The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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I was hesitating because "Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" is coming out soon, but I bought it anyways.



It's being done by Nicalis, right? Expect it by 2017. That is if it isn't bugged out to hell like their other "ports". You have no idea how angry I was at hearing THEY got the rights to do the port. Wonder how they'll manage to stick Quote in there too. Not if - how.

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Hehehe, you're just wrong for that :lol: But thanks for reminding me....



Sponsored once again by Womez:


lookin' kinda pale these days dude

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Curious - has anybody been doing much playing of Dead Island: Riptide during this FREE Weekend?

I got about 10 hours w/ it, so far. So once the Free Weekend's over in a few hours, I'll probably do my "1st Impressions" kind of thing in more details on it.

I'll keep it short, for now. There's a few new things - new campaign; new character you can be; boats; Defense type of quests; side quests to boost NPC's up when you do Defense Missions; new enemies; new equipment; etc.

But mostly - it's more Dead Island. Feels like a Dead Island DLC or expansion.
I only got to play the Prologue and a bit into Chapter 1. Multiplayer wouldn't work for some reason, so I just stopped playing it.

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Mine wasn't free, but I have about 9 hours or 28% into the main quest. I have to say, I like the addition of Raid Bosses Champions to take on in some of the Dead Zones, though I feel they're a little on the easy side. I'm a solo player and aside from over-aggressive play style or careless mistakes, I haven't had much problem with them; unlike their BL2 contemporary. The DLC/expansion description is accurate. While I do like the game (I guess I'm one of the few on here), I kind of wonder what it would have been like if they made some game progression changes similar to Mass Effect sequels. I mean where you can still import a character save to make it feel like your prior progress was worth something, but change up the gameplay to make it different. Like giving you back your skill tree points and creating some new trees/abilities. Overall, I'm enjoying it. (And if it matters, I imported a level 47 Purna for my first character and am using KB&M.)
I did play a little bit of MP, but I mostly was flying solo.

Yeah, I do like DI: Riptide - but I truly absolutely LOVED the original DI game. Mostly, that's b/c DI was something new and fresh at that time - even despite its minor problems when I played it (i.e. Version 1.3 of the original DI game). Riptide feels like it made some refinements, tweaks & a few new additions gameplay-wise to the DI formula - but, that's just about it. Storytelling feels a bit more focused, too - not that it's that great or anything, mind you. It does just enough to make you go from point A to point B - like many other APRG's; which probably makes sense, since this game does have a Co-Op MP element and they probably don't want the story to get in the way of the gameplay.

I still wish the game had improved to the levels of awesome that the first DI backwards trailer was implying that it could have w/ its storytelling - but, it don't look like it'll go that route anytime soon...or maybe even ever. Hell, some of the stories in the audio-logs are more interesting than what goes on in the game's main quest story-line! I wish audio-logs (as Lore) had more of them to actually deal w/ the main story and expand on stuff there - kind of like Bioshock games do and Diablo 3 tried to do. I guess one can dream and wish the storytelling, voice-acting and characters were anything as great as what TSW was putting out - but that ain't happening anytime soon.

Yeah, I'm not so great at the Analog game-play method for the gamepad - but I have tried it for both DI and Riptide and I do like it. I'm much better w/ the KB/mouse w/ this game series.

I also did an import - imported my Level 30-something Xian from DI to Riptide.

yea, fuck that noise

pay 4 level cap is buffoonery i can't support

It's not so much that since I think the prices are reasonable. I just got bored with Borderlands 2 after so many levels. I got the base game for extremely cheap from a friend selling me a code he got with a graphics card and only paid about $7.50 for the season pass but I couldn't manage to push myself past the first DLC. Hit the cap when it was 61, farmed 'dem legendaries and pearls but... meh. Watched a video of the new DLC and they've taken it as far as 'overleveled' enemies and weapons. That is, the cap is 72 but you will fight enemies who are 75+ and can find weapons that are '+2, +3' which means they are essentially level 74/75 weapons despite the fact you can't level that high. That grind, coupled with the fact that overleveled enemies have massive damage reduction just makes the whole affair rather tedious.

I still liked the game (and similar genres like Torchlight 2, etc.) but after a hundred or so hours I've had my fill. I can't fathom how people sink 500 or 1,000 hours into this stuff.

