The Star Trek III (Back from the Dead) Thread

ST on Netflix is great. I've been going through TNG on the iPad at night in bed. I can usually do about 1/2 an episode - the first season is awful. I'm up to the one where Troi has an arranged marriage or something and we meet Lwaxana for the first time. Ugh.
Trek shows always seem to follow the formula that the first couple of seasons are fairly bad. At least with TNG, DS9, and VOY anyway. I hate seeing some of those obviously painted background in some early episodes of TNG.
[quote name='CaptainKirk']You know how stuff on instant is only up a certain time?

how long is the ST stuff up for?[/QUOTE]

Netflix= for as long as paramount and Netflix play nice with each other.

[quote name='Clak']Trek shows always seem to follow the formula that the first couple of seasons are fairly bad. At least with TNG, DS9, and VOY anyway. I hate seeing some of those obviously painted background in some early episodes of TNG.[/QUOTE]It really is amazing to me how well DS9 turned out. There were so many transparent efforts to "revamp" it early on, and that usually spells disaster. New starship, adding a cast member from TNG, everything short of a crew member in a backwards cap calling Sisko "Mr. S." And yet the show ended up coming into its own beautifully.
The best thing they ever did was let Avery Brooks shave his head and grow a beard. I always thought Sisko looked way can I put it..."starfleet" at first. He just looked really, really generic. Even his personality seemed to change some.
[quote name='Javery']ST on Netflix is great. I've been going through TNG on the iPad at night in bed. I can usually do about 1/2 an episode - the first season is awful. I'm up to the one where Troi has an arranged marriage or something and we meet Lwaxana for the first time. Ugh.[/QUOTE]

Really? I've just finished watching the first season. This was my second viewing since it originally aired on TV. And I have to say I thought it was better than I remember.

  • Boy genius saved the Enterprise in only a few episodes instead of what I thought was a lot. :roll:
  • The actors didn't seem as stiff as I thought. :)
  • I remembered most of the major plot lines. :applause:
So it was very enjoyable for me. It is also helpful that my wife wants to watch too. :lol:
[quote name='bkjohns1']Really? I've just finished watching the first season. This was my second viewing since it originally aired on TV. And I have to say I thought it was better than I remember.

  • Boy genius saved the Enterprise in only a few episodes instead of what I thought was a lot. :roll:
  • The actors didn't seem as stiff as I thought. :)
  • I remembered most of the major plot lines. :applause:
So it was very enjoyable for me. It is also helpful that my wife wants to watch too. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I'm only on episode 10 so I bet it gets better. I mean it's not unwatchable but the characters aren't fleshed out yet so they are acting a bit off. Two Q episodes already!
[quote name='Javery']I'm only on episode 10 so I bet it gets better. I mean it's not unwatchable but the characters aren't fleshed out yet so they are acting a bit off. Two Q episodes already![/QUOTE]

That's two too many, if you ask me. I shaq-fuing hate Q so much. At least on Netflix I can read the descriptions and just skip those episodes :cool:
[quote name='johnnypark']That's two too many, if you ask me. I shaq-fuing hate Q so much. At least on Netflix I can read the descriptions and just skip those episodes :cool:[/QUOTE]

Most Q episodes have Q in the title (MOST not all)


Does anyone else feel like Star Trek II Wrath of Khan is really the first Star Trek movie

and The Motion Picture is more like a Original Series finale? Might have something to do with the uniforms lol
[quote name='CaptainKirk']
Does anyone else feel like Star Trek II Wrath of Khan is really the first Star Trek movie

and The Motion Picture is more like a Original Series finale? Might have something to do with the uniforms lol[/QUOTE]

If you haven't read it, the book "Star Trek Phase II: The Lost Series" by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens is fascinating. I knew much of it, and most if not all the info is on the web somewhere. However, it makes a compelling narrative out of everything that came from the aborted Phase II series and how the first movie was formed out of it.

I found it more interesting than ST:TMP, though now I have a new appreciation for what made it to the big screen. I bought the book at a library sale with the intention of skimming through it, and ended up reading it cover to cover. There are pictures, illustrations, and treatments and scripts of shows that were never made. It's great reading.
[quote name='Javery']I'm only on episode 10 so I bet it gets better. I mean it's not unwatchable but the characters aren't fleshed out yet so they are acting a bit off. Two Q episodes already![/QUOTE]
The only good thing about the first season is Lt. Yar. She might've been the only interesting character by that point, It seemed like she was around longer but she didn't even finish the season.
[quote name='dafoomie']The only good thing about the first season is Lt. Yar. She might've been the only interesting character by that point, It seemed like she was around longer but she didn't even finish the season.[/QUOTE]

Sure she was easy on the eyes but her acting was the worst. They don't kill off interesting characters.

