The Mickie James Roast Beef Wrestling Thread

[quote name='Genocidal']They're really pushing the "Undisputed" angle. But Cena can legitimately dispute that claim, and if Punk didn't win, then Del Rio can't cash in on him. This also makes the WHC look like the second rate title WWE has been booking it as but has never publicly acknowledged for years.

After the end of Raw, it looks like Cena is still in the title picture, while Punk isn't. Would it kill them to use some logic in their writing?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the logic is that they dangled a title run in front of Punk to keep him from leaving the company but had no long term plans for him to hold the title.
The show-opening video made it seem like another new of course HHH opened the show with a promo, and it was an odd one because in it, I think HHH was supposed to act kind of smarmy, but he didn't, so everything he said seemed sincere, which made King questioning his honesty come out of left field. Then Alberto talked and talked and talked. He was fine, but he had bigger speeches on SD PREPARING for a world title win, let alone winning the Undisputed WWE Title for the first time. For whatever reason, the first match was Truth-Morrison in a falls count anywhere match. Morrison's in-set promo was as bad as every other promo. This man said he took acting classes in his time off, which tells me he's either lying, or clearly needed A LOT more time off to heal/learn. I can't help but shake the feeling that this is about it for him as a big deal and he's going to take one stupid bump too many and seriously hurt himself in this run.

After this, I had the rest of the show on in the background after this due to a call about my grandfather dying, but I some of the Miz-Subway thing, which was fine, and saw all of the Punk-Nash thing and loved it. Punk was fantastic, and Nash played his part pretty well, although his mic work wasn't as good as his stuff in TNA. LOLed at Nash banging on the door leading to a fan saying YEAH, GO SEE YOUR BOYFRIEND and then Johnny Ace talked about how insulted he was at how Punk talked about him, and oh yeah, it was bad how he talked to Nash too. I couldn't pay attention to Riley-Swagger due to the commentary, which was hilarious for all the wrong reasons. And one right one - J.R. as the lone sane man in Hooterville is great. I did pay attention to the finish, where Riley deadweighted Swagger, WHO STILL LIFTED HIM UP. Swagger's a strong motherfucker because he still hit the doctor bomb. Could've really done without the post-match stuff with J.R.'s hat. It would've made sense as cheap heat in Oklahoma, here, it was clearly just a cruel joke at his expense. This kind of stuff really makes it hard to like Vince, regardless of how good aspects of the show are. Loved the Vickie-Swagger tease.

Bourne/Kingston-New Nexus was fine due to Bourne and Kofi. Loved King talking about how bland they are and that they've done nothing exciting, since it's actually true. Cole burying JR at every turn absolutely killed any momentum this match could have. J.R.'s VINTAGE SAVE was great, oh and Kofi and Evan won. Alberto looked great wearing the WWE Title, which SHOULD STILL BE CHANGED. Rey appeared to want to do anything in the world but have to run around for his intro. This had a big-match feel completely due to J.R. - he put over that Rey's popularity was enough to make an area code popular, and then talked about how the masked Mysterio, in his hometowm, was about to face the new champion. Very simple stuff, but effective. Despite Rey's entrance making me cringe because it was clear he wanted to do anything else but run, he still managed to have a good match. He hit a sick tornado DDT and just had a beautiful spin to it that you don't usually see. He also hit a gorgeous Asai moonsault...HOW CAN HE DO THESE THINGS!? The schoolboy out of the cross armbar was awesome, and a pretty good near-fall. The crowd being hot for Rey also really helped it, because as much as Rey tried, this clearly wasn't as good as his usual work, but he tried his absolute best to make it that. Awesome false finish with the 619>splash seemingly hitting only for Alberto to get the knees up and hit a cradle. Good clean win for Alberto, who got as many clean wins in one night as WWE Champion as Miz had in his first month. And they made him seem like a killer with the arm snap over the rope deal, which also gives Rey some time off. And then Cena saved Rey, the hometown guy...which STILL didn't get him completely cheered, but was a good way to set up Cena-Alberto.

Cena then cut a promo that reminded me of the lame black guy on In Living Color who'd act like "OH BULL DOOKY" was a huge swear. And then he said that Alberto hadn't defended the title, and that when he did, he'd get his ass whopped... So yeah, he basically just rendered this match worthless. Fine burial job here. I absolutely hated this part. Sure, it set up a match, but at the expense of the one that just happened.

