The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

Steam Sales on Steam



Steam Sales Elsewhere on CAG - Updated 11/2

Indie Bundle Threads - Updated 8/26

Free Stuff - Needs Updating

There are quite a few free and free2play games and mods on steam. You can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads

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I will admit that I was not around to see how things escalated and what was said, but I still think the actions of the moderator(s) need to be reviewed. To have entire pages deleted without discrimination and to ban long-standing members of the community under what seems to be an emotionally-fueled reaction is extreme and should be called to question.

I respect you for owning up. I do remember the post you are referring to, and it was right to have it reported/removed. It's saddening to see the :censored: storm that followed. I agree with your post 100%, and I see no reason to feel you are to blame for this.
This ^ I understand his problems, it's just the mods that pushed it over the edge.
It seems some games have a different rate as well. Awesomenauts and Mark of the Ninja seem to be closer to an hour, while most of my others are 20-30 minutes.

King's Bounty. The five drops took me nine hours, spread across different idling sessions and with a Steam reboot somewhere in the middle. I believe it was one in the first hour and two hours between. I had nothing else running in all that time.

Other games continue to drop cards for me at a brisk pace.

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I think this thread could do a little less with the off topic places it goes at times. It's fine in some cases but in other cases I feel it barely relates to the thread anymore. So I tend to just end up scrolling through multiple posts at a time. The thread shouldn't have to stay 100% on steam deals and such but I think it would benefit if it kept the off topic discussions at least releated to PC gaming. Also hoping we finally see conquistador come back up for a daily deal today.

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Who are the smartest devs with this Steam card thing? SCS (Euro Truck Sim 2). Why? They made one emoticon that's actually useful. A Stop sign. Despite it being just a common emoticon it is selling at around $2 per emoticon and it is selling well every day. If more devs put out emoticons that could potentially fit in a conversation they might be getting that money like SCS.
This is totally true. While I found the :dirtblock: emote from Terraria to be amusing, I can't imagine using it.

I have to wonder how difficult it's going to be a year from now for developers to come up with unique emotes. Will we have :stop2: and :specific_game_rifle: in the store? I hope they create a subsection of the inventory for these things long before then.

I am 98% positive that some man-child took offense to the Christianity talks and reported a few posts, catching the attention of Trakan and shrike, who also had to read the rant they typed in the notes section, and that forced them to prune the topic of our questionable discussions. None of us were warned, nor silenced, nor even PM'd about our behavior, but now it's being dramatized and elevated to the point where they're taking further action. I know that your tendency as humans is to rebel against any form of authority, but this is getting stupid. How many times have they come in the Steam thread before, then gone away and allowed us our ridiculous, semi off-topic banter? As long as we don't post a shitload of controversial discussion that has nothing to do with Steam, they tend not to exercise their powers; hell, they probably laugh at a lot of this shit. Any thread not in the debate section would get closed for the big Christian rant that happened, and I don't blame them for removing it. Honestly, guys, this was never that big of a deal; give it two weeks and it'll be back to normal. Just leave your Bible at home.
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Thanx, travathian. I guess I will have to wait then :(....Oh well. are there any websites that match steam deals?? Can't find one that gives steam codes.
Not that it's much closer than what trav said, but Halloween typically gets a couple day sale of scary, horror, zombie type games. Stalker usually gets included in that along with every game from greenlight...

...I kid. But really, Stalker will probably be in that sale.
I also objected to, but did not report, the religion discussion. Please remember that this began with someone who was otherwise on-topic briefly mentioned a conversion-happy ex. This invited someone (not Spiritcore) to produce several wall-of-text posts insisting that we should understand Christians better, because they're only trying to save us all from hell. The Christian-Apologist-Gamer posts were in their own way harassing -- repeatedly insisting that we make allowances for Christians who express bigotry toward the rest of us. No one is interested in having that conversation here.