I loved how they brought her back in a later episode just to kill her off again. After a love affair with Shooter McGavin. Those script writers really hated her hahaha!
[quote name='camoor']Sure she was easy on the eyes but her acting was the worst. They don't kill off interesting characters.

I loved how they brought her back in a later episode just to kill her off again. After a love affair with Shooter McGavin. Those script writers really hated her hahaha![/QUOTE]
They didn't get rid of her, she quit. They went through great lengths to write her back into the show and to create the Sela character for her.

The rest of the human characters were written to be so perfect that they were sterile and boring. They didn't have anybody else who broke that mold until Ensign Ro.
Yeah, wasn't Denise Crosby upset with how her character was being written and ended up quitting because of it? I think it worked out for the best really, watching those early episodes is weird with Worf being at the NAV. He made more sense as security.
I have to say though, she does care about fans of the show. Despite having been on it only a short time.
The Sela character had SO much potential and would have been worth bringing her back several times during TNG's run.

Heck they could have brought her in for DS9, but didn't :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']The Sela character had SO much potential and would have been worth bringing her back several times during TNG's run.

Heck they could have brought her in for DS9, but didn't :([/QUOTE]

I'm glad.

I disagree about Sela. It was a bad idea, however well-intentioned. Because the crew had no idea what happened in Yesterday's Enterprise, the whole thing comes off as rather WTF. The main characters don't know how to react, and resolving the whole Romulan-ness/Tasha-ness of the character proved too difficult. She was just a Romulan that looked like Tasha and had some awkward conversations now and then.

Sela was also wasted because what do you do with her? Her very existence begs the question they can't answer: why don't you go back and rescue Tasha or, well, something. Yeah, yeah -- can't mess with the timeline and all that.

But it's already been messed with, and that's a crew member that was stranded in the past. Or, rather, an alternate timeline crew member that was stranded in the past. It's a can of worms, but it doesn't make it better by ignoring it. Oh well, alternate timelines...what do you do? La, la, la! Look, a Romulan!

Some ideas sound better on the drawing board than in practice.
[quote name='davo1224']Yar truly was one of the only multi-faceted characters for a long time on TNG. Everyone's behavior was so unbelievably predictable.[/QUOTE]

I'll disagree with this too, as well as the idea that she was the best thing about the first season. Yar's character was that she was a survivor. She wasn't raped, but she had a hard life and had to avoid/escape "rape gangs".

It's not a bad origin, but it is thin and it led to a lot of "characterization" that went like : "Ooh, something scary!" "I had a hard life" "I'm a survivor" "I'll get through this".

Denise Crosby did a good job with what she was given, but I'll bet that she wasn't looking forward to variations on this theme for years. Coupled with the general awfulness of the first season and the misfortune of having your big episode be a stinker like "Code of Honor", it's not terribly surprising she wanted to go. At the time, there was no guarantee that TNG would survive (much less reach seven years), and I'm sure she feared being labeled "that Star Trek chick" and never getting work again.

I still think the best thing in the first season was "Conspiracy". Even now, it's compelling viewing, even if they never followed up on it. It marked the introduction of a lot of things that would become big on TNG -- episodes that continued on from previous episodes, an actual sense of danger and menace, Picard getting away from the bridge. It's so different from everything else in the first season.
[quote name='Javery']I'm only on episode 10 so I bet it gets better. I mean it's not unwatchable but the characters aren't fleshed out yet so they are acting a bit off. Two Q episodes already![/QUOTE]I put TNG in the same boat as Babylon 5 for its first season.

Both shows, the first season wasn't close to good, though it did get things moving into future seasons where it was much, much better.

Make it through to Season 2 of TNG and you'll start seeing better shows. S3 and S4, as well as S5 of TNG, some of the best shows of the series.
[quote name='CaptainKirk']Was there some said back story that she was raped in the star trek universe?[/QUOTE]

Dude what the fuck?

and you call yourself a trekie?

Know your Star Trek before saying shit like that...
[quote name='ITDEFX']Dude what the fuck?

and you call yourself a trekie?

Know your Star Trek before saying shit like that...[/QUOTE]

if you were a trekkie, you would know she evaded the "Rape gangs" on her planet dummy
[quote name='CaptainKirk']if you were a trekkie, you would know she evaded the "Rape gangs" on her planet dummy[/QUOTE]

oh line in an episode constitutes an entire back story :roll:

I am talking about Sela not Tasha ....

Honestly I think DC played Sela better than Tasha...

As for the other question, I guess the writers couldn't come up with any new good stories for her to be in it. I remembered at one point there was talks about having her in Nemesis, but that got dropped real quick. There is an article or two somewhere from a few years back where they interviewed DC about playing Tasha/Sela and if she regretted leaving TNG.
[quote name='shrike4242']I put TNG in the same boat as Babylon 5 for its first season.

