The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

Steam Sales on Steam



Steam Sales Elsewhere on CAG - Updated 11/2

Indie Bundle Threads - Updated 8/26

Free Stuff - Needs Updating

There are quite a few free and free2play games and mods on steam. You can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads

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Here's an idea.

Go take all the off-topic items to a social group and it ends up being a win-win. You all can do what you want in there and no one will care.

For those people that don't want to deal with the OT items, they won't.
Have you considered moving this thread to the section you feel is appropriate? I think that might be more effective at achieving the outcome you desire.

Thread vibe seems to be moving close to jihad.

Being a mod often makes you about as popular as being a parking attendant.  Only, parking attendants are usually paid and mods usually aren't.  It's a thankless job.

I'm not saying that means everybody should always agree with everything, but think about the opposite side of the coin every once in awhile.  Years ago, entire threads I'd contributed to for months were deleted off a particular site, but, you know what, I don't think about it at all these days.  Life goes on.

Being a mod often makes you about as popular as being a parking attendant. Only, parking attendants are usually paid and mods usually aren't. It's a thankless job.

I'm not saying that means everybody should always agree with everything, but think about the opposite side of the coin every once in awhile. Years ago, entire threads I'd contributed to for months were deleted off a particular site, but, you know what, I don't think about it at all these days. Life goes on.
s0m3th1n9 f1shY her3 y u no hav3 f33db@ck?

As in mouse steering? I originally set it to that but then moving the mouse didn't seem to steer the truck, just look out the windows. I may have somehow screwed up setting the option. Agreed that keyboard steering is terrible; I ran one delivery and called it a night based on how often I was flinging the truck into oncoming traffic or up onto the curb.

So when I played the demo, I chose mouse steering during their steering wizard and everything worked like a charm.

After I purchased the game I redownloaded it and chose the same option during the wizard and ran into the same problem. It was set to keyboard steering and mouse looking. Couldn't figure out, did my first mission, hated it.

So I looked it up online and when that happens you have to go into one of the menus (controls or steering) and find where it says KEYBOARD and click there and change it to KEYBOARD + MOUSE and it worked fine after that.

Try that and play the game again, it's an ENTIRELY different experience.

I noticed that there's cards for Call of Juarez now.  Not Call of Juarez: Gunslinger or The Cartel... just Call of Juarez.  App #3020.  when I selected "Play this game" from my Badges page, it launched Call of Juarez.

I own Call of Juarez but couldn't believe that they'd have cards for it.  Also, it's no longer available on Steam from the looks of it -- at least in my region (US).  Trying to access the store page from my library gives me a "not available in your region" error page.

Weirdness.  Idling the game now to see if it'll actually drop cards for me.  They seem to be averaging around 50¢; some closer to 40¢, some more like 90¢

Edit: Just dropped Ray McCall.  Selling for (well, priced at) around 90¢ right now.

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I noticed that there's cards for Call of Juarez now. Not Call of Juarez: Gunslinger or The Cartel... just Call of Juarez. App #3020. when I selected "Play this game" from my Badges page, it launched Call of Juarez.

I own Call of Juarez but couldn't believe that they'd have cards for it. Also, it's no longer available on Steam from the looks of it -- at least in my region (US). Trying to access the store page from my library gives me a "not available in your region" error page.

Weirdness. Idling the game now to see if it'll actually drop cards for me. They seem to be averaging around 50¢; some closer to 40¢, some more like 90¢
There are cards for Gunslinger as well.

So I see people on twitch are already playing Cloudberry Kingdom on pc. Is there a beta when u buy it or something?

There are cards for Gunslinger as well.

So I see people on twitch are already playing Cloudberry Kingdom on pc. Is there a beta when u buy it or something?
I didn't mean to imply that there's not cards for Gunslinger (although my post reads like that). Just clarifying that there's cards for a game that looks to be pulled from the Steam store. That's just zaniness.

