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I have a levl 19 mesmer right now, I'm just about positive that with a little PvP expierance she can own and totally shut down casters/monks with a little skill tweaking. Hopefully I'll beat Ascension soon so I can give you guys a hand
I'm lvl 17 N/W, and I'd love to help as soon as I get to where the rest of you guys are at.

PVP would be alot easier if I could get around to capturing Life Transfer off of the 3 or so bosses who actually use the skill.

Fighting Koreans is so aggravating... its like they're an entire nation of hardcore gamers...

Calling targets only makes fighting them worse. If you target the healler they run away, fully knowing you'll follow. If the tanks are off chasing their one monk, the their tanks rush your monks and are still supported by one healer. However, if you don't follow them, they just go to a place where they cant be targeted and heal who ever you do target.

They send one monk to the front of the group. When you target him he runs, mostlikely leading half your team away from your mages and monks. Then their warriors rush in and take out your monks. The best part is they don't all rush the same person. They attack two or three targets in groups of two to four. Its pretty easy to keep one target alive with the right spells no matter how hard hes being hit. But they attack multiple people so you can't heal them all. Mid battle snapshot- Their monk is leading 3 warriors around the ass end of the arena. They have 2-3 people targeting 2-3 people and ignore the rest of the group. Anyone not following their monk isn't listening to the called targets and is probably randomly attacking whoever gets close to them. And then your monks are dead because they were just standing there getting hit in the face with arrows instead of moving behind a wall. I wish they needed line of sight to cast spells too.

So what happens if you don't all scramble across the field chasing 1 monk and actually hold together? Well... then, apparantly everyone on their team in a mage with maxed meteor storm, and you just delivered them a nice basket of meteor fodder.

So, how do you beat them? Good question. All most people can think of is to insult them. However, that doesn't really constitute a valid strategy ingame...
If you use two mesmers to shut down them monks, you've got a good start, but whist chasing them making sure they stay locked down, they'll probably lead the mes right into their warriors.

Think about this a bit, and get back to me.
[quote name='Kayden']Gah...

Fighting Koreans is so aggravating... its like they're an entire nation of hardcore gamers...

Calling targets only makes fighting them worse. If you target the healler they run away, fully knowing you'll follow. If the tanks are off chasing their one monk, the their tanks rush your monks and are still supported by one healer. However, if you don't follow them, they just go to a place where they cant be targeted and heal who ever you do target.

They send one monk to the front of the group. When you target him he runs, mostlikely leading half your team away from your mages and monks. Then their warriors rush in and take out your monks. The best part is they don't all rush the same person. They attack two or three targets in groups of two to four. Its pretty easy to keep one target alive with the right spells no matter how hard hes being hit. But they attack multiple people so you can't heal them all. Mid battle snapshot- Their monk is leading 3 warriors around the ass end of the arena. They have 2-3 people targeting 2-3 people and ignore the rest of the group. Anyone not following their monk isn't listening to the called targets and is probably randomly attacking whoever gets close to them. And then your monks are dead because they were just standing there getting hit in the face with arrows instead of moving behind a wall. I wish they needed line of sight to cast spells too.

So what happens if you don't all scramble across the field chasing 1 monk and actually hold together? Well... then, apparantly everyone on their team in a mage with maxed meteor storm, and you just delivered them a nice basket of meteor fodder.

So, how do you beat them? Good question. All most people can think of is to insult them. However, that doesn't really constitute a valid strategy ingame...
If you use two mesmers to shut down them monks, you've got a good start, but whist chasing them making sure they stay locked down, they'll probably lead the mes right into their warriors.

Think about this a bit, and get back to me.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't you just have a mesmer or 2 shutting the monks down and then have all your tanks surround the mesmers? Kind of a like a circle protecting them and moving with them?
I was thinking about my mesmer for PvP today and I came up with an interesting build idea, I was thinking about turning my Mesmer/Necro into an Anti-Warrior PvPer instead of the usual anti-caster. Since I haven't done any PvP yet I wanted to throw this idea out to some of you that do play and see if this build would be viable.

Basically the idea would be to throw all my points into fast cast, domination, and blood magic.

I'd start out with Empathy (deals damage if they attack) then I'd hit them with Spirit Shackle ( they lose energy each time they attack), then I'd follow it up with Mind Wrack (they get dealt damage when their energy hits 0). Then I'd use Wastrel's Worry (they get dealt damage if they don't use a skill for 3 seconds)

So by this point if they keep on attacking they will have 0 energy and be dealt damage for 1 attacking, 2 not having energy, and 3 not using skills. If they don't attack they will be sitting ducks for any team mates to pound on.

For the remaning skills I could throw on Conjure Phantasm (damage over time skill) and Life Siphon/Life Transfer(health degeneration for them, health regen for me).

For my final Skilsl I could either use Ether Feast(gain life) or Blackout (disables all their skills and my skills for a set amount of time), or maybe a Spell Interupt ability or perhaps something to destroy their enchantments like Shatter Enchantents (destroys enchantments and they take damage)?

