The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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That's what I was hoping for as well (at least when I voted during the SSS) :) My friend bought Recettear and loved it; how is Fortune Summoners? It's the newest game but I haven't read much about it.
I don't know.

I don't own any of the Carpe Fulgur games. :(

I did try Recettear demo - and I did like the demo.

Same goes for Chantelise - I did like the demo.


Oh, has a Fortune Summoners does have a Demo. Cool.

If I don't buy the game first, I'll have to check the Demo out.

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Can anyone make any comparisons for the gameplay between the Metro and STALKER series?
I'd say the largest difference is that stealth plays a smaller role in Stalker. You have a visibility/sound meter but there isn't really a way to play through purely on stealth and you'd likely be hurting yourself to try (money, weapons, ammo, etc). The experience between the two is a lot different purely because Metro is so linear and Stalker is much more open and above ground. So you get flanked or run for cover or stumble across a pack of wild dogs whereas even the "outdoor" parts of Metro are effectively hallways with an open ceiling. There's also a lot more to explore and opportunities for witnessing or being part of something interesting due to how the NPC/enemy AI interacts.

Stalker does have weapon/gear degradation (the Complete mod allows for purchasing costly repairs for favorite items) and med-pack style healing as opposed to heal-over-time. So those will be different than Metro. And the story telling in Metro is much better; Stalker sort of throws you into a world that, when not hostile, is fairly indifferent and you'll only have a few major NPC figures giving you direction. You'll always know where to go next but not necessarily feel like you know why or could really explain what's in the water that's carrying you along. If you enjoy the "feel" of Metro though, I'd say at least play SoC and see if you like it. The series seems to go on sale often enough that you can pick up CoP later on.

I only played Shadow of Chernobyl and loved it. Started CoP but only played a half hour or so -- I think I just needed a new genre of game at that point.

Anyway, Stalker is a semi-open world survivalist FPS with slight RPG elements (mainly inventory management). It can be a bit brutal with a steep learning curve when you start but if you enjoy bleak Soviet-style atmosphere, it has that in spades. I personally recommend getting the Complete mod for it which enhances the graphics, fixes a bunch of bugs and adds a couple quality-of-life improvements without drastically altering the game.
Oh, man - thanks for posting Complete Mod.

I never dabbled into STALKER Mods - b/c I wanted to play stock-experience before modding.

I usually do that (play w/out mods 1st play-through) - and if I do a replay, I mod it up.

That is unless the game really, IMHO, needs a mod to fix something up - i.e. like Dark Souls: PTD needed DSFix just for modern resolutions + modern graphics bells & whistles; and both Precursors + White Gold just needed Wesp's unofficial patch to fix its major technical + localization issues.

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Do you really want me pointing fingers? I have ten of them ready, and I'm prepared to use my toes if necessary.

(But honestly, no thanks. The main "offender" already apologized, and I'm not gonna name names. Homie don't roll like that.)


I'm tempted to pick up both SoC and CoP, but they've been lower.  Call of Pripyat is $4.49 at GG right now, a whopping 50 cents cheaper than Steam. Or it's down to $3.60 for those with the 20% at GG.

Edit: And this version should be avoided like Salmonella typhi (thanks for bring this to my attention MysterD).

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I'm tempted to pick up both SoC and CoP, but they've been lower. Call of Pripyat is $4.49 at GG right now, a whopping 50 cents cheaper than Steam. Or it's down to $3.60 for those with the 20% at GG.

Edit: I'll appear as an eeeediot if someone already mentioned this.
Ewwww @ that version for STALKER: COP on GG listed as using StarForce for its DRM.

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Please stop cluttering this thread with pictures and other off topic posts.


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Wow.  Three pages lost to that sweep.  At least now there's no evidence I ever liked anything Idiot had to say.

And since it seems to have been swept away with the rest, I'll say it again.  Time to become a decker and run some shadows.

The Puppy Games games will have cards soon, as stated in the newletter they just sent out:

All four games in the ULTRABUNDLE - that's Droid Assault, Ultratron, Titan Attacks and Revenge of the Titans - will also imminently have Steam Trading Cards with all their associated backgrounds, badges, and emoticons available, as well as already coming with achievements, online leaderboards and Steam Cloud support. Our arcade games now work with controllers too!
Stalker sort of throws you into a world that, when not hostile, is fairly indifferent and you'll only have a few major NPC figures giving you direction. You'll always know where to go next but not necessarily feel like you know why or could really explain what's in the water that's carrying you along. If you enjoy the "feel" of Metro though, I'd say at least play SoC and see if you like it.
A good article that delves deeper in this aspect

Oh, man - thanks for posting Complete Mod.
I never dabbled into STALKER Mods - b/c I wanted to play stock-experience before modding.
No one should play SoC vanilla. Even fully patched it has a number of game breaking bugs, that don't always appear, but are endlessly frustrating when they do. I'd consider SoC w/ Complete to be the vanilla game, maybe going as far as disabling some of the things it adds to not quite make it too easy.

