The Office - Season 4 - Discussion [possible spoilers]

I agree with 2fast overall. The first half of the episode felt classic. The prank on Dwight, the whole "I think that's a website" thing. All of that was incredible.

The second half - with the whole kidnapping thing - just felt way too over the top, in a bad way. I rewatched last week's episode, and felt that the whole gift basket thing started to make a lot more sense and felt very funny - especially the last part where they take it back. from that one client.

But sometimes, Micheal just seems way too....I don't know. I half expected the kid to just leave with the pizzas, which would have solved the whole problem of "you got them at Pizza's by Alfredo instead of Alfredo's?" issue. Kid leaves with them, Micheal orders from the good place, end of problem.

In that respect, I agree with Silencer. I don't want to see Micheal devolve into an ever-increasingly-wacky character, who just tries to top his antics from the previous episode. And yea, the Homer comparison is hugely apt. Just look at what he was versus what he is now. Completely changed.

So I dunno. I'm not going to judge the rest of the season based on these episodes. There's no real reason to. Every episode continues to have all those real classic moments where I am crying over how funny it is.

Oh, and Ed Helms's character...mmmm. I like what he does for the most part, but I don't like him as a character. I guess that is what they are trying to do though.
[quote name='javeryh']Oh, I almost forgot my favorite part of the entire episode.

Darryl: "mmm hmm"[/QUOTE]

I laughed so hard at that. Man, there were a lot of great lines last night.

Is Pam and Jim's relationship getting on anyone's nerves? It was awkward putting them on the roof and cutting to them for no reason at all.
[quote name='munch']I laughed so hard at that. Man, there were a lot of great lines last night.

Is Pam and Jim's relationship getting on anyone's nerves? It was awkward putting them on the roof and cutting to them for no reason at all.[/quote]Next episode they're going to play fight about who loves who more.

And then pick flowers and play loves me/loves me not.
[quote name='Strell']I agree (doubly good since this is taking place in an office):[/QUOTE]

thats pretty funny, now if only budweiser would spend as much on making their beer better (or at least acquiring more micros) as they do on marketing i might be able to actually buy their products

as for the whole jim pam thing, i dont find it annoying... yet. but my guess is they are just painting a rosy picture so they can have some good fights later on in the season.

ryan is such a little prick now, i love it. i hope that kelly and darryl hook up and then ryan gets very jealous.

andy singing was great... im not sure if it was this episode or the last one, but im swear michael called him ed once, did anyone else catch that?
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']andy singing was great... im not sure if it was this episode or the last one, but im swear michael called him ed once, did anyone else catch that?[/quote]

Jim also signed Meredith's cast "John Krasinski"
[quote name='javeryh']Jim also signed Meredith's cast "John Krasinski"[/QUOTE]

speaking of which, that was a great way to open the episode
[quote name='lordwow']Last night's episode was great, and then Andy did the Acapella song with the phones, and that moved it into the best of the season thus far.[/QUOTE]
I dvr'd the episode and watched that part like 20 times and every time I watched it I thought about the first time I saw it I had no idea what he was about to do, I thought he was just trying to get closer to Angela with the phones. THAT WAS fuckING AWESOME
Did they have a cold open on last night's episode? We lost power a few days ago, and I think when I reset the clock on the VCR I might have been a few minutes off. I always set it to start taping a few minutes before the show and to run a few minutes after, but when I went to watch the tape this morning, it started recording in the middle of the opening theme music. Just wondering if I missed anything really funny.
Last night's episode was soooooo good. There was one point later in the episode where 5-6 hilarious jokes came right in a row.
Toby's had some awesome passive moments the last two shows. First the "Michael's right." "Shut up, Toby." Now the great grammatical analysis followed by a "Nobody asked you. Why don't you go stick a knife in your ?"

I know my quotes are off, I think my memory is failing.
I love Mose.

Finally a great great episode that lasted the entire hour. Nothing completely stupid and out of character from Michael (except maybe the declaring bankruptcy part - honestly, no one is that retarded). Also, the writers are handling the Jim and Pam relationship better than any show in recent memory.
[quote name='javeryh']I love Mose.[/quote]

You just want his JP pjs. ;)

This was easily the best ep so far this season. It didn't feel like two jammed together and had laughs throughout.
I wasn't thrilled with it.

The second half was a little better than the first. The scene with the grammatical rules was beyond awesome.

I seem to remember some other part being hilarious, but it escapes me.

Felt a little weak. I guess "human" is a good description. Even if it comes from dallow.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Why's Michael such a dick to Toby?[/quote]

Because he's the HR guy and reports to corporate. Michael thinks he's not one of the team. He explained his hatred during the first season and it was mostly based around the fact that whenever Michael wants to do something he thinks is "fun" or "teambuilding" Toby shoots him down because the activity in question is illegal or inappropriate. F Toby.
Another vote for a "meh" episode. Had it's ok parts, but wasn't anywhere near last episode.

My favorite parts were easily Creed saying he transfers his debt to his alias and Kelly using Daryl to make Ryan feel bad "Daryl used me as an object last night."
[quote name='Strell']Haha that reminds me.