You've got a point. I come to a forum called Cheapassgamer and go to a thread called "The Steam deals thread" to read a bunch of shit unrelated to Steam, deals, and often even PC gaming.
Why don't you just read the OP then?

Everyone also seems to forget that a lot of the people having a yarn in here are also the ones that are regularly contributing the deals and reviews, whether its on this, or the GG, GMG or Amazon threads. They don't work for your pleasure or service your need to get these deals. If they want to have a yarn while they're at it, what is the problem?

Seriously, everyone had no problems when the same regular posters in this thread kept everyone up to date with game sales, cards and hidden gems during the summer sales. Why the hate? And is it too freaking hard for people just to read the OP?


So when I played the demo, I chose mouse steering during their steering wizard and everything worked like a charm.

After I purchased the game I redownloaded it and chose the same option during the wizard and ran into the same problem. It was set to keyboard steering and mouse looking. Couldn't figure out, did my first mission, hated it.

So I looked it up online and when that happens you have to go into one of the menus (controls or steering) and find where it says KEYBOARD and click there and change it to KEYBOARD + MOUSE and it worked fine after that.

Try that and play the game again, it's an ENTIRELY different experience.
hmm, interesting. Might have to give that a try. Have yet to start my time-sink into ETS2, but was wondering whether it was better with mouse+keyboard or controller...

Beats me. Usually licensing or a change in publisher but that doesn't make sense if they're pushing cards for it.
Yeah, I would've thought it's licensing issues like always, but I didn't know about any issues along those lines for that game. Why would anybody really want to pull a game from Steam these days? Sense it doesn't make...

Like others have said, if people would just stfu and not complain about the off topic stuff, nor hit the report button, it has a funny way of self limiting. Instead whiny bitches cry and whine, which invariably leads to off topic posts about being off topic, thus perpetuating the problem. Then a mod shift clicks and wipes out 3 pages of the thread.

If you only want to know about deals, then here's a useful site to check for steam deals:

Upper right corner has weekend/midweek deals, mid-right side has the daily deal. Done. Use the Enhanced Steam plug-in and you'll know if it's the lowest price ever.

If you seriously want a thread that only has deal talk, this thread will be dead in a week, the OP won't get updated, and most people will move on.

Please accept my apologies, Momouchi, I read all twenty posts - I mean, the comprehensive discussion - about STALKER but missed IkedaTeramusa's contributions - perhaps they were deleted? There wasn't exactly a STALKER mod discussion, either - just "use Complete". I'm surprised no-one mentioned using Float32 if you just want to improve graphics/performance without changing the game - but again, maybe that was brought up and discussed comprehensively in IkedaTeramuda's deleted STALKER posts? :D

(Are you confusing "inane" and... errr... "insane", possibly? I enjoy reading fun/funny posts, too - they contribute something, although I completely understand why it must annoy people here when they spiral out into pages of thread-destroying off-topicness. Look up "inane", it can be your word of the day! :))
Maybe you should re-read your post as I was just quoting you usage of inane. I obviously don't think it is either inane or insane, so instead of telling me to learn words I already know, you should log off and learn some reading comprehension.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. It's kind of scary how quickly these games are being produced. I own Revelations and ACIII, and it's just a lot of gaming to catch up with the franchise.

I have to say, though, Brotherhood has been gripping. It felt like returning to an old friend. The AC franchise is definitely one of my favorites. The characters and storylines are fantastic. Most of all, I think I just adore the climbing of environments, that sense that you can scale ANYTHING, that there is no height that Ezio cannot reach.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. It's kind of scary how quickly these games are being produced. I own Revelations and ACIII, and it's just a lot of gaming to catch up with the franchise.

I have to say, though, Brotherhood has been gripping. It felt like returning to an old friend. The AC franchise is definitely one of my favorites. The characters and storylines are fantastic. Most of all, I think I just adore the climbing of environments, that sense that you can scale ANYTHING, that there is no height that Ezio cannot reach.
But can he reach the understanding of why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch? The games are cool, I'm at the point of breaking from their constant releases. Brotherhood was good, Revelations made me backlog it (worse that I bought day 1 expecting to play it a lot.) and 3 was okay. I didn't do any side quests as they don't feel compelling enough to do.
Dunno if mentioned yet..