However, I think people should also be able to enjoy the thread without feeling harassed, belittled, or preached at. We all see enough of that in our daily lives without needing to put up with it during hobby-time.
(Emphasis my own)

I agree with this sentiment, and although I contributed a post or two to the religious discussion, I also firmly believe that it doesn't do much good (or have much place) in a thread such as this. However, I also feel that Christians specifically are pointed at and laughed at quite often on this thread (as someone mentioned, one active poster even has/had a signature that directly mocked the religion). I am not surprised at all when people get offended by others, Christian or not, who discriminate against them. It's another thing entirely to make a blanket generalization of calling everyone in that label a bigot. Thus the intolerance of tolerance.

I do hope that Idiotekque and Mink Link can eventually come back. I did see one of them respond extremely bitterly (with plenty of curse words) in retaliation to the modding, so I have to agree with Spoder that at least one of them was pretty much begging for further moderation.

There are few other threads in CAG that have such a community vibe to them. Amazon PCDD used to have it, but as Tony has stopped posting there much, the thread too seems to have devolved in its camaraderie. The weekly console sale threads have little real interaction. The PSN thread is pretty fun too but I've found some of the more active posters there quite aggressive and arrogant against others. The Steam thread has always been fun, and I really hope it never changes.

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Dunno if mentioned yet..

The GamesRage bundle is up.

King Arthur's Gold
Nightmares from the Deep
The Few
Odd Planet
and BTA for Cinders

I think King Arthur's Gold is the only one with a desura key, for now. They should provide desura/steam keys if the games arrive on those platforms.

They say that the downloads may be taken down after 3 months on their FAQ page.
Nightmares from the Deep and Cinders look pretty interesting and have nice art at the very least. Considering King Arthur's Gold was a buck on IGS the other day, I think an additional dollar and change for two additional games that I'm curious about is solid.

Also: ENOUGH already with the mod/thread topic talk. Everything that needs to be said has been said, and all that's happening is the thread is getting crowded with redundancy. It happened, people got upset, things of dubious merit were done, but it's done and over with. Let's move on now.

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Dunno if mentioned yet..

The GamesRage bundle is up.

King Arthur's Gold
Nightmares from the Deep
The Few
Odd Planet
and BTA for Cinders

I think King Arthur's Gold is the only one with a desura key, for now. They should provide desura/steam keys if the games arrive on those platforms.

They say that the downloads may be taken down after 3 months on their FAQ page.
Really debating picking this up. KAG and OddPlanet being the main draws. Nightmares from the Deep looks interesting too. Cinders is a visual novel? The only one that doesn't look that appealing is The Few.

I'm so bored of all the deals on the same games everywhere.
This is true, especially when it seems the devs plan sales on all stores around the same time. That said, sites like GG and GMG have sales on non-steam games that can be a little different from the same old stuff.

Question. How often does the STALKER series go on sale on steam? Steam is not letting me buy anymore games (ever since the summer sale ended >_>). I contacted steam support to help out but I doubt they will answer my e-mail today. How long does it take for them to answer e-mails??
Do they give you a specific error message? During the summer sale they responded to me within 2 days, which was pretty quick, but they weren't very helpful despite their speed.

Minecraft is a sandbox, Terraria is a game (with goals and world progression). I prefer Terraria because it is more structured and more focused on combat. If one liked the building aspect more I could see how they would prefer Minecraft.
I can see that. The mechanics though are very similar even if one has goals and the other doesn't. That and often times the "goals" in Terraria are the same sorts of things I do/did in Minecraft. But like I said, I'll be giving it more time since I've heard good things about it.

No offense, but they were both begging to be silenced. They kept cursing at and insulting the mods. Anyone on this forum would get silenced due to that, I doubt it had anything to do with simply complaining about how the mods mass-deleted posts.

