The Official CAG May 2010 Pick-Ups Thread

[quote name='weaponomega2x']PS3 - $50 - Brought it on Craigslist as broken. Got it up and running in about an hour and a half. No problems so far...[/QUOTE]

Holy shit; that PS3 looks like it didn't get any TLC whatsoever. Glad to hear you got it working though

[quote name='Fire_Thief']I want to, I really do... But it's really hard for me.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to keep try to keep this short, since it's probably going to fall upon deaf ears, but seriously, stop buying shit. If you're really having such a problem that you prioritze buying last gen titles over doing your school work, you need to really take a step back and re-evaluate your situation. How about staying off the computer for a few days so you aren't tempted by cheap, old titles, and you can get some work done?

I know buying stuff probably makes you feel good, and it seems like you're also doing it for attention or something (although I don't know why, because it seems to have made 99% of the people who come in here really fucking despise you), but eventually you're going to realize how much money and energy you have wasted on all this old crap. I myself have somewhat of a spending problem (though nowhere near the degree of whatever addiction you have), but I know when to say enough is enough, and I also don't open my stuff for awhile so I can think about if I really want them or not; I usually end up a decent amount of stuff because I realize that the money could be better spent.

If you're going to habitually buy and collect a bunch of shit, at least get something that will hold it's value; I used to have a thing for jewelry (don't ask), but at least when I came to my senses, I could resell that stuff, and I didn't lose very much money. The same can't be said for games, trust me, I know; I sold off pretty much my entire collection a year or two ago (I think there might be a thread on here about it), and even though I got a decent sum of money, it was nowhere near what I put into it.

Here's what I think you should do, and you can either take it or leave it:

1) Stop buying iPhone apps; there are always games or apps you can temporarily get for free; I used to follow the CAG thread and get them for my girlfriend

2) Stop buying shitty horror movies. I'm not advocating anything, but there are other ways to get things, and you can see SICK without throwing away $4

3) Really think about what you are doing; don't purchase things right away, even if they are only 5 dollars. Give it a day or two, or at the very least, a few hours, and question what your are thinking about buying (Do I really NEED to spend any amount of money on Drake? fuck no I don't.)

4) Give yourself a monthly limit or something; maybe start with something higher like $100 or $75 and then try to whittle that down. The point of this website is to be frugal and save money, not spend all your cash on an abundance of cheap shit.


...I've typed so much, and it still doesn't seem like enough. Either way /wall-o-text
[quote name='lolwut?']If you're going to habitually buy and collect a bunch of shit, at least get something that will hold it's value; I used to have a thing for jewelry (don't ask), but at least when I came to my senses, I could resell that stuff, and I didn't lose very much money. The same can't be said for games, trust me, I know; I sold off pretty much my entire collection a year or two ago (I think there might be a thread on here about it), and even though I got a decent sum of money, it was nowhere near what I put into it.


I completely agree with lolwut? why would you waste your time buying all these crap games. I buy tons of games myself and a bunch of them often tend to be crap. The only reason I end up with these crap games however is because they are in lots that I am buying for some specific games or to resell. Anyway I almost specifically seek out games of value and unless a game is really fun or I haven't played it and want to play it I would just wait till I found the game in a lot. Anyway we really don't need to know every game you bought spread amongst 100s of posts. Why not take a nice picture of everything you got and we can take a look.

Had to respond after I LOL'd at the tags
lol, nice selective quoting. I was so focused on writing I forgot to post my pick-ups:



Thing is, lolwut?, he'll probably come in here and agree with you, and then post another beast pick-up two hours later. I think the kid might be beyond help.

Nice Cannibal Corpse shirt, by the way.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']Thing is, lolwut?, he'll probably come in here and agree with you, and then post another beast pick-up two hours later. I think the kid might be beyond help.

Nice Cannibal Corpse shirt, by the way.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I figure something like that will happen, but it's better to say something instead of just watching the downward spiral.

