The OFFICIAL Shadowrun topic- Out Now!

I prefer playing as a Troll or Dwarf, and sometimes an Elf.

As a Troll, I either buy Tree of Life, System Link and Minigun or Tree of Life, Wired Reflexes, a rifle and a shotgun.

Sometimes I buy a Minigun and a Katana. This comes in handy when you're in a 1 on 1 Minigun duel with a Troll. Just move towards his while you're shooting each other with the miniguns. When you're close enough, pull out your Katana and cut 'em up.

As a Dwarf, I buy Resurrect, Tree of Life, Summon, Rifle and a shotgun.

As an Elf, I buy Resurrect, Smoke, Katana and a Rifle or SMG.
I play as a human.. always end up getting either the SMG or Shotgun, along with the Glider, Teleport and Resurrect. Teleport has gotten me out of many a bad situation.
I usually pick a human with Tree of Life, teleport, smart-link, a rifle and a shotgun.

If I go the way of the dwarf, I get resurrect, summon, smart-link, a mini-gun and a sword.
so yea, i'm definitely new at this game and so far i'm pretty horrible. I'm absolutely up for some Shadowrun against some CAGs. Shoot me some FRs and I'm definitely in for some Shadowrun games.
Finally got in on a few online matches last fucking addicting game, went to bed sometime after 2am. Loving every minute of it, great games Toper and Brak, had a blast even though I wasn't that great at it.

I really love the option to vote to boot specific players, it really makes the matches a lot more fun when you have a group of great people on. Halo 3 should definately implement this feature as well as any upcoming games with XBL.

What happened last night X, you joined me and Toper for a brief match and vanished.
[quote name='seanr1221']I should be getting my new xbox tonight....X, Linkin, Toper and Brak, would you guys be up for some games later?[/quote]

Count me in. I'm officially addicted. Just not Thursday, its Rainbow Six: Vegas night.
[quote name='seanr1221']I should be getting my new xbox tonight....X, Linkin, Toper and Brak, would you guys be up for some games later?[/QUOTE]
I'll probably get on after the Microsoft E3 conference finishes. 12:30 EST ? Something like that.
I had a lot of fun playing yesterday night, only played 3 games but the game is so fucking addicting. Would have played more but the training took awhile to complete.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Finally got in on a few online matches last fucking addicting game, went to bed sometime after 2am. Loving every minute of it, great games Toper and Brak, had a blast even though I wasn't that great at it.

I really love the option to vote to boot specific players, it really makes the matches a lot more fun when you have a group of great people on. Halo 3 should definately implement this feature as well as any upcoming games with XBL.

What happened last night X, you joined me and Toper for a brief match and vanished.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I had alot of fun stinking up the joint. :)

This game is definitely more fun online with folks that you know, since there's alot of emphasis on teamwork...I'm definitely interested in putting more time into this one.
[quote name='seanr1221']I should be getting my new xbox tonight....X, Linkin, Toper and Brak, would you guys be up for some games later?[/QUOTE]

I'm down...I'll send you a friends request, just invite or join up if you see me.
Weird matches last night...atleast for me it was. Still had fun, but WTF was up with the racist and gay comments all over the place...sheesh. Still love this game...I apologize for my newbness last night...Still practicing :p
Yeah, it seemed like the "jerk factor" was turned up last nite with all the random folks...this is the first nite I've run into these kind of people in this game, so hopefully these kind of matches are few and far between.

Still, I had a great time and had alot of fun with all the CAGers...some of my buds from another forum were with us also, so maybe we can fill up a room on our own in the future. Definitely looking forward to more games with you guys.
[quote name='toper']Yeah, it seemed like the "jerk factor" was turned up last nite with all the random folks...this is the first nite I've run into these kind of people in this game, so hopefully these kind of matches are few and far between.

Still, I had a great time and had alot of fun with all the CAGers...some of my buds from another forum were with us also, so maybe we can fill up a room on our own in the future. Definitely looking forward to more games with you guys.[/quote]

That would be sweet. I'm game.
I just spent an hour jumping from game to game 'cause of all the asshats out there. Some jerks were team killing like it's going out of style.
If you have this game add me to your friends list.
New patch up!