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My long-winded "1st Impressions" on Dead Island: Riptide during the (now-concluded) Free Steam Weekend:
Hmmm, sounds right up my alley. I'm about 70% through the first DI and loving it. For anyone who has finished #1, can I go back and do side quests once the game is done or should I take care of them all before the final missions?

Also, anyone ever heard of Dead Linger? Any good or bad press for it? And yes, only considering it because it is zombies.
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So I was all set on waiting til Dead Island Riptide was $5 to purchase, thinking the cheapest I could get it for right now was $7.50. Then I saw a guy in the trading thread selling it for a mere $7 and I caved. :oops:

In other exciting news, I got a Tomb Raider booster pack on Friday. Aiming to make 91 cents on it.

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For anyone who has finished #1, can I go back and do side quests once the game is done or should I take care of them all before the final missions?
There will be a point nearing the end that is a point of no return. The game even tells you once you reach it. So, obviously, if you have any hanging side quests, do them as you can not go back. Also, I believe there might be at least one/two side/developer's quests that can be missed through normal progress (assuming it hasn't been fixed, yet).

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It's not so much that since I think the prices are reasonable. I just got bored with Borderlands 2 after so many levels. I got the base game for extremely cheap from a friend selling me a code he got with a graphics card and only paid about $7.50 for the season pass but I couldn't manage to push myself past the first DLC. Hit the cap when it was 61, farmed 'dem legendaries and pearls but... meh. Watched a video of the new DLC and they've taken it as far as 'overleveled' enemies and weapons. That is, the cap is 72 but you will fight enemies who are 75+ and can find weapons that are '+2, +3' which means they are essentially level 74/75 weapons despite the fact you can't level that high. That grind, coupled with the fact that overleveled enemies have massive damage reduction just makes the whole affair rather tedious.

I still liked the game (and similar genres like Torchlight 2, etc.) but after a hundred or so hours I've had my fill. I can't fathom how people sink 500 or 1,000 hours into this stuff.
I loved Borderlands 1, played through to the level cap w/Brick, and played through again the the level cap w/Mordecai. Was in the middle of the General Knoxx DLC when I lost my save. So yeah, I loved Borderlands, and was soooo pumped for BL2. I didn't buy it until January, though, but I got it and bought the Season Pass on sale during the winter sale xbox live had. I liked the game, but...I don't know why, I got bored w/it pretty quickly. I think it might've been that I did some of the DLC and it left me really over leveled, I don't know. But I didn't even end up finishing my first playthrough all the way. I was right near the end, though, and sunk 40-45 hours into it. I only played 2 of the dlcs (Torgue and the pirate one). I've debated getting back into it, if only to play the Tiny Tina one, which was supposed to be pretty good. But the game just left me so disappointed. Not sure why.

There will be a point nearing the end that is a point of no return.  The game even tells you once you reach it.  So, obviously, if you have any hanging side quests, do them as you can not go back.  Also, I believe there might be at least one/two side/developer's quests that can be missed through normal progress (assuming it hasn't been fixed, yet).
Is there a guide or site that points these out? I've been trying to do all the side quests as I go along, but I know a few were sort of hidden and I still have small pockets of the city unexplored.
Is there a guide or site that points these out? I've been trying to do all the side quests as I go along, but I know a few were sort of hidden and I still have small pockets of the city unexplored.
Uninvited Guests is the one side quest I know of that can cause some issues in regards to the Developer's Crafts. See the warning at the bottom of the wiki page. As far as the point of no return it's [customspoiler=spoiler]while your at the laboratory in the jungle, but before you head to the prison. After you go to the prison, you're there till the end.[/customspoiler]
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I've debated getting back into it, if only to play the Tiny Tina one, which was supposed to be pretty good. But the game just left me so disappointed. Not sure why.
You know, I had the same feeling during my first playthough. After playing BL1, which I loved, I left BL2 (base game only) with my Siren at level 33 feeling unfulfilled. Maybe it was just too much internal hype that let me down. However, I went back after Tiny Tina's DLC dropped and for whatever reason, I fell back in love. I powered all six characters through normal mode in succession and have started my TVHM run on each. And if it wasn't for DI:R breaking up the action, that's what I'd be doing now.

You know, I had the same feeling during my first playthough. After playing BL1, which I loved, I left BL2 (base game only) with my Siren at level 33 feeling unfulfilled. Maybe it was just too much internal hype that let me down. However, I went back after Tiny Tina's DLC dropped and for whatever reason, I fell back in love. I powered all six characters through normal mode in succession and have started my TVHM run on each. And if it wasn't for DI:R breaking up the action, that's what I'd be doing now.
I know the game is kinda designed the be played this way to certain extent, but for me personally Borderlands 2 is a game I could only get thru once. Not that I didn't enjoy it, it's just I feel zero desire to go back thru with other classes or skills and continue to just grind on it.