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Quotes -
HHH - A lot of people are upset about the way things went down at Summerslam last night - that’s understandable. I want to apologize to the WWE Universe and John Cena. I made a mistake - no excuses. I watched the footage - Cena’s foot was on the rope and I counted him down. Later tonight, I’ll look him in the eye and tell him that I’m sorry. CM Punk and Cena had a hell of a match last night, and if I hadn’t screwed it up, I’m not sure who would’ve won. And I had no problem raising the hand of the new Undisputed WWE Champion, CM Punk. As for what happened afterwards, a lot of people are speculating in my involvement in that - I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT. Yes, I’m friends with Nash and have been for years. He called me, he was in LA, he wanted me to leave him a couple tickets, and that’s the last I spoke to him. I had no idea he’d jump the rail and attack Punk. I’ve not spoken to Nash, but I invited him via text to come here and explain himself. He said that as long as he would be allowed to tell the truth, KEVIN NASH WOULD BE HERE TONIGHT. As far as Alberto cashing in MITB goes, I didn’t know anything about it, but that’s the way MITB works. I promised the world that when we made our way here, there wouldn’t be two champions - there would be only one. ONE UNDISPUTED WWE CHAMPION. And here he is!
JR - Alberto is the number 1 man in WWE because he’s the undisputed WWE Champion.
Alberto - MY NAME! MY NAME IS ALBERTOOOOOOOOO! DELLLLL RIIIOOOOOOO! The undisputed WWE Champion. I’VE BEEN SAYING FOR WEEKS IT WAS MY DESTINY TO BE THE WWE CHAMPION! But guys, I’m gonna be honest, and I’ll do this because I love you - IT WAS NEVER MY INTENTION TO CASH IN MITB AT SUMMERSLAM! I just wanna say that destiny do whatever he wants! Plus, after what Nash did, guys, I COULDN’T RESIST! What can I say? Some people are just born to be great! And you guys know that Alberto is the greatest of the great - your undisputed WWE CHAMPION! And guys, as your champion, I wanna represent everyone of you with respect! With honesty! WITH PASSION! Guys, I just wanna be your champion! Tonight, I’m gonna be in the lobby signing autographs for all of you! If you want, I’m gonna take pictures with all your kids! THAT’S THE CHAMPION ALBERTO IS GONNA BE - A CHAMPION FOR YOU, MY PEOPLE! And tonight, for my first title defense, I’m gonna face the former WWE Champion, REY MYSTERIO! When they said I’d face Rey, I was just happy, because WE ALL LOVE REY MYSTERIO! I love Rey Mysterio. REY IS A MEXICAN ICON - A GRAND luchador! I LOVE REY MYSTERIO! I LOVE BEATING REY MYSTERIO! I STARTED MY WWE CAREER BEATING REY MYSTERIO! EVERY TIME I WAKE UP, I THINK WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO - I FEEL LIKE BEATING REY MYSTERIO! And that’s what I’m gonna do here tonight - I’M GONNA BEAT THE LITTLE REY MYSTERIO! Change your area code - no more 619, because after tonight, you’ll have a new hero, a true hero - THE UNDISPUTED WWE CHAMPION, ALBERTO DEL RIO!
King - I think the WWE Champion is full of hot air - as is HHH.
Cole - The falls count anywhere stipulation was added by our COO -HHH!
Morrison - If R-Truth thinks he’s safe. Because I haven’t gotten to him yet. He’s wrong.
JR - Morrison needs a win here.
JR - I’m just saying that Truth’s been on a roll and Morrison hasn’t.
Nash - I’d like to thank my friend HHH to give me the chance to come here tonight and explain last night’s actions. HHH and I have been close friends for almost 20 years. He’s also the godfather to my son. Last night, I asked HHH if I could attend Summer slam - he said yeah, I’ll send ya some tickets. So I was watching and before the main event, I got a text - the text read HEY BIG MAN, DO ME A FAVOR - NO MATTER WHO WINS IN THE MAIN EVENT, STICK THE WINNER FOR ME. When a friend asks me to do something, I do it. And it’s been a long time since I’ve been in the ring - the thrill I got in the Rumble, I’ll never forget. Punk, I did it for business - pure and simple. I get to the building and find out that HHH says he knows nothing about it. We need to get on the same page, HHH. Just business.
Punk - You expect me to believe that load of crap? That you and HHH aren’t on the same page? HHH said he’d do what’s right for business and you’ll just do whatever your friend says. If HHH asked you to jump off a bridge, would you? I think that would be good for business! I’ve always had a suspision that HHH doesn’t know what’s good for business, and I’ve always heard that Nash doesn’t know what’s good for business, and the proof is here now - YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOOD BUSINESS.
Nash - This is the first time you and I spoke - YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR MOUTH!
Punk - You need to watch the show - I say whatever I want to whomever I please!
Punk - The story you just told showed that HHH is a liar, but maybe he’s telling the truth - MAYBE YOU’RE THE LIAR!
Nash - Would you like to see the text message?
Punk - Ya wanna see the text message my sister sent last night? OMG KEVIN NASH WTF! I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD! She’s normally wrong - it’s just your career that’s dead. You being out here doesn’t piss me off - BUT WHAT YOU DID TO ME LAST NIGHT PISSED ME OFF. Alberto didn’t piss me off - I DID IT. He picked the right spot. WHAT THIS REPRESENTS IS THAT HHH IS THE COO AND HE’S BRINGING HIS CRONIES BACK@
Nash - You’re an interoffice wannabe who’s been in two main events? You’ve had the belt 3 times in 20 days?
Punk - That means a lot from a guy who said that Eddie Guerrero was a vanilla midget! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MAIN EVENT TALENT!? IT’S 2011, NOT ‘94.
IF THIS IS WHERE THE BUSINESS IS HEADED,, where a guy who looks like a short order cook at the Waffle House is a champion! TAKE A SHOWER, HIT THE WEIGHTS, AND GET A CLUE!
Punk - I LIKE WAFFLE HOUSE! But last night, you did something that isn’t good for business. I’d rather show up here as CM Punk and leave as CM Punk than come in as Oz or Vinnie Vegas or BIG DADDY COOL DIESEL!
Nash - HUNTER!
Dolph - Vickie was the garnish on the steak - and people usually remove the garnish and enjoy the steak.
Dolph - Vickie’s in better shape than you, King. I don’t know why you’re making those jokes. She’s in the second-best shape of anyone on the desk.
King - A pear is a shape.
J.R. - SPINEBUSTER, for the record…
J.R. - Does she have a loaded hat gimmick now?
King - Otunga and McGillicutty are the champions, and I’m waiting for them to do something important - EXCITE ME! It’s like the bland leading the bland.
J.R. - What verticality by Kingston!
King - Is that a word?
Cole - In J.R.’s world, everything’s a word.
J.R. - Mysterio’s popularity in WWE has popularized an area code.
J.R. - The masked Rey Mysterio, in his hometown, challenging the new champion, Alberto Del Rio.
Cole - Alberto employs HUNDREDS on his ranch land.
J.R. - And some of them get 20, maybe 30 cents an hour.
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CM Punk, the bad guy: "Hey, Del Rio, congratulations on defeating me for the title. You know, I did the same thing once."

