The Office - Season 4 - Discussion [possible spoilers]

The " real" commercial was so kick ass.

That was a real swerve. I couldn't have been the only one to think that it was going to be terrible.
[quote name='strayfoxx']On a side note, as a fan of the Simpsons, Conan, Office, Critic etc. would I appreciate the humor of It's Always Sunny in Philadephia? I do not have cable television and am looking for another DVD series to add to my catalog because watching The Office over and over is getting old.

I heard Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia's humor compared to Arrested Development, which I found not funny at all.[/QUOTE]

I've only watched one episode of ISIP. But said episode did involve Danny Devito getting high on something (I think acid), standing in a garbage can and proclaiming it to be his apartment, and then shooting someone in the foot shortly thereafter.

Even writing that out - despite knowing full well in advance what I was going to write - gets a few giggles out of me. I need to determine when it comes on and see if it conflicts.

On a related note, check out Boston Legal and Flight of the Conchords. BL is more like the Office but with much higher stakes. FotC is just bizarre humor. You might like both. I actually think Boston Legal might be better than The Office at times, because the characters on it are superbly done. Even bit characters (it's about a law office, so they have a large range of people to defend and whatnot) are very fleshed out. And any show where William Shatner is a perverted old man who fake-shoots a client's duck - thereby causing it to die from fright - gets several gold stars from me.

As for last night's episode, I thought it had some great moments. Micheal didn't seem OVERWHELMING LIKE HE NORMALLY HAS BEEN LATELY, and PB&J was toned back. I was disappointed it was only a half hour, since I've gotten used to the longer episodes, and do agree that this one could have used a bit more roundage.

I am getting a little tired of Micheal's incessant "now I no longer listen to corporate and do exactly the opposite!" attitude though.

Second Life did seem...totally extraneous, except for the joke about "Second Second Life," which was brilliant.

I don't know why, but Andy's constant hey-Dwight-let-me-smother-you-with-my-relationship-with-your-ex-who-I-immediately-picked-up-after-you -broke-up-with-her shtick really rubs me the wrong way. I guess because I don't see it as amusing, but rather really cruel in a Machiavellian way. I know Andy isn't stupid, so I know his character knows exactly what he's doing, and that just bothers me. There's probably personal reasons for this, but eh.

Still love the show. I might go back and rewatch the first seasons soon.
[quote name='Strell']I've only watched one episode of ISIP. But said episode did involve Danny Devito getting high on something (I think acid), standing in a garbage can and proclaiming it to be his apartment, and then shooting someone in the foot shortly thereafter.

Even writing that out - despite knowing full well in advance what I was going to write - gets a few giggles out of me. I need to determine when it comes on and see if it conflicts.

On a related note, check out Boston Legal and Flight of the Conchords. BL is more like the Office but with much higher stakes. FotC is just bizarre humor. You might like both. I actually think Boston Legal might be better than The Office at times, because the characters on it are superbly done. Even bit characters (it's about a law office, so they have a large range of people to defend and whatnot) are very fleshed out. And any show where William Shatner is a perverted old man who fake-shoots a client's duck - thereby causing it to die from fright - gets several gold stars from me.


I'll check out those two shows. Hopefully I will be able to do away with my dislike towards Spader and Shatner. A duck dying from fear of a fake shooting does sound hilarious. Thanks for the suggestions.
Awww! But boffadems are so excellent in it!

If you really dislike them, then be warned that they are the "main stars," though there's air time given to so many characters that you could argue a number of people as the main stars. But they are focused on more than the other characters.

For example, they tend to get together at the end of each episode and have a man-best-friend-to-man-best-friend chat. Usually hilarious.

I didn't start watching it until past the half point last season, so I've got lots of catching up to do.

Hell, you could have scared me off alone by telling me this was the Ally McBeal guy. But everytime I watch this show, it is consistently funny, and has great drama/speeches to boot.
I totally recommend It's Always Sunny, I think it is hilarious a lot of the time. There are a few episodes that are a little off (this Thursday's one was just ok) but overall its really funny. It is a completely different humor from the Office though, more vulgar and less story continuation. But it's a great change of pace from the style of the Office for me. They are two totally different shows that are very funny in their own unique ways. The It's Always Sunny Season 1 & 2 dvds are awesome and pretty cheap, maybe around $25. I would highly recommend them if you start watching the show and like it.
Loved the last episode, restored my faith in this season.