Maybe it's because the game is always laid out the same way (stories / locations so it sorta feels the same.) Possibly I have been spoiled with games like FTL and Binding of Issac and replayability is dead to me in lots of games because of it.

Borderlands 2, still a excellent game to go thru with your friends.

You know, I had the same feeling during my first playthough. After playing BL1, which I loved, I left BL2 (base game only) with my Siren at level 33 feeling unfulfilled. Maybe it was just too much internal hype that let me down. However, I went back after Tiny Tina's DLC dropped and for whatever reason, I fell back in love. I powered all six characters through normal mode in succession and have started my TVHM run on each. And if it wasn't for DI:R breaking up the action, that's what I'd be doing now.
Hmmm. Maybe I'll try it again soon. I mean, BL1 REALLY grabbed me. Couldn't stop playing it. And objectively speaking, I can easily see BL2 is the better game. Maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for it.

Uninvited Guests is the one side quest I know of that can cause some issues in regards to the Developer's Crafts.  See the warning at the bottom of the wiki page.  As far as the point of no return it's [customspoiler=spoiler]while your at the laboratory in the jungle, but before you head to the prison.  After you go to the prison, you're there till the end.[/customspoiler]

Thanks. I'd been using the IGN guide, but it kind of sucks. That one is much better.
So I was all set on waiting til Dead Island Riptide was $5 to purchase, thinking the cheapest I could get it for right now was $7.50. Then I saw a guy in the trading thread selling it for a mere $7 and I caved. :oops:

In other exciting news, I got a Tomb Raider booster pack on Friday. Aiming to make 91 cents on it.
Oh, I think Riptide is probably worth $7.

I would've bought it, if it was *that* cheap on Steam.

If Riptide was 75% off (of $39.99), that'd only be $9.99.

You've certainly done well, beating the "75% off or better for backlogging" rule. :D

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I know the game is kinda designed the be played this way to certain extent, but for me personally Borderlands 2 is a game I could only get thru once. Not that I didn't enjoy it, it's just I feel zero desire to go back thru with other classes or skills and continue to just grind on it.

Maybe it's because the game is always laid out the same way (stories / locations so it sorta feels the same.) Possibly I have been spoiled with games like FTL and Binding of Issac and replayability is dead to me in lots of games because of it.

Borderlands 2, still a excellent game to go thru with your friends.
For me, it's just kinda what I like. For some inane reason, I like the grind and different classes is something I love in games like this because for me it adds immense replayability. Though I do tend to role play characters more, meaning I don't always use the same "winning strategy" with each character.

Hmmm. Maybe I'll try it again soon. I mean, BL1 REALLY grabbed me. Couldn't stop playing it. And objectively speaking, I can easily see BL2 is the better game. Maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for it.
I think for me, it was the initial shock of the changed up gun stats and more focus on co-op play. BL1 I feel is more solo accessible and the gun stats are pretty easy to compare. (I'm kind of a stat geek, but not really a min/maxer.) BL2 in contrast has its gun stats all over the place and unwritten effects have surprisingly major affects. I still don't like the explosion of Legendary weapons this time around as to me it makes them feel less legendary, even if they're still hard to acquire. But, once I accepted these ideas, BL2 has reasserted itself as an addictive game.
It's not so much that since I think the prices are reasonable. I just got bored with Borderlands 2 after so many levels. I got the base game for extremely cheap from a friend selling me a code he got with a graphics card and only paid about $7.50 for the season pass but I couldn't manage to push myself past the first DLC. Hit the cap when it was 61, farmed 'dem legendaries and pearls but... meh. Watched a video of the new DLC and they've taken it as far as 'overleveled' enemies and weapons. That is, the cap is 72 but you will fight enemies who are 75+ and can find weapons that are '+2, +3' which means they are essentially level 74/75 weapons despite the fact you can't level that high. That grind, coupled with the fact that overleveled enemies have massive damage reduction just makes the whole affair rather tedious.