I think both of them are cool guys, but it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to know that if you constantly insult someone at that level, you're gonna get silenced or banned.
This. People sometimes make much ado about nothing. Yes, it sucks the mods get overzealous and blanket delete pages of stuff. It's an extreme. But, it's also an extreme to then follow up with pages of melodramatic "we can't say anything anymore" posts. If you guys haven't noticed, most of those posts are off topic and yet they are still here, free of any mod deletions. In fact, outside of Idiot and Mind Link's posts, nothing has been touched. I'm all for free speech, but I can see why constantly cursing out the mods in an aggressive manner, in the wrong section of the forum, could lead to some mod action.

This is the cycle. The mods come in from time to time when something is reported, everyone gets up in arms, and then the thread proceeds as usual until the next time. It is lazy moderation and I've seen better moderation elsewhere, but it is what it is.

For those looking to witch hunt, don't blame anyone but me if you'd like. Idiot posted a racial slur (the n word) as part of a "joke." I tried to let him know that wasn't cool and he just decided to keep joking about it, so since he wasn't taken it seriously I reported the one post with the racial slur and put in the notes to the mods "there is a racial slur in this post." There's already enough ignorance and racism elsewhere online and I certainly don't want to have to start avoiding CAG because of it. I was actually a bit surprised some people got up in arms about a the judgmental christian evangelizing, but no one either noticed or cared about the slur.

Shortly thereafter we saw the mass deletions so I'm assuming the mods saw the message, decided to look at the thread overall and decided to delete everything they deemed inappropriate. I don't have an issue with the off topic talk around here and I contribute to it greatly, but I can certainly see why others don't necessarily care for it.

I want to join in the Terraria discussion for a second. I bought this game at the $2.49 glitch a couple of years ago and just never really got into it. It seemed pointless. This Steam summer sale, I bought a copy for my kids and they've been playing it non-stop. As a result, I was forced to really read up on the game and, now that I understand it, I've started playing it myself. It's a lot of fun. 

As mentioned, it differs from Minecraft in that there's more combat and an actual game to uncover. Layered on top of that, you have the building aspect. The building and crafting doesn't seem to be as intuitive as Minecraft at first glance, but it's actually not bad. A little research online will help out a lot.

Give it a second chance if you've already given up on it.

Finally, I have to mention Idiotekque and Mind Link - neither one of them appear to be banned permanently. At least that's my interpretation of the "Silenced" group in which they've been placed. I see people posting confusing statements about their status and I think we need to be clear. 

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No one was being preached at, one poster lamented on something someone who identifies themselves as Christian did and another poster tried to politely explain why that person did what they did according to their beliefs, without judging, then everyone freaked out.

'Old Gods' is included at 75% off in the Crusader Kings deal, which I'm guessing is a soon-to-be-fixed error, might want to snag it quickly if you're interested...

'Old Gods' is included at 75% off in the Crusader Kings deal, which I'm guessing is a soon-to-be-fixed error, might want to snag it quickly if you're interested...
I think DLC and other games in the franchise usually go on sale if one of the games go on sale. Probably not an error.

'Old Gods' is included at 75% off in the Crusader Kings deal, which I'm guessing is a soon-to-be-fixed error, might want to snag it quickly if you're interested...

I think DLC and other games in the franchise usually go on sale if one of the games go on sale. Probably not an error.
Steam Enhanced shows best price of $7.49 - Been waiting for this so snagged it just in case it was an error! :)

I think that's on topic, yes.

Borderlands 2 = Steam-required game.

Not all of the best deals are on Steam.

People looking for a deal on a game that requires Steam (think Borderlands 2, XCOM: EU) or digital-download sites that sell Steam-versions of games (like Amazon DVG has been doing more frequently) probably check this thread for even Steam-required game sales anywhere.
It probably is necessary to do so, just keep the "deals" discussion going here in this Thread, too. It's not like Steam is banking out different deals every so many hours, like they do during epic sales (Summer sales and Winter sales) and keeping the flow of crazy deals going.

Also - some might want to check my GGG thread for deals on 2K and Square Enix games - many of those games these require Steam or they are selling versions using Steam there, but not all of them do.

