other recreational drugs tested for under the wellness policy? Also, they most likely administer drug tests to all of their employees.[/QUOTE]

Everyone under contract gets checked. That being said, it couldn't be marijuana because that's a $2500 fine (up from $500, thanks to Kendrick).

And speaking of violations, Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine has been suspended for violating the policy as well!
Nash has zero capacity to be anything but the cool heel, and Triple H will fall in line with his buddy. They will bury the fuck out of Punk.

We will all groan at the middle aged men trying to be hip.

That said, in the unlikely event that someone like Colt Cabana comes to Punk's aid here, y'all (and I) will mark out like children.

But if they book X-Pac to be on Punk's side, I will drive to Stamford and burn the fucking building to the ground.
Man, I'll have to check in periodically here for RAW stuff. Sucks that I'm gonna miss most of it.

Also, I had to lol at CM Punk's desciptor on his Twitter page. Go check it out.
man i cant stop watching last night's finish....freaking insane

Would of been great if he took out Cena instead of Punk.. Del Rio prob paid him off

Kevin fucking Nash! love when they do unexpected shit like this!
[quote name='mykevermin']Nash has zero capacity to be anything but the cool heel, and Triple H will fall in line with his buddy. They will bury the fuck out of Punk.

We will all groan at the middle aged men trying to be hip.

That said, in the unlikely event that someone like Colt Cabana comes to Punk's aid here, y'all (and I) will mark out like children.

But if they book X-Pac to be on Punk's side, I will drive to Stamford and burn the fucking building to the ground.[/QUOTE]

You're in Ohio, right? I'll pick you up on my way there if that happens. If any other ex-DXers show up we'll burn down the houses of all the writers as well.
[quote name='guyver2077']man i cant stop watching last night's finish....freaking insane

Would of been great if he took out Cena instead of Punk.. Del Rio prob paid him off

Kevin fucking Nash! love when they do unexpected shit like this![/QUOTE]

There's a difference between unexpected and random. Where this situation falls will depend largely on tonight's Raw.
Maybe Monty Sopp can make a run in during the next Ziggles match and beat him down for stealing his finisher? Yes, I used Billy Gunn's Real name because lets be honest here, Monty F'in Sopp is a much more creative name than Billy Gunn. Monty Sopp vs Dolph Ziggler... has a ring to it.
Whenever I feel too jaded watching wrestling and some of the dumber moves that get made, I can always look to guyver's posts to cheer me up (legitimately, not in a snobbish "I'm better than you" way).
[quote name='Spyder187']Maybe Monty Sopp can make a run in during the next Ziggles match and beat him down for stealing his finisher? Yes, I used Billy Gunn's Real name because lets be honest here, Monty F'in Sopp is a much more creative name than Billy Gunn. Monty Sopp vs Dolph Ziggler... has a ring to it.[/QUOTE]

Mother fucker, if that happens now I'm burning down your house too.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Mike Chioda has been suspended for violating the Wellness Policy.

Black Ref approves.[/QUOTE]

Did someone, maybe Cole or Booker, make a Chioda before and after remark either on Smackdown or Summerslam? I was wondering what the hell they were talking about...or maybe not, I might have been watching some older WWE stuff this weekend and heard it in there.
[quote name='mykevermin']
That said, in the unlikely event that someone like Colt Cabana comes to Punk's aid here, y'all (and I) will mark out like MOTHER fuckING BABIES

Fixed that one for ya'. :)
Is JR still on Raw each week or was that just a one-off a few weeks ago? Just as importantly (but for different reasons, of course), is Cole still on?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You're in Ohio, right?[/QUOTE]

Philadelphia now. Stamford is just on the other side of New York City, so it's much more accessible.

I'm trying to find a video of a tag match from recent WWE for comparison, but watch this in the meantime, please.

Focus on the commentary; focus on the attention given to the actors, their motives, the story, the flow of the match, and so on. 100% attention on the match at hand, which stands in stark contrast to how things are today. Think about how much the commentary of Monsoon and Ventura contributes to your perspective of and enjoyment of this match.

It's not amazing commentary, but it is good, it is focused, and it really exposes that we live in a very deprived state in wrestling when JR is really the only person considered a "good" announcer anymore.
After rewatching Punk/Cena 2, I have to say that match itself was better than their first. The audience was hotter in the first and the match had more drama but from a technical perspective, their second match was better.
They're really pushing the "Undisputed" angle. But Cena can legitimately dispute that claim, and if Punk didn't win, then Del Rio can't cash in on him. This also makes the WHC look like the second rate title WWE has been booking it as but has never publicly acknowledged for years.

After the end of Raw, it looks like Cena is still in the title picture, while Punk isn't. Would it kill them to use some logic in their writing?
bread's done