The GamesRage bundle is up.

King Arthur's Gold
Nightmares from the Deep
The Few
Odd Planet
and BTA for Cinders

I think King Arthur's Gold is the only one with a desura key, for now. They should provide desura/steam keys if the games arrive on those platforms.

They say that the downloads may be taken down after 3 months on their FAQ page.
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I have heard recommendations not to play them back to back to back, and to give some time between so you don't get burned out. Would you agree?
I agree w/ this - don't play long games of the same type back-to-back; ESPECIALLY games in the same franchise.

Unless the games are say 5 hours short a piece (and the AC games are definitely NOT that), I'd recommend not doing so. You definitely will notice - especially in games banked out yearly like COD and AC - that not much often changes from year-to-year.

I think many people, like myself who play tons of different games, have that happy say 10-30 hour limit - and then want to move on to the next thing (that time-sink can depend on how good-to-great is; and also how much variety the game itself actually has). There's gonna be that occasion where I will play a game for 40 hours or more...and still want to keep going - i.e. Dragon Age series; Mass Effect series; and sometimes Skyrim.


I say "sometimes" on Skyrim b/c that's a game just like TDU2. I can sink into it for whatever X amount of hours; go away from it for a while; come back to it and get whatever my fill is - b/c these games are more than just "Main Quest" stuff. These games - the "Main Quest" honestly feels like another "Side Quest" (or another "Side Quest" feels like it could've been a "Main Quest"). These games offer so much content, it's often NOT wise to play it all at once. Often better to spread it out, over time. And these are the games I seem to always wind back at, to find myself still looking at even more tons of content to do! It's pretty crazy how much content some of these games really offer up.

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Just started playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. It's kind of scary how quickly these games are being produced. I own Revelations and ACIII, and it's just a lot of gaming to catch up with the franchise.
I've only played 2 and enjoyed it, but haven't bothered to get the others yet since I'd also heard about the similarities and didn't want to burn out. I have 3 from when it went "free" on XBL so I should probably get at least brotherhood before playing it. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on Revelations when you get to it, since that seems the biggest black sheep of the bunch.

They say that the downloads may be taken down after 3 months on their FAQ page.
Meh, I'll pass then if that's the case. To risky that I will just lose them, and I don't think I should have to have everything permanently backed up on hard media.

Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in about posting in this thread.  This is just my opinion.

This thread is for steam deals AND cards (again Steam related).  Generally, we have healthy discussions about the games being on sale or offered and which games are getting cards.  It is appropriate to discuss the card market.   Cards can be sold, traded or crafted into badges, thus discussions about such or trying to see which is more beneficial at a given time is appropriate.

I like coming to this and other threads to read posts.  During sales like Winter or Summer sales, 20 pages can result from one day of posting.  Yes, discussions can get off topic, but generally this is just people blowing off steam, people socializing or just joking around with no ill intent.

I might get flamed for this, but...  Posting comments about religion, people's significant other, sexual content, etc... will get negative attention.  While these comments can be intended as funny, can also be deemed offensive.  People experiencing negative or offensive posts may reports these to the mods and then there is actions from the mods.  I have not used the report button, instead if I find someone trends to this type of comments, I go to my settings and put that poster in my ignore preferences.  Please note, I am not calling anyone out or trying to start anything.  I am simply stating my opinion.  While I can understand that some where not happy with the mods deleting some posts, they took appropriate actions if people felt offended. Mods have a thankless job in trying to keep the peace and making sure this is a safe environment for all.  I am sorry that the mods may have deleted some posts that were relevant.  I guess those that wanted the actually information have already posted requests or can request the information be reposted.

I am a CAG and proud of it.  I am thankful to come here and mainly read posts, post every once in a while, make trades, and try to make friends.