Both shows, the first season wasn't close to good, though it did get things moving into future seasons where it was much, much better.

Make it through to Season 2 of TNG and you'll start seeing better shows. S3 and S4, as well as S5 of TNG, some of the best shows of the series.[/QUOTE]
B5 had a lot of stinker episodes in the first season but they also had some GREAT ones, and started establishing who their characters were and where they were going very early on. The first season of TNG was just bad, mostly because of Rodenberry's influence and it didn't get better until he stepped away and people like Michael Piller came in after season 2.
[quote name='dafoomie']B5 had a lot of stinker episodes in the first season but they also had some GREAT ones, and started establishing who their characters were and where they were going very early on. The first season of TNG was just bad, mostly because of Rodenberry's influence and it didn't get better until he stepped away and people like Michael Piller came in after season 2.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you can compare Roddenberry to Star Trek

Like a race car owner to a race car driver

the owner of the car would baby it

but the driver will drive the hell out of it!
[quote name='CaptainKirk']Yeah, you can compare Roddenberry to Star Trek

Like a race car owner to a race car driver

the owner of the car would baby it

but the driver will drive the hell out of it![/QUOTE]

wow dude...just wow...........

[quote name='blandstalker']I still think the best thing in the first season was "Conspiracy". Even now, it's compelling viewing, even if they never followed up on it. It marked the introduction of a lot of things that would become big on TNG -- episodes that continued on from previous episodes, an actual sense of danger and menace, Picard getting away from the bridge. It's so different from everything else in the first season.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I remember talking about it with other kids and they thought it sucked but I thought it was majorly cool. Looking back the ending is cheesy, but the menancing start with the high-ranking captains meeting Picard in the cave was expertly done.
Just watched the episode where Data has a daughter named LOL

I was surprised that this episode is held in such high regard, the ending is good and Picard is aces as usual but the rest of it is cheesy or just plain boring. The kiss scene is funny - even funnier because it's the first episode that Riker directed and I notice he only comes in one time to get a kiss. Hahaha Riker.
[quote name='camoor']Just watched the episode where Data has a daughter named LOL

I was surprised that this episode is held in such high regard, the ending is good and Picard is aces as usual but the rest of it is cheesy or just plain boring. The kiss scene is funny - even funnier because it's the first episode that Riker directed and I notice he only comes in one time to get a kiss. Hahaha Riker.[/QUOTE]

And then is never heard from again. "She lives on in my memories" But me, or no one else on the crew ever talks about her, and I never try to construct another android.

Even with his "emotion chip" turned on, you think Data would have some sort of attachment to her.

Also that early conspiracy episode (is that the one with the worms wiggling in their necks and the things bursting out of their chests?) is followed up on, in a DS9 "expanded universe" novel. I've never read it.
[quote name='eldergamer']And then is never heard from again. "She lives on in my memories" But me, or no one else on the crew ever talks about her, and I never try to construct another android.

Even with his "emotion chip" turned on, you think Data would have some sort of attachment to her.

Also that early conspiracy episode (is that the one with the worms wiggling in their necks and the things bursting out of their chests?) is followed up on, in a DS9 "expanded universe" novel. I've never read it.[/QUOTE]

they could have done a conspiracy movie

but instead we got Baine from Dark Night Rises as Picard Jr
[quote name='eldergamer']And then is never heard from again. "She lives on in my memories" But me, or no one else on the crew ever talks about her, and I never try to construct another android.

Even with his "emotion chip" turned on, you think Data would have some sort of attachment to her.[/QUOTE]

Data copied her brain to his own so her experiences didn't die with Lahl; Data regarded her as his child, which showed a heck of a lot of attachment to me. He was willing to end his career to prevent Lahl from being taken away from him - he was willing to give up everything for her well being.

Also, Data's mom asks him about Lahl in a much later episode, so it DID come up again in the series and I believe he says something to the effect of "I may try to make another android again some day".

That episode had a lot more depth than you two saw in it.
As I continue to re-watch Voyager.... it's really too bad the ship didn't get modified permanently on the outside to help improve defenses and space travel. It sure did take a pounding over the years, but after 7 years the ship still looks fresh out of spacedock. Sure YoH showed Voyager as a wreck but that reset button wiped that out.

I honestly think the Equinox showed a more realistic protrail of damage taken over the years of being in the Delta Quadrant.

In early seasons they are always worried about finding supplies to keep the ship going but in later seasons it's like they have unlimited supplies for the warp core, photon torpedoes and so on. Heck they had enough power to build the delta flier..not once but twice.

