The New OTT Experience

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[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I can''t stand the show Heroes, so it made me laugh when i read this comment about one of the producers whining about low ratings.

Heroes sucks now. :cry:

[quote name='darthbudge']Morning OTT.

*Has never seen snow.*[/quote]

[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']I've only seen snow twice.
The first time, it didn't even touch the ground.[/quote]

These statements blow my mind.

[quote name='munch']"I need more toys NXE themes to waste my money on!" - LinkinPrime


Shit, people on SD are reporting that a shitload of people are having issues with their cashback not reporting their purchases on 11/15, which just happens to be the day I purchased my HDTV. Crap.
@link - Welcome to my world a year ago when they canceled Journeyman. One of the best shows to ever be on network tv.

[quote name='Brak']Now?[/quote]

Yes. It was great the first season and it has gotten progressively worse with each episode after that. And now it's simply unwatchable.
I'm not crazy about it, but it's better than Infinite Undiscovery.
On normal bosses are too hard and on easy everything only hits me for 1 damage. Normal plays like hard on most other games. The regular monsters are right on, but the bosses are ridiculous. The wolf would hit me for like 250 with barrier on at level 17. Without the barrier, my casters died in two hits. The howl attack is stupid over powered. It hits you even if you're behind him. Blocking is a joke and all of the evasions rarely work and I just wind up standing their blocking instead of jumping away.

Maybe I'm playing the game wrong, but the AI is fucking retarded. For a boss fight, I turned off all Estelle's magic except the def buff and healing. Out the gate, she runs up to the big wolf to melee it and dies in like two attacks. Bosses don't react to damage, so they plow through your attacks and rape you because when you get hit you go down hard. The boss can easily hit for 50% HP but instead of healing me when I'm at 49% HP, dumbass Estelle just tries to melee. Star Ocean on the PS1 had better party control.

What really pisses me off is that when I knock an enemy down, no attacks hurt them. The wolf punch knocks enemies on their ass, but then 80% of your attacks and magic miss. So the only way to keep bosses from raping you is to knock them down, but when they're knocked down, you really can't hurt them, so you're just putting off the game over screen until you run out of mana.

AND WHY THE fuck CAN'T I SKIP CUTSCENES? How does this feature still evade designers? You have the save point next to the boss fight so we don't have to dick around, but then you still put in a 5 minute cutscene that can't be skipped? For fuck's sake. I like that you can pause the cutscenes, but on the pause menu, I should be able to hit a button to skip the cutscene I've already sat through 12 times because the fucking bosses are Ninja Gaiden obnoxious.

[quote name='Moxio']fuck now I want to play Tales of Symphonia again.

No TV cancellation will ever compare to the cancellation of Arrested Development. Seriously, Fox made a horrible decision right there.
I was sayud when ABC cancelled Alias... even if the show was running out of steam.

I haven't seen the last season, but I hear the last half is as good as the first and second season -- probably because J.J. Abrams was more involved in the closure of his baby.

Alias season one and two were straight-up dollarz...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Every show I really love gets the can...fucking pisses me off...seems like all the time I invested in them was for nothing.[/quote]

Such as?
Some black dude, where I live, invited me over to his apartment to play him in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe... and I did this long, glorious "bap, bap, bap!" filled combo on him, as Deathstroke, and he yelled, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUUUUUMMMMMMMM!!!", and went into violent convulsions.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Munch knew about a show called Lipstick Jungle.[/QUOTE]

I knew about it because Linking was ranting because it went off the air.
[quote name='munch']Rocko:

maybe I should PM that to him?[/QUOTE]I see it's sold out though. How much was that TV? I'm just curious since I live near Meijer.

I've been busy job searching the past few days. I've applied to 4 jobs this week, but not meeting my goal unfortunately of applying to 10 jobs, mostly because I can't seem to logon to anymore, and when I tried to password recovery my email, it said it wasn't on file (I saved tons of job ads too). Job searching sucks, but I gotta do it because my Dad is getting really pissed off at me for sitting around the house not doing much, and was going to try to force me to go to a crappy local college for grad school (which I refuse to go to, I'd go back to the college I went to, but there's no way my Dad wants to pay for it). So I'm pushing my job searching further, where I even took a few days break from CAG to search (Monday and Tuesday).

The main difficult thing is that I will currently only apply to jobs which are 2 hours away at max, so if I have to drive to a job interview, I can do it in one day. If I have no luck, then I'll expand outwards.

As for IU, I plan to get the game, but still waiting for another price drop (I'm down to just over $200 in savings).
[quote name='Maklershed']Brak - I'm gonna take a dump and then play Fallout 3 ... muhahahahaha[/QUOTE]
1.) You're lying about the whole taking a dump thing,
2.) I'll be home, playing Fallout 3 in about an hour. :cool:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Anyone want to buy a new copy of Gears 2 LE for $65 shipped?[/QUOTE]
Gimme the gold Lancer, plz.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I see it's sold out though. How much was that TV? I'm just curious since I live near Meijer.

I've been busy job searching the past few days. I've applied to 4 jobs this week, but not meeting my goal unfortunately of applying to 10 jobs, mostly because I can't seem to logon to anymore, and when I tried to password recovery my email, it said it wasn't on file (I saved tons of job ads too). Job searching sucks, but I gotta do it because my Dad is getting really pissed off at me for sitting around the house not doing much, and was going to try to force me to go to a crappy local college for grad school (which I refuse to go to, I'd go back to the college I went to, but there's no way my Dad wants to pay for it). So I'm pushing my job searching further, where I even took a few days break from CAG to search (Monday and Tuesday).

The main difficult thing is that I will currently only apply to jobs which are 2 hours away at max, so if I have to drive to a job interview, I can do it in one day. If I have no luck, then I'll expand outwards.

As for IU, I plan to get the game, but still waiting for another price drop (I'm down to just over $200 in savings).[/QUOTE]

It was $450.
No, I just wanted to confuse you by quoting him.
[quote name='Maklershed']@kayden - Are you responding to Moxio?[/quote]
[quote name='Liquid 2']I thought he was a custodial expert, Brak.[/QUOTE]
I wonder if he looks fuckin' money with that pimpin' Panama Fedora hat while he plucks pubic hairs from the lip of the company urinals.
[quote name='joe2187']could you normally plug your Ipod into a 360 and listen to music?[/quote]

Yes, I believe it requires an additional Ipod download for it to work though. You should get prompted when you plug it in.
[quote name='joe2187']could you normally plug your Ipod into a 360 and listen to music?[/quote]

Yes, just take the iPod cord and plug the USB into the 360


Does the 360 play video from an iPod with no fuss?
[quote name='seanr1221']TMK has been job searching for like...6 months now.[/quote]

I was just thinking the same thing when he posted that. At a certain point you have to man up and take a shitty job to pay the bills.
His parents pay the billz.

If I were spoiled like that, I'd double-cross my parents and get a secret job... and get double the money!
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