Thank you,


GGG has Borderlands 2 - $7.50 (steam)

fuck was that on topic?

<hangs head in shame>

<ducks for burger pics>
I think that's on topic, yes.

Borderlands 2 = Steam-required game.

Not all of the best deals are on Steam.

People looking for a deal on a game that requires Steam (think Borderlands 2, XCOM: EU) or digital-download sites that sell Steam-versions of games (like Amazon DVG has been doing more frequently) probably check this thread for even Steam-required game sales anywhere.

It probably is necessary to do so, just keep the "deals" discussion going here in this Thread, too. It's not like Steam is banking out different deals every so many hours, like they do during epic sales (Summer sales and Winter sales) and keeping the flow of crazy deals going.

Also - some might want to check my GGG thread for deals on 2K and Square Enix games - many of those games these require Steam or they are selling versions using Steam there, but not all of them do.

I thought the Borderlands 2 + XCOM: EU deals there were nice.

I already have BL2 (base game), though I'm not biting yet on XCOM: EU, though.

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Question. How often does the STALKER series go on sale on steam? Steam is not letting me buy anymore games (ever since the summer sale ended >_>). I contacted steam support to help out but I doubt they will answer my e-mail today. How long does it take for them to answer e-mails??

Finally woke up.

Interesting, cause I started reading the thread more and more (till it became my go to thread every morning) due to the fact that there were generally some interesting/weird/funny discussions going on between a lot of the people, including some OT stuff, but also a lot of debates about games, reviews and recommendations.

I would probably stop reading the thread if it was just:

"Today's deal is:

1. Random game number 1 for x amount of crap

2. Random game number 2 for x amount of crap"

While this should be posted, it isn't necessary to limit the conversation to only this. I certainly would feel no interest in contributing to it. I could just pull that stuff off IsThereAnyDeal, SteamGameSales or the many other such sites out there. Also, that's what the OP is for, and if people only want to check out the deals available and not the conversations, why not just read the OP?

Also, cardz are awesome.
I, too, became attracted to this thread because of the conversations going on. My contribution to the religious content was to put it to a halt ASAP and stay on topic (or at least relatively on topic), but ended up fueling the fire and it got out of hand. I went back and removed what I was able and removed myself from the conversation, but apparently it still persisted as I was getting email notifications on my phone of being quoted hours later.

Here's an idea.

Go take all the off-topic items to a social group and it ends up being a win-win. You all can do what you want in there and no one will care.

For those people that don't want to deal with the OT items, they won't.
Also, we can just replace all the PC threads on the forum with and there'll be no terrible, terrible conversation at all to detract from the pure and sterile wonderment of discounts. Win-win!
:applause: at SE's sarcasm

To be honest, this thread has been one of the most enjoyable for me to read and be a part of. I've made more friends here than any other section of CAG. A lot of us slipped yesterday and I think it was necessary to have a mod intervene to get things back on topic. However, the degree to which it was moderated seemed to create more of a backlash (and more OT content) than the original incident, and the "stay precisely on topic or GTFO" mentality pretty much destroys the sense of community.

The religious content needed to go. Idiot's image posts were relatively on topic and considerably humorous (and one of the many reasons why I visit this particular thread multiple times a day), and the on-topic posts in between the back-and-forth quips were perfectly appropriate. It seems as though the last 24 hours have just been a menagerie of people taking things too far on both sides of the fence. Lessons learned?


I gave Shadowrun Returns :roll: I had never played the original - or the game it was based on - but I believe the hype machine got the better of itself. The game is good and enjoyable, but I agree with the large number of people on the steam community that single player felt more like a showcase of what can be done with the toolset rather than being a great game in and of itself. What they gave us is good, but it's definitely not what I (or seemingly anyone else) expected. It's like Neverwinter Nights all over again. The campaign is brief, very restrictive, unbalanced, linear, has no replayability, and anything but fleshed out in terms of really showing off what the toolset is capable of if placed in expert hands.

