The "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Memorial / Tribute Wrestling Thread

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The issue with Brodus boils down to them not really having a spot for him. They gave his monster gimmick to Mark Henry, and Ryder is currently the lovable goofy guy. With those 2 spots currently taken, and looking at Brodus you can just see he won't possibly fit into the vanilla middle, what else can they possibly do with him?
[quote name='advanced']
I love Santino, and will gladly watch him in the EC and root for him (fully expecting him to lose), but this smells like a swerve. Santino gets halfway down the ramp, another guy's music plays, they attack him, and take his spot in the match.

Mind putting spoiler tags on this next time? K thx bai!
[quote name='Spyder187']looking at Brodus you can just see he won't possibly fit into the vanilla middle, what else can they possibly do with him?[/QUOTE]

Why can't there be more than one 'goofy guy'? The big difference between Clay and Ryder is that fans have never been given a reason to get behind Ryder as a credible threat in the ring. He lost to Cena, and then needed Cena to beg and plead to get him a US title match.

Clay is a goofball, but credible bell to bell.

Put him on Smackdown, and have someone go after the Funkettes. Hunico and Meng Jr. aren't doing anything of note right now (I'd suggest Jinder Mahal, but aint nobody buyin' him in a feud). Take them both and have them try to pick up the Funkettes. Clay ain't havin' it, and take it to Elimination Chamber in a 2-on-1 match. People can see Clay destroying one of them, but 2-on-1 would be more compelling - fans haven't seen him "tested" in the ring yet.

Maybe I'm being shortsighted here, but lord knows that, if you've run out of ideas after nothing beyond 3 weeks of 1-minute squash matches, you're more shortsighted than me.
Wrestlemania next year confirmed for MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. That's surprising, imo, because that stadium has no roof. It can still get pretty cold in early April. The Divas' nipples are gonna be hard as fuck.
[quote name='']"For the first time, The Show of Shows is headed to New Jersey, as MetLife Stadium, home to the Super Bowl XLVI Champion New York Giants, as well as the New York Jets, will host WrestleMania XXIX on Sunday, April 7, 2013,"[/quote]

Except for those two years it was in Atlantic City.
^This is from the same company that doesn't know what "anniversary" means and thinks two UT/HHH WM matches are really only one.

So, business as usual.

EDIT: I did a little research. The average temperature in East Rutherford, NJ on April 1st for the last 5 years has been 54. It's actually varied from 45 to 62. Not exactly the best odds for good conditions for sitting in an open-air stadium for 5 hours. (Preposition overload!)
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90 minute drive up I-95?



The post WMXX shows have been almost (almost) uniformly forgettable and/or awful (just like WM16-20 were fucking astonishing). But still...I've not been to a WM before.

I'll go. And buy the cheap seats.
[quote name='davo1224']Well there's atleast one person out there who thought WrestleMania 16 was good.[/QUOTE]
Mania 16 is Mania 2000, and that had a number of great matches. The 3-way tag Ladder match (Dudleys/Hardys/E&C), the 3-way Euro match (Angle/Jericho/Wah), and the 4-way title match (HHH/Rock/Foley/Show) were pretty solid (though the McMahon nonsense overshadowed the main event). Granted, the rest of the show was a bit rough (Kane & Rikishi against Dogg and XPac?), but those three big ones make up for it and the hardcore battle royal was a fun 15 minutes of trash can shots.
How can Clay's wrestling be that bad when he only does 4 moves per match? I'm completely baffled with this decision. I would almost bet he won't get used and get cut in about 6 months or less.
God WM 29...the ten year anniversary of my favorite WM card ever. It was a massive upgrade over X8, which had Hogan-Rock and little else, and while I loved WM X7 at the time, it's aged poorly except for the TLC and Rock-Austin matches.
So 29 in Jersey and 30 in NYC? Wow. I guess there's the possiblity for 30 they would try for the Texas show they couldn't pull off for 29, but Vince has a boner for MSG and I'd think he'd want to stick to that tradition. Then again, he's getting so indecisive and irritable in his increased age that he'll probably just say fuck it and have WM30 in Fargo or something.

[quote name='JJSP']Mania 16 is Mania 2000, and that had a number of great matches. The 3-way tag Ladder match (Dudleys/Hardys/E&C), the 3-way Euro match (Angle/Jericho/Wah), and the 4-way title match (HHH/Rock/Foley/Show) were pretty solid (though the McMahon nonsense overshadowed the main event). Granted, the rest of the show was a bit rough (Kane & Rikishi against Dogg and XPac?), but those three big ones make up for it and the hardcore battle royal was a fun 15 minutes of trash can shots.[/QUOTE]

I don't think anything could make up for that show. I didn't see anything special about the main event (which had the flattest ending ever and included what was a pretty bad black mark on Foley's "retirement").

Then again, at least it wasn't as bad as the year before, which was an extended episode of a bad Raw.

