The Office - Season 4 - Discussion [possible spoilers]


20 (100%)
Season 3 Discussion

Well, we are only about 2+ months away from the start of the new season of The Office. Season 4 will consist of 25 episodes (20 half hour long episodes and 5 hour long episodes) and is set to begin on Thursday, September 27 at 9:00 p.m. The debut will be one of the five special hour-long episodes.

When we left off, Jim had asked Pam out on a date and she accepted, Jan and her new boobs were fired, the Temp got the job opening at corporate, and Dwight painted Michael's office black.

I can't believe we have to wait two months!
Apparently one of the actors on 'The Office' will be on the Apprentice this season (well, mid-season). Unknown who yet.
i think this thread is a little premature... that said, i cant wait for season 4, somehow i dont think jim & pams "date" will be as simple as that.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Apparently one of the actors on 'The Office' will be on the Apprentice this season (well, mid-season). Unknown who yet.[/QUOTE]

what the hell? I thought they were finally done with the Apprentice given how poor the ratings were for last season. Didn't Trump & NBC have a falling out?
Are there going to be reruns of this ep. at any time before the next one? This is my first new television season during college, and with no DV-R, Bittorrent, or even a VCR, I'm worried about missing my shows when I have club meetings/plans/concerts etc.
I read some spoilers awhile back for the premiere episode. Its going to be one hell of an episode on Thurs. I believe its an hour one too.
[quote name='Strell']Bumping due to new episode this Thursday.

A few days premature, but I only do this because it is Javery.[/quote]

Awww... thanks Strell. I am so happy that it is time for new TV. Hopefully this season of The Office will be as good as the last ones - it will be tough to equal the greatest television ever though...
In case you all didn't hear me brag before, I won a copy of Season 3 on DVD through an Office trivia contest at my apartment. I technically tied another guy, but he didn't live there so I won! Technicalities FTW! This is really good since I missed most of Season 3 (I'm horrible about watching shows every week. I much prefer watching them on DVD).
[quote name='CouRageouS']I read some spoilers awhile back for the premiere episode. Its going to be one hell of an episode on Thurs. I believe its an hour one too.[/QUOTE]
It is. In fact, the first four episodes are all going to be hour long eps. I'm not sure how I feel about that; I've been in Office withdrawal over the summer, so getting an hour of it each week for the first month sounds great, but I figured they'd sprinkle them in throughout the season as an occasional treat. I assume they'll save the fifth hour-long episode for the finale.
The new Ryan is going to be badass! "I think I dated a Black girl" :rofl:

I wonder how long Karen will be around too. And with the first month of hour long episodes, I wonder if before the first half of the season is over if they'll change the second half to have some more hour long episodes. IIRC, they wanted to test hour long episodes out before going full on changing the standard to hour long. I hope they do, too many episodes felt rushed last season.
Three day ULTRA BUMP.

New episode tonight at 9 PM/8 Central!

An hour long, too!

I'm trying to think of how I should celebrate this auspicious occasion.
No celebration for me. I'll be at the ol' ballpark tonite but will damn sure fire up the DVR as soon as I return home. Thank jebus there's no new 30 Rock since I need to get to bed at a decent hour.
[quote name='Strell']It's ok javery. I'll watch extra hard for you. To make up for it.[/quote]

Thanks. Please let me know if I liked it.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe I have to wait until next week to watch this...[/quote]I'm quite sure we can spoil it for you within the next 12 hours, no worries.
I just got through with Season 3 last night. I love how it ended with Ryan breaking up with Kelly. He says it, there's a smirk on his face, then at the last second he looks at the camera. That was comedic gold.
Sadly I have Cisco 3 every Thursday night for the rest of the semister so I wont be able to watch any Office episodes until a day or two later.
There are rumors going around that Steve Carrell is having pay issues and wants an increase or he may skip out on filming future episodes.
Having run many 5Ks in my life, I knew that fettuccine was a bad, bad idea.

And chaffed nipples hurt like a bitch.
Meh episode...I don't know why but the whole thing is starting to get stale to me, unfortunately. As the show progresses, I just seem to laugh less and less.
[quote name='Plinko']Meh episode...I don't know why but the whole thing is starting to get stale to me, unfortunately. As the show progresses, I just seem to laugh less and less.[/quote]Problem is no Karen.
Show was alright.
I absolutely loved that Angela/Dwight exchange about the cat:

Angela: *crying* How did he look?
Dwight: Really, really dead.

From Karen's abscence in the episode it leads me to believe that in a future episode she is going to walk in looking very preggers...

They could not have ended that entire arc so easily...unless the writers of the office have never taken an english class...
looks like they were setting up a few stories for the year
i also think karen will be coming back in one way or another. but it looks like the show is going to be heavy on relationships this year, jim & pam, dwight and angela (apparently broken/breaking up), and of course hobo jan and michael, oh and lets not forget phillys and bob vance. i did love kevin talking about how jim and pam are perfect for eachother, like PB&J... pam beasly and jim. good stuff.

my prediction for the season finale...
ryan fires michael.
The main story arc I'd like to see over the next couple years is this:

Ryan makes Michael's life hell.

Ryan does something to get fired and gets demoted back to Scranton.

Michael makes Ryan's life hell.
That was the worst season premiere I had ever seen. Something seemed really off the entire time. There were funny parts, but as a collective whole the episode was not very good.
When Angela said there was scratch marks in the freezer I laughed my ass off. Then when Dwight was trying to explain what he did to the cat, I fell off my chair from laughter. I loved this episode, everyone else is probably just expecting to much.
"Pam, I need to ask you about relationships...since you are always having relationship issues."

Ouch. But most hilarious.
I thought the show was as good as ever. The opening was particularly great. Between the "this is what I do it all for, this is what I come home to" and him hitting Meredith with his car, I was dying.
[quote name='munch']That was the worst season premiere I had ever seen. Something seemed really off the entire time. There were funny parts, but as a collective whole the episode was not very good.[/quote]

I agree. There were some awesome parts, but as a whole, it seemed lacking. I loved the whole nipple chafing thing, as well as Dwight telling Angela about the cat.

I think the part where my interest tapered off was the part where Michael was trying to come up with an animal god's parts. Just seemed to drag on too long.

Also, Pam: "I didn't see where it started, but I saw where it ended." Awesome.
So you all thought that episode was up to snuff with the former seasons? It maybe could have worked with a lot of reworking and 30 minutes. It was not very good the way it was last night.
Nope, I agree munch.
Not noteworthy as a whole.

Karen will be in 3 episodes this season, she's doing another show.
bread's done