I would highly advise anyone considering buying this game to wait and watch what the community comes out with. I think a $5 price point is a good spot for it, as it seems the devs put a lot of time into creating the tools (which I hear is anything but intuitive - even TotalBiscuit commented on it) and the campaign was simply a "Here's some stuff you can do with it" afterthought. Don't get me wrong - what's there is enjoyable - but definitely not worth the MSRP in my opinion. It feels as though the success and longevity of the game is almost entirely placed in the hands of the community.

If you're still not convinced, I would highly recommend flipping through the steamcommunity forums and reading some of the more worth-while threads to get a sense of things. As for me, I'm going to wait and see if there's some beefy, well-rounded content with significantly more playtime to be made before I drop any money on it.

Side note: This official post certainly doesn't pique my interest and only serves to solidify my opinions.

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To be honest, this thread has been one of the most enjoyable for me to read and be a part of. I've made more friends here than any other section of CAG. A lot of us slipped yesterday and I think it was necessary to have a mod intervene to get things back on topic. However, the degree to which it was moderated seemed to create more of a backlash (and more OT content) than the original incident, and the "stay precisely on topic or GTFO" mentality pretty much destroys the sense of community.

The religious content needed to go. Idiot's image posts were relatively on topic and considerably humorous (and one of the many reasons why I visit this particular thread multiple times a day), and the on-topic posts in between the back-and-forth quips were perfectly appropriate. It seems as though the last 24 hours have just been a menagerie of people taking things too far on both sides of the fence. Lessons learned?
Sadly, it's not a lesson anymore, as we lost Idiotekque and Mind Link to this fight, both have been silenced. On a note about steam deals, I'm not sure if to hold out on Darksiders 2 DLC. it'll be on sale like that again, I'm not sure how soon though.
Well after giving Terraria another go, I'm not finding as much appeal in it as I hoped I would have. So far it's basically a 2D Minecraft and nothing else. If the controls or crafting aspects of it were as good or better then Minecraft I would get it, but it really feels just like a gimped version. Mining for blocks isn't as easy/smooth as it could be and crafting isn't really as fun. I'll give the game a few more hours to see if I'm just missing something, but a disappointment so far.
Minecraft is a sandbox, Terraria is a game (with goals and world progression). I prefer Terraria because it is more structured and more focused on combat. If one liked the building aspect more I could see how they would prefer Minecraft.

Sadly, it's not a lesson anymore, as we lost Idiotekque and Mind Link to this fight, both have been silenced. On a note about steam deals, I'm not sure if to hold out on Darksiders 2 DLC. it'll be on sale like that again, I'm not sure how soon though.
WTF, seriously? God damn it, they were probably my favorite two posters (though ML was a little "way left field" at times)! I was honestly expecting to be banned when I got up to check the forums - and no, I'm certainly not asking for it: I was sleep deprived and my bi-polar disorder got the better of me and I did my best to remedy the issue with the limited options I had. Considering the lengthy, proper, rule-abiding post history for all of us... to be banned for one day's incident... well, I'm not a mod and ultimate decisions aren't mine to make, but this seriously depresses me and severely alters my once-positive and enjoyable perception of the site. Now everyone is posting like we're under a dictatorship and it shouldn't be that way. I'm seriously disappointed, as this is the only gaming community I've devoted myself to because I love the community. I understand the need to stay on topic - and that's how yesterday's incidents really began to boil - but I call :bs:.

Assuming I don't get banned for expressing my feelings above, I would like to mention that I gave Rogue Legacy a try this morning and was surprised by it. I am by no means a fan of roguelikes and really had no interest in it, but the sense of progression and tightness of controls makes it pretty enjoyable. Frustrating as hell (I know, that's the point), but enjoyable. I think I may pick it up next time it's on sale. What I'm really curious about: the "end game" and replayability. Is there one, or is it just replaying to see how far you can get over and over?

