The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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I'm talking about permissions. I'm very paranoid.

I am getting a tin foil hat ready for you

Someone is cranky

<Put's on tinfoil hat>


Are any of the worms games here good? I don't think I've ever passed on two humble weeklys in a row. I guess this is what happens when I buy 91 billion games in a steam sale (jkizzles, 91 billions is more like 4)
Worms Armageddon is the best one. The Pinball game's okay, and Blast is a nice Puzzle Bobble-type with annoying character voices. I didn't like Worms Revolution at all, very slow and sluggish and for some reason the worms cough a lot between turns.

$1 tier yes, BTA no.


It's bad enough that their recent weekly sales have been filled with games and no DLC - which is intentional so you have to buy the DLC and these companies get more money that way.

And now this?

I don't like where Humble is going.

It's bad enough that their recent weekly sales have been filled with games and no DLC - which is intentional so you have to buy the DLC and these companies get more money that way.

And now this?

I don't like where Humble is going.
It really is disgusting providing 6 full games for $1.00 and then having the audacity not to provide all of the additional, optional content along with it at no extra charge.

Humble might as well drop their pants and shit in my mouth right now. Just get it over with.

I wouldn't care too much about basically being required to redeem the keys to your account if they weren't bundling some games 3+ times in bundles.  fuck that.

I ended up grabbing 3 75% off games and realizing that I have a key for Edna & Harvey from a Gala gift (thanks fox!), so I'm set.

Worms, Alien Breed, and Superfrog in the new humble weekly. There's also a new key redemption process. You have to login with Steam and give Humble permission to activate the keys. You no longer get access to them directly.

Your Steamgifts points are going to rise a lot slower now.
that ea like im goign to rant on them

lets tell them to suck their dick at night did ea took over the company cause this is unhumble. now i i cant give anyone the keys that i ddont need yup unhumble can go to hell with me for real. this is crap what if one key i want theni cant give it to friend that nice jerkhumble they should move to north korea where they belong with our corruptd govt. nope

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If you're looking for a Halloween game to play tonight that's on the other end of the spectrum from the horror/zombie types, I strongly recommend giving Costume Quest a go..  If it's not sitting in your library from a previous purchase/bundle, it's still 75% $3.74, and definitely worth it.

I know I was initially turned off a bit by the "you're trick or treating" description, but that's just a high-level explanation of why you're going around and having actiony semi-turn-based fights with monsters, with time-based button presses, a la Mario/Luigi RPG or PA Adventures 1+2, etc.  The graphic style is warm and perfect, the music is great, just a surprisingly fun game that I've played through each of the past two Halloweens.  This morning my wife and I both found ourselves independently thinking about it and wanting to play it again tonight.

A great game to sit and unwind with after going out trick-or-treating, or while handing out candy, it perfectly captures the spirit and excitement you had for Halloween as a young 'un.

It really is disgusting providing 6 full games for $1.00 and then having the audacity not to provide all of the additional, optional content along with it at no extra charge.

Humble might as well drop their pants and shit in my mouth right now. Just get it over with.
they going to bee ea of indie bundles no offense but that customer unfriendly cough ea target govt

It really is disgusting providing 6 full games for $1.00 and then having the audacity not to provide all of the additional, optional content along with it at no extra charge.

Humble might as well drop their pants and shit in my mouth right now. Just get it over with.
Yes, truly.

You may not have a problem with that, but I do. That's not all, they're now selling games that have DRM restrictions and additional layers on top (Paradox accounts). It's just not a path I had hoped they would take.

that ea like im goign to rant on them

lets tell them to suck their dick at night did ea took over the company cause this is unhumble. now i i cant give anyone the keys that i ddont need yup unhumble can go to hell with me for real. this is crap what if one key i want theni cant give it to friend that nice jerkhumble they should move to north korea where they belong with our corruptd govt. nope
I understood most of that.

I really don't like the humble account link thing, but as long as the quality of their sales stays in line w/what it's been traditionally, I think I can live with it.

Edit: Offtopic, but Halloween is a really good reminder that I'm not 12 anymore. Now when I pig out on candy I feel it sludging around in my stomach. I feel like I'm gonna vomit and pass out simultaneously. as opposed to 12 years ago I'd just get a sugar rush. I need my green tea and spinach, now. Yayyy getting older

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It really is disgusting providing 6 full games for $1.00 and then having the audacity not to provide all of the additional, optional content along with it at no extra charge.

