The Shockmaster (And Other Things Of Wrestlecrap) Wrestling Thread

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How long before the internet backlash on Bryan starts? Stuff like tonight's "Yes Movement Protest by the WWE Universe" makes me think sooner than later.
Y'know what? I'd like to see Punk come back post-WM, seething with jealousy of Daniel Bryan, and chase him into SummerSlam for the title as a bitter, bitchy heel.

That lady in the protest with the colored hair looked like a cross between Lita and Meredith from The Office.
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Andre the Giant 30 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal?


Why not call it what it really is:

Inaugural 30 Man Creative Can't Think of Shit to Do Anything With and This Will Chew Up About 30ish Minutes of the Card Battle Royal.
I'm pretty sure it's more of a classic Battle Royal where they all start at once, not like the Royal Rumble where they all come out one by one. The 25 Diva Battle Royal at Wrestlemania XXV only lasted 4 minutes 35 seconds. Now I may be wrong, but I think this one will probably be 8-15 minutes with lots of Legends, NXT guys and some main roster guys.

Edit: Looking back, the last two big battle royals they did at Wrestlemanias (26 man @ WM26 and 23 man @ WM27) were both held during the pre-show and both matches lasted less than 9 minutes.

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Andre the Giant 30 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal?


Why not call it what it really is:

Inaugural 30 Man Creative Can't Think of Shit to Do Anything With and This Will Chew Up About 30ish Minutes of the Card Battle Royal.
Nah, it's more like a 30 Man "this way no one can bitch about not getting a PPV payday" Battle Royal. Probably be mostly jobbers and eventually won by the Big Show as a tribute to Andre the Giant.

How long before the internet backlash on Bryan starts? Stuff like tonight's "Yes Movement Protest by the WWE Universe" makes me think sooner than later.
Well, they could have him turn heel at Wrestlemania as a "he knew what was best for business" move. That would certainly piss off the IWC.

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Inaugural 30 Man Creative Can't Think of Shit to Do Anything With and This Will Chew Up About 30ish Minutes of the Card Battle Royal.
Call it what you will but I actually like the idea... The roster is to big for everyone to have their own singles match and, truth be told, the roster is full of talented people who shouldn't miss out on Wrestlemania. So, yeah, all for it.

I'm just slightly annoyed that Big E will be in it when he should be defending his damn belt... (No complaints if he does double duty.)

RAW stuff, disappointed to see the stipulation added to Trips and Bryan's match. If they can do it for Bryan why not Punk? (Though I guess it could be argued that still wouldn't be headlining MW.) And now said match will be very predictable in its outcome...

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RAW stuff, disappointed to see the stipulation added to Trips and Bryan's match. If they can do it for Bryan why not Punk? (Though I guess it could be argued that still wouldn't be headlining MW.) And now said match will be very predictable in its outcome...
I think it's hindsight to think this was on the table when Punk left. I'm sure at the time WWE corporate was thinking that Batista/Orton would be hella over. Bryan's only getting added in because Batista/Orton is getting over like a fart in church. They couldn't have predicted the reaction at the time.

I think it's hindsight to think this was on the table when Punk left. I'm sure at the time WWE corporate was thinking that Batista/Orton would be hella over. Bryan's only getting added in because Batista/Orton is getting over like a fart in church. They couldn't have predicted the reaction at the time.
What they should have done is had the stip be if Daniels wins he takes Batista place in the main event. WrestleMania main events should NEVER be a triple threat match. It just takes away from the grandness of the whole event. I just hope this match ends Mania so I can turn it off when it starts and not miss anything.

I can see what you're saying, and I remember being bitter that HHH "needed" a three-way to put over Benoit as the champion at WMXX. The idea is that Benoit couldn't beat HHH unless there was someone else there in the ring, too. IIRC, they put the belt on Orton within a few months anyway, which perhaps underscored that Benoit < HHH, one-on-one. (in the sense that the low-man on the Evolution totem pole was superior, one-on-one, to the guy who beat HHH in a three-way.)

In the case of today, how do you book Batista out, since he "earned" his spot at WM?

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I'm guessing this leads to Orton getting pinned and losing the belt, which in turn leads to Bryan/Batista at Summerslam.

The big pay off for this angle is coming, though... for real this time! ;)

I can see the WWE pissing a ton of people off by having Trips beat Danielson. Or Orton retaining the belt since as of right now they've been having Orton lose to pretty much every one under the sun on TV same as they did going into Elimination Chamber.