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WTF, seriously? God damn it, they were probably my favorite two posters (though ML was a little "way left field" at times)! I was honestly expecting to be banned when I got up to check the forums - and no, I'm certainly not asking for it: I was sleep deprived and my bi-polar disorder got the better of me and I did my best to remedy the issue with the limited options I had. Considering the lengthy, proper, rule-abiding post history for all of us... to be banned for one day's incident... well, I'm not a mod and ultimate decisions aren't mine to make, but this seriously depresses me and severely alters my once-positive and enjoyable perception of the site. Now everyone is posting like we're under a dictatorship and it shouldn't be that way. I'm seriously disappointed, as this is the only gaming community I've devoted myself to. I understand the need to stay on topic - and that's how yesterday's incidents really began to boil - but I call :bs:.

Assuming I don't get banned for expressing my feelings above, I would like to mention that I gave Rogue Legacy a try this morning and was surprised by it. I am by no means a fan of roguelikes and really had no interest in it, but the sense of progression and tightness of controls makes it pretty enjoyable. Frustrating as hell, but enjoyable. I think I may pick it up next time it's on sale.
Here's the thing, they were shouting the loudest because of all of this :bs: and got silenced for it. Both idiot and mind link took up and called them out (more outraged than anyone) and got silenced for it. I'm surprised I wasn't, as I also partook, but I'm not sure what happened.
Edit: Jayson Guy, it says they've been silenced, whatever that means. I think Idiot said he was IP banned too though.
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Minecraft is a sandbox, Terraria is a game (with goals and world progression). I prefer Terraria because it is more structured and more focused on combat. If one liked the building aspect more I could see how they would prefer Minecraft.
I would love to get into Terraria if some people there were some others to play with. Every time I open the game I'm completely overwhelmed, and knowing it's a wiki-centric title puts a damper on my wanting to play it.

Here's the thing, they were shouting the loudest because of all of this :bs: and got silenced for it. Both idiot and mind link took up and called them out (more outraged than anyone) and got silenced for it. I'm surprised I wasn't, as I also partook, but I'm not sure what happened.
Edit: Jayson Guy, it says they've been silenced, whatever that means. I think Idiot said he was IP banned too though.
I'm not surprised they took the stand, but it seems this chaos went from differing opinions (and poor choice of words) to emotion. Actions such as this should never be made in that state. I genuinely hope they are allowed to return, as they community just won't be the same without them, and to permanently ban them for this when looking at their community involvement as a whole does not reflect well on the mod(s) involved or the site. I realize it's a thankless job (believe me, I work tech support, backstage theater and other "behind the scenes" jobs), but this is very disappointing and I believe should be addressed further. Not by us, but by management.

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Here's the thing, they were shouting the loudest because of all of this :bs: and got silenced for it. Both idiot and mind link took up and called them out (more outraged than anyone) and got silenced for it. I'm surprised I wasn't, as I also partook, but I'm not sure what happened.
No offense, but they were both begging to be silenced. They kept cursing at and insulting the mods. Anyone on this forum would get silenced due to that, I doubt it had anything to do with simply complaining about how the mods mass-deleted posts.

I think both of them are cool guys, but it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to know that if you constantly insult someone at that level, you're gonna get silenced or banned.
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I love what I've played of Shadowrun Returns so far.  As a fan of the SNES iteration, I was overjoyed at the references, including musical cues.  I'm pleased with having Kickstarted it.

But yeah, I can see where someone coming to it brand new wouldn't derive the same joy, and as a CAG I can't tell anyone that they should buy in at full price.  Part of the value I got out of my fifteen bucks was adding to the development pool and allowing them to add more to the game than they would have.  Your fifteen dollars now doesn't grant the same value.

Also looking forward to seeing what the community does with it.  Already subscribed to the add-on where several fans are working together to recreate the SNES game in the new engine.

No offense, but they were both begging to be silenced. They kept cursing at and insulting the mods. Anyone on this forum would get silenced due to that, I doubt it had anything to do with simply complaining about how the mods mass-deleted posts.

