The Road Warriors' Wrestling Topic

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Kevin Dunn is a fucking idiot and Vince is a moron for hating on the Test/RVD match. Just let Heyman run the show and keep promoting it. Of course ratings are not where you want them to be, but when you stunk up the joint for the first few months and turned a hell of a lot of people off of the product it will take a long time before they come back to watch your product. I don't think pulling in a 3.1 for your first broadcast gives any weight to people not identifying with the brand, but rather states that people thought ECW was shitty and would rather watch something like Nip/Tuck instead.

Except for last week, ECW had been the best hour of wrestling on TV for about a month. Shame that it is going to get ruined.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Has RAW been worth recording lately? I haven't watched it since Sept. 4th and I am debated about setting my VCR for this instead of football.[/quote]

Well, the game tonight is going to be a blowout. The Bears will score 40 points and the Cardinals will be lucky to break 10.
[quote name='2Fast']Well, the game tonight is going to be a blowout. The Bears will score 40 points and the Cardinals will be lucky to break 10.[/quote]

God I hope so, I need Grossman and Berrian to go off. But anyway a blowout football game has got to be better than Raw has been lately. Espcially with the guests on tonight. Bring back Arquette.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']That's good enough for me. Setting my tape now. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yep, same here.

In other news, my brother picked up the TNA Sting DVD today. I just watched the "life story" portion of the main feature, and the bonus features. Really good DVD from what I've watched so far.

Has anyone seen that "Sting: Moment of Truth" movie? I like seeing biographical pieces on wrestlers, and I was thinking of renting this movie.
WTF is with these "celebs" showing on Raw & Smackdown?

Raw: the Jackass crew & K-Fed

Smackdown: Nick & Aaron Carter

I wouldn't even call them B-list celebs, more like D list.
TripleH, HBK, and DX entrances are up at (they're updating more regularly than 360.ign, and the entrances are, more or less, identical on each version).
[quote name='tangytangerine']WTF is with these "celebs" showing on Raw & Smackdown?

Raw: the Jackass crew & K-Fed

Smackdown: Nick & Aaron Carter

I wouldn't even call them B-list celebs, more like D list.[/QUOTE]

I have no problem with them showing up since
K-Fed gets FUed

that is just about the only thing I will ever cheer Cena for.
[quote name='mykevermin']TripleH, HBK, and DX entrances are up at (they're updating more regularly than 360.ign, and the entrances are, more or less, identical on each version).[/QUOTE]

The DX entrance is probably the best one yet. Hell I like it more than the one they use for TV (the way they cut back to the video and such is really cool).
[quote name='mykevermin']TripleH, HBK, and DX entrances are up at (they're updating more regularly than 360.ign, and the entrances are, more or less, identical on each version).[/quote]
Looks like they finally fixed two things I had a problem with 2006, HBK's pants(he had the old ones) and Triple H's beard. Still haven't fixed that Triple H no longer has a 6 pack, but a keg :).

I do have a problem with the DX entrance. In the video, there's nothing with HHH or HBK in it.
The wife comandeered the telly and is watching Shirley fucking Temple, so I'll watch Raw another time. No big deal, as Phoenix Wright came in the mail today.

Make some good goddamned decisions with your Cyber Sunday votes, people. My tickets just arrived today.
So what did I miss so far? I forgot it was Monday.

[quote name='mykevermin']Make some good goddamned decisions with your Cyber Sunday votes, people. My tickets just arrived today.[/QUOTE]

You shall have Jeff Hardy vs Super Crazy.

That would be an insane flipping/botch match.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I wish we could banish all the people in the ring right now to another dimension[/quote]

And fire whoever booked them. Unless it's Wrestlemania, keep celebs out of wrestling.
I'm not watching Raw tonight, but judging from the spoilers I'm expecting Robocop to save DX from Edge and Orton and David Arquette is going to pin Cena for the title.
[quote name='Sporadic']You shall have Jeff Hardy vs Super Crazy.[/QUOTE]

nice! who are the other candidates? Masters, Carlito, and Nitro?
[quote name='CaseyRyback']rob conway[/quote]

damn they really have him low now.... i turned away for a sec and the match was over

wow that dx entrance was awesome
[quote name='mykevermin']nice! who are the other candidates? Masters, Carlito, and Nitro?[/quote]

Don't know. But if you watch the promo commercial for it, it seems like they're hinting at splitting the DX vs. Edge & Orton match into 2 matches, where Edge would face HBK & Triple H would face Orton.
Awesome. Decided to avoid spoilers and watch Raw straight through and got hyped for Austin.. 9:48 and I check the spoilers, and he did nothing. Yay!
I can't tell if Umaga was stiffing the Jackass guys; they'd be too high on meth to "sell" if he was kicking the shit out of them for real anyway, so I suppose it's moot.

