The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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TotalBiscuit Top 10 in the Halloween Steam Sale

Painkiller: Black Edition

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Bioshock Franchise Pack

Fallout: New Vegas: Ultimate Edition

Natural Selection 2

Killing Floor

The Swapper

The Walking Dead

Sleeping Dogs

Joe Danger and Joe Danger 2

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons (honorable mention)

Some interesting choices.
AWESOME list! :D

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Yeah, I picked a few games off of it that hadn't been on my radar...

I did end up getting the L4D collection... I enjoyed the first on the 360... Never played the second but from the talk in this thread I wonder if maybe I shouldn't have done so.
Yeah, I really love the Left 4 Dead Games - they're awesome.

But, yeah - that list TB put up is really awesome.

Vampire: Bloodlines; PK: Black; TWD (Telltale); Bioshock Franchise Pack; Sleeping Dogs; FO:NV Ultimate; and KF all are freaking great.

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Yeah, I picked a few games off of it that hadn't been on my radar...

I did end up getting the L4D collection... I enjoyed the first on the 360... Never played the second but from the talk in this thread I wonder if maybe I shouldn't have done so.
The second one has stuff not on the first so it definitely is worth playing. If anyone ever needs a sucky co-op partner that definitely won't boot them off, you've got a friend in me.

Regarding A:CM, I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as it's made out to be. (I played the game to completion.) The two major detractors to the game are the misleading preview demo and the large fervent fan base. If the demo never existed and this wasn't an "Aliens" game, it would be no better or no worse than Generic Shooter A. Take Inversion for example, largely was criticized for being a Gears clone, but the gameplay was solid enough and was visually adequate. I can say that A:CM (post patch) is about on equal footing. I'll actually give the nod to Aliens as it does a decent enough job of setting up familiar locales and getting the sound design pretty much on par with the movies. My biggest gripes were some of the Alien animations were awkwardly stiff and the AI as a whole (friendly and enemy) were questionable at times. Is it the game we were all hoping it to be, no way. Is it as terribad as the internet makes it out to be, IMO, no way.
so true i had fun brought season pass worht the halfprice preorder yea u haters can kiss my ass it was more fun than avp in my opinion avp too much hardness

readyu for magicka weekned guys wooho 

o why so many 2k updates lolol 

and is there in game buy tho if not who kjnows lol 

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How is the dpad on this thing? Not that I really need another gamepad, but...just curious. $13 is CAG cheap.
It's decent - a bit "light" but I play a lot of platformers using the dpad and haven't had any problems. I also much prefer its placement to the x360 controller's.

I was also concerned about its reliability - I had a Logitech Dual Action before this and it simply died (I think it's a cable problem). But I've had the first F310 for over a year without any problems (mostly light use).

For what they are worth, you can check out the reviews at Newegg:

Edit: As I said above, $13 is a really good price for the F310, but if you want the Real Thang, Newegg has the MS x360 wired controller for $25 with free shipping for the next few days:

Last time they ran this promotion, they ran out of stock.

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Wow after the Halloween sale it was expected the weekend deal would suck, but wow it the two most common games on sale again! fuck you Torchlight and Magicka.

I did end up getting the L4D collection... I enjoyed the first on the 360... Never played the second but from the talk in this thread I wonder if maybe I shouldn't have done so.

It's still a really good game, even if you play with one or two people (you can choose to have friends-only and there are even mods to play as Chris Redfield and the rest of the STARS team). It's only random matchmaking that is unfortunately unbalanced and harsh. Speed and your understanding of how to play are everything, so get good at versus with friends before trying versus with strangers.

Sadly, the original L4D is obsolete. Official updates ported all the campaigns and survivors over, and with better graphics, and more weapons, and three times the amount of special infected...

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New Flying Bundle Available:

One dollar for:

Dinner Date (Steam)

Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood (Steam)

Chernobyl Commando (Desura)

Noire (Desura)

Mystery Game (Desura)

Four Dollars gets you:

DIVO (Steam, Desura)

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre (Steam)

Lightfish (Steam, Desura)

Rhythm Destruction (Desura)

Mystery Game (Steam)

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New Flying Bundle Available:

One dollar for:

Dinner Date (Steam)
Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood (Steam)
Chernobyl Commando (Desura)
Noire (Desura)
Mystery Game (Desura)

Four Dollars gets you:

DIVO (Steam, Desura)
Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre (Steam)
Lightfish (Steam, Desura)
Rhythm Destruction (Desura)
Mystery Game (Steam)
Argh, a bunch of games I shouldn't want but do, but $4 might be more than I care to spend. Will wait for the bonuses I guess...

EDIT: nevermind, didn't see Noire at first. No way I'm supporting that :oldman:
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The description suggests there's cosmetic microtransactions. So I assume it's the usual $9 per card.
I don't see anything about microtransactions in the description or anywhere to purchase them. Which part were you talking about?

I installed it and it told me I have 0 drops remaining out of 0 drops earned. Weird. I think some people have been getting cards - at least there are a couple listed on the market right now. I wonder why.

Argh, a bunch of games I shouldn't want but do, but $4 might be more than I care to spend. Will wait for the bonuses I guess...

EDIT: nevermind, didn't see Noire at first. No way I'm supporting that :oldman:
So, what is Noire, since apparently you know?