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In the case of today, how do you book Batista out, since he "earned" his spot at WM?
Just have something come up where Daniels says how HHH just keeps putting his buddies in the main events, etc. and since Batista is one of HHH's boys his spot will be on the line. Something like that I dont know. Honestly I think a Batista v Daniels match would be a bigger heat getter than Orton v Daniels, but since the belt is on Orton they would need to stay with that.

I am not going to be too angry about any of it though. Ive begin to get used to the fact that WrestleMania is now more about the event itself than any of the matches on the card. Its just something to market the talent they have at the moment, and not really to give fans their dream matches like it once was.

Fair points.

WM is the broadest appeal event of the year by far, so I don't think any of us should expect 4 hours of mat classics.

I legited laughed out loud at Lashley saying "NO!" in that video. Caught the attention of folks in my dept. Way to go, chum.

Not that my opinion matters any, but I'm tired of this whole yes movement and have been for a while. I really enjoy Daniel Bryan but this angle just has gotten boring to me. I was out of watching wrestling for like a decade, I just didnt have time. I miss most of the attitude era and have only in the last 3 years started to watch some indys (thank to you guys and your recommendations) KaneRobot mentioned:

How long before the internet backlash on Bryan starts? Stuff like tonight's "Yes Movement Protest by the WWE Universe" makes me think sooner than later.
I felt like I got to that point a month ago. I don't care about Batista at all and don't wanna see him win. I don't mind Randy Orton but I rather see him keep the belt just to annoy people. We are supposed to hate Orton, if he keeps the belt after Mania he will get heat and it works. Honestly I hope they give the belt to Bryan just so we can move on. I will watch Wrestlemania because i like to see things play out and I'll continue to watch until i have a girlfriend again. Still for being Wrestlemania 30 the Card looks boring as heck.

I'm going with Bryan beating Triple H but I'm not sold on him winning the main event.  They really just need someone in that main event that's going to get cheered. 

Batista audibly coughing and breathing heavy on the apron during a tag match last night should be indication enough that he's not up to doing a 15 plus minute main event match yet.

Then again Triple H didn't even lose to Sheamus at Wrestlemania...he waited until Extreme Rules.

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Dbd having to do double duty (assuming he wins) just tells you all you need to know about this mania and how bad it is.

Andre the Giant 30 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal?


Why not call it what it really is:

Inaugural 30 Man Creative Can't Think of Shit to Do Anything With and This Will Chew Up About 30ish Minutes of the Card Battle Royal.
My thoughts exactly.

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I'll watch it if it turns up on Netflix/Hulu/The Network (that wouldn't be a terrible idea to add content, put some WWE studio films on there).

I just caught up on Raw and man that Daniel Bryan segment was a little extreme considering all Taker did a couple years ago was tell HHH that Shawn was better than him. I guess Bryan wasn't paying attention. Could've had the match a long time ago.

In all seriousness, that was a fairly entertaining Raw episode but I'm worried for Mania.

Has anyone had a chance to watch this gem?  Curious if its worth the watch just for the stupiditiy.


I do hope one of the ghosts says "You cant see me" to Cena.  Cena punches the ghost in the face and says, "No, You cant see me!"

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I don't think the WWE Scooby Doo movie comes out til March 25th. I plan on renting it and making all of my wrestling friends watch it with me.

See if you can tell who the 2 people are that are arm wrestling in this new KFC ad.  :razz:


Just plain weird to see wrestlers in a KFC commercial.

The Scooby Doo Wrestlemania movie came out today on Amazon Instant Video and iTunes. Which is kinda weird since they've been advertising it heavily for the 25th with no mention of an early digital release. Anyone brave enough to pay full price? I was thinking about watching it whenever it hits Redbox or the $5 bin at Wal-Mart.;qid=1394586835&amp;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=scooby+doo+wrestlemania+mystery
I'm totally in for $5 or less but 15/20 is a bit steep.

Rumor has it AMC is in talks to buy WWE. With Breaking Bad and Mad Men ending, WWE programming could help AMC retain some high numbers. 

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Previously, on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon finds his way into what appears to have once been a wrestling show.... Oh wait, that's TNA.

On a side note, Santana Garrett (aka "Brittany" ugh) on Impact tonight. fuck. Yes. I'll watch.