Amusing show. Not bad, not good. Worth it for K-Fed getting the FU; is it silly? Yeah, but it's going to be in a lot of tabloid-esque publications over the next week, so it's free publicity without David Arquette as the champ.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']In other news, my brother picked up the TNA Sting DVD today. I just watched the "life story" portion of the main feature, and the bonus features. Really good DVD from what I've watched so far.

Has anyone seen that "Sting: Moment of Truth" movie? I like seeing biographical pieces on wrestlers, and I was thinking of renting this movie.[/QUOTE]

Its more of a bio-movie actually. Its not too bad - has the usual cheesy acting, extremely cheesy editing, very stereo typical movement of the plotline, and so on and so forth that you would expect from a Christianity film. The most hilarious parts of the film are:

A) That the film maker actually got the WWE to let him use archival WCW footage at certain parts of the film.

B) There are scatter crowd shots through out the film that you can tell point blank were done at the TNA Nashville Asylum. Its a dead giveaway when you see several AJ Styles, Raven, and Abyss shirts amongst the crowd.

C) Since when did Chris Harris, Abyss, and Kevin Northcut work for WCW? :lol: Furthermore IMDB only credits Abyss as being in the film... TWICE under the names Chris Parks (his real name) and Chris Justice (one of his older gimmicks). At least I can excuse the Jeff Jarrett vs Sting footage at the beginning of the movie being shot at the Asylum as it was protraying Sting circa 2003.

Its not a bad movie overall. I have a feeling that the TNA "Return Of An Icon" does a far better job at Sting discussing his career than this film did but its not a bad one to watch after watching "Icon."

I should find where that autographed Sting poster I got with my DVD went as I preordered my copy via the publisher back in 2003. :D
So I was watching raw off my Tivo and then Kevin ferderline comes out to the ring. I promptly deleted wrestling from my Tivo. Worst raw ever, very simple.
Holy hell.

I recorded RAW instead of the best game of the year on Monday Night Football.

In Seinfeld's voice, "I'm such a jackass..."
That's great, the spirit squad finally has a rift, and it's off camera! Awesome work guys... let's put a Nitro/Milena shit fest promo on instead. Nuts to you Vince. Nuts to K-Fed too.
[quote name='Graystone']So I was watching raw off my Tivo and then Kevin ferderline comes out to the ring. I promptly deleted wrestling from my Tivo. Worst raw ever, very simple.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad I forgot this was even on... sounds like it's starting to border on WCW stupidity.
I see Steve-o was laughing like an idiot, but picking him up and trying to slam him on his neck... :roll: Jamal is still a f*cking idiot I see. When will this douchebag get fired? Seriously, what the f*ck is wrong with McMahon? Is it even McMahon's doing? Who the f*ck is responsible for this utter shit on my f*cking tv every monday? I'm sick of this, I encourage everyone to turn the channel everytime an Umaga match comes on.

Hell Myke, maybe you have some pull in the cincy area, you are professor murder afterall, try to get everyone at cyber sunday to just turn their back during the entire umaga match. This shit needs to stop, I for one have had enough.
[quote name='Roufuss']I'm glad I forgot this was even on... sounds like it's starting to border on WCW stupidity.[/QUOTE]

yep, I think I might stop watching WWE, I can get my wrestling fix elsewhere. I watch wrestling for wrestling not for kevin ferderline to promote something on Raw. I have TNA, and local independent wrestling on tv to watch instead.
Alright, everybody vote here...

Cyber Sunday match that would draw the most money:

Option A - Cena vs Show vs "King" Booker
Option B - Cena vs RVD vs "King" Booker
Option C - Cena vs Show vs Batista
Option D - Cena vs RVD vs Batista

Gee... I don't think anyone is voting for option a or b. So, why does this "King" Booker jibba-jabba continue?