Tonights features the return of:

Plot for tonight:
BATTLE OF THE BRANCHES - RASHIDA JONES ("Boston Public") GUEST STARS - When Karen (guest star Rashida Jones) tries to woo Stanley (Leslie David Baker) away from Scranton, Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) fights back, dragging her ex, Jim (John Krasinski), into his war.
Thought it was a great one, even with Karen.

Thank god Andy was limited, and no crap with Angela.

And huzzah for more screen time for Stanley.

Thought it moved well with a lot of one-liners.
PSA: Don't do bench presses, without a spotter, while watching The Office. The escapade in Karen's office over the walkie-talkies almost crushed me.
I can't believe I didn't immediately realize this was another episode directed by Joss Whedon. This was just a great episode. I loved Dwight and Michael over the walkie-talkies to Jim and Dwight's "The eyes are the groin of the head" line. I fell off my couch laughing at that line.
Easily the best episode of the season - the fake moustaches were unbelievably funny. There were so many great lines.

"Wanted: Middle-aged black man with sass."

"Ahhh, I can't do it. Toby is the worst."

"Besides having sex with men, this is the gayest thing I do."
Season 4 is coming on strong the last 2 weeks. I agree this episode felt kinda "weird," but it was so funny.

Karen's chastising of Jim was of UK Office uncomfortableness.

"What are you microwaving?"
"Why don't you use the microwave in the kitchen Phyllis?"
"Someone has to clean it, it smells like popcorn."
[quote name='lordwow']Karen's chastising of Jim was of UK Office uncomfortableness.[/quote]

That was great - especially when he told her he didn't want to see her because things were going great with Pam and then instead of saying goodbye he just turned around and walked away.
"I still don't understand how sleeping in your office is better than not being in it."

"The Finer Things Club is the most exclusive club in the office, so, of course, that's the club I need to be in."
very funny episode, probably the best of the season. but i was hoping for more of a conflict with karen, but maybe thatll come over the next few episodes.
I will echo everyone else by saying it was the best episode of the season. Now lets see them follow it up with couple more great ones in a row like they would in previous years.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I haven't had TV for a month so is there any website where I can watch recent episodes for the season? direct links to each episode would be superb.[/QUOTE]
You can watch the episodes on
I'm stuck overseas and can't feed my need for the latest The Office season. I've bought seasons 1-3 and enjoyed them immensely but have no way to watch season 4. Anybody out there saved the Season 4 episodes on Tivo and be willing to accept on-going renumeration for cd-r and shipping costs to provide a fan his Office fix?:)

I've tried and always get the message "the clip is not available in your location." I'm in Chile and have read on Office fan sites that the NBC clips are only available to U.S. servers.
Theres a really funny deleted scene of Andy trying to bribe his way into the finer things club

Don't forget to check the website after each week. Usually theres a few deleted scenes that trickle in through the week. Most of them are gold. Also look for a clip called the "Toby Flenderson 1000 watt smile".

I just rewatched last nights, LOL at the Molotov's in the trunk!
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Mr. A. Knife[/QUOTE]

Probably the best part of the entire episode.

The antics in the office were boring. It was just a bunch of bitching. I understand the point they were trying to get across by comparing Jim to Micheal - both showing Jim as closer to Micheal than he thinks, and showing Micheal as more intelligent than he seems - but everyone else just whined the whole time. Seemed like they could have done more.

Steve Carrel? I like you and all, but don't maybe Castaway 2. Tom Hanks couldn't do it, and I don't really think you can either.

I kinda like adding shots of Dwight in a very huntsman light, though. Gives him a little more diversity.

A good episode, but not great. I think it was placed in here to give dimensionality to characters. Not necessarily just be humorous.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']the ending of the episode was hilarious with michael and jim talking, he may have just scared jim out of the office.[/quote]Nah, that was more Jim coming to terms with Michael. Less than a day in his shoes and he got it.