I thought the Borderlands 2 + XCOM: EU deals there were nice.

I already have BL2 (base game), though I'm not biting yet on XCOM: EU, though.
Yeah, it's necessary, without it I wouldn't bother posting here at all. It would be check-and-leave slickdeals style.

As mentioned, it differs from Minecraft in that there's more combat and an actual game to uncover. Layered on top of that, you have the building aspect. The building and crafting doesn't seem to be as intuitive as Minecraft at first glance, but it's actually not bad. A little research online will help out a lot.
Yeah, the comparisons with Minecraft aren't great since the games are only superficially alike. Terraria is more of an adventure RPG with crafting/building elements than a "Build anything!" sort of sandbox. But the focus from the developers has been a lot on bosses, new gear and other adventuring aspects. You can make giant castles and pixel art but that's something of a diversion from the monsters and loot.

Random thought/question... I have AC: Brotherhood and just picked up Revelations.  Will I be missing out if I don't play AC2 or should I add it to ye olde wishlist for future purchase.  I had the AC1 way back when, and couldn't stand the pacing, tried AC2 on release and was admittedly still jaded from AC1.  I'm just wondering if I should pick it up again or just start out with Brotherhood (eventually).

This. People sometimes make much ado about nothing. Yes, it sucks the mods get overzealous and blanket delete pages of stuff. It's an extreme. But, it's also an extreme to then follow up with pages of melodramatic "we can't say anything anymore" posts. If you guys haven't noticed, most of those posts are off topic and yet they are still here, free of any mod deletions. In fact, outside of Idiot and Mind Link's posts, nothing has been touched. I'm all for free speech, but I can see why constantly cursing out the mods in an aggressive manner, in the wrong section of the forum, could lead to some mod action.

<snip for not relevant to my point>

This is the cycle. The mods come in from time to time when something is reported, everyone gets up in arms, and then the thread proceeds as usual until the next time. It is lazy moderation and I've seen better moderation elsewhere, but it is what it is.
Not quite true, I saw a lot of reasonable posts get deleted after the deletion storm. I think I only ever managed to see one of Idiot's posts, but definitely remember a decent number of posts asking what was okay to post and giving mild criticism of broad-stroked deleting. I think things would have gone much smoother if the mods deleted what was inappropriate and left the rest of the OT and semi on topic discussions alone.

Can we stop derailing this thread long enough to answer a quick question:

Is the Crusader Kings II Collection a good buy at $19.99 for someone who loves Total War but only found Victoria II "just okay" due to boring but non-stop and unavoidable warfare (particularly playing as the Confederacy)... I have heard that CKII has more of a roleplay feel to it, which has me interested.

As long as we don't post a shitload of controversial discussion that has nothing to do with Steam, they tend not to exercise their powers;
But Blaaadeeee...

We like posting a shitload of controversial discussion that has nothing to do with Steam!

A lot!

In fact, outside of Idiot and Mind Link's posts, nothing has been touched. I'm all for free speech, but I can see why constantly cursing out the mods in an aggressive manner, in the wrong section of the forum, could lead to some mod action.
Not true. I had two large multi-quote answers posts erased from history.

In one answer to a question about zombies & politics A: Political Machine 2012 I posted a small image of Zomney vs Zobama which I suspect is the reason that whole multi-quote reply got deleted.

My other massive multi-quote reply included a youtube of Scooter's - Aiii Shot the DJ, in response to a DJ saving a life talk. I suspect that was the reason every other reply in that post had to be airbrushed from history.


Can we stop derailing this thread long enough to answer a quick question:

Is the Crusader Kings II Collection a good buy at $19.99 for someone who loves Total War but only found Victoria II "just okay" due to boring but non-stop and unavoidable warfare (particularly playing as the Confederacy)... I have heard that CKII has more of a roleplay feel to it, which has me interested.
They are easier than Victoria but still far harder than TW in my opinion. Just read some reviews and see what they say about difficulty.

