The Randy "The Ram" Robinson Wrestling Thread

Okay so Melina wins the Women's Strap & Swagger retains.

I'm 1-1 so far. Though to be fair I didn't really care to think about teh women's match and decided to randomly back my Hometown girl.
Okay, interesting bit of storytelling...

JBL tells Shawn that if he wins the belt, JBL will pay him all the money is owes him tonight and all the money he would have paid him in the future, thus freeing Shawn...

Then Shawn bumps into the Undertaker, who tells him "It's hell getting into heaven"

Well, pretty obvious where this is going now.

Shawn is going to wrestling hell. Say hi to Daniel Benoit while you're there, Shawn (turns out the cops had it wrong about Chris, it was Daniel all along. The bibles were the key).
[quote name='Sporadic']Now the jackass cut out the audio and is plugging his site :roll:

It's in the name and yet he talked over the entire video package.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, what a jackass for providing a video stream of a PPV. :lol:
[quote name='mykevermin']Cena's on offense for 90 seconds and gets an offensive maneuver in.

"You can feel the momentum suddenly shifting!" - Michael Cole[/QUOTE]

Maybe Cole just moved his chair around?
Lame lame lame...

For a second I thought they would do the perfect booking...

Sweet chin music to JBL

Then one to Cena, then Shawn throws JBL on top for the pin...

Then JBL stiffs Shawn on payment and they feud at Wrestlemania for the belt.

But that might kick a little too much ass, so we can't have it. Besides, the fans love Cena so much.
Bah. I knew Cena was going to win, but there *had* to be a better way to do it than have him move first even though JBL got hit almost a full minute beforehand.

Oh well. I'm 3 for 3 at this point, though.
No DQ in a title match? I guess they wanted to be subtle about Christian's return.

EDIT: I must've missed something. Why is CM Punk in Jeff's corner? Oh wait, that's Chavo.
Gotta love the "We want Christian" chants. I bet a McMahon is going to throw a tantrum backstage and blame it on a 'leak.'
[quote name='keiblerfan69']Jeff couldn't make it to the match, Itchweed came instead.:lol:[/quote]

I don't know what that means and I'm grateful for that.

[quote name='TheRock88']Nah, I'd say he looks more like the Misfits[/quote]

Yeah, I see that more now that you mentioned it.
I kept expecting the ref to rip off his face makeup similar to Mission Impossible 1 for a Christian reveal. I like this outcome way better.
Guess that was kind of obvious - don't know why some of you guys are thinking it's some amazing, out-of-nowhere swerve. I was hoping they'd go the Christian route instead. Oh well.
After seeing those last two title matches, why is it we single out TNA matches for being overbooked?

EDIT: :rofl: at the after-the-fact "it's obvious" crowd. I, for one, can't wait to say "oh, you're surprised _____ won the Royal Rumble? That was totally obvious." Only after the match is over, of course.

[quote name='mykevermin']After seeing those last two title matches, why is it we single out TNA matches for being overbooked?

EDIT: :rofl: at the after-the-fact "it's obvious" crowd. I, for one, can't wait to say "oh, you're surprised _____ won the Royal Rumble? That was totally obvious."

Ha ha.[/QUOTE]

I didn't figure that for the ending until Matt called for another chair. But anyone who says this is obvious is lying.
[quote name='mykevermin']After seeing those last two title matches, why is it we single out TNA matches for being overbooked?

EDIT: :rofl: at the after-the-fact "it's obvious" crowd. I, for one, can't wait to say "oh, you're surprised _____ won the Royal Rumble? That was totally obvious." Only after the match is over, of course.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck? Matt heel turn has been talked about for weeks now. And if you didn't figure on it happening beforehand, and still didn't know what was going to happen the minute he showed up at ringside, you don't know dick about wrestling history.

You sound like you're bitter that you didn't see it coming or something. It's just pro wrestling. Relax.

But anyone who says this is obvious is lying.
:lol: Didn't know we had so many easily misled people around here.
I didn't see it either. It makes *sense*, mind you. From a storyline standpoint.

But I'd lie, like the others here, if I said I saw it coming.

Now I'm worried that we'll have to watch Matt v. Jeff. Those two can't wrestle each other for shit.
[quote name='KaneRobot']What the fuck? Matt heel turn has been talked about for weeks now. And if you didn't figure on it happening beforehand, and still didn't know what was going to happen the minute he showed up at ringside, you don't know dick about wrestling history.

:lol: Didn't know we had so many easily misled people around here.[/QUOTE]

Figuring it out "the minute he showed up at ringside" =/= "obvious." Figuring it out weeks ahead of time? Then we'll talk.

It's obvious Undertaker wins at WM. That's about it.

EDIT: If I'm bitter, I wouldn't be the one having fun and enjoying myself. I'd be cynically defending my professional wrestling clairvoyance. You figure out who's doing which. :lol:
I liked how well JR and Tazz sold the betrayal.

Anyway, yay Edge. Doesn't this win put him at #3 on the list of most WWE title (either) wins behind Rock (9) and HHH (12)?
It was pretty obvious a few weeks ago but by not pulling the trigger then, it was a decent swerve, only becoming obvious when Matt told Jeff to grab the 2nd chair. Decent match up until that point, and agreed that a Jeff/Christian vs. Matt/Edge feud would be interesting.
[quote name='mykevermin']Figuring it out "the minute he showed up at ringside" =/= "obvious."[/QUOTE]

Ha. It was going to be one of two outcomes - Christian shows up, or Matt turns heel. Just because there are two options instead of one doesn't make it any less obvious. You still know what's coming.

You want to shock me? Put Jeff over clean in the middle.
bread's done