I still liked the game (and similar genres like Torchlight 2, etc.) but after a hundred or so hours I've had my fill. I can't fathom how people sink 500 or 1,000 hours into this stuff.
I don't know how the heck gamers can do more than one playthrough of some of these LONG games (think of LONG games of 30 hours or above) one after another. After 62 hours of BL2 base game on Playthrough 1 - for now, I'm DONE. After something as big, long, and as epic as that - I need some time and space away from games of this genre, type & length least for a little while.

For me to even think of picking up DLC for BL2, it's probably gonna be a LONG while. That might happen if I can get a BL2 Season Pass cheap; Borderlands 2: GOTY Edition; or a BL2: Complete Edition (if they ever even do one) - which I guess might at least be some months from now.

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MysterD, on 29 Sept 2013 - 4:47 PM, said:
My long-winded "1st Impressions" on Dead Island: Riptide during the (now-concluded) Free Steam Weekend:

Solid-Snake-Eyes, on 29 Sept 2013 - 4:53 PM, said:
So I was all set on waiting til Dead Island Riptide was $5 to purchase, thinking the cheapest I could get it for right now was $7.50. Then I saw a guy in the trading thread selling it for a mere $7 and I caved. :oops:

In other exciting news, I got a Tomb Raider booster pack on Friday. Aiming to make 91 cents on it.

MysterD, on 29 Sept 2013 - 5:43 PM, said:
Oh, I think Riptide is probably worth $7.

I would've bought it, if it was *that* cheap on Steam.

If Riptide was 75% off (of $39.99), that'd only be $9.99.

You've certainly done well, beating the "75% off or better for backlogging" rule. :D
I caved too on Dead Island Riptide, bought it from jake for 7.50 but according to windows fancy calculator program, that's 81% off and it's actually a game I enjoy for some strange reason (thanks free weekend) also, if you leave the free weekend game running you can still play it indefinitely (well until you close it). I'm still playing the free version till Jake gifts me the paid version ;)

Super-duper Pac-Man Deluxe XP DX Campionship+ Gold GOTY HD Edition:

I have no idea what's going on. But I love whatever it is.
It's Pac-Man in the 21st century

I have put more time in to Pac-Man CE DX on 360/PS3/Steam than all of the Call of Duty games combined. If anyone has any questions on how to get good times or high scores on various levels, feel free to get a hold of me. I will be tweaking my time trails until I'm in the top 200.

I caved too on Dead Island Riptide, bought it from jake for 7.50 but according to windows fancy calculator program, that's 81% off and it's actually a game I enjoy for some strange reason (thanks free weekend) also, if you leave the free weekend game running you can still play it indefinitely (well until you close it). I'm still playing the free version till Jake gifts me the paid version ;)
I didn't cave on Riptide at 66% off - I only played it during the FREE Weekend. :p

But if Riptide was 75% off or better, I certainly would've jumped on Riptide.

About digging Dead Island games - I think it's the a few things:

1. the whole open-world thing;

2. and the ARPG thing of constantly slaughtering/killing things (zombies, in this case);

3. and the constant flow of things - constantly picking up items + weapons; repairing them; upgrading them; creating them; and modifying them.

I am known to like ARPG's or love ARPG's - even the ones people don't like or care for too much.

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Steam Daily Deal

Titan Quest games = 80% off

Titan Quest: Gold Edition = $3.99

[includes Titan Quest (base game) + Immortal Throne (expansion)]

Titan Quest (base game) = $2.99.

Titan Quest: Immortal Throne (expansion) = $2.99

[this expansion requires Steam-version of Titan Quest (base game)]
For those of you who bought the THQ Humble Bundle (and didn't have Titan Quest before), this is probably the best price you're going to get on the expansion for a while. I haven't played much of TQ, but from what I hear, the expansion is pretty much required. Fixes a lot wrong with the base game and adds lots of content. There's also apparently a fan patch that stomps a lot of the leftover bugs since the developer shut down a long time ago.

For those of you who bought the THQ Humble Bundle (and didn't have Titan Quest before), this is probably the best price you're going to get on the expansion for a while. I haven't played much of TQ, but from what I hear, the expansion is pretty much required. Fixes a lot wrong with the base game and adds lots of content. There's also apparently a fan patch that stomps a lot of the leftover bugs since the developer shut down a long time ago.

Two major fan-patches: 1.17a and 1.17b. Immortal Throne is required for both.

b is the patch for a so you can't go straight to b

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MysterD, on 29 Sept 2013 - 6:42 PM, said:
I didn't cave on Riptide at 66% off - I only played it during the FREE Weekend. :p

But if Riptide was 75% off or better, I certainly would've jumped on Riptide.