[quote name='Tsel']How can Clay's wrestling be that bad when he only does 4 moves per match? I'm completely baffled with this decision. I would almost bet he won't get used and get cut in about 6 months or less.[/QUOTE]

It has nothing to do with his wrestling. It's the Mordecai / Fake Kane thing all over again where they have a guy who is inherently limited by the gimmick he has, but the problem could still be easily avoided if they weren't so fucking shortsighted. They've got a guy they push hard as a killer right out of the gate, then realize they have nothing for him beyond a month so they shitcan the character and claim it's due to in-ring performance. No one can tell me someone like David Otunga is better than Clay. Heck, he's better than most of the NXT nobodies they have running around. The difference there is they bothered to find Otunga something to do after they realized he sucked.
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WMXV is interesting in that you have a hot main event feud with a great match (though I can't remember the finish for the life of me), and at WM2000 you get the opposite (the feud still sucked a dick and was the start of McMahon family members' omnipresence in the main event scene).

The tag title and IC/Euro title matches stand the test of time to this day, with the former being notable for inspiring dozens of wrestlers to develop pill habits, injure themselves needlessly, or overdose.

I kid. But just a little.
Wasn't the finish just kickwhamstunner followed by "injured earlier" Mick Foley making the 3 count? I haven't seen it in forever but that rings a bell.

EDIT - Looked it up, yeah.
[quote name='KaneRobot']No one can tell me someone like David Otunga is better than Clay. Heck, he's better than most of the NXT nobodies they have running around. The difference there is they bothered to find Otunga something to do after they realized he sucked.[/QUOTE]

Right. In-ring performance is the new creative has nothing for you - none of which can genuinely be attributed to the individual wrestler in question. It's a convenient excuse that embellishes the "we give you the ball, and you can drop it or run with it" crap that WWE loves to push, and ignores the company's structural and strategic shortcomings.

The really funny thing about all this? Just how fucking much it exposes Jim Ross's bullshit blog from 7-10 days ago about midcard talent needing to "make waves" and to stop being complacent and taking a paycheck.

Still touring with WWE:
Tyler Reks
Heath Slater
Justin Gabriel
Curt Hawkins
Skip Sheffield
Yoshi Tatsu

Sent down to FCW:
Brodus Clay

Lesson sent: sit down, shut up, do what you're told, don't get out of line
Jim Ross's blog: talent need to learn to make waves

...Jim Ross is a liar and a company man to the bitter end. Dude is abused like a dog by WWE and he is nothing but loyal to them. Makes all of this more sad than funny.
Out of pure coincidence, Brodus Clay was yanked off of TV after wrestling a match against Heath Slater for Smackdown that wasn't aired. Likewise, Hunico was set to fill in for the Sin Cara character last summer and was pulled from the role after filming what was described as a total "botchfest" (Cageside Seats) against...Heath Slater.

Slater's new gimmick should be The Green Machine. Have him managed by Johnny Ace and let Ace tell people they're not good enough to wrestle Slater on Superstars before giving them their walking papers.

We noted a few weeks back that Chyna was working on a new adult film that would parody WWE. TMZ has new details on Chyna's Royal Rumble-inspired movie that just finished filming. Chyna will perform with 9 males that all look like famous wrestlers including The Iron Sheik, John Cena, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, her ex-boyfriend Triple H and others. The Cena impersonator actually appears with one of the old school replica WWF title belts. TMZ contacted WWE for comments but they did not return the calls.


[quote name='KaneRobot']I am morbidly fascinated to see how HHH and Sheikie are portrayed.[/QUOTE]

I posted a picture.. click it to see the full gallery. Triple H is pure gold.
[quote name='Scorch']Yes. For $7.99 a month.[/QUOTE]

You can watch the show for free on their site - you just need to register.

"Johnny Badass with his Tapout shirt!"
"You do a few more laps, kick your bag, and I'll smoke this Brutal Bob!" - God bless the Briscoes.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']You can watch the show for free on their site - you just need to register.[/QUOTE]

Oh, right, didn't see the fine print. It's available on the Monday after it airs for ringside members, and free for everyone else on Thursdays.
[quote name='JJSP']I hope Porno Sheik has the trademark bellybutton boil that Sheik has.[/QUOTE]

I imagine Porno Sheik sitting drunk off his ass in the corner threatening to put everyone in the camel clutch and performing various sexual acts. Then actually putting everyone in the camel clutch.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm not sure how I excited I am at a Wrestlefest update.[/QUOTE]

*is very excited*

....As long as it comes to XBLA/PSN in addition to the planned iOS release. iOS only would make me sad.
I'll wait and see. Legends of Wrestlemania was way short on options (and too simple to play to have any longevity). WWE All-Stars was too corny for my liking.

I've got my hopes up, but I know that I honestly should not.
You know that Simpsons episode where Homer announces they're replacing 2-ply toilet paper with single-ply as a cost cutting measure to afford maintaining a pony and Bart's reaction is, without uttering a word, taking 4 steps toward the wall and punching it? That's the relationship between WWE creative and smarks in a nutshell. Lots of wall punching frustration with decision making that probably sounds like genius in the minds of the braintrust but looks completely arbitrary to the outside observer.
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