So, with Punk, they took one of the hottest angles of the past 5+ years and just Invasion'd the fuck out of it. Punk is feuding with Kevin Nash. KEVIN NASH. Is anyone left in "wait and see" land, or are we all on the "fuck this shit" boat now?

Also, while, yes, expectations w/r/t mic work between Nash and Punk were high, they fell far, far short of those expectations. A boring segment featuring petty barbs that lacked excitement and clarity. Bringing up Vinnie Vegas is going to be caught by a few thousand people, but not the millions who watch the show. Talking about guaranteed contracts? Jesus Christ, this is TNA Impact now. Maybe next week they can feud over who popped the ratings. :roll:

Too many insults hurled at overweight people, at working class people, and others, by the announcers during the show. Mocking blue collar laborers like Lawler did makes the anti-bullying propaganda of the WWE seem that much more like a superficial tax write off. Hey, here's a video segment. "Be a Star!" WWE says. Just don't be fat, or work at Fed Ex, or whatever else they ripped on this week. Then fuck you.

Alberto Del Rio's opening promo will be overlooked for how terrible it was, how lost he seemed, how much he meandered with no point as if creative couldn't fill 95 minutes of TV and, in the first segment of the show, told him to "kill some time."

Morrison and R-Truth had a pretty good basic wrestling match that will be overlooked and ignored as of an hour ago. A week from now it might as well have never happened, it is of no consequence, and serves as another reminder that wrestling matches do not matter.

Speaking of that, hey, the tag team champions were openly mocked by the announcers as the underwhelming, bringing-you-all-the-excitement-of-white-bread nobodies they are. They were also beaten in 5 minutes by two guys who never worked together in a tag match before (that I know of). They are, if it turns out I'm wrong there, still very much a last-minute thrown-together pair.

Oh, good. Cena's in the title hunt. We wouldn't want that to not be the case, would we?
That ending...ugh.



I turned on Daily Show as soon as Cena came out. Anything of note, or is Super Cena here to...well, do what he always does. Try and take over the World (Wrestling Entertainment)?

BTW, if you're into Ron Paul, shame on you you'll love the opening segment from tonight's Daily Show. Brilliant, biting stuff.
[quote name='mykevermin']I turned on Daily Show as soon as Cena came out. Anything of note, or is Super Cena here to...well, do what he always does. Try and take over the World (Wrestling Entertainment)?

BTW, if you're into Ron Paul, shame on you you'll love the opening segment from tonight's Daily Show. Brilliant, biting stuff.[/QUOTE]

It was an Angry Cena Promo™ to end the show, with him yelling at ADR for cashing in on Punk. Why Cena was angry for Punk I have no idea, but he mentioned how ADR didn't deserve the belt and won it unfairly. He also said that when he finally defends his belt (which ADR JUST got done doing), something something Cena's gonna win.

Just awful awful stuff.

