The Official Unofficial CAG Wrestlemania 26 wrestling thread

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A few thoughts about last week:

Flair jumping into the ring netherworld is a paradigm for what's wrong with TNA.
(Why was Destination X so bad? They should have actually showcased the X-Division... shame that the best match of the night was part of the pre-show.)

The Mizz being allowed to display 3 different gold WWE belts is a paradigm for what's wrong with WWE.

Wrestling really sucks lately... oh well, maybe Wrestlemania will be good. :]
Had Dibiase always been in that opening sequence with his catch phrase? I would think I would have noticed that before. People booing that singer. Awesome.
[quote name='asgaga']of all the american idol or singers to open with... why fantasia?[/QUOTE]

She is probably the only one who said Yes. She is desperate for cash based on that show she has on VH1.
[quote name='jp0213']Had Dibiase always been in that opening sequence with his catch phrase? I would think I would have noticed that before.[/QUOTE]
No. They put that to replace "Hulkamania is running wild" after Hogan signed with TNA.

Fine. Nevermind. Don't wanna get in trouble.
[quote name='jp0213']I wonder how long before this thread gets run over with stream requests.[/QUOTE]

What kind of vermin would want a stream? Seriously?

....hint hint.
Legacy Match Now. Rhodes has new music.

Pretty decent pop for Orton. Must suck to go from Main Eventing to second match.
Further proof that the WWE doesn't give a shit about the tag belts.

I'm not watching the PPV, so I'll live vicariously through you guys and the web reports. I'll catch it online tomorrow - too busy with Bamboozle today.
[quote name='masked lemon']I thought Orton was face now... nobodoy cheers or even gives two shits about Legacy.[/QUOTE]

Orton is face by association in this case.
[quote name='jp0213']Anyone notice the Zelda reference on Cody's boots?[/QUOTE]

He has had the tri-force on his boots for ages.
How bad is it when you forget that it is Wrestlemania Sunday?

I can't believe the pop Orton is getting. If WWE was smart, they would push him like Austin.
I'm curious if the tag title match got shortened so they could add the Diva tag match. That could be about the only match you could easily shorten it.

[quote name='The Truth 34']He has had the tri-force on his boots for ages.[/QUOTE]
Never noticed, hmm.

This seemed short too. Man. It was good to see Orton win though.
The announcers repeating the same phrases over and over again makes me feel like I'm playing a video game.

I don't think I've seen Randy do that pose since like 2007.
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