Am I the only one who didn't know Toby was a writer for this show? I knew Ryan and Kelly were, but just found out about Toby via their strike video.
[quote name='CouRageouS']

-The angry look Andy had when Michael was singing badly[/QUOTE]

Yeah I've noticed they have not used much of their "in" humor lately so I was glad to see that.

It was also hilarious seeing the multi-faceted use of Michael's pants, and of course the Battlestar Gallactica sweatshirt.

The last scene was done incredibly well. Carell handled that masterfully, something about his tone of voice and matter of factness that really made the scene work.
The ending of this episode was absolutely phenomenal. It reminded me of Tim from the UK Office and his eventual realization he's not leaving. This episode flew by for me, I'm not sure why, not as many laughs as usual, but the payoff was worth it. I mentioned to my friends when I saw Jim sitting in Michael's chair "oh my god, he's Michael," and I'm glad the writers went with that. It's little stuff like the birthdays that make you realize that Michael is not a bad guy like David Brent.
On an aside: How do you explain the presence of the "camera" to new viewers of the show?

I thought I could and then realized I just fell back on the "documentary" explanation. Is that sufficient?
[quote name='strayfoxx']On an aside: How do you explain the presence of the "camera" to new viewers of the show?

I thought I could and then realized I just fell back on the "documentary" explanation. Is that sufficient?[/quote]

That's really all there is too it. Someone is shooting a documentary about life in working in an office.

Another great part of last night's episode was the fact that Andy wanted a "Fudgie The Whale" ice cream cake - it's just so perfect for him.
Incredible episode. Full of an amazing amount of great moments.

"Were your boyfriend's parents first cousins who were also bad at ping pong?"

Micheal pushing over Toby's tray.


Dwight being a badass at ping pong.

Excellent, excellent episode.

I am really liking how the relationships have again taken a backseat in the show recently.
[quote name='Strell']Incredible episode. Full of an amazing amount of great moments.

"Were your boyfriend's parents first cousins who were also bad at ping pong?"

Micheal pushing over Toby's tray.


Dwight being a badass at ping pong.

Excellent, excellent episode.

I am really liking how the relationships have again taken a backseat in the show recently.[/quote]
I completely disagree. I thought it was incredibly boring--a terrible episode to go out on considering the lengthy writers' strike ahead.

The court case scenes were uncomfortable at best, and watching Michael get tossed back and forth was excruciating. Michael's siding with the company at the end was not surprising, but wasn't satisfying either.

The ping-pong stuff was understandably nothing but a sidestory to the deposition stuff, but it was still lame and uninteresting.
I loved it when they were reading out of Michael's journal about how he though Ryan was as sexy as Jan, but in a different way, and Toby can't contain his laughter. That was easily one of the funniest moments this entire season.
You'd think I'd get tired of Michael shitting on Toby all the time, but I haven't. Pushing the lunch tray off the table was the funniest moment all season.

The deposition portion of the show was gold, ping-pong portion was alright. They needed to flesh it out more, it didn't feel substantial.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I loved it when they were reading out of Michael's journal about how he though Ryan was as sexy as Jan, but in a different way, and Toby can't contain his laughter. That was easily one of the funniest moments this entire season.[/QUOTE]
I think thats a history making moment on the show. Has Toby ever laughed before?

Andy was edited out of this episode sadly. He has a good deleted scene here

Also has some of the other characters playing pong.
I really love how the show can make me both hate Michael one second, and them feel for him the next.

Hate = pushing Toby's tray off
Feel for him = reading boss' comments at the deposition 30 seconds later

Great episode.
Dwight and his ping-pong idols.... oh man!

because of the strike...
So last night I came home exhausted from the gym and I was skimming through On Demand. I accidentally bought an episode of the Office because I hit enter before I realized it was 99 cents. Doh.

Anyway, they split one of the hour episodes in half and it had a new opener that wasn't there before. In a very awkward moment, Toby brings in his "girlfriend" and makes out with her in front of Jim/Pam in front of reception. Then Pam makes a quirky comment about how Toby may be violating his own PDA memo. :rofl: made the accidental purchase worth it.

Bump for new eps in April!
bread's done