About digging Dead Island games - I think it's the a few things:

1. the whole open-world thing;

2. and the ARPG thing of constantly slaughtering/killing things (zombies, in this case);

3. and the constant flow of things - constantly picking up items + weapons; repairing them; upgrading them; creating them; and modifying them.

I am known to like ARPG's or love ARPG's - even the ones people don't like or care for too much.
So, I'm a creative, bloodthirsty, psychopath? Awesome, who knew? lol ;) The more I think about it though you're right, all the games I love have those things in common. Black and White, I loved to feed villagers to my Creature or set them on fire if they didn't believe; Fallout 3, lots of killing and blowing things up, and a sexy chandelier lol. Civilization V, pretty much the same thing but with nukes. Damn, I AM sick.

MysterD, cag psych ;)

So, I'm a creative, bloodthirsty, psychopath? Awesome, who knew? lol ;) The more I think about it though you're right, all the games I love have those things in common. Black and White, I loved to feed villagers to my Creature or set them on fire if they didn't believe; Fallout 3, lots of killing and blowing things up, and a sexy chandelier lol. Civilization V, pretty much the same thing but with nukes. Damn, I AM sick.

MysterD, cag psych ;)

SigmunD FreuD



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I didn't cave on Riptide at 66% off - I only played it during the FREE Weekend. :p

But if Riptide was 75% off or better, I certainly would've jumped on Riptide.

About digging Dead Island games - I think it's the a few things:

1. the whole open-world thing;

2. and the ARPG thing of constantly slaughtering/killing things (zombies, in this case);

3. and the constant flow of things - constantly picking up items + weapons; repairing them; upgrading them; creating them; and modifying them.

I am known to like ARPG's or love ARPG's - even the ones people don't like or care for too much.
After the bad reviews Riptide got, I never bothered trying it. I would've given it a run for free this weekend, but I'm at work, away from my gaming desktop. I don't think my measly HP laptop w/its 1.3 ghz processor could quite handle that. But I thought the first Dead Island was pretty underrated, I feel like it got a bad rap from being so disappointing after having The Greatest Video Game Trailer Ever. Totally agree w/why you dig the DI games though. Love open world games in general, usually, and the constant action keeps me interested while the ability to upgrade and modify keeps the weapons interesting.

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So, I'm a creative, bloodthirsty, psychopath? Awesome, who knew? lol ;) The more I think about it though you're right, all the games I love have those things in common. Black and White, I loved to feed villagers to my Creature or set them on fire if they didn't believe; Fallout 3, lots of killing and blowing things up, and a sexy chandelier lol. Civilization V, pretty much the same thing but with nukes. Damn, I AM sick.

MysterD, cag psych ;)
Well...things would be different, if the whole mainstream of AAA-titles were like adventure games - to the point they were not loaded w/ constant barrages of action, but instead loaded w/ more puzzles and thinking.

Maybe we'd be living in a modern-day version of adventure games mania - like those adventures by LucasArts; Sierra; Cyan Worlds; FunCom (old-school adventure games like TLJ + Dreamfall)) & Red Thread Games; and Microids. ;)


BTW - I should note that also like violent games. I also liked Black & White 1 and 2; loved Fallout 3 + New Vegas; and liked Civ 5 demo so much that I bought the game + first expansion (even though I ain't touched them since the demo - since I ain't normally a big fan of strategy games). Oh yeah - plus MK9: Komplete is bloody AWESOME.

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You've certainly done well, beating the "75% off or better for backlogging" rule. :D

I didn't cave on Riptide at 66% off - I only played it during the FREE Weekend. :p

But if Riptide was 75% off or better, I certainly would've jumped on Riptide.

About digging Dead Island games - I think it's the a few things:

1. the whole open-world thing;

2. and the ARPG thing of constantly slaughtering/killing things (zombies, in this case);

3. and the constant flow of things - constantly picking up items + weapons; repairing them; upgrading them; creating them; and modifying them.

I am known to like ARPG's or love ARPG's - even the ones people don't like or care for too much.
I played it with a mod that was linked to a few pages ago, it was supposed to increase run speed and jump height but I'm not 100% sure that took effect. I found the game very difficult and that was a different experience from Dead Island 1 for me. It ended up adding a lot of tension and really drew me into the scenario as if I was actually there trying to survive, taking each individual zombie encounter as a life or death experience. Pretty damn intense. So I'm not sure if that mod increased difficulty or what, but it was a really cool experience.