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All they have to do is look at RIng of Honor to see how a tv network buying a wrestling company can go wrong.  AMC would probably cut their production budget and talent(but hey, JTG would finally be released :razz: ).  If it happened, I'd hope that WWE Studios would be shuttered, just so there's no crappy movies from them.

Still idiotic that network that used to be just a movie channel is now considering buying a wrestling company.

All they have to do is look at RIng of Honor to see how a tv network buying a wrestling company can go wrong. AMC would probably cut their production budget and talent(but hey, JTG would finally be released :razz: ). If it happened, I'd hope that WWE Studios would be shuttered, just so there's no crappy movies from them.

Still idiotic that network that used to be just a movie channel is now considering buying a wrestling company.
I could be wrong but I dont think AMC is trying to buy the WWE. I think they are trying to buy the rights to air Monday Night Raw on their channel. Correct me if I am wrong.

It pays to be friends with CM Punk.
Andrew WK is friends with CM Punk?

But seriously, it's pretty funny that the guy doesn't take a bite out of the one that was in the other dude's hand. He fills his mouth with the first one he was holding and then makes the motion to bite the second one. Teehee.

I could be wrong but I dont think AMC is trying to buy the WWE. I think they are trying to buy the rights to air Monday Night Raw on their channel. Correct me if I am wrong.
There were talks of AMC getting the rights since last month. But rumors broke out on some business sites today that AMC is considering actually buying WWE(which would be valued right now near $3 billion with the stock). Although I think the McMahons still have a majority control of the stock, so it wouldn't go through unless they wanted to be done with the company.

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There were talks of AMC getting the rights since last month. But rumors broke out on some business sites today that AMC is considering actually buying WWE(which would be valued right now near $3 billion with the stock). Although I think the McMahons still have a majority control of the stock, so it wouldn't go through unless they wanted to be done with the company.
Thatd be crazy if Vince decided to sell. Especially when Stephanie and HHH seem keen on running things now.

Rumor has it AMC is in talks to buy WWE. With Breaking Bad and Mad Men ending, WWE programming could help AMC retain some high numbers.
Could this rumor have something to do with CM Punk appearing on AMC this Sunday? He will be a guest on "Talking Dead" at 10, the show that follows The Walking Dead.

I would be okay if Vince sold WWE to AMC. Anything for a real change to the product. 

Does anyone really believe that things will change for the better once Stephanie H and The Nose take over (after Vince dies because he will probably have final say until he is a skeleton in the ground)?

That said: I haven't watched the product since 2013 and haven't even watched YouTube clips in a month or two. Some people here whose opinions I trust seem to like it, so maybe it's just not for me anymore.  I mean, it took over 20 years for me to finally quit WWE, but here we are. And I'm more than happy with PWG's release schedule. That's basically all the time I have for wrasslin.

I was looking at that on my phone and thought it was an actual statue. Now that I'm seeing it on a larger screen I realize it's just a drawing, which is kind of disappointing.

Reigns appears to be the wrestler I've decided to confuse with musicians. Every time I see the guy, I still can only think of that bass player from Metallica. Not that they even look that much alike necessarily, but in my head they may as well be the same. Then again, I have the same problem when thinking of Mr. Wizard and Mr. Drummond.
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WWE's new Scooby-Doo: WrestleMania Mystery DVD and DVD/Blu-ray combo pack is already out in Walmart stores and as noted, is available on iTunes also. It officially releases on March 22nd. There are rumors of an appearance by Scooby on an upcoming episode of RAW.
All I can think of when I read that is

Or shove Batista into a Scooby Doo costume :rofl:

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You really think Vince would sell his company to anyone?  He's not Ted Turner.

And Stephanie would kill him.  Take her performance on Monday's RAW, mecha-zilla it, and then multiply it by infinity.  

Although it would be pretty funny that HHH married her and didn't get the company.  No chance, that's what you gots.

You really think Vince would sell his company to anyone? He's not Ted Turner.

And Stephanie would kill him. Take her performance on Monday's RAW, mecha-zilla it, and then multiply it by infinity.

Although it would be pretty funny that HHH married her and didn't get the company. No chance, that's what you gots.
I would love to see him sell it specifically for this reason. You know The Nose has been playing the long con and would probably lose his shit. Now—that—would be interesting.

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