I think both of them are cool guys, but it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to know that if you constantly insult someone at that level, you're gonna get silenced or banned.
Yeah, but no warning did seen unnecessary for it. They were just deleted but didn't get a warning.
This! 100% My big multiquote answers post gone because of the "terminate with extreme prejudice" policy due to one little thing a mod didn't like about it (not possibly offensive material). One post per quote from now on.

While it pains me to acknowledge it, this really does seem to be the best option for the moment. Bloating the thread count is arguably preferable to having relevant Steam discussion swept away.

I feel like I'm obligated pipe up here because it was I who brought this thread to the moderators' attention earlier this week --well before the zombie and religion discussions-- and because I expressed my desire for more zealous (DPsycho caught the pun) moderation yesterday (this was one of the posts that was deleted).

The original problem was that someone (not Idiotekque) posted images of pornographic actresses in the first couple pages of the thread.  They were off-topic, yes, but they were also blatantly inappropriate. I think a lot of people discussing this issue are unaware of these posts. I reported these pictures shortly after they were posted and they were deleted promptly, lots of CAGs probably never saw that they were there. It was the sort of content that clearly flagged this thread for a sharper eye from the moderators; and well it should. 

I thought the zombie discussion was tedious, but it was about Steam games so I'm not sure why it was included in the cull.

I also objected to, but did not report, the religion discussion.  Please remember that this began with someone who was otherwise on-topic briefly mentioned a conversion-happy ex.  This invited someone (not Spiritcore) to produce several wall-of-text posts insisting that we should understand Christians better, because they're only trying to save us all from hell.  The Christian-Apologist-Gamer posts were in their own way harassing -- repeatedly insisting that we make allowances for Christians who express bigotry toward the rest of us.  No one is interested in having that conversation here.

For the record: I like  the free-wheeling nature of this thread. I like the discussions, I like the tangents, and I think we're in danger of exaggerating the "off-topic" problem.  98.8% of the thread is on-topic with only short side-discursions.

However, I think people should also be able to enjoy the thread without feeling harassed, belittled, or preached at. We all see enough of that in our daily lives without needing to put up with it during hobby-time.

Minecraft is a sandbox, Terraria is a game (with goals and world progression). I prefer Terraria because it is more structured and more focused on combat. If one liked the building aspect more I could see how they would prefer Minecraft.

This. Terraria has goals. Some people seem turned off by the fact that the game will only minimally tell you what they are (the Guide will always tell you what you should be trying to achieve next if you ask him), but having the whole world available for you to learn and explore is one of the things I like most about it. Also, despite having an order to the bosses as they drop materials eventually required to upgrade, very little is stopping you from putting off things and hitting others early. The game quickly gets to a point where you have a fair amount of choice in upgrade gear such as discovering the jungle biome and crafting the set from the drops found there. (Love that grass boomerang)

Where it really shines, however, is playing with a friend. Even if you never adventure together, having one person go out for materials and the other stick around crafting gear and adding to the "house" has been enjoyable.

No offense, but they were both begging to be silenced. They kept cursing at and insulting the mods. Anyone on this forum would get silenced due to that, I doubt it had anything to do with simply complaining about how the mods mass-deleted posts.

I think both of them are cool guys, but it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to know that if you constantly insult someone at that level, you're gonna get silenced or banned.
It's not like the mods here weren't inviting the ridicule.

You can say "thankless job" all you want, but I've been on enough forums to be able to recognize competent and incompetent moderating. Trying to tamp out what makes a successful thread work is the latter. Going on deleting sprees that wipe out useful on-topic posts is certainly the latter.

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I feel like I'm obligated pipe up here because it was I who brought this thread to the moderators' attention earlier this week --well before the zombie and religion discussions-- and because I expressed my desire for more zealous (DPsycho caught the pun) moderation yesterday (this was one of the posts that was deleted).