Vista and 360:

Big ticket items

  • Implemented improvements to matchmaking. We expect a 200-300% improvement in wait times. We've also added clearer status messaging.
  • Improved sync times. When a new player joins a game, the synching wait will be reduced.
  • Made changes to improve party system. Parties should be split less now, and when splitting is absolutely necessary, we attempt to regroup the party later.
  • You may now use the artifact to clear bodies in Attrition.
  • Fixed some potential exploit issues. No, we're not going to elaborate on this.
  • Fixed various issues that could result in soft locks or crashes.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause game to be stuck at sync screen indefinitely.
  • Fixed a problem with the Unstoppable achievement. And there was much rejoicing.
  • Smartlink HUD will now show up with controllers #2, #3, and #4.
  • Players won't get kicked for inactivity if they're still in the lobby when the game starts.
  • You should be less likely to cycle to a small version of a map if you have a lot of players.
  • Fixed some errors in localized text for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
  • You should get clearer feedback when attempting to join a full game via the guide.
  • Changed some of the achievement descriptions to make goals clearer.
  • Dwarf hint text is now correct. (They CAN be unawared - just not headshotted.)
  • Bots on Dig Site are not so determined to kill themselves in the Sacrifice Pit now.
  • Bots in Raid games will emphasize flag pickup towards the end of rounds.
  • Bots should no longer be so fascinated with walls.
  • Bots no longer look at a flag carrier that can't be seen rather than threats that can be seen.
  • Public match fill bots should now support the team better.
I am ready for some Shadowrun. Just got it today and can't wait to play with some CAGs. I might shoot my own team, but I should have my new lens' for my frames soon. Small standard def TV doesn't help near sighted folks.
So after this pattch what do you guys think? Is the game much better? Ive been borderline on this game since it came out, but the patch sounds like it adressed alot of the problems Ive been reading about.
I like this game alot, but the XBL community seems to actively want to kill it with their idiocy and rudeness.

I'd say a solid 75% of the teams I land in are all Elves trying to be ninjas who refuse to buy Resurrect. In the rare (25%) case I find a well-balanced team who knows to buy Rez on everything but a Troll, half of the time (12.5%) it's an pre-organized party who, thanks to the magic of group dynamics + full anonyminity, fucking hates anyone who isn't in their party.

An example. Two nights ago I landed on a team who knew how to play. I quickly figured out that four of the six guys on the team were in a party, because all they would do is bitch about the rest of the team and mock anyone else left alive when they were dead. Typical Live asshattery, sure, but this was different. From their conversation, I learned that these men were in their thirties. Absolutely pathetic to see grown men act like children.

As the matches wore on, they started getting more and more colorful with their language until they were spewing only racial epithets to anyone who didn't bend over backwards to kiss their ass. I got tired of it and told them to shut up and act their age, they of course were infuriated so I calmly informed them I'd be muting them.

So what do they do? Start a kick vote, what else. I'm second place for money earned on the map, been playing well, no team-killing or anything. But there are four of them and only two non-party members, one of which is me. So I get kicked.

Afterwards I meticulously downranked and filed reports on all of them, but it really soured me to the game and I haven't played it in a few days because of that.

I thought the Gears community was bad, but I've had worse experiences, and more bad experiences, in this game than any other.
^ That sounds awful man and ya I find most of my games to be full of dumbass elves. I'm trying to get good at being a dwarf but I suck.

Anyways we have enough CAGs with this game that we should be able to get a decent party going. Also anyone that plays with me gets the vista achievement if you haven't gotten it already.
[quote name='dastly75']^ That sounds awful man and ya I find most of my games to be full of dumbass elves. I'm trying to get good at being a dwarf but I suck.

Anyways we have enough CAGs with this game that we should be able to get a decent party going. Also anyone that plays with me gets the vista achievement if you haven't gotten it already.[/quote]

I'm pretty good at Dwarf and I'm game late nights.
yea, i couldn't stand the spastic wait screen...searc-con-searchi-coneecti- for about an hour i left the room until i got in one. the looks great.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']I like this game alot, but the XBL community seems to actively want to kill it with their idiocy and rudeness.

I'd say a solid 75% of the teams I land in are all Elves trying to be ninjas who refuse to buy Resurrect. In the rare (25%) case I find a well-balanced team who knows to buy Rez on everything but a Troll, half of the time (12.5%) it's an pre-organized party who, thanks to the magic of group dynamics + full anonyminity, fucking hates anyone who isn't in their party.

An example. Two nights ago I landed on a team who knew how to play. I quickly figured out that four of the six guys on the team were in a party, because all they would do is bitch about the rest of the team and mock anyone else left alive when they were dead. Typical Live asshattery, sure, but this was different. From their conversation, I learned that these men were in their thirties. Absolutely pathetic to see grown men act like children.