Oh, and is it just me or does anyone else think that Maria could be the "next" Trish? She has the right look, right charisma, and fans just genuinely like her. Sure she can't wrestle for tits right now, but nor could Trish when she was managing T&A.
The more I think about, the more inclined I am to pass on Smackdown vs. Raw 07. Also, I haven't had the tolerance to watch a whole Raw in quite a while, good grief it's been horrible.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Well, Raw sucked tonight. Why am I not surprised?[/QUOTE]

You want to know what the GOOD news of the night is....

Really... do you?

Keep reading

No... do you really want to know?

Keep going

No no no.... do you really want to know?

Keep going further

No no no orly.... do you absolutely want to know?

Its so huge I must keep teasing you

Okay here it is....

..... your just a few days away from TNA Impact on Spike TV. Oh, and I save 15% on my bus fare insurance by switching to Geico.
At this point they should just air episode of Raw from 1998-2000 and be done with it.

I was going to stay up and watch the whole thing on my tape tonight but I think I'll just check out the new intro song.

*EDIT* Wow, that new Raw intro is weak as hell. They should just go back to the Anthrax theme, or even the "Beautiful People" theme they used on Smackdown a few years ago.
everyone answer my poll question, god dammit.

I wish they'd go back to the original RAW IS WAR theme, by the by. I liked that sirens business and so forth.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']everyone answer my poll question, god dammit. [/quote]

Option A - Cena vs Show vs "King" Booker dag nabbit...:lol:
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']everyone answer my poll question, god dammit.

I wish they'd go back to the original RAW IS WAR theme, by the by. I liked that sirens business and so forth.[/QUOTE]

What about the classic first theme... and hell, why not have the old clips in the background like Razor Ramon and Bret Hart? :lol:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Option A - Cena vs Show vs "King" Booker dag nabbit...:lol:[/quote]


And you've reminded me of my dear goat, Billy. Billy was the goat I had in Animal Crossing, easily my favorite character. His house was filled with nothing but toilets, and he started off saying, "Daaaag nabbit" until I changed that to "Blow me!" He was always so cheerful, and always wanted oral pleasure. He even taught the little french frog that lived next door to him to say "Blow me!" as well, then they even got matching "Blow me!" shirts. I miss playing that game.
Chris Harris actually was in WCW. He was featured on the latter-day Saturday Night shows, and played one of the fake Stings that attacked Sting at the 2000 Halloween Havoc PPV. I thought Raw was pretty good tonight, except for DX. The IC title was helped a bit tonight after being rendered basically worthless last week. Jeff has been on fire since coming back to WWE, and the IC title has benefited greatly from him holding it since folks care about him. Also, those changes to ECW aren't final yet, and I wouldn't mind them nixing the "extremist" term, since it is fucking stupid beyond all belief.

Here's a quick note from the newest (10/16) Observer - WWE sent TNA a letter stating that they can't call the ankle lock "the Angle lock", nor can they use the "Angle slam" name, or "Wrestling Machine", "The Machine", or anything with "Machine" in it. They'll let him use the mouth guard, but he can't have "the Machine" on it". They probably won't be able to use the Olympic slam name since the Olympic committee nixed WWE using it, although I could personally see them using it for a little while and hoping they don't get caught.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']*EDIT* Wow, that new Raw intro is weak as hell. They should just go back to the Anthrax theme, or even the "Beautiful People" theme they used on Smackdown a few years ago.[/quote]
What Anthrax song? Do you mean Union Underground?

As for Raw, watched it in the middle in night since I couldn't sleep. My god that had to be the most horrible Raw they have ever done. When will WWE learn to keep Melina & Nitro off the mic?

As for the Jackass people, read the spoilers, Steve-O was laughing during the shots(they edited that out), so Umaga stiffed them so he would shut the hell up.

I'm surprised Hogan didn't come out to whore out his daughter's new album, since it's all over Seriously, it's got the point when he needs to keep his family's crap out of WWE and just wrestle.

After watching that, I think I'll just tape over it with this week's ECW & Impact and just tell my brother it didn't record it(since he wanted to watch it).
The I.C. match was the only shining moment of RAW.

Cryme Tyme was cool, too.
over the past 8 yrs of watchin wrestling I've come to one conclusion.... Norman Smiley's Big Wiggle owns you all!

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