BTW, I have a friend who is a staunch Ron Paul supporter, and everytime I think he's getting a bit too lippy, I just show him this:

Did he mention any sort of biological elimination functions involving household pets?

If not, then we must give him credit for the improvement.
Well he said "ass," but I believe he meant it as a human body part.

I don't even have the strength to hunt the ending down on Youtube. The entire promo reeked of 3 month-rule hypocrisy.
Well, I mean in the sense that he would have typically said something like "I'm so mad right now, I feel like a Jack Russel Terrier that drank too much water. You know, the kind whose owners work double shifts and have to commute an hour to work each day? So when it has to go potty, it REALLY HAS TO GO. And I'm gonna go all over you, Alberto Del Rio. I'm looking at you, and I see potty!"

It's not that far off from the shit he normally says, is it?
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, I mean in the sense that he would have typically said something like "I'm so mad right now, I feel like a Jack Russel Terrier that drank too much water. You know, the kind whose owners work double shifts and have to commute an hour to work each day? So when it has to go potty, it REALLY HAS TO GO. And I'm gonna go all over you, Alberto Del Rio. I'm looking at you, and I see potty!"

It's not that far off from the shit he normally says, is it?[/QUOTE]

Hahahaha, nah he didn't say anything like that. Just straight up "I'M MEAN AND I'M MAD AND YOU'RE GONNA GET IT, _____" stuff.

I read that faux promo in his voice too, aw son of a bitch! fuck, now I can't stop laughing.

EDIT: Just read from someone who could understand spanish. Ricardo apparently said "fuck you and your shirt" when Cena threw it at him and ADR. :lol:
For some reason there must have been a party backstage cause Nash,ADR, and at some points Cena sounded fucking drunk as shit lol adr/nash mainly they were slurring the hell out of some words made me :lol:
[quote name='mykevermin']Nash has zero capacity to be anything but the cool heel, and Triple H will fall in line with his buddy. They will bury the fuck out of Punk.

We will all groan at the middle aged men trying to be hip.

That said, in the unlikely event that someone like Colt Cabana comes to Punk's aid here, y'all (and I) will mark out like children.

But if they book X-Pac to be on Punk's side, I will drive to Stamford and burn the fucking building to the ground.[/QUOTE]

I am 25 minutes away from the headquarters with traffic, I will meet you there!!!
With the way WWE has taken this opportunity to do something truly different and squandered it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they tried to put the WWE title on Nash at the next ppv, then brought Cena to the ring the next night to give us the "Fingerpoke Of Doom 2.0" and try to complete the Cena heel turn in that way.
As if the Create An Arena couldn't get any better, you can download them (obviously), play them online, and use them in universe mode.

I'm insanely excited for WWE 12.
[quote name='Scorch']As if the Create An Arena couldn't get any better, you can download them (obviously), play them online, and use them in universe mode.

I'm insanely excited for WWE 12.[/QUOTE]

Best news story of the day!

Edit: This will be pretty much standard across other Create modes, right? At least CAWs, right? I haven't played a WWE game in forever but I'm looking forward to this one.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']...I had the rest of the show on in the background after this due to a call about my grandfather dying...[/QUOTE]

@JaytheGamefan: I don't normally read your posts, but just so happened to read it tonight. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.
You guys hit the nail on the head... Vince Russo.

I'm glad that it's not just me that's beginning to feel that way. They've taken a very compelling one/one storyline, and managed to turn into one that's all about backstage politics and cutesy insider bullshit. Really, if we add in the seemingly obvious plot point that Stephanie actually sent that text to Nash, it's then overwhelmingly about everything except Punk.

This is some WCW 2000 level shit. It's just bad.

Look, WWE, we were interesting in the Punk angle because it was shaking things up. Sure, some of the insider stuff was funny, but here's a newsflash: WE ARE NOT YOUR AUDIENCE. It's the same thing that Russo lost sight of. The general wrestling fan has no fucking clue who Colt Cabana or Vinny Vegas are, and they don't care. The IWC likes to believe they're important, but we're really, really not in the grand scheme of things. We don't pop the rating, we steal PPVs, and now that you've started streaming DVDs, we likely don't buy those anymore either. At the end of the day, the mark-y little kids that cheer for Cena are the important audience, so they need to be careful about drenching this storyline in bullshit insider stuff. These people don't care about Kevin Nash (no, really, realize how old the average Cena fan was when Kevin Nash was relevant... hint: it's a number less than zero.), Stephanie McMahon, or any HHH besides The Game.

I get that this may not be a popular sentiment, but that doesn't mean it's false. We, us on here, don't matter. We really don't. They throw us scraps once in a while to keep us happy, and we lap it up. We're not their bread and butter anymore, we're the stalwart 'always were, always will be' fans who show up night in and night out no matter how awful it gets. Ask yourself realistically... how much of your joy of wrestling now comes from bitching about it on here?

