The Star Trek III (Back from the Dead) Thread

Shit they must have fixed it. It was a building which obviously had the Klingon Empire symbol on the front, though it was listed as being from the Star Wars game.

Well i'm surprised they took this long to announce it. Usually with a successful movie like that, a sequel is usually announced just like that. That kinda annoys me. Directors should be given enough time to do their movies the right way, and not have the studio tell them ITS GOING TO COME OUT 2012, when they haven't even started filming yet!!!
Funny pic. Reminds me of the same scene, where Riker is waiting for the download of a E3 video or something, then it switches to some fast running montage of the Wii, and Riker looks disappointed.

I've finally started watching DS9 after I showed my girlfriend the entire run of TNG. I really, really like DS9-- and I'm just in the first season, which I'm told is "boring." I can't wait to get into the later seasons.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Funny pic. Reminds me of the same scene, where Riker is waiting for the download of a E3 video or something, then it switches to some fast running montage of the Wii, and Riker looks disappointed.

I've finally started watching DS9 after I showed my girlfriend the entire run of TNG. I really, really like DS9-- and I'm just in the first season, which I'm told is "boring." I can't wait to get into the later seasons.[/QUOTE]

For some strange reasons, the first 2 seasons of TNG/DS9/VOY look kinda muggy...even during their initial broadcast run. I really wished TNG didn't look like crap on my plasma tv :( I know TNG/VOY/DS9/TOS where all SD formats and never met for the HD era. Come on Paramount start releasing trek on Blu ray. You saw how successful TOS was on blu get cracking with ENT...that should be fairly easily to port over to blu ray since that was shot in widescreen/hd.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I've finally started watching DS9 after I showed my girlfriend the entire run of TNG. I really, really like DS9-- and I'm just in the first season, which I'm told is "boring." I can't wait to get into the later seasons.[/QUOTE]

I'm so jealous. I wish I could watch it again for the first time. Seasons 4-7 are some of the best sci-fi TV ever.
[quote name='javeryh']I'm so jealous. I wish I could watch it again for the first time. Seasons 4-7 are some of the best sci-fi TV ever.[/QUOTE]
There's some traditional Star Trek sentiment that seems to seep into the characters (I guess Star Trek is Star Trek) I'm really loving that these aren't TNG/TOS esque people dropped into a space station. At times, these people are downright pissed off-- especially Sisko. As stupid as that episode with Q was (Q, a skirt chaser, huh?) I really love the increased antagonism between Sisko and Q. Also loved Shawn Wallace as Zex the Grand Nagus.

In short, I love the show! Can't wait to get into the meatier parts of the show.
TNG used to be my favorite series, i grew up watching it. But DS9 in the later seasons i think was better. You get sick of the perfect future that TNG seems to shove down your throat. I mean in DS9 earth even gets attacked.
I thought Season 1 of DS9 was pretty boring, but Duet near the end of the season got me hooked.

I love TNG, because that's what I grew up on, and I remember at the time I struggled to get into DS9 (probably because I was young), and my Dad who I watched TNG with hated it. But watching it now, I think it ultimately is a better series than TNG.
[quote name='ananag112']What if the Star Trek Movie sequel is based on TNG? A remake of TNG in this new universe?[/QUOTE]

I have no sources, but I thought most of the cast from the first movie was already under contract for the second movie. Though, don't get me wrong, it would be awesome to see Baby Picard crawling around the vineyard.

[quote name='JolietJake']TNG used to be my favorite series, i grew up watching it. But DS9 in the later seasons i think was better. You get sick of the perfect future that TNG seems to shove down your throat. I mean in DS9 earth even gets attacked.[/QUOTE]
Agreed about the perfect future, although I really, really love TNG and its characters.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Some trek news



Also as a random bonus, one of my favorite Worf moments.
Ill start with my favorite series, episode, film, character, etc.

CaptainKirk's Favorite:
Series: TNG
Episode: Times Arrow
Film: Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan, Star Trek 2009 (close second)
Character: Kirk duh, the username lol

So everyone have fun chatting with fellow Trekkies.

Remember to live long and prosper, resist and be futile, and always cheat when there is a no win scenario.

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Series: DS9
Episode: Best of Both Worlds (TNG)
Film: First Contact, Star Trek 2009 (close second)
Character: Gul Dukat probably - he is the most interesting to me at least
[quote name='CaptainKirk']why did you merge my thread to this one? this barely has anything to do with my thread[/QUOTE]

...probably because they're both general discussion Star Trek threads. What, did we need two?
[quote name='CaptainKirk']why did you merge my thread to this one? this barely has anything to do with my thread


Because it's the same damn thread, that's why. What's so different about your thread?
[quote name='CaptainKirk']why did you merge my thread to this one? this barely has anything to do with my thread

thanks mod![/QUOTE]They're the same thread. We didn't need two.