What do you guys think about this build, could it work?
[quote name='jimbodan']I was thinking about my mesmer for PvP today and I came up with an interesting build idea, I was thinking about turning my Mesmer/Necro into an Anti-Warrior PvPer instead of the usual anti-caster. Since I haven't done any PvP yet I wanted to throw this idea out to some of you that do play and see if this build would be viable.

Basically the idea would be to throw all my points into fast cast, domination, and blood magic.

I'd start out with Empathy (deals damage if they attack) then I'd hit them with Spirit Shackle ( they lose energy each time they attack), then I'd follow it up with Mind Wrack (they get dealt damage when their energy hits 0). Then I'd use Wastrel's Worry (they get dealt damage if they don't use a skill for 3 seconds)

So by this point if they keep on attacking they will have 0 energy and be dealt damage for 1 attacking, 2 not having energy, and 3 not using skills. If they don't attack they will be sitting ducks for any team mates to pound on.

For the remaning skills I could throw on Conjure Phantasm (damage over time skill) and Life Siphon/Life Transfer(health degeneration for them, health regen for me).

For my final Skilsl I could either use Ether Feast(gain life) or Blackout (disables all their skills and my skills for a set amount of time), or maybe a Spell Interupt ability or perhaps something to destroy their enchantments like Shatter Enchantents (destroys enchantments and they take damage)?

What do you guys think about this build, could it work?[/QUOTE]

Its pretty good, but most monks would have smite hex or something along those lines to remove the hexes. You are more than welcome to give it a try.

If you have all the skills unlocked, you can make a PVP character with those skills and any equipment youve unlocked.
[quote name='Kayden']Its pretty good, but most monks would have smite hex or something along those lines to remove the hexes. You are more than welcome to give it a try.

If you have all the skills unlocked, you can make a PVP character with those skills and any equipment youve unlocked.[/QUOTE]

I don't have any of my elites unlocked yet and I haven't Ascended yet, I'm pretty close though.

Yeah monks would be a problem, even though it would be cool to surprise some warriors with that build it seems like most of the time mesmers main job in PvP is to shut down monks. I guess it all depends on what your team needs. Speaking of which what do type of build would be most usefull to you guys for PvP?
Woot! After the lameness of getting my Hammer Warrior to Ascend, I've started on my second character, and damn if it isn't at least 5 times more fun! I'm now using Monk/Necro with Smite Prayers, Blood Magic, and a lil' in Healing Prayers. Its awesome. I solo great with only the warrior henchman. I'm healing myself and him while stealing life via vampric touch, vampire gaze, and the regen degen spell. I use a couple of healing spells like the regen one, healing breeze, and the enchantment that gives me life when someone else deals damage. My final 3 skills are smite prayers. The Aura of w/e that does damage to stuff near me for a while, and the Bane Signet, and finally the Smite thing. Its great fun!

Unlike the lame Hammer Warrior (no offense to any who enjoy them) the Monk/Necro is great and I highly recommend the build.
I was gonna say, War/Elem doesn't sound too fun, even with Gladiator armor..! I've yet to try hammers (I was swords in betas and now axes only), but they seem to have much more interesting skills...I think Necro is a great subclass tho, my War/Necro can easily get rid of conditions and heal himself (somewhat). War/Mes is HORRIBLE tho (I tried it in beta)...
[quote name='snoser']Can someone help me interpret weapon specs? I have a ton of weapons but don't know which one to keep...[/QUOTE]

High damage is good, + to damage mods (while enchanted, health over 50%) are also good. Mods to health, energy, Vampiric, Zealous, and elemental damage are also good mods.
[quote name='jimbodan']High damage is good, + to damage mods (while enchanted, health over 50%) are also good. Mods to health, energy, Vampiric, Zealous, and elemental damage are also good mods.[/QUOTE]

Does the type of damage it deal matter? Like is fire element better against certain types of monsters then other elements?
[quote name='snoser']Does the type of damage it deal matter? Like is fire element better against certain types of monsters then other elements?[/QUOTE]

Yep. For example stuff in the shiver peaks for the most part is weak against fire.
i know this is a dumb question but how can i get iron for weapons and armor without having to trade or buy from other players?
You can get most crafting materials from salvaging salvage items or weapons you pick up while your out killing stuff. And later in the game its a good idea to use expert kits on things because you can get the higher crafting materials like steel and silk. Also, you can salvage weapon mods or runes from things with expert kits.
[quote name='YeahRight13']i know this is a dumb question but how can i get iron for weapons and armor without having to trade or buy from other players?[/QUOTE]

It amazes me how many people are oblivious to most of the games functions.

You can salvage them from weapons with salvage kits, you can buy them from vendors and you can salvage stuff from salvage items.
Well, I've been thinking about getting Guild Wars, but I guess I'll ask some questions first.

Has it got dungeons in it? I like dungeon crawls, but I don't think I have seen a single screenshot of GW in a dungeon/cave/building/thing with a roof. And if there are such areas, has anyone got any pictures of 'em?

Also, is there a large variety of creatures? I don't really like grinding killing the same monsters over and over in other MMORPGs, so variety would be nice.