That's the scary part about this... WWE thinks people care. They think people care about this backstage political game bullshit. I've lived through one McMahon-Helmsley era, I don't need another one. I don't care who runs the company, I don't care who they're fucking, I don't care which of their old broken down friends they bring in, I don't care about evil GMs, I don't care about backstage people as referees, I don't care about who works with who to screw over someone else, I don't care about 20 minute speeches by people in suits.... I just care about wrestling. Simple, easy-to-grasp wrestling. Good guys vs. bad guys. Occasional shades of gray. Stories based around titles and wanting to be the best. Competitive matches for bragging rights. The core of what this business is supposed to be about.

Just. fucking. wrestling.
Wow the level of hate is pretty high in here. On another site I'm on they are absolutely LOVING this angle right now. If CAG think this is bad just wait till another former TNA wrestler *rumored* returns. :D
[quote name='007']You guys hit the nail on the head... Vince Russo.

I'm glad that it's not just me that's beginning to feel that way. They've taken a very compelling one/one storyline, and managed to turn into one that's all about backstage politics and cutesy insider bullshit. Really, if we add in the seemingly obvious plot point that Stephanie actually sent that text to Nash, it's then overwhelmingly about everything except Punk.

This is some WCW 2000 level shit. It's just bad.

Look, WWE, we were interesting in the Punk angle because it was shaking things up. Sure, some of the insider stuff was funny, but here's a newsflash: WE ARE NOT YOUR AUDIENCE. It's the same thing that Russo lost sight of. The general wrestling fan has no fucking clue who Colt Cabana or Vinny Vegas are, and they don't care. The IWC likes to believe they're important, but we're really, really not in the grand scheme of things. We don't pop the rating, we steal PPVs, and now that you've started streaming DVDs, we likely don't buy those anymore either. At the end of the day, the mark-y little kids that cheer for Cena are the important audience, so they need to be careful about drenching this storyline in bullshit insider stuff. These people don't care about Kevin Nash (no, really, realize how old the average Cena fan was when Kevin Nash was relevant... hint: it's a number less than zero.), Stephanie McMahon, or any HHH besides The Game.

I get that this may not be a popular sentiment, but that doesn't mean it's false. We, us on here, don't matter. We really don't. They throw us scraps once in a while to keep us happy, and we lap it up. We're not their bread and butter anymore, we're the stalwart 'always were, always will be' fans who show up night in and night out no matter how awful it gets. Ask yourself realistically... how much of your joy of wrestling now comes from bitching about it on here?

That's the scary part about this... WWE thinks people care. They think people care about this backstage political game bullshit. I've lived through one McMahon-Helmsley era, I don't need another one. I don't care who runs the company, I don't care who they're fucking, I don't care which of their old broken down friends they bring in, I don't care about evil GMs, I don't care about backstage people as referees, I don't care about who works with who to screw over someone else, I don't care about 20 minute speeches by people in suits.... I just care about wrestling. Simple, easy-to-grasp wrestling. Good guys vs. bad guys. Occasional shades of gray. Stories based around titles and wanting to be the best. Competitive matches for bragging rights. The core of what this business is supposed to be about.

Just. fucking. wrestling.[/QUOTE]

How do you nominate something for post of the year? :applause:

The posts on this thread would have you believe like the hardcore wrestling fan is THE bread and butter and great story telling heals all wounds. Do I enjoy the occasional crazy shoot once in a while? Of course. But the reason I started a vested interest in wrestling again was because it was starting to put a focus back on the WRESTLERS. I like Punk as champ because I wasn't afraid of buying the PPV in fear of a 10 min./Steel Chair DQ ME anymore. Cena was finally starting to put out some good matches, like I KNEW HE COULD, he was being dumbed down to "5 moves of doom". I wasn't subjected to Cena/Orton 73. :drool: Shame on me though. I fooled myself when they dropped "World WRESTLING Entertainment" to WWE. When they put an asinine social networking aspect to the "WWE Universe". I thought maybe, just MAYBE, I could watch wrestling. But last night was apparent I wasn't going to see that. :-({|= ADR is gonna get buried. Cena's gonna win title number 10 and probably break Flair's record and have Hogan carry his boots around. Punk's gonna play Yahtzee and Parcheesi with Nash as we all search for "the mystery texter" :roll:. This is why early TNA and the ruthless aggression era will alyways be number one in my eyes. From top to bottom, solid WRESTLING. Buddy, I won't wanna spend the next 3 hours listening to your problems, the only reason I'm watching this is so I don't :fridge:myself from my OWN soap opera.
[quote name='RealDeals']The posts on this thread would have you believe like the hardcore wrestling fan is THE bread and butter and great story telling heals all wounds[/QUOTE]

First part of your sentence - nonsense and/or strawman. Your pick. Most of us know that WWE can't and shouldn't be all 10-20 minute matches every week. We know we're not the majority of fans. Don't conflate us thinking that matches should count for something, or that announcers should focus on a match, or that announcers treating the tag champs as jobbers (and the match booking treating them like jobbers) is not a good idea - don't conflate that for thinking it has to be entirely in our image.