And thanks, I ended up getting it $3.24!
Went to a local game shop and traded in a sealed Super Mario 64 (already have the cart) and got:

:ps3: BioShock 2
:ps3: Heavy Rain

All for $37 after store credit

picked up Gears of War 2, Lost Planet Colonies Classic(though about picking up Lost Planet 2 but since it apparently suck for singleplayer fans and offline coop is as bad as Resident Evil 5s i just picked up this one) and Dead or Alive 4 Classic.

plus Baja Edge of Control and Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires finally came few days ago too.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']I want to, I really do... But it's really hard for me. I see that 1 click order button and I just can't resist. It's really the death of me. I need help. I must stop myself. On top of this, I'm putting off my math to buy games. I'm 3 weeks behind and have 2 days to catch up and answer 150 questions, over material I haven't even read. God help me now.[/QUOTE]

Dude don't stop buying things, if anything you need to buy MORE games.

You're an inspiration.
[quote name='guyinga']Went to a local game shop and traded in a sealed Super Mario 64 (already have the cart) and got:

:ps3: BioShock 2
:ps3: Heavy Rain

All for $37 after store credit[/QUOTE]
Oh my god. I think I've figured it out.. He's like one of those youtube characters that people play to try to get attention.. That has to be it, it just has to be.
I listened to all of 15 seconds of it before I couldn't take any more. His spanish is so horrendously broken that the only phrase I was able to make out was "the sickest rims".
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']I listened to all of 15 seconds of it before I couldn't take any more. His spanish is so horrendously broken that the only phrase I was able to make out was "the sickest rims".[/QUOTE]

What more do you need to know? I listened to a little of the song that he claims is an "instant classic". He actually said "I poo on you fools and piss on you suckers"... really? REALLY? That's as far as I got before I was just done.
[quote name='dmz5e']What more do you need to know? I listened to a little of the song that he claims is an "instant classic". He actually said "I poo on you fools and piss on you suckers"... really? REALLY? That's as far as I got before I was just done.[/QUOTE]

In all honesty, judging by his slurred speech, weird accent, the bad rap music, crazy arm gestures, and general lack of self-awareness...I think Fire_Thief may be autistic, or something similar. That's where I think the compulsive buying comes in. Granted, I know very little of these disorders, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's something not quite right upstairs.
[quote name='lolwut?']

3) Really think about what you are doing; don't purchase things right away, even if they are only 5 dollars. Give it a day or two, or at the very least, a few hours, and question what your are thinking about buying (Do I really NEED to spend any amount of money on Drake? fuck no I don't.)


this is the best advice really, that's what I do is wait a day or two to think about it, some times if I decide I want the item too the sale may end up being over... and I move on and forget about it...

truth is, video games aren't a necessity, you don't need them to survive. just buy a couple to play, or buy a couple good games to collect and then stop, play them or admire them. don't KEEP buying them non stop for what seems to be no reason besides letting them rot on a shelf or so you can shoot a youtube video of them for CAG.

I don't mind the videos tho, personally I find them entertaining. But it's really getting sad to watch...
for the longest time i thought a lot of you were just being dicks to that dude, but wow.

anyway is there any way somebody could just make a flame on that loser thread so we can have the pick-ups thread back? call it F_T's fatalicious hella-dope-ass stupid poppin-fresh wiggertastic pickups thread. thanks.
This is CAG, I've seen people help so many others for no reason other than just to help others. This community has alot of good intentioned people.

When F_T gets as much hate as he does, it's usually something he's doing.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']I miss the old pick-ups threads =([/QUOTE]

I agree. Maybe F_T should make his own thread and just update his OP. To much clutter in here, one post for every item he buys.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']

She looks more like a prisoner or someone's 10 year old little sister than your girl.