It's still a really good game, even if you play with one or two people (you can choose to have friends-only and there are even mods to play as Chris Redfield and the rest of the STARS team). It's only random matchmaking that is unfortunately unbalanced and harsh. Speed and your understanding of how to play are everything, so get good at versus with friends before trying versus with strangers.

Sadly, the original L4D is obsolete. Official updates ported all the campaigns and survivors over, and with better graphics, and more weapons, and three times the amount of special infected...
Am I the only person who finds the fact that Left4Dead utterly and completely fails to demarcate your campaign progress in any significant way very off-putting?

I don't see anything about microtransactions in the description or anywhere to purchase them. Which part were you talking about?

I installed it and it told me I have 0 drops remaining out of 0 drops earned. Weird. I think some people have been getting cards - at least there are a couple listed on the market right now. I wonder why.
This is how cardz work for F2P games on Steam; you have to spend money on the game to be eligible for cardz.

I don't see anything about microtransactions in the description or anywhere to purchase them. Which part were you talking about?

I installed it and it told me I have 0 drops remaining out of 0 drops earned. Weird. I think some people have been getting cards - at least there are a couple listed on the market right now. I wonder why.
"No pay to win items" suggest that there are items that can be paid for, but that don't affect gameplay balance.

EDIT: According to the game's website there are not microtransactions, however.


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Worms, Alien Breed, and Superfrog in the new humble weekly. There's also a new key redemption process. You have to login with Steam and give Humble permission to activate the keys. You no longer get access to them directly.

Your Steamgifts points are going to rise a lot slower now.

Worms, Alien Breed, and Superfrog in the new humble weekly. There's also a new key redemption process. You have to login with Steam and give Humble permission to activate the keys. You no longer get access to them directly.

Your Steamgifts points are going to rise a lot slower now.
That's shitty.

edit: sort of want the Alien Breed games, but not for $6. If that was first tier I'd go for it.

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Does it still let you BTA later, after paying $1 with the new steam account linking feature? I'll buy it for Superfrog, but unsure if I want to BTA yet.
Speaking of free cards, apperantly valve messed up and you can earn magicka cards during free weekend :D
Statistically speaking, it's actually far more likely that you own Magicka and didn't realize it.

Worms, Alien Breed, and Superfrog in the new humble weekly. There's also a new key redemption process. You have to login with Steam and give Humble permission to activate the keys. You no longer get access to them directly.

Your Steamgifts points are going to rise a lot slower now.
Really? Wow. I guess HB is really intent on crushing key reselling/gifting. That sucks.

I preferred it when they just gave you group keys to this sort of thing.

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Are any of the worms games here good? I don't think I've ever passed on two humble weeklys in a row. I guess this is what happens when I buy 91 billion games in a steam sale (jkizzles, 91 billions is more like 4)

I don't want anyone, except me of course, to activate anything on my account. I don't like this
You do still have to redeem each game individually by clicking a button next to them. You don't buy the bundle and suddenly have every game in your account. In that regard it's good for the people who have complained about having games they don't want in their libraries from keys which contained multiple.

Worms, Alien Breed, and Superfrog in the new humble weekly. There's also a new key redemption process. You have to login with Steam and give Humble permission to activate the keys. You no longer get access to them directly.

Your Steamgifts points are going to rise a lot slower now.
Double eww! As if the deal itself wasn't mediocre enough.

You do still have to redeem each game individually by clicking a button next to them. You don't buy the bundle and suddenly have every game in your account. In that regard it's good for the people who have complained about having games they don't want in their libraries from keys which contained multiple.

I'm talking about permissions. I'm very paranoid.
This is entirely impractical, but do the keys redeem to the account signed in? Can you split keys between accounts by signing into Steam as a different user?
This is entirely impractical, but do the keys redeem to the account signed in? Can you split keys between accounts by signing into Steam as a different user?
I could be wrong, but on my first redemption it asked me if I wanted to link it to my Steam account. On subsequent games/redemptions, it automagically redeemed them on the account I "connected", no prompting/asking for a different account.

<Put's on tinfoil hat>

Aw man, I am feeling a strong need to buy some new games.  Humble weekly was my best hope of holding out during the Steam sale.  Now I might cave and buy the OMD and Sherlock Holmes franchise packs.  (Although I just noticed: no Hound of the Baskervilles in SH pack? Thought it was in there before.)

Maybe I'll just activate this key for The Cave I have sitting around to tide me over...

I need help.

Ummm... if that's all you're getting with that card than something is very wrong.

You playing in 4K?
I don't know, I think I used to have Nvidia Inspector set up to limit the game to 40ish fps but I've reinstalled drivers and done clean installs since then, I didn't think that could still be affecting things.

I just checked Inspector and there are no frame rate limiters set. I turned up all the settings like AA and AO, everything to max. Playing at 1200p, if I should be getting more then I need to know. I've been wondering if my CPU is holding me back, I thought it was pretty good still. i5 3570k but not overclocked.

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I could be wrong, but on my first redemption it asked me if I wanted to link it to my Steam account. On subsequent games/redemptions, it automagically redeemed them on the account I "connected", no prompting/asking for a different account.

<Put's on tinfoil hat>
After you refresh, there is unlink button.

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