"So you click on the start button, and up comes the toolbar...that's what she said..."[/quote]Yeah, funny how he said it so matter-a-factly
Great episode. I was a little worried about this season, but the last episode felt like season 2 Office, and had much better pacing then the rest of the season so far. Hopefully the writers will keep up the good work.
I feel really bad for Dwight. Though I wanted Pam to comfort him like he did her when she was crying somewhere. Cool that Jim did though.

I really feel bad for Mike. He's all caught up with Jan and he just can't let her go. And right when he just might let her go...BAM. She talks about how he's a nice guy and how he's been all she's got ever since the people up in new york dropped her and such. Damn I hate Jan.
I dont know why, but I had to have rewatched andy trying to catch that cat a dozen times, there was just something about it that had me dying. I'm also enjoying the increased darryl time.
*Kevin sticks out fist* Women be shopping.

I died when I saw that. I have never laughed so hard at any line in the show.
The Office is starting to remind me of the Simpsons after Season 8. Simpsons Seasons 4-8 was able to handle the precarious balance of a witty comedy that still tugged at the viewers heartstrings, as evidenced by the "Do it for Her" Maggie Episode, and the episode where Lisa and Bart face off against each other in hockey. The initial seasons of the Office also had this feel, with a 22 minute episode of a free-wheeling, creative dialogue filled with office pranks that would ultimately end on an emotional note. Now The Office has veered towards emotional territory with an immense focus on the dynamics of human relationships. So far this process has been incremental, but the last episode had me feeling for the characters more than uncontrollably laughing. They have handled it remarkably well, but I am fearful of what the future may bring.

Moreover, I am glad that the writers have not forced the obligatory "Ross and Rachel" moment, where there will be an inevitable conflict with Jim and Pam, which will result in a heartwrenching breakup, tensions spurred by prior characters reemerging, or stress caused from rebound relationships. Every episode I wait for that conflict, for instance in this episode I thought it was going to start at their nights visit at Shrute's Farms, last episode I thought something would happen when Jim was going to the "NYC Internet party."

I have never felt so ambivalent about a show. With SNL it went from great to sucky, Simpsons great to sucky. The Office is going through a progression that I think those who are rabid fans, weened on Seasons 1-3 are somewhat iffy about. But there were great moments such as Michael doing the Breakfast Club Fist, Woman Be Shoppin', and Michael singing Soul Asylum's "Runaway Train." Moreover, the shot of Michael and Jan's feet dangling off the train was superbly done. Thats my two cents.

How do I check this thread so I can view it easier?
Right now I'm watching season 3 on dvd and am loving every minute of it (again). But in doing this I can clearly see how mediocre season 4 has been so far. I thought last night's episode was one of the best of the new season but that isn't saying much. I really don't like where some of this year's stories are going, I really don't like the way they are handling the Pam/Jim relationship. To me if just feels lifeless after being built up so heavily for the better part of 3 years. I do still enjoy the Dwight/Angela relationship, especially now with the addition of Andy. I think they mishandled the Michael/Jan story. IMO it was much better before Jan was revealed as being kind of crazy.

I hope the rest of the season picks up the pace a little, otherwise I am inclined to think that the show may be jumping the shark sooner rather than later.
Last night's was pretty good--love Andy getting more screen time and Kevin pointing at Oscar and saying "Mama Bear" with a smile. That was classic.
The Office unifying to a common goal of the advertisement was uplifting to see, similar to when they all did personal sales calls in Season 3, showing when they actually are given a chance to be creative they are and when they are subjected to typical office drudgery is when their productive spirit wanes.

Dwights downward spiral is getting hard to bear, he plays that so well. Overall, yet again this was a rather weird episode that I am ambivalent about. Its weird because The Office Season 4 is not The Office that a majority of the fan base has grown to love, and rather it pulls at a whole new set of emotions suprisingly well, hence leading to this ambivalence.

And Meredith is so god damn ugly. She is one of those people that I honestly cannot stand to look at because of how hideous she is.
[quote name='strayfoxx']Dwights downward spiral is getting hard to bear, he plays that so well.[/quote]He's starting to turn a corner though with that conversation in the break room. He's got that mischievous, I know something you don't look to him again.*

*Please bear in mind, I'm new to the series. I've only started watching it after seeing the re-runs on TBS.
Latest ep was just ok. I give them credit for not making their "directors cut" commerical utterly rediculous.

"Unlimited paper... in a paperless world" :rofl:
I disagree. This episode felt rushed and had it been an hour long I don't think it would have had that odd 10 days later transition at the end, that felt weird.

It was also strange with the Second Life scenario, it seemed like it was going somewhere, but it never did. Best part of the episode was Stanley in the prison jumpsuit.
On a side note, as a fan of the Simpsons, Conan, Office, Critic etc. would I appreciate the humor of It's Always Sunny in Philadephia? I do not have cable television and am looking for another DVD series to add to my catalog because watching The Office over and over is getting old.

I heard Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia's humor compared to Arrested Development, which I found not funny at all.
bread's done