Some of us think that the "evil corrupt owner as wrestling metanarrative" is played the fuck out; because it's been the dominant storyline in wrestling since 1997, in *every* promotion.

That doesn't mean we hate everything about wrestling. It's not a matter of hate, it's a matter of thinking things could be so much better - not just for "hardcore fans," but for all fans. Even those who don't know the name of a single wrestling hold.

Second part of your sentence - yeah, pretty much. Nobody gives a fuck about a match that has no story or context. Go back and watch the tag team champions last night. Crowd doesn't care, announcers are fucking off the whole time, and the crowd meekly pops for the win. Nobody gives a shit. Because the storytelling sucks. Even if the match is good, the crowd doesn't care if there's no story. So you may have meant to be sarcastic, but, yes, a good story is critical in big time pro rasslin'.
Glad everyone agrees with my post #201. Vince Russo must have showed up with Nash. My interest in WWE is hanging by a thread... one more old guy who can't wrestle, and I'm done.
Generation Me/Young Bucks had a tryout before Raw last night. More evidence for that rumor of a tag team revival.
Observer Article I like for some reason (hah!)

The No-Win Situation of Kevin Nash

When I was younger, wrestling was fun. Unlike other so-called sports, wrestling catered to the imagination of a child looking at the battle of good versus evil every day with their toys, comics, or video games. Every week built around Saturday morning with the marathon of cartoons followed by hours of professional wrestling. The weekly events were just a sampling, as the true main event was the upcoming pay-per-view. There was something alluring about pay-per-view events that built up for weeks, even months. Even as shows became more frequent, the sheer importance of the shows didn’t seem to fade. I remember getting groups of friends together with custom-made match listings for WrestleMania IX. I remember going out of my way to help with yard work in order to convince my parents to let me order the very first King of the Ring in 1993. I remember the party at my house surrounding the pro-wrestling debut of Lawrence Taylor in 1995 at WrestleMania XI. The industry has changed since then, but what hasn’t changed is the fact that a younger audience is continually drawn to it.

While I don’t yet have children of my own, I wonder if that 11 year old in 1993 would be as excited for a pay-per-view today. By WWE’s own admission, 23% of their overall audience is under 18 years old [1]. This is down from 27% in 2005 [2] and 33% during the wrestling boom period in 1999 [3]. Throughout these time periods, it is claimed that viewers under the age of 12 hover between 12 and 16%.

On Sunday, August 14th, 2011, fifty-two year old Kevin Nash ran out of the crowd and destroyed thirty-two year old WWE Champion, C.M. Punk. Recognizing older wrestlers is a great part of WWE’s contribution to the sport of professional wrestling. Organizations for years have used older wrestlers to help promote, manage, or build younger stars. Recognizing older wrestlers can work and get everyone over, if it does not occur at the expense of talent that is currently expected to draw. Nash’s appearance at SummerSlam, like the Royal Rumble earlier this year, may bring a nostalgic pop from some of the older fans in attendance, but it ignores a larger-scale problem.

A large portion of the WWE’s audience has never seen Kevin Nash before. Viewers under the age of 18 would have been 7, at oldest, when Nash last wore a recognized World Championship in WCW 11 years ago. Prior to the Royal Rumble earlier this year, Nash’s last in-ring appearance for WWE was 8 years ago, at a time where 1/7th of their entire viewing audience wasn’t alive or old enough to watch their programming. A dominant monster push to reintroduce Nash is feasible, as younger, smaller wrestlers can bump around him. Pushing Nash as an in-ring talent would be doomed to fail given the track record for injuries and failure to close out feuds. There is limited upside in having any member of the current roster put over Nash as a monster.

For better perspective, I think about the 11 or 13 year old kid who watches wrestling. For them, Nash’s appearance last night would be the equivalent of “Superstar” Billy Graham interfering in the Diesel versus King Mabel main event of SummerSlam 1995. Like Nash, Graham would have been 52 at the time and roughly two-decades older than the person he appears to be programmed with. Graham, at the time, was also removed from WWE television for about 7 years at that point. Even for the 13 year olds who may have known who Graham was, the idea of him wrestling babyface Champion Diesel in 1995 would be absurd. It’s a no-win situation. Diesel can easily dispatch the old legend or he could lose. Either way, Diesel would be worse off for having to face old man with repeated leg surgeries and limited bump-taking.

The situation looks far more dire for C.M. Punk in 2011. Punk is a lot smaller than Nash. An in-ring feud with Nash could severely kill any momentum the Punk character may have coming out of the summer. Nash as a non-wrestling enforcer helping Triple H has far more, ahem, legs. Pairing Nash with Alberto Del Rio would be promising, but with the clear “Stone Cold” Steve Austin/Mr. McMahon foundation being laid with Punk and Triple H, it seems unlikely.