Also you might want to ask nicer for help, being cranky ( ;) ) won't solve anything

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Random thought/question... I have AC: Brotherhood and just picked up Revelations. Will I be missing out if I don't play AC2 or should I add it to ye olde wishlist for future purchase. I had the AC1 way back when, and couldn't stand the pacing, tried AC2 on release and was admittedly still jaded from AC1. I'm just wondering if I should pick it up again or just start out with Brotherhood (eventually).
Yes. AC2 really setups up the whole story of the Ezio story arc (2,B,Rev), and is arguably the best AC game.

Can we stop derailing this thread long enough to answer a quick question:

Is the Crusader Kings II Collection a good buy at $19.99 for someone who loves Total War but only found Victoria II "just okay" due to boring but non-stop and unavoidable warfare (particularly playing as the Confederacy)... I have heard that CKII has more of a roleplay feel to it, which has me interested.
Watch some "Learn to Play CK2" videos and decide for yourself. If you do buy it it won't be time wasted. Tony has had various CK2-complete-to-date sales/packs that had CK2-ctd for $10 or less.

Can we stop derailing this thread long enough to answer a quick question:

Is the Crusader Kings II Collection a good buy at $19.99 for someone who loves Total War but only found Victoria II "just okay" due to boring but non-stop and unavoidable warfare (particularly playing as the Confederacy)... I have heard that CKII has more of a roleplay feel to it, which has me interested.
I found Total War and CK2 to be vastly different. If you're more of a hands-on person then grand strategy games may not be your thing. CK2 focuses a lot on political intrigue and dynasty building. Think Game of Thrones without all the action.

Watch some "Learn to Play CK2" videos and decide for yourself. If you do buy it it won't be time wasted. Tony has had various CK2-complete-to-date sales/packs that had CK2-ctd for $10 or less.
Good advice. A video or two should tell you all you need to know.

I almost hate getting booster packs. I got one for Walking Dead and selling it would net me about $1.30, whereas selling them individually would get me around 90 cents. The chance of a foil is slim, but it's only 40 cents.

I almost hate getting booster packs. I got one for Walking Dead and selling it would net me about $1.30, whereas selling them individually would get me around 90 cents. The chance of a foil is slim, but it's only 40 cents.
Yeah, I got one for Castle Crashers and just opened it. It was like a dollar for the booster pack whereas some cards can sell for like 20-30 cents. I'll take the chance of a possible foil card for half a buck.

have to disagree with some of above posts, religion was brought into play and even continued after the mod was involved i.e.  with Mormon underwear.  Making fun of religion can be deemed offensive (including the underwear).  Period.

Also, inappropriate pics were posted by more than one person.  People can debate and  call it softcore, call it Disney or whatever, it can be deemed offensive.

I am not a mod or the moral police.  I am just stating above to ask that people move on and try to respect each other a little more.

I almost hate getting booster packs. I got one for Walking Dead and selling it would net me about $1.30, whereas selling them individually would get me around 90 cents. The chance of a foil is slim, but it's only 40 cents.
Feel free to send your cards to me. Level 10 with zero boosters.

Re: Crusader Kings II

Appreciate y'alls input on this. I've watched a couple of videos, but g'dang it's impossible to watch people play Paradox games without getting bored as hell. I love Total War, Civilization, and I feel like I should love Victoria and Crusader Kings II... hearing Tony has the packs half the price is enough to hold off - much appreciated on that tidbit.

I almost hate getting booster packs. I got one for Walking Dead and selling it would net me about $1.30, whereas selling them individually would get me around 90 cents. The chance of a foil is slim, but it's only 40 cents.
You said it! Down with free money!

anybody have thoughts on red alert 3?  Is red alert 3 uprising worth it as well?  Red alert 3 uprising does not require base game, funny as I thought it was an expansion.  Yes, there are bears in this game.

Feel free to send your cards to me. Level 10 with zero boosters.