Also, after you have played through once, consider the ZRP and Misery mods.

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I'm  super late on this post that no one cares about, but here it goes.

My haul from SS deals:



















And too many cards, emoticons, and backgrounds.

A good article that delves deeper in this aspect

No one should play SoC vanilla. Even fully patched it has a number of game breaking bugs, that don't always appear, but are endlessly frustrating when they do. I'd consider SoC w/ Complete to be the vanilla game, maybe going as far as disabling some of the things it adds to not quite make it too easy.

Also, after you have played through once, consider the ZRP and Misery mods.
I should note - I bought and played SOC not too long after its original retail release.

Same goes for Clear Sky - though, never finished that.

I finished STALKER: COP quite a while ago.

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I don't even remember what I got from Summer Sale besides Walking Dead (Telltale's, of course).  Oh yeah, and I picked up this sleeper-hit called Bioshock Infinite 'cause the hipsters say it's good or something.

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Oh joy, my post was deleted too. So I still feel like I need to make this known (again) though... Rogue Legacy and Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack are a riot of a good time. Pure awesomeness and fun.

I also just picked up Eversion thanks to a certain CAG with coupons (Neuro5i5). This game is just strange. You play as a flower (Zee Tee) trying to rescue the Princess of the Flower Kingdom who was taken by Ghulibas. You can enter 'eversion' layers which decay/alter the landscape depending on which eversion layer you are in. It's kind of like a spin-off of a very very limited Super Mario Bros. game (the 1st world) without power-ups and level variety. The coins are gems which you must collect for some reason. This game is definitely CARDZ fodder and it's really really really short (I just finished it in less than an hour). I've played iOS games that are longer, free and better than this. But it has cards? :???:

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Who owns distribution rights for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. now that THQ's gone?  Did Nordic get it?

I don't remember seeing that detailed in the list of who got what in the auctions.

Who owns distribution rights for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. now that THQ's gone? Did Nordic get it?

I don't remember seeing that detailed in the list of who got what in the auctions.
IIRC, the rights were scattered all over the place, depending on both the Region & also b/t Retail vs. Digital versions.


THQ only sold STALKER: SOC, never Clear Sky + COP.

BitComposer was involved w/ co-publishing COP digitally.

At Retail, Clear Sky was published by Deep Silver.

GSC themselves did a bunch of self-publishing for their STALKER games digitally - i.e. Steam-versions.

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IIRC, the rights were scattered all over the place, depending on both the Region & also b/t Retail vs. Digital versions.
Ugh, that's not so good. Then again, the developer is pretty much gone now, so I guess there's just no hope for more games anyway.

Ugh, that's not so good. Then again, the developer is pretty much gone now, so I guess there's just no hope for more games anyway.
Distribution rights for that game always been a mess.

Before STALKER: SOC dropped - some of GSC went to 4A work on Metro 2033.

IIRC, GSC was working on STALKER 2 - and then, they closed their doors, after financial and IP rights problems.

I don't know who owns the actual IP, though.

Some ex-GSC dev's went to form Vostok Games to work on Suvarium - an upcoming MMO that will be the "spiritual successor" to STALKER.

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IIRC, the rights were scattered all over the place, depending on both the Region & also b/t Retail vs. Digital versions.


THQ only sold STALKER: SOC, never Clear Sky + COP.

BitComposer was involved w/ co-publishing COP digitally.

At Retail, Clear Sky was published by Deep Silver.

GSC themselves did a bunch of self-publishing for their STALKER games digitally - i.e. Steam-versions.
Thanks. I guess that explains why only Clear Sky has TAGES.

Some ex-GSC dev's went to form Vostok Games to work on Suvarium - an upcoming MMO that will be the "spiritual successor" to STALKER.
I was excited when I heard about the formation of Vostok Games, but, yeah, there are so many MMOs out there... Call me old-fashioned, but I'll take a solid single-player campaign any day.

Does anyone know of any good websites that deal with Steam Greenlight games?
One method I've found is to look at the top rated Greenlight collections. Half of them are from online publications or other media, and they usually have a write-up on those sites about why they recommend certain Greenlight games.

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Thanks. I guess that explains why only Clear Sky has TAGES.
From what I read a bit ago on Steam Forums, Clear Sky's Tages DRM is now inert.

The Tages DRM stuff is installed and comes w/ the game files, but the Tages DRM-check itself is just not active.