The signs are obvious. WWE is attempting to capture lightning in a bottle for a second time. The reactions to C.M. Punk can be harnessed and used, much in the same way they had been in the past. A slow build to a C.M. Punk versus Triple H match, using the basic template of the Steve Austin/Mr. McMahon feud, is actually a great direction. Triple H had a lot to lose in Punk leaving SummerSlam with the title, so it makes perfect sense the he would make sure to have back-up in place if Punk won. Unfortunately, the back-up only exacerbates the WWE’s problem. Nash is an unknown to the younger audience and is unlikely to create significant buys or revenue out of the older audience. Using him at all in a major role creates more problems down the road.

[1] Nielsen Media Research.


[3] Herring, H. (1999, February 28). The Pro Wrestling Sleazometer. New York Times, 4 - 2.3.
I chuckled a good bit when my friend told me that Kevin Nash interfered in SummerSlam's main event. The article above drives home the same exact thing I thought. Nash defended the belt at SummerSlam some 16 years ago. That means the current fanbase would need to be atleast 20 years old to even remember him vaguely. The fact that they brought him back as Nash is all the more amusing too. He came back as Diesel and got a major pop, despite how long that character hasn't been around, and they put him out there as plain old Kevin Nash. It's downright hilarious that WWE has the balls to do something that people crapped on TNA for doing six years ago.
Or the kids will probably just check youtube for clips of Nash as Diesel from the 90s. But yeah, why they aren't using the Diesel character is odd.
That article gives a good sense of perspective to things, which is something I brought up earlier. I'm not saying that WWE should do nothing but cater to the younger crowd, but there does need to be a sense of acceptance that *our* view isn't the only one.

Honestly, think about it for a while. A 10 year old that watches wrestling on a regular basis. That's a totally normal and acceptable age for a wrestling fan. He buys the merchandise, he goes to the shows, he begs his parents to let him stay up and watch Raw. He lives this shit.

He... he has no idea what WCW is. For him, John Cena and Randy Orton have always been around, if not top guys. He only knows The Rock and Stone Cole because of their recent appearances. Sure, WWE has tried to instill some sense of history in him, but it's *their* version of history. It was a point I kept trying to make a year and half ago... most of WWE's audience has no idea who Bret Hart is, let alone why he can't wrestle anymore. Seriously, think about his return 'matches' and how awful those must've seemed to someone who has no idea why he can't take a bump.

I don't know, I'm one of those people that waxes nostalgic about things when I'm not even all that old. I do know, however, that 2000 doesn't feel all that long ago. Problem is, it was. Wrestling, as it stands, has passed people like me by. My heroes and villains have long since retired or died. Those that are still around end up looking kind of sad. Look at Hulk Hogan today. That's not Hulk Hogan. They can paint him as a legend, but it's not a living one. He's not the larger than life character that TNA wants to believe he still is.

I don't know, I'm just ranting and rambling here, but this Nash storyline puts it into perspective. I'm not the target audience anymore, and I never will be again. I don't 'get' John Cena, because he's not the only champion I've ever known. Wrestling is an industry that has a history, but at the core is very much 'what have you done for me lately?'. It's organic, it flows, and things cease to matter. This isn't a statement that I'm giving up... I want this shit to be better. All the people that go to arenas and boo John Cena want it to be better. We don't matter. We never will again. Even for the one brief, shining moment when WWE tries to pander to us, they gave us Kevin Nash. Still, at least it was Waltman. So that's something.


... also, fucking seriously, I swear to god these start out as like one sentence replies. I don't know what happens. I really just need to start doing this shit in the blogs or something.
[quote name='007']That article gives a good sense of perspective to things, which is something I brought up earlier. I'm not saying that WWE should do nothing but cater to the younger crowd, but there does need to be a sense of acceptance that *our* view isn't the only one.

Honestly, think about it for a while. A 10 year old that watches wrestling on a regular basis. That's a totally normal and acceptable age for a wrestling fan. He buys the merchandise, he goes to the shows, he begs his parents to let him stay up and watch Raw. He lives this shit.

He... he has no idea what WCW is. For him, John Cena and Randy Orton have always been around, if not top guys. He only knows The Rock and Stone Cole because of their recent appearances. Sure, WWE has tried to instill some sense of history in him, but it's *their* version of history. It was a point I kept trying to make a year and half ago... most of WWE's audience has no idea who Bret Hart is, let alone why he can't wrestle anymore. Seriously, think about his return 'matches' and how awful those must've seemed to someone who has no idea why he can't take a bump.

I don't know, I'm one of those people that waxes nostalgic about things when I'm not even all that old. I do know, however, that 2000 doesn't feel all that long ago. Problem is, it was. Wrestling, as it stands, has passed people like me by. My heroes and villains have long since retired or died. Those that are still around end up looking kind of sad. Look at Hulk Hogan today. That's not Hulk Hogan. They can paint him as a legend, but it's not a living one. He's not the larger than life character that TNA wants to believe he still is.