Re: Crusader Kings II

Appreciate y'alls input on this. I've watched a couple of videos, but g'dang it's impossible to watch people play Paradox games without getting bored as hell. I love Total War, Civilization, and I feel like I should love Victoria and Crusader Kings II... hearing Tony has the packs half the price is enough to hold off - much appreciated on that tidbit.
I'm going to go out on a limb, and suggest that if you found the L2P CK2 video boring, well there's a good chance you won't be gripped by CK2.

Paradox Grand Strategy games are really a totally different league than Civilization & Total War. Liking that latter really has no bearing on the former.

Appreciate y'alls input on this. I've watched a couple of videos, but g'dang it's impossible to watch people play Paradox games without getting bored as hell. I love Total War, Civilization, and I feel like I should love Victoria and Crusader Kings II... hearing Tony has the packs half the price is enough to hold off - much appreciated on that tidbit.
If you're bored watching the videos of people playing those games then that's a good sign that it is not the genre for you. :D They play so differently than TW and Civ that it's not surprising. I favor titles with more action as well, but I keep going back to CK2, feeling as though I'm missing out on some seriously highbrow entertainment, hoping that it might... click!

Ah, sorry. ^_^ I misunderstood. I thought your reply was intended to be like "no sh*t sherlock".

This is why you'll see me often use emoticons, tags, movements, or other things - to (try to) get across my intent, tone, & context on what I say and type here.

Context can be so taken in so many different ways on the Internet, without doing such a thing.


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This is why you'll see me often use emoticons, tags, movements, or other things - to (try to) get across my intent, tone, & context on what I say and type here.

Context can be so taken in so many different ways on the Internet, without doing such a thing.

So, sort of like Elcor internet talk...

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My last input on the issue. I apologize, but I want to ensure the record is straight.

Yes, it sucks the mods get overzealous and blanket delete pages of stuff. It's an extreme. But, it's also an extreme to then follow up with pages of melodramatic "we can't say anything anymore" posts. If you guys haven't noticed, most of those posts are off topic and yet they are still here, free of any mod deletions. In fact, outside of Idiot and Mind Link's posts, nothing has been touched. I'm all for free speech, but I can see why constantly cursing out the mods in an aggressive manner, in the wrong section of the forum, could lead to some mod action.

For those looking to witch hunt, don't blame anyone but me if you'd like. Idiot posted a racial slur (the n word) as part of a "joke." I tried to let him know that wasn't cool and he just decided to keep joking about it, so since he wasn't taken it seriously I reported the one post with the racial slur and put in the notes to the mods "there is a racial slur in this post." ... I was actually a bit surprised some people got up in arms about a the judgmental christian evangelizing, but no one either noticed or cared about the slur.

Shortly thereafter we saw the mass deletions so I'm assuming the mods saw the message, decided to look at the thread overall and decided to delete everything they deemed inappropriate. I don't have an issue with the off topic talk around here and I contribute to it greatly, but I can certainly see why others don't necessarily care for it.
I admit that I did not see (or simply scrolled right passed) the racial slurs. There are times when I scroll through a few pages to see if anything catches my attention (usually images, as most of them are pretty damn funny), but generally I just want to catch up. Racism is indeed inexcusable and with him persisting and being antagonistic you had every right to report him and for disciplinary action to be taken.

I would like to clarify that I, personally, am not on a witch hunt or trying to blow things out of proportion. In my view, people I enjoyed interacting with were "Silenced" (whatever that means; if it's not a ban then awesome) and sweeping moderation ensued (not in that order). Yes, this is the nature of forums, and with a community of tens of thousands of members and tens of thousands of posts to track daily, it is tedious and quite easy to be prone to laziness.