There's something about Dead Island. When given a choice in games like Borderlands, I always go long distance guns, never melee, I hate fighting up close. But in Dead Island there is only up-close fighting and for me that makes it fresh and terrifying. I like it a lot.

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After the bad reviews Riptide got, I never bothered trying it. I would've given it a run for free this weekend, but I'm at work, away from my gaming desktop. I don't think my measly HP laptop w/its 1.3 ghz processor could quite handle that. But I thought the first Dead Island was pretty underrated, I feel like it got a bad rap from being so disappointing after having The Greatest Video Game Trailer Ever. Totally agree w/why you dig the DI games though. Love open world games in general, usually, and the constant action keeps me interested while the ability to upgrade and modify keeps the weapons interesting.
I don't think the gameplay disappointed me with Dead Island at all - it was the lack of storytelling, character development, and not that great voice-acting that disappointed me. Since those were my only real (and minor) complaints with the game when I played it (Version 1.3), I just couldn't fault it too much for that.

That amazing DI trailer looked to be implying that this DI was also going to be game w/ storytelling & character development. Of course, TSW is an action-packed game that delivers that kind of storytelling and character development - not DI.

But, I don't think DI series will ever go that route.

Here's a conversation b/t me and Aubrey Norris (of Deep Silver) sometime back on Twitter about me asking if DI:R would have story-telling & character depth (and why it would NOT):

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I played it with a mod that was linked to a few pages ago, it was supposed to increase run speed and jump height but I'm not 100% sure that took effect. I found the game very difficult and that was a different experience from Dead Island 1 for me. It ended up adding a lot of tension and really drew me into the scenario as if I was actually there trying to survive, taking each individual zombie encounter as a life or death experience. Pretty damn intense. So I'm not sure if that mod increased difficulty or what, but it was a really cool experience.

There's something about Dead Island. When given a choice in games like Borderlands, I always go long distance guns, never melee, I hate fighting up close. But in Dead Island there is only up-close fighting and for me that makes it fresh and terrifying. I like it a lot.
I was having a tougher time w/ DI: Riptide when compared to the original DI, as well - dying and respawning quite a bit.

I think it could be a few things.

Not sure 100% b/c I don't know entirely how it was built and their aim entirely was. :p

I'm guessing here.

Maybe from the jump, Riptide's made to be harder - since it does feel like a continuation and expansion of DI.

It could be b/c maybe Riptide's built more for multiplayer groups, this time around.

Maybe b/c I imported my Level 37 character from DI into Riptide, the game threw bigger groups and/or harder enemies at me.

Maybe it's a few of those; maybe it's all of the above - I don't entirely know.

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When it came out, they were saying that's it's kind of an expansion. Too much content to officially be an expansion, but not enough to be a full sequel.
When it came out, they were saying that's it's kind of an expansion. Too much content to officially be an expansion, but not enough to be a full sequel.
One of those "(stand-alone) expansion-sequels", more or less.

I had around 30-something percent of the main quest done, according to the game - and that was some 10-12 hours in. Keep in mind in that 12 hours I played - I also did a fair deal of side quests, as well.

I played from a fresh character on Riptide, and it's very challenging as I described. I read a review where the author was complaining that it's too hard, and you get swarmed and have no chance of surviving, they said perhaps it was due to having imported a higher level character... I'm not so sure about that, considering mine started fresh. Although they gave me 15 skill points to apply before the game started, not sure if that was to equalize you to an imported character.

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BTW - I really like that show Wilfred. :D

It's good - and certainly "out there", to say the least.

Never heard of it but now I want to. That's the only gif of a stenographer I could find.

edit: shit's on Netflix son

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All this talk of DI: Riptide makes me think I should give it another go. Played for a couple of hours co-op at a friends house and found it really boring. But then again, I didn't like the first one either so maybe it's just not the type of game for me. 

All this talk of DI: Riptide makes me think I should give it another go. Played for a couple of hours co-op at a friends house and found it really boring. But then again, I didn't like the first one either so maybe it's just not the type of game for me.
If you didn't care for the original DI, I don't think you'll wind up caring for DI: Riptide. Riptide's basically an expansion pack (that also stands alone) that offers some tweaks and refinements; a few new things; and A LOT more "more of the same."