I really had a hard time with Nelix's shuttle in the shuttle bay....yet there was enough room for that, several shuttles AND the Delta Flier?
[quote name='shrike4242']I put TNG in the same boat as Babylon 5 for its first season.

Both shows, the first season wasn't close to good, though it did get things moving into future seasons where it was much, much better.

Make it through to Season 2 of TNG and you'll start seeing better shows. S3 and S4, as well as S5 of TNG, some of the best shows of the series.[/QUOTE]

I need to watch Babylon 5 one of these days. I've seen every TNG episode many, many times. I just haven't gone through them all in order before like this.
[quote name='Javery']I need to watch Babylon 5 one of these days. I've seen every TNG episode many, many times. I just haven't gone through them all in order before like this.[/QUOTE]
You sure do, you're really missing out if you haven't seen it. Its where DS9 got all their good ideas from and they didn't do them nearly as well. The whole series is one long story arc.

Don't watch it on Netflix instant if it comes back, it was 4:3 there even though it was shot and airs in 16:9.
[quote name='camoor']Just watched the episode where Data has a daughter named LOL

I was surprised that this episode is held in such high regard, the ending is good and Picard is aces as usual but the rest of it is cheesy or just plain boring. The kiss scene is funny - even funnier because it's the first episode that Riker directed and I notice he only comes in one time to get a kiss. Hahaha Riker.[/QUOTE]
I always felt that the Riker character was created to basically be the Kirk of TNG. Since Picard wasn't going to be the brash, womanizing type that Kirk was, they needed someone else.
[quote name='dafoomie']You sure do, you're really missing out if you haven't seen it. Its where DS9 got all their good ideas from and they didn't do them nearly as well. The whole series is one long story arc.

Don't watch it on Netflix instant if it comes back, it was 4:3 there even though it was shot and airs in 16:9.[/QUOTE]

I'll be on the look out for it. I started Farscape but it's not good although I'm only about 5 or 6 episodes in...

[quote name='Clak']I always felt that the Riker character was created to basically be the Kirk of TNG. Since Picard wasn't going to be the brash, womanizing type that Kirk was, they needed someone else.[/QUOTE]

Definitely - Riker was sporting an unbuttoned blouse and an earring with his hairshirt hanging out all over the place in the episode where the females dominated the planet ("Angel One", I think it was called) and in the VERY NEXT EPISODE he was making out with the hologram in New Orleans while the Binary dudes stole the Enterprise. That dude was a player.
I always felt sorry for Picard, he must have been frustrated as hell. All the tail he ever got, that I remember, was some implied stuff between him and Dr. Crusher and that one episode where everyone was losing control and she came onto him. Then that Vash woman, that's it that I remember. Riker was banging every hot woman they came across.
[quote name='Javery']I need to watch Babylon 5 one of these days. I've seen every TNG episode many, many times. I just haven't gone through them all in order before like this.[/QUOTE]Well worth the time spent on watching it, especially seasons 2-4. Season 5 was sort of an afterthought in a lot of ways, as it had been almost abandoned by the end of S4 and it was brought back for a fifth season that was very up and down on quality.

There's more than one episode viewing guide on how to watch the show for best continuity, which includes the movie-length shows they did.

[quote name='dafoomie']You sure do, you're really missing out if you haven't seen it. Its where DS9 got all their good ideas from and they didn't do them nearly as well. The whole series is one long story arc.

Don't watch it on Netflix instant if it comes back, it was 4:3 there even though it was shot and airs in 16:9.[/QUOTE]Have to agree on that it needs to be watched on DVD for the 16:9 and not the 4:3 shown on Netflix.

I do agree about the DS9 comparisons with B5. Some of them obvious, some of them not as obvious.

[quote name='Javery']I'll be on the look out for it. I started Farscape but it's not good although I'm only about 5 or 6 episodes in...[/QUOTE]Farscape is another one that you need to make it through S1 and into the later seasons before you pass judgement on it. Especially as they pick up new crewmates as time goes along, as well as the storyline just getting so good into the later seasons.

I really suggest making it through S1 of Farscape before you pass judgement on it. Unlike a number of SciFi shows as well, it managed to get a proper ending with closure with Peacekeeper Wars, which came out a number of years after the show was canceled, and that's some of the best Farscape without question.

It's right up there as my favorite SciFi TV shows with ST: DS9 and Babylon 5.
Good to know Farscape gets better. There is so much TV to watch and not nearly enough time. I'm in the middle of Friday Night Lights (it is awesome) but going through all 60+ episodes in a row is tough and that doesn't even cover Season 5 which just aired.
I never liked Babylon 5, it always felt like some B-quality show to me. Couldn't get into Farscape either.
bread's done