Thanks to the mod who deleted my post trying to give F_T help on what to do to curb spending BTW. Ninja Editing FTW!!!![/QUOTE]

The "I be droppin stacks like crazy" bit kills me. Stacks? You mean a couple bucks on Drake of the 99 Dragons, quite possibly the worst game on Xbox?
I think it's funny people are coming in talking about getting Fire_Theif help, since he requested it. Check the first 100 replies, and there are about 3-4 of us, myself included, begging him to slow down for his own sake. We got flamed for trying to tell someone how to spend their own money.

if you are serious about making a change in how you spend your money, I highly suggest "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey
It has a great plan to help you get out of debt, but if you aren't in debt, it still has a lot of great information that can help you break the cycle of spending. Tons of success stories about people who have saved like crazy and will have hundreds of thousands of dollars to retire on. People who have paid off $200,000 in credit card debt in just a few years.
Seriously, it has lots of inspiring stories and great info to help you re-evaluate what you do with your money.
If you are REALLY serious about changing, buy that book. I think it's on sale at for just $10 SHIPPED! BEAST!!!!(sorry, had to :))
[quote name='blk00civicsi']

She looks more like a prisoner or someone's 10 year old little sister than your girl.

Thanks to the mod who deleted my post trying to give F_T help on what to do to curb spending BTW. Ninja Editing FTW!!!![/QUOTE]

Damn, people must think he's such a baller when he goes to the mall to pick up that beast ass game Big Bumpin' for $2 with his 13 year old girlfriend that likely only "dates" him so she can get rides to the mall to hangout with her real friends.
did he really just shoot a " I got tons of beast pickups" vlog with his girlfriend in the car?

omfg this dude's THE biggest lame ever.

edit: ...i just came across his rap songs.. lmfao
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']I miss the old pick-ups threads =([/QUOTE]

Don't you worry it will be restored back to the way it was. I am getting something today that is beyond "beast". ;)


Pics coming later.
I picked up a few DVD's for $3 each at Big Lots today:

-Eight-Legged Freaks
-Lethal Weapon (Director's Cut)
-National Lampoon's European Vacation
-Matchstick Men
-The Three Stooges: Stooged and Confoosed
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Don't you worry it will be restored back to the way it was. I am getting something today that is beyond "beast". ;)


Pics coming later.[/QUOTE]

Interested! Do show and tell! :D
Haha, thread has exploded. Yeah, Fire_Thief, although your girlfriend might be alright with your spending habits, you really shouldn't make your videos in front of her. REALLY shouldn't.


jesus man... there are so many social, psychological, and honest to god self defiant dillusionary shit going on with you it is almost borderline intervention time. take a step back and seriously look at what you say.. simply listening to you describe your beast computer you are going to build without even knowing what you are talking about made me honestly sad. if you need serious help and want a place to start i can give you some numbers to buying addiction and a psychologists number for a consultation. dead serious man, get some help, some of us will seriously help you get help for yourself, but get it fast.

this is seriously a video defending a forum banning i assume? you look like you are about to cry and your emotional compass is surely outa whack man. get the help or have someone get it for you.
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Sheesh...I thought the May Pick Up thread exploded and was excited to see what you all purchased. But damn, it is just firetheif and people telling him to save money. Was there only like 15 posts of actual pick ups? :(

It's pretty cool, to see a community try and save one of their own. I commend those that tried.

My pick-ups this month and I think some items from last month:
- 9 - $7.99
- Bourne Ultimatum - $7.99 (Going to return this, stupid flipper discs)
- Public Enemies - $7.99

- Gears of War (360) - goozex
- Final Fantasy something (DS) - goozex
- Persona 4 (ps2) - $9.99
- PixelJunk Monster (psp) - $9.99
- Record of Agarest War (360) - $59.99

- Star Destroyer 3d Puzzle - $3.99
[quote name='darkslime']You could have sold a sealed Super Mario 64 for $500+ if it is truly factory sealed...[/QUOTE]

Where'd you come up with $500? Original copies go for around $300-350, and Player's Choice copies are only worth about $120.
[quote name='lmz00']Where'd you come up with $500? Original copies go for around $300-350, and Player's Choice copies are only worth about $120.[/QUOTE]

Although I am sure that's a rare example. There are others still available that are listed for cheaper.

The seller has quite the collection of sealed video games/consoles, although $2,999 for a sealed Earthbound is beyond my budget.
[quote name='darkslime']You could have sold a sealed Super Mario 64 for $500+ if it is truly factory sealed...[/QUOTE]

It's a Player's Choice version and I don't think it's really worth $500 or even $120 for a Player's Choice.
That's an uncirculated copy.