Maybe others who own Clear Sky on Steam can literally go ahead and confirm or deny this...?

I only have Clear Sky from Retail (Non-Steam).

I was excited when I heard about the formation of Vostok Games, but, yeah, there are so many MMOs out there... Call me old-fashioned, but I'll take a solid single-player campaign any day.
Same here. I'm usually more of a SP-guy myself.


Since we're on the STALKER discussion - looks like the original owner of GSC, Sergei Grigorovich has the IP rights to STALKER:

Whether Bethesda bought the IP entirely, license to just develop a STALKER brand game, or who knows what - yeah, who knows.

{shoulder shrug}

All they (Bethesda) said was "No comment."

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Ugh, was there another sweep? Geez, makes it blimmin' hard to keep up when you're in a different timezone. What was the problem this time?  :bomb:

To add to the speculation about card dropz, I've been idling like 3-4 games at a time yesterday and today and have been getting simultaneous drops for all those games within an hour.  Then I noticed after that an hour or two could pass with no drops, but if I just exited those and idled 3-4 other games...bam simultaneous drops for all those games within an hour. 

On the other hand I played like 2 hours of Noitu Love Dos and got 1 I said, idle one game, play Bad Rats, and loop porn in the background.  I've been getting 1 drop every second since I started.   

Well, instead of idling Gun Monkeys, I decided to play it.

Bad decision.

I jump into it, see two other people online, and get challenged by one. Okay. We go into battle, and I immediately realize that there no aiming in this game. Even though the map had platforms and a vertical element, you always hold your gun straight ahead, and fire straight ahead. Alright, that's a bit dumb, but I press on. Battles end up resulting in you and the other guy right next to each other, running back and forth firing as fast as you can, hoping that you turn around and fire just as the other guy is behind you.

I kill him a couple times, then a crate drops. I grab it and it's a sniper rifle. Cool. It fires through walls, so right after he spawns (in the same place every time) I fire it a bunch from the other side of the map, he dies. I run out of ammo, then go back to shooting him with my regular gun. All in all he kills me 3 times and I kill him 7 times over the course of the match, then suddenly a big popup says that I lost. What? Oh, we were supposed to be collecting glowing cubes and bringing them back to our base/spawn point. Nice how the game told me that. Oh wait, it didn't tell me anything whatsoever.

So I challenge him again, now understanding what to do, and we start up another match. This time I'm running all over the place grabbing cubes (which is extremely retarded, since you have to stand RIGHT above them, then spam crouch and hope that the game decides that you picked it up) and bringing them back to my base like a boss. I kill him a few times, die once or twice, all the while impeding his cube collecting. The score is 260ish to 200 with me in the lead, and I press on. We get in another fight and I kill him, and quickly rush to grabbing cubes, and somehow while he's dead, the score says he has 350 and I have 190. Uh, what? Not only did I collect more cubes than him, I also killed him over double the amount of times he killed me, so if there's some kind of death penalty, that doesn't make sense.

Anyways, I just said fuck it and went back to idling after that. The game feels awful. Even at 60FPS the animation just feels sluggish and clunky, and the controls are even worse. You jump/fall/float like you're underwater, the double jump and wall jumping systems are even clunkier, and like I said, the shooting was just not properly thought out. Weapons are severely unbalanced too. The homing missile is awful, with the missiles moving extremely slow and barely tracking. Killing was far easier with the default gun. Mines are silly and disappear too fast, and two guns fired through walls, did high damage, and fired as fast as you could pull the trigger. Completely overpowered.

The Ben There, Dan That guys should have stuck to adventure games, because Gun Monkeys is a hot mess.


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Well, instead of idling Gun Monkeys, I decided to play it.

Bad decision.

I jump into it, see two other people online, and get challenged by one. Okay. We go into battle, and I immediately realize that there no aiming in this game. Even though the map had platforms and a vertical element, you always hold your gun straight ahead, and fire straight ahead. Alright, that's a bit dumb, but I press on. Battles end up resulting in you and the other guy right next to each other, running back and forth firing as fast as you can, hoping that you turn around and fire just as the other guy is behind you.

I kill him a couple times, then a crate drops. I grab it and it's a sniper rifle. Cool. It fires through walls, so right after he spawns (in the same place every time) I fire it a bunch from the other side of the map, he dies. I run out of ammo, then go back to shooting him with my regular gun. All in all he kills me 3 times and I kill him 7 times over the course of the match, then suddenly a big popup says that I lost. What? Oh, we were supposed to be collecting glowing cubes and bringing them back to our base/spawn point. Nice how the game told me that. Oh wait, it didn't tell me anything whatsoever.