If you see something I mention that you don't like, it's probably why you don't like DI:

1. zombie apoclaypse;

2. a first-person perspective game;

3. very heavy ARPG elements (lots of killing for lots of different kinds of loot that you can upgrade, modify, create, & sell; and constant upgrading of your character's skills and abilities);

4. a barrage of ARPG type of questing (kill X enemies; find X location; find X people)

5. heavy emphasis of melee combat;

6. open-world game;

7. lack of storytelling and character depth.

8. voice-acting, writing, and dialogue just isn't that great.

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I know the game is kinda designed the be played this way to certain extent, but for me personally Borderlands 2 is a game I could only get thru once. Not that I didn't enjoy it, it's just I feel zero desire to go back thru with other classes or skills and continue to just grind on it.

Maybe it's because the game is always laid out the same way (stories / locations so it sorta feels the same.) Possibly I have been spoiled with games like FTL and Binding of Issac and replayability is dead to me in lots of games because of it.

Borderlands 2, still a excellent game to go thru with your friends.
If you're sporting all the DLC then you have more than enough variety to get you leveled to at least 50 without making each playthrough overly repetitive. The obligatory main missions are not terribly long. When you get bored with those, enjoy a diversion into Torque or Tiny Tina. In all but the final playthrough you'll come back to the main missions with a more powerful character and a fresh look on things.

Each of the characters are pretty distinct and I've enjoyed multiple playthroughs with each. Zer0 plays way differently than Maya or Salvador. Krieg is just tons of fun.

I'm on my 18th+ playthrough of the game and, admittedly, I am beginning to tire of the main missions. I'm pretty sure though that I will keep it installed until the inevitable BL3 to satisfy that itch to shoot stuff with my crazy guns.

If you're sporting all the DLC then you have more than enough variety to get you leveled to at least 50 without making each playthrough overly repetitive. The obligatory main missions are not terribly long. When you get bored with those, enjoy a diversion into Torque or Tiny Tina. In all but the final playthrough you'll come back to the main missions with a more powerful character and a fresh look on things.

Each of the characters are pretty distinct and I've enjoyed multiple playthroughs with each. Zer0 plays way differently than Maya or Salvador. Krieg is just tons of fun.

I'm on my 18th+ playthrough of the game and, admittedly, I am beginning to tire of the main missions. I'm pretty sure though that I will keep it installed until the inevitable BL3 to satisfy that itch to shoot stuff with my crazy guns.
18th?!?!?! Holy nutsacks.

If you're sporting all the DLC then you have more than enough variety to get you leveled to at least 50 without making each playthrough overly repetitive. The obligatory main missions are not terribly long. When you get bored with those, enjoy a diversion into Torque or Tiny Tina. In all but the final playthrough you'll come back to the main missions with a more powerful character and a fresh look on things.

Each of the characters are pretty distinct and I've enjoyed multiple playthroughs with each. Zer0 plays way differently than Maya or Salvador. Krieg is just tons of fun.

I'm on my 18th+ playthrough of the game and, admittedly, I am beginning to tire of the main missions. I'm pretty sure though that I will keep it installed until the inevitable BL3 to satisfy that itch to shoot stuff with my crazy guns.
You're a maniac =P

I have all the DLC. I just think I don't play games the same way anymore. With over 1,700 PC games and 500 console games to chose from I start to feel a LITTLE guilty if I play a game for to long. Not to say that if I find a game extremely fun and gratifying I would stop just for the sake of my backlog (my 700+ hours in Binding of Issac / 100+ hours in FTL are testaments to this.)

In general though with most AAA titles with decent stories, I play thru the campaign once and move on.

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You're a maniac =P

I have all the DLC. I just think I don't play games the same way anymore. With over 1,700 PC games and 500 console games to chose from I start to feel a LITTLE guilty if I play a game for to long. Not to say that if I find a game extremely fun and gratifying I would stop just for the sake of my backlog (my 700+ hours in Binding of Issac / 100+ hours in FTL are testaments to this.)

In general though with must AAA titles with decent stories, I play thru the campaign once and move on.
Yeah... I know that's a little nuts. But it's simply my effort to get all six characters through UVHM (3 games each x 6 characters). Frankly, I'm starting to wonder if that's a wise use of my time...

I've got a pretty sizable library as well, though I generally sink tons of time into one or two games and dabble in (but rarely "finish") twenty others. I do like to have at least one singleplayer game queued up to plug away at until it is complete.

Interesting how everyone seems to approach things a little differently.

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