And lastly... Uh... Is the combat exciting? 8 skills at a time should be fairly reasonable I guess, but it seems like it would mostly boil down to hitting the same few buttons over and over without much variation. Except in PvP, of course.
[quote name='Kayden']It amazes me how many people are oblivious to most of the games functions.


Well, I had no idea how to mix dyes until I saw this site with mix equations and it hit me: "why dont i try using one dye on another, instead of using one on a piece of armor, then the other". (I'm pretty sure what I was doing wasn't getting the same result as creating a mixed dye then using that on stuff...I could be wrong, but my axe went from blue to green, with no hue difference when I did it my old way).

Also, I don't think the manual does a very good job at explaining some stuff, like runes (you wouldnt know for example, if they stack or not, or if u can use a rune from your secondary, unless you try it or find out some other way). Don't get me wrong, I love how detailed the manual is on story and stuff (something I think really helps make a game stand out), but I think it could've explained a whole lot more about the game play.

Oh, another eg of stuff the manual doesn't talk about is what the colors of items signifies (ie: blue, purple and gold). Someone I was playing with today said it's the same code fomr Diablo 2, but some people (like me) never played D2...Also, I was under the impression the online manual would explain all these deeper features, but it seems to be a very basic manual.

PS: I heard 28 is the max dmg for axes, anyone confirm this? I've only found a max 26dmg one...
I just spent a few hours PvPing and am now utterly depressed.

It seems so unimaginably hopeless to win. No one listens, no body cooperates... Most people cant even follow a called target. Playing with random strangers is nothing but a headache.

So why don't we try with the guild? Well, no one is ever on. I think there are 3-4 people that play semi regularly. I rarely see anymore than 2 people on at once.
[quote name='Kayden']I just spent a few hours PvPing and am now utterly depressed.

It seems so unimaginably hopeless to win. No one listens, no body cooperates... Most people cant even follow a called target. Playing with random strangers is nothing but a headache.

So why don't we try with the guild? Well, no one is ever on. I think there are 3-4 people that play semi regularly. I rarely see anymore than 2 people on at once.[/QUOTE]

Yea, the quality of players doing pvp has definitely gone down since release. In beta you could make teams with random people and go to the Hall of of Heroes. But now to do that you would have to get pretty lucky. There also seems to be a lot more people that leave in the middle of the battle, so even if you win your screwed for the next one. People shouldnt be doing pvp if theyre going to have to leave anytime soon because it can take a long time if you go a ways.

Maybe we could figure out a time that a bunch of people in the guild could all be on and we could go and do some pvp.
[quote name='Kayden']I just spent a few hours PvPing and am now utterly depressed.

It seems so unimaginably hopeless to win. No one listens, no body cooperates... Most people cant even follow a called target. Playing with random strangers is nothing but a headache.

So why don't we try with the guild? Well, no one is ever on. I think there are 3-4 people that play semi regularly. I rarely see anymore than 2 people on at once.[/QUOTE]

I haven't been on in about a week simply because I have been moving to a new apartment. I leave for a business trip on Sunday and get back next Wednesday, but after that I should be back on regularly.
umm, I made a stupid mistake and chose my elementalists second race as a warrior, and didn't realize how stupid it was until now. can I delete my guy and make a same one with the same name?
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']umm, I made a stupid mistake and chose my elementalists second race as a warrior, and didn't realize how stupid it was until now. can I delete my guy and make a same one with the same name?[/QUOTE]

I'm just about down for PvP, I'd like to capture a couple more elites though. I should have that done in the next couple of days. I play a Mesmer so I think with some practice I should be able to help out.
ARGH THAT WAS GAY!!!! I just spent the past hour trying to do the mission thing where ou find the charr army and I htought i could just travel back. so I did. all that time went to waste!! argh I'm so pissed.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']umm, I made a stupid mistake and chose my elementalists second race as a warrior, and didn't realize how stupid it was until now. can I delete my guy and make a same one with the same name?[/QUOTE]

Actually having warrior as your sub isnt necessarily a bad idea. It really depends on what your trying to do. With some of the ele spells you could make a really good tank with an E/W. But if your giong to be a caster, then yea it wont help you much.
[quote name='Lord Melvin']Actually having warrior as your sub isnt necessarily a bad idea. It really depends on what your trying to do. With some of the ele spells you could make a really good tank with an E/W. But if your giong to be a caster, then yea it wont help you much.[/QUOTE]

yeah that's what I was aiming for, a caster, so now I got a level 5 Ele/Mes and I'm pretty happy with it now that I got some armor.
An earth/water el/war would be a scary thing indeed. Not only can you boost your armor into the stratosphere, but you can AOE blind, freeze and give 50% evasion... That would not be pretty in the middle of a battle. Combine that with the shouts and other warrior defensive skills...
I can't sleep... I want to play, but I know if I start playing I wont stop until like 5am...

Oh... Ill go watch Star Wars: A New Hope!
damnit I got tired. 2 cans of pepsi and hotpockets weren't enough to keep me awake I guess. o well night guys. Level 6 baby! level 8 before weekend? dare I speak it?
The 4v4 pvp is pretty fun too, and it would be a lot easier to get a team together for that. I was just doing that with my ele and it was a lot of fun catching real people on fire and dropping meteors on their heads....
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