I don't know, I'm just ranting and rambling here, but this Nash storyline puts it into perspective. I'm not the target audience anymore, and I never will be again. I don't 'get' John Cena, because he's not the only champion I've ever known. Wrestling is an industry that has a history, but at the core is very much 'what have you done for me lately?'. It's organic, it flows, and things cease to matter. This isn't a statement that I'm giving up... I want this shit to be better. All the people that go to arenas and boo John Cena want it to be better. We don't matter. We never will again. Even for the one brief, shining moment when WWE tries to pander to us, they gave us Kevin Nash. Still, at least it was Waltman. So that's something.


... also, fucking seriously, I swear to god these start out as like one sentence replies. I don't know what happens. I really just need to start doing this shit in the blogs or something.[/QUOTE]

Agreed 100%

It took forever to parse that stupid article under 1000 words. It quickly becomes an out of control "John Cena is 32 and has been in 7 World/WWE Title matches at WrestleMania. There hasn't been a WrestleMania since WrestleMania 20 that Cena wasn't in a world title match. There hasn't been a WrestleMania that John Cena wasn't in a title match in since WrestleMania 19. WrestleMania 19 was in 2003. "

I'm thinking how stars age depends on how they're used. The Undertaker has bought himself some extra years by not being on TV every week.

Even as a feature player on Smack Down! and healthy, he wasn't wrestling EVERY week or cutting a promo EVERY week (sometimes). Contrast that with Cena and Orton, who if they are nearly murdered the night before or the week before, still show up and have some extended focus around them.
[quote name='davo1224']I chuckled a good bit when my friend told me that Kevin Nash interfered in SummerSlam's main event. The article above drives home the same exact thing I thought. Nash defended the belt at SummerSlam some 16 years ago. That means the current fanbase would need to be atleast 20 years old to even remember him vaguely. The fact that they brought him back as Nash is all the more amusing too. He came back as Diesel and got a major pop, despite how long that character hasn't been around, and they put him out there as plain old Kevin Nash. It's downright hilarious that WWE has the balls to do something that people crapped on TNA for doing six years ago.[/QUOTE]

I ended up leaving the 16 years from Nash's run/16 years from Graham's title reign parallel on the cutting room floor --- but I think it's pretty embedded there.

And yes, people crapping on TNA were also the same people throwing fits that we didn't get Sting v. The Undertaker... in 2011. Exactly 10 years too late.
I enjoyed the Nash/Punk promo exchange last night, but I really hope that Nash isn't going to be used for a match. Punk just ran circles around him on the mic, and Nash's promo style of straight up burying people felt like weak jabs at Punk. It's fine if he's an enforcer type for a few weeks or a month, but anything longer than that won't cut it. Nobody cares about Nash anymore. He can still talk really well, but he obviously cannot wrestle. I'm fine with him being on TV, but if it turns into a full blown match and he's a main character for several months, that's a problem.
Agreed on Nash. "indyriffic" and "waffle house cook" don't really drive home why this guy was amazing 10-15 years ago. They soar right over most of the crowd.
They could have given that Nash spot to a younger guy..the only thing is who would it be?

Mason Ryan came to mind, but we've seen him wrestle, he's not ready for that spot - though the Punk relation would have made sense. Plus it wouldn't have been something that got people talking like Nash did.

A guy like Dolph Ziggler or R Truth could have certainly used the nudge up the card that would come from something like that.
The booking will likely only get worse. We're about to enter a stretch of 3 PPV's in 5 weeks. 9/18, 10/2, and 10/23...think about how much hurry up planning that's going to be.

Prepare to get Cena crammed down your throat like never before (who brilliantly said on Twitter that he's not a face or a heel).
[quote name='diddy310']They could have given that Nash spot to a younger guy..the only thing is who would it be?

Mason Ryan came to mind, but we've seen him wrestle, he's not ready for that spot - though the Punk relation would have made sense. Plus it wouldn't have been something that got people talking like Nash did.

A guy like Dolph Ziggler or R Truth could have certainly used the nudge up the card that would come from something like that.[/QUOTE]

"Name" guys with more recent recognition on the WWE side or more ideal:

-Rikishi is 45, would probably work better and has a built in motivation of his sons working for WWE.
-Brodie Lee is younger and works essentially the same, but would require WWE pushing someone from the
indies that they pick up.
-Shawn Michaels, 46, would probably come back for this for a WrestleMania pay day.
-JBL, 44
-Undertaker, the "ultimate company man", while 46 and still ailing could work in context.
-Luke Gallows, 27, explicitly mentioned by Punk as a friend they fired.
-Chris Masters, 28, also explicitly mentioned as a guy released.
bread's done