Humble might as well drop their pants and shit in my mouth right now. Just get it over with.
It's a sheepish attitude to obediently agree with the decisions of a company when they further restrict accessibility to their products.

"Hey, at least you still get the license rights to 6 games for $1."

"Hey, gas is $3.50 now. That's down 20 cents from last week! Better fill your tanks."

"Capcom gives you the freedom of buying costumes and added characters as DLC because DLC is a great thing. It has nothing to do with them loathsomely increasing their profits."

"I'm all for Amazon changing their free shipping eligibility to $35. At least it's still free shipping."

"At least BP said they were sorry."

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Yes, truly.

You may not have a problem with that, but I do. That's not all, they're now selling games that have DRM restrictions and additional layers on top (Paradox accounts). It's just not a path I had hoped they would take.
They have never done that, to my knowledge, in a numbered humble bundle.

It's a sheepish attitude to obediently agree with the decisions of a company when they further restrict accessibility to their products.

"Hey, at least you still get 6 games for $1."

"Hey, gas is down to $3.50 now. That's down 20 cents from last week! Better fill your tanks."

"I'm all for Amazon changing their free shipping eligibility to $35 instead of $25. At least it's still free shipping."

"At least BP said they were sorry."

All they did was find a way to enforce ToS.

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It's a sheepish attitude to obediently agree with the decisions of a company when they further restrict accessibility to their products.

"Hey, at least you still get 6 games for $1."

"Hey, gas is down to $3.50 now. That's down 20 cents from last week! Better fill your tanks."

"Capcom gives you the freedom of buying costumes and added characters as DLC because DLC is a great thing. It has nothing to do with them loathsomely increasing their profits."

"I'm all for Amazon changing their free shipping eligibility to $35. At least it's still free shipping."

"At least BP said they were sorry."
I completely agree w/this, we are the consumers. We shouldn't be making justifications for the companies when they make dick moves - in this case, Humble has lessened the value of their product, while keeping the price the same. I'm pretty pissed at that, but at the same time...I weigh my options when purchasing items. If humble offers the most cost efficient way to get games I want, I'll continue to buy from them, at least until either A) An unexpected new bundle company rivals their quality B) Humble bundles drop in quality or C) Humble's policies become so restrictive that the restrictiveness outweighs the bundle price/quality. It hasn't reached that point yet, and neither A nor B (well, the past few bundles have sucked, we'll see if this continues) have really happened yet.

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All they did was find a way to enforce ToS.
But they didn't. They found a way to restrict buyers who legitimately want the bundle. People can still resell the links to bundle pages once the sale is over. It's less effectual than the bundled serial keys they used to give.

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I really don't like the humble account link thing, but as long as the quality of their sales stays in line w/what it's been traditionally, I think I can live with it.

Edit: Offtopic, but Halloween is a really good reminder that I'm not 12 anymore. Now when I pig out on candy I feel it sludging around in my stomach. I feel like I'm gonna vomit and pass out simultaneously. as opposed to 12 years ago I'd just get a sugar rush. I need my green tea and spinach, now. Yayyy getting older
dont u dare u have been brainwash by unhumble bundle rip. mind link neuro mysterd where have u guys gone we need help we lose people with indivudality and brain.

dont u dare u have been brainwash by unhumble bundle rip. mind link neuro mysterd where have u guys gone we need help we lose people with indivudality and brain.
Lol, I hate it too. But as long as Humble remains the most cost efficient way to get quality games, I'll buy it. I'm not going to pay more somewhere else because I hate one aspect of the company.

Lol, I hate it too. But as long as Humble remains the most cost efficient way to get quality games, I'll buy it. I'm not going to pay more somewhere else because I hate one aspect of the company.
bbbbut we can all make humble change their ways if we all stop giving them our $1 and instead going and paying $10 for worms golf on steam

c'mon guys we gotta stick to our guns, i'm tired of the man keeping me from giving away 25 cents worth of content to my penniless friends

Worms, Alien Breed, and Superfrog in the new humble weekly. There's also a new key redemption process. You have to login with Steam and give Humble permission to activate the keys. You no longer get access to them directly.

Your Steamgifts points are going to rise a lot slower now.
Boo. Down with oppressive DRM management.

In case anyone's keeping track, Worms Revolution and one of the non-BTA tier Worms games have cardz in the new Humble weekly.
Hmmm, good to know, might be in for $1.

You do still have to redeem each game individually by clicking a button next to them. You don't buy the bundle and suddenly have every game in your account. In that regard it's good for the people who have complained about having games they don't want in their libraries from keys which contained multiple.
But they'd been moving away from one key and to separate keys anyway.

It really is disgusting providing 6 full games for $1.00 and then having the audacity not to provide all of the additional, optional content along with it at no extra charge.

Humble might as well drop their pants and shit in my mouth right now. Just get it over with.
I don't understand how you don't see what's so baaaaaaaad about this. No wait I do.

I don't really care about the value, HiB is a steal and underpriced at the BTAs no matter how you look at it. I just hate restrictions on things. End result for me is the same, I tend to try to activate keys asap so not to forget about them, I just don't like the forced account linking, possibly of tracking, culling data for marketing purposes, etc. You're already just selling me a "subscription" to a game on Steam, but you have to follow me through the entire process?

I wouldn't care too much about basically being required to redeem the keys to your account if they weren't bundling some games 3+ times in bundles. fuck that.

I ended up grabbing 3 75% off games and realizing that I have a key for Edna & Harvey from a Gala gift (thanks fox!), so I'm set.
Your welcome.

I really don't like the humble account link thing, but as long as the quality of their sales stays in line w/what it's been traditionally, I think I can live with it.

Edit: Offtopic, but Halloween is a really good reminder that I'm not 12 anymore. Now when I pig out on candy I feel it sludging around in my stomach. I feel like I'm gonna vomit and pass out simultaneously. as opposed to 12 years ago I'd just get a sugar rush. I need my green tea and spinach, now. Yayyy getting older
You just haven't been eating candy often enough. Your body gets used to it. Anything leafy and green makes me vomit violently.

Also, everyone is missing the biggest news. Magicka on sale. That's the equivalent of Steam giving us floss and toothbrushes for Halloween. I have a bag of used TP and I'm heading to Valve HQ as I type.

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is this 1999? people still use the 'rumble' feature in games?
You insult rumble again and I'm gonna beat you silly.

I just looked it up and my CPU doesn't bottleneck my GPU, or at least shouldn't... if I'm getting lower FPS than I should in Sleeping Dogs then I don't know wtf is wrong. :( i5 3570k + gtx 770, fully maxed out at 1200p I get 40fps.

I just got a They Bleed Pixels booster pack.

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If you're looking for a Halloween game to play tonight that's on the other end of the spectrum from the horror/zombie types, I strongly recommend giving Costume Quest a go.. If it's not sitting in your library from a previous purchase/bundle, it's still 75% $3.74, and definitely worth it.

I know I was initially turned off a bit by the "you're trick or treating" description, but that's just a high-level explanation of why you're going around and having actiony semi-turn-based fights with monsters, with time-based button presses, a la Mario/Luigi RPG or PA Adventures 1+2, etc. The graphic style is warm and perfect, the music is great, just a surprisingly fun game that I've played through each of the past two Halloweens. This morning my wife and I both found ourselves independently thinking about it and wanting to play it again tonight.

A great game to sit and unwind with after going out trick-or-treating, or while handing out candy, it perfectly captures the spirit and excitement you had for Halloween as a young 'un.
And you'll never look at French Fries the same way again!

You insult rumble again and I'm gonna beat you silly.

I just looked it up and my CPU doesn't bottleneck my GPU, or at least shouldn't... if I'm getting lower FPS than I should in Sleeping Dogs then I don't know wtf is wrong. :( i5 3570k + gtx 770, fully maxed out at 1200p I get 40fps.

I just got a They Bleed Pixels booster pack.
The AA is probably dropping your FPS, turn it down and I'm sure you'll get 60+. AA is brutal in Sleeping Dogs, even for high end GPUs.
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Lol, I hate it too. But as long as Humble remains the most cost efficient way to get quality games, I'll