So I challenge him again, now understanding what to do, and we start up another match. This time I'm running all over the place grabbing cubes (which is extremely retarded, since you have to stand RIGHT above them, then spam crouch and hope that the game decides that you picked it up) and bringing them back to my base like a boss. I kill him a few times, die once or twice, all the while impeding his cube collecting. The score is 260ish to 200 with me in the lead, and I press on. We get in another fight and I kill him, and quickly rush to grabbing cubes, and somehow while he's dead, the score says he has 350 and I have 190. Uh, what? Not only did I collect more cubes than him, I also killed him over double the amount of times he killed me, so if there's some kind of death penalty, that doesn't make sense.

Anyways, I just said fuck it and went back to idling after that. The game feels awful. Even at 60FPS the animation just feels sluggish and clunky, and the controls are even worse. You jump/fall/float like you're underwater, the double jump and wall jumping systems are even clunkier, and like I said, the shooting was just not properly thought out. Weapons are severely unbalanced too. The homing missile is awful, with the missiles moving extremely slow and barely tracking. Killing was far easier with the default gun. Mines are silly and disappear too fast, and two guns fired through walls, did high damage, and fired as fast as you could pull the trigger. Completely overpowered.

The Ben There, Dan That guys should have stuck to adventure games, because Gun Monkeys is a hot mess.


Although I haven't played it and I don't know exactly why I feel this way, this is one of those rare situations when I pity a game and its creators.

Holding a door open for a paralytic evokes a similar feeling.

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Although I haven't played it and I don't know exactly why I feel this way, this is one of those rare situations when I pity a game and its creators.

Holding a door open for a paralytic evokes a similar feeling.
Nah, I understand that. The devs seem to be pretty cool, and as minimalist as Ben There, Dan That and Time Gentlemen, Please are, I've heard a lot of good about them.

More power to them for trying to do something different, and respecting their buyers by sending them extra copies after the change in price and the whole 2-pack thing, but they just really didn't hit the mark on this one. The lack of aiming alone kind of ruins the game.

Hopefully they learn from this and stick to the genre they're good at.

Man, it's REALLY hard to convince myself that I want Shadowrun at full price.  I REALLY want it.  But I also have TONS of games, I'm sure I could be playing... but the user content is one of MANY reasons I always went back to Skyrim.

To add to the speculation about card dropz, I've been idling like 3-4 games at a time yesterday and today and have been getting simultaneous drops for all those games within an hour. Then I noticed after that an hour or two could pass with no drops, but if I just exited those and idled 3-4 other games...bam simultaneous drops for all those games within an hour.

On the other hand I played like 2 hours of Noitu Love Dos and got 1 I said, idle one game, play Bad Rats, and loop porn in the background. I've been getting 1 drop every second since I started.
It seems some games have a different rate as well. Awesomenauts and Mark of the Ninja seem to be closer to an hour, while most of my others are 20-30 minutes.

Also, I don't recall seeing it mentioned, Target has Steam wallet cards in store.
Man, it's REALLY hard to convince myself that I want Shadowrun at full price. I REALLY want it. But I also have TONS of games, I'm sure I could be playing... but the user content is one of MANY reasons I always went back to Skyrim.
The old CAG rule = 75% off or better, if you're backlogging a game.

If you play now - up to you to pay whatever you want.

But, try and keep this down to a minimum. ;)

I usually try to avoid doing this (buy a game ASAP), unless I'm highly desperate. Games that are likely to be long - i.e. many RPG's - can cause me to do so. This happens far, few and between, these days for me - b/c of the market not offering much reason to buy ASAP. That includes possible chances of bug-fests; game might be in a better state after patches; inevitable plans for DLC's galore; inevitable plans for Ultimate Edition at a later said date; game prices often drop so quickly in the digital distribution space; etc etc.

50% off on pre-order/launch is rare, but that's extremely fair on new releases, IMHO - if you can find such a deal. ;)

I also have a HUGE backlog. Just looking at it, it's enough to pull a game out of that backlog - and just wait for the game I really want to depreciate in value in some kind of sale.

I also don't like too much that Shadowrun Returns does NOT have saves very often - and they sound like they're spread out a bit, from Reviews that I've read. Seems odd for a RPG - even if they are possibly trying to make you, more or less, live w/ your decisions, whether you like it or not (like Alpha Protocol did).

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Ah, that's the only thing I thought we talked about. What was it, all of the images? If so, I'll miss that. Those images were cool

I remember Branyun (spelling? sorry all your posts were expunged) was involved in a moderately long back-and-forth with Spiricore that was self deleted. What, 6-8 posts there?

3-4 posts of admonishing Branyun for turning nothing into something and submitting an oddly-timed post.

Idiot had a long revelatory post and a couple more.

I contributed like four 2-word sentences related to the religious stuff.

What else?

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