As the matches wore on, they started getting more and more colorful with their language until they were spewing only racial epithets to anyone who didn't bend over backwards to kiss their ass. I got tired of it and told them to shut up and act their age, they of course were infuriated so I calmly informed them I'd be muting them.

So what do they do? Start a kick vote, what else. I'm second place for money earned on the map, been playing well, no team-killing or anything. But there are four of them and only two non-party members, one of which is me. So I get kicked.

Afterwards I meticulously downranked and filed reports on all of them, but it really soured me to the game and I haven't played it in a few days because of that.

I thought the Gears community was bad, but I've had worse experiences, and more bad experiences, in this game than any other.[/QUOTE]

Holy crud! I think i was in that game. You nailed it right on the head, man. Everyone wants to be a ninja elf and no one buys res. What bugs me as well is when someone goes for the sniper build and does not communicate throughout the game save for when he dies and needs a rez. Or the guy that always needs money for a sniper rifle but never helps anyone by buying res. How about the asshats that die early and are eager to blame everyone, saying "this team sucks."

When the team is good and there is communication and teamwork this game is a blast.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']I like this game alot, but the XBL community seems to actively want to kill it with their idiocy and rudeness.

I'd say a solid 75% of the teams I land in are all Elves trying to be ninjas who refuse to buy Resurrect. In the rare (25%) case I find a well-balanced team who knows to buy Rez on everything but a Troll, half of the time (12.5%) it's an pre-organized party who, thanks to the magic of group dynamics + full anonyminity, fucking hates anyone who isn't in their party.

An example. Two nights ago I landed on a team who knew how to play. I quickly figured out that four of the six guys on the team were in a party, because all they would do is bitch about the rest of the team and mock anyone else left alive when they were dead. Typical Live asshattery, sure, but this was different. From their conversation, I learned that these men were in their thirties. Absolutely pathetic to see grown men act like children.

As the matches wore on, they started getting more and more colorful with their language until they were spewing only racial epithets to anyone who didn't bend over backwards to kiss their ass. I got tired of it and told them to shut up and act their age, they of course were infuriated so I calmly informed them I'd be muting them.

So what do they do? Start a kick vote, what else. I'm second place for money earned on the map, been playing well, no team-killing or anything. But there are four of them and only two non-party members, one of which is me. So I get kicked.

Afterwards I meticulously downranked and filed reports on all of them, but it really soured me to the game and I haven't played it in a few days because of that.

I thought the Gears community was bad, but I've had worse experiences, and more bad experiences, in this game than any other.[/quote]
Welcome to the downfall of XBL. I love the service, the friends, and the offerings, but there has got to be a way to filter through these assholes. Granted you can add them to an ignore list or give them a "bad rep", but if 20 of their asshat friends gave them a good rep you aren't going to affect their score.

It'd be nice if MS were to offer better player feedback where you could note if a person was being a jerk, using "colorful" language, or even making the game suck. For this reason alone, I try to only get into games where other CAGs are in so I can at least know I'm playing with someone decent who isn't going to try being an ass-clown.
Finally picked this up cheap the other day. Would love to get some matches going. I still have to do some training but I should be around this weekend. Thanks
so are there still a lot of people playing this online?

I'm thinking about picking this up soon after being on the fence about it for so long.
So I traded in a shit-ton of my collection and picked up Shadowrun at EB tonight.

Send me a friend request if you play. Don't forget to mention you are from CAG in some separate message or I usually delete that shit.

Sean, free up your XBL friend list so I can send you a friend request.
[quote name='seanr1221']FR sent.[/QUOTE]


GG's tonight. I really like the game so far. I'll probably run through the training missions so I can get a better understand of the game.
Had some fun with X, Ryles, Brak, and Scorch...too bad we couldn't really talk much since we were either split up or that douche with the high pitch voice wouldn't shut up or that other guy that just said "yo! yo! yo! yo! yo!..."
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Had some fun with X, Ryles, Brak, and Scorch...too bad we couldn't really talk much since we were either split up or that douche with the high pitch voice wouldn't shut up or that other guy that just said "yo! yo! yo! yo! yo!..."[/quote]

It was indeed pretty fun.

Quote of the night..

"fuck you, move out of the trailer park then talk shit, redneck hick!"

"hey fuck you man, i don't live in a trailer, i live in a double wide!"
bread's done