Anywho, you could've at least gotten $100 for it (unless the box was really beat up), but what's done is done.
Let's get this show on the road, back on track, where it is at. No more group therapy! Prepare to have your hair BLOWN to the back of this auditorium!

Plenty of pictures so be ready for the page to suddenly get longer.

Okay, putting it in spoilers so I don't make the page load slowly. I had to switch to a webcam halfway through because my good camera just decided it wanted to die for no reason.


Here's almost everything I'll be showing today in one picture. Forgot to take a picture of the shirt so... Yea. Lost Planet 2 shirt.

Now here comes the individual pics.


Resident Evil 5 Press kit


Four Lost Planet 2 stickers The letters are raised on these


Halo ODST from that imaginecup contest that ended a while back


Lost Planet 2 thermal energy water bottle


Monster Hunter Tri demo-Resident Evil 5 blood drive bumper sticker- Unreleased prototype Blanka keychain. They didn't release them because of a typo on the back


Dark Void artbook


Bionic Commando field manual, pretty much another artbook


This image needs a little bit of an explanation. This is a Lost Planet 2 movie style poster. It's absolutely huge. I put the ODST case in there just so you could see how big it is, even then the bottom 3-4 inches got cut off because I had to use the crappy webcam. The rolled up tubes on the sides are my extra ones. At the moment I have six. They can double as wall paper they're so big.

And now the real special one. Gonna put a spoiler on this one just to add to the mystery!
Lost Planet 2 glossy print SIGNED by Jun Takeuchi! One hundred of these prints were made and then forty of them were hand signed by Jun Takeuchi and I just happen to have one of those forty.

I've got plenty of more stuff coming, so you better be ready for more pictures!

Got some good purchases so far :)

Kirby Super Star - $1
Super Mario All Stars - $1
Killer Instinct - $1
Star Fox - $5
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - $5
Sega Genesis - $5

And my favorite purchase of the bunch
Let It Be - The Beatles - $6
:) :)

I have a few more things that I bought this month so I'll update you guys soon.
[quote name='Denzalo']Interested! Do show and tell! :D[/QUOTE]

Here you go:

Lightning Bundle!!! The Voltage on the slims are universal so yeah... I can use this at home without a converter! :D



I was going back and forth between this and a Jap :360: (I am currently on vacation in South Korea). This ultimately won out due to me wanting a slim (I already have a Phatty) and the fact that I love Final Fantasy XIII.

@fire_thief. I got 2 :ps3:'s now. Where is your 1 to play all those games you bought? ;)
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Here you go:

Lightning Bundle!!! The Voltage on the slims are universal so yeah... I can use this at home without a converter! :D

Insert Pictures Here

I was going back and forth between this and a Jap :360:. This ultimately won out due to me wanting a slim (I already have a Phatty) and the fact that I love Final Fantasy XIII[/QUOTE]

Hot Damn!

Now that's a smexy pickup!

What it set ya back?
[quote name='Denzalo']Hot Damn!

Now that's a smexy pickup!

What it set ya back?[/QUOTE]

About $460ish USD. Give or take a few bucks with whatever the exchange rate from Korean Won to USD was yesterday. That was a good price since I couldn't find one below $500 on ebay shipped.

The only thing that sucks is the fact that over in Asia the X button is to cancel and O is to accept... :whistle2:| That is shitty! And after some google searching nothing I can do about that. It is weird but after playing FFXIII last night for a bit I think I will be OK.
Aight.... here we go...

Dragon Warrior VII - PS1, $26, Complete..

Dungeon Siege II - PC, New - $17

Run Like Hell - Xbox, New - $11

Eternal Darkness - GameCube, Complete - $16..

The Suffering: Ties That Bind - Xbox, $6

Driver 3 - Xbox, New - $4

World War II Combat Road to Berlin - Xbox, New - $5

LOTR Battle for Middle Earth II - Xbox, $10

Monster RPG 2 - iPod touch, 99 cents

Rebirth of Fortune - iPod touch, 99 cents..
bread's done