The original problem was that someone (not Idiotekque) posted images of pornographic actresses in the first couple pages of the thread. They were off-topic, yes, but they were also blatantly inappropriate. I think a lot of people discussing this issue are unaware of these posts. I reported these pictures shortly after they were posted and they were deleted promptly, lots of CAGs probably never saw that they were there. It was the sort of content that clearly flagged this thread for a sharper eye from the moderators; and well it should.

I thought the zombie discussion was tedious, but it was about Steam games so I'm not sure why it was included in the cull.

I also objected to, but did not report, the religion discussion. Please remember that this began with someone who was otherwise on-topic briefly mentioned a conversion-happy ex. This invited someone (not Spiritcore) to produce several wall-of-text posts insisting that we should understand Christians better, because they're only trying to save us all from hell. The Christian-Apologist-Gamer posts were in their own way harassing -- repeatedly insisting that we make allowances for Christians who express bigotry toward the rest of us. No one is interested in having that conversation here.

For the record: I like the free-wheeling nature of this thread. I like the discussions, I like the tangents, and I think we're in danger of exaggerating the "off-topic" problem. 98.8% of the thread is on-topic with only short side-discursions.

However, I think people should also be able to enjoy the thread without feeling harassed, belittled, or preached at. We all see enough of that in our daily lives without needing to put up with it during hobby-time.
I agree with you about the pornographic pictures, and the religious wall of text was inappropriate for what it's worth, but we changed it back on topic. I am glad it was deleted for less controversy, but the problems came with general disinterest from the mods on which post was on topic. I was pretty annoyed when my post trying to get them to not act like they have pure authority, but to talk with us on a one on one for understanding what can match.
I see some of you were upset about my deleting your posts. Well, don't quote giant pictures or off topic nonsense if you don't want your post deleted. I'm not going to go through and individually edit the 50 posts I had to delete.
No offense intended here, but if you're not willing to line-edit the things you deem inappropriate, couldn't you leave the task to someone who is? I ask because other mods do and have done so, and it's the level of care I take on the forum I moderate (unrelated to CAG).

(That being said, no. I don't want the job. Just, no.)

It just seems like it's not helping things to come out and declare that it's going to be broad strokes from here on out, evidenced by the fact that it's still being discussed at length...

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No offense, but they were both begging to be silenced. They kept cursing at and insulting the mods. Anyone on this forum would get silenced due to that, I doubt it had anything to do with simply complaining about how the mods mass-deleted posts.

I think both of them are cool guys, but it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to know that if you constantly insult someone at that level, you're gonna get silenced or banned.
I will admit that I was not around to see how things escalated and what was said, but I still think the actions of the moderator(s) need to be reviewed. To have entire pages deleted without discrimination and to ban long-standing members of the community under what seems to be an emotionally-fueled reaction is extreme and should be called to question.

Yeah, but no warning did seen unnecessary for it. They were just deleted but didn't get a warning.
No offense intended here, but if you're not willing to line-edit the things you deem inappropriate, couldn't you leave the task to someone who is?

It just seems like it's not helping things to come out and declare that it's going to be broad strokes from here on out, evidenced by the fact that it's still being discussed at length...
I feel like I'm obligated pipe up here because it was I who brought this thread to the moderators' attention earlier this week

The original problem was that someone (not Idiotekque) posted images of pornographic actresses in the first couple pages of the thread. They were off-topic, yes, but they were also blatantly inappropriate.

Please remember that this began with someone who was otherwise on-topic briefly mentioned a conversion-happy ex. This invited someone (not Spiricore) to produce several wall-of-text posts insisting that we should understand Christians better ... repeatedly insisting that we make allowances for Christians who express bigotry toward the rest of us. No one is interested in having that conversation here.

However, I think people should also be able to enjoy the thread without feeling harassed, belittled, or preached at. We all see enough of that in our daily lives without needing to put up with it during hobby-time.
I respect you for owning up. I do remember the post you are referring to, and it was right to have it reported/removed. It's saddening to see the :censored: storm that followed. I agree with your post 100%, and I see no reason to feel you are to blame for this.

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