Search function would have found the existing thread.
Courtesy of Roflrazzi, where it was appropriately titled "Every ST: Voy Episode in a Nutshell"

Not perfect, and they missed a lot of Voyager cliches that they could have made fun of, but there are some lines that are absolute howlers, to me anyway:

We arbitrarily threaten you!

Those poor, brave, nameless bastards.

A handy sub-space rupture. Again?
After Seven showed up every solution involved her pulling some sort of borg technology out of her ass.

As lovely an ass it was, but still.
[quote name='Clak']After Seven showed up every solution involved her pulling some sort of borg technology out of her ass.

As lovely an ass it was, but still.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention the fact that a few nano probes usually fixes everything. :|

I never liked the under belly shots of Voyager. They made her look too fat. The ship looked better when she didn't fold the naccels when going into warp IMHO.

Ten years since that show ended...and no one really cares. We know Robert Bertran (sp?) still hates the way they wrote his character and I agreed. Voyager should have never made it home period. It should have done something to prevent the destruction of the galaxy by sacrificing the ship and crew or send them off to another galaxy and leave the story open ended.
I didn't mind them getting home, but the way it happened was ridiculous. It's like they weren't sure if they would have them get home, and just added it in the last 5 minutes of the episode. Then that's just how it ended, they got home. No showing of their reception or what happened after they got back, nothing really.

Not to mention future Janeway and her super armor, ugh.
[quote name='Clak']I didn't mind them getting home, but the way it happened was ridiculous. It's like they weren't sure if they would have them get home, and just added it in the last 5 minutes of the episode. Then that's just how it ended, they got home. No showing of their reception or what happened after they got back, nothing really.

Not to mention future Janeway and her super armor, ugh.[/QUOTE]

It really felt like after that much build-up we should have at least seen some sort of epilogue involving their return to Earth.

Does anyone have any novel recommendations? Particularly involving the original Star Trek universe after the destruction of Romulus, or is that story completely dead now?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']It really felt like after that much build-up we should have at least seen some sort of epilogue involving their return to Earth.[/QUOTE]

It's like they ran out of money or something - what an abrupt ending. As if any episode along the way could have ended that way.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']It really felt like after that much build-up we should have at least seen some sort of epilogue involving their return to Earth.

Does anyone have any novel recommendations? Particularly involving the original Star Trek universe after the destruction of Romulus, or is that story completely dead now?[/QUOTE]

I don't have any recommendation for TOS, but I do recommend Planet X as a nice side story that merges the worlds of TNG and X-Men.
Star Trek

40 years and counting...

I myself am I die hard Trekkie.
Original Series, TNG, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Enterprise, Movies, Anything...

I wanted to create a place where people could chat about Star Trek and chat with fellow Trekkies.

A little information about me:
Favorite Series: The Next Generation
Favorite Character: James T. Kirk (username duh lol)
Favorite Movie: Star Trek II Wrath of Khan or Star Trek 2009
Favorite Ship: USS Reliant or USS Enterprise (Alt Reality)

Feel free to post the same, ask a Trek related question, info on conventions, etc.

Have fun, and Live Long and Prosper.
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That is a tribute to Ricardo Montalban, aka Khan

He has like 0.000001% to do with Star Trek as a whole (one OS episode and one movie), so this is specifically a Star Trek thread over all
No. It's a Star Trek thread that was converted to a memorial thread. I'm sure it'll be converted to another memorial thread dedicated to whatever actor that was on Star Trek passes away next.. but that's the official Star Trek discussion thread.
[quote name='MusicNoteLess']*Trekker.[/QUOTE]


Trekkers are the ones on the journey (aka actors, production staff, etc.)

Trekkies are fans
So unilaterally you've decided to trash another thread that's been here as the official Star Trek thread for as long as I can remember?

I think that's against the prime directive or something...
Maybe your right, because the prime directive is when I interfere with a LESSER entity

keyword LESSER, meaning im a better thread, so thank you

I will continue my 70,000 journey home
not the same...not a trekkie then you obviously dont belong in this thread

no offense of course, no need to be an internet thug (real life p%%%%)
Dude wtf there is already a star trek thread and a star trek online thread in the PC forums. A mod is going to either merge this thread or delete it all together.
bread's done