However, it wasn't so much what the moderators did, it's how they did it that bothers me. They didn't "decide to delete everything they felt was inappropriate"; they deleted everything. That in itself isn't a huge deal to me, but the response and wake left by the mods and the dramatic, overzealous actions they took regarding the issue ("stay on topic, GTFO or be silenced/banned") left those of us who don't know where the mods draw the line timid and susceptible to second-guessing ourselves in fear of further dramatic repercussions. That's not cool in a setting where we should (and have been able to) freely and openly converse with an obvious, appropriate and logical filter so as not to incite negativity and dispute. This could have been handled much better from an authoritative standpoint, and that's what I am upset about.

As far as further deletions: maybe I am overreacting here, but I am very much expecting more moderation; just nobody has gotten around to doing it yet. If not, I am happy that they allow us to go so far as to openly question the actions of staff without fear of being put on trial, but in the same regard I wonder if this is retrospective to looking at how things were handled yesterday.

Not quite true, I saw a lot of reasonable posts get deleted after the deletion storm. I think I only ever managed to see one of Idiot's posts, but definitely remember a decent number of posts asking what was okay to post and giving mild criticism of broad-stroked deleting. I think things would have gone much smoother if the mods deleted what was inappropriate and left the rest of the OT and semi on topic discussions alone.

^^ Communication would certainly have made a big difference, too. There were plenty of people staying on topic and making very informative posts in between it all. I particularly remember ashes posting a pretty substantial review-of-sorts on a game if memory serves me right. I was lost in the heat of the moment and didn't pay close attention to them, but there were probably as many on-topic posts as there were off; the OT posts were generally just way longer.

Finally, I have to mention Idiotekque and Mind Link - neither one of them appear to be banned permanently. At least that's my interpretation of the "Silenced" group in which they've been placed. I see people posting confusing statements about their status and I think we need to be clear.
Silenced. They still should be able to login, but are unable to post. Historically these last a week.
Thank you for clarifying; I was also unaware of this.

Edit: I can confirm Idiot's IP was banned; he was not "silenced". Well, I guess he was silenced, but not in traditional CAG fashion.

I am done, and I would once again like to apologize to staff and the community for being a large contributor to yesterday's conflict. There was something about the evangelical way the original poster so adamantly preached/defended his religion combined with the fact that it was so unnecessary and out of place that really rubbed me the wrong way. I made a brief reply (which is still there), and then his attention focused towards me with a provoking response. I decided to engage rather than report as I should have, and it was out of character for me.

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Yes. AC2 really setups up the whole story of the Ezio story arc (2,B,Rev), and is arguably the best AC game.
For the "Ezio" games - I think AC2 + AC:B are the best of the club.

As a matter of fact, I think those are the best two games in the AC franchise.

I've made my way through all of the AC games up to Revelations.

Granted, I ain't even bought AC3 + its DLC's - so obviously, I don't know how those are...yet.

In due time, probably.

After AC:R, I surely am glad to have taken a break from the AC series.

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This is why you'll see me often use emoticons, tags, movements, or other things - to (try to) get across my intent, tone, & context on what I say and type here.
Context can be so taken in so many different ways on the Internet, without doing such a thing.
I guess I'll need to do that too :D
I still like the {shrug} emoticon you use XD
Edit: [entertained] I think the Elcor Internet talk [/entertained]
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anybody have thoughts on red alert 3? Is red alert 3 uprising worth it as well? Red alert 3 uprising does not require base game, funny as I thought it was an expansion. Yes, there are bears in this game.
I have enjoyed what I have played of red alert 3. It acts as if it takes itself seriously as far as the story but it is silly and somewhat amusing to watch. The gameplay is decent and the units unique if not also somewhat silly at times. It has 3 campaigns an allied, a Soviet and a Empire of Japan one. Can't comment on uprising as it still lingers in my back log.

Also grabbed CK2 Old gods, price error or not thats my buy point as I really want to try that out.

So, sort of like Elcor internet talk...

Yes, that's it, more or less!


Though, I don't think I always sound as monotone as the Elcor do in ME series - hehe. ;)

Okay, maybe sometimes I sound monotone, but not 24/7/365. ;)

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