By the waaaay, I've got a way to get american silver gamertags (still unrelated to any xbox) with 6000 microsoft points ready to use. I don't open a thread just yet for this since I'm just seeing if ppl is actually interested.
Now, I was wary at first... but I got two incredibly cheap ones and I used one, I bought without any kind of problems Resident Evil 5, FEAR 2, and Dead Rising (course I payed for the account, but compared to what I'd pay for 6000 MP, it's a bargain.), and so I give the other one in exchange for a 1 year gold account redeemable code.
I realize this kinda sounds like a scam all the way from ther beginning, I don't blame ya, but it works and it's 100% legal, don't ask me how the hell I get them so cheap cuz I'd be losing the business. Hell, maybe you guys already know about this 6000 MP thingie, I dunno, if so, then you know it works just well.
So, I'm willing to give the account's details to test and use to a trusted MOD in the forum BEFORE I get the code for the gold thingie, which I need more than the 6000 MP now :]
Once you've seen it's all perfectly legal and working, if more users want similar gamertags, I guess I can get more and sell them through paypal.
So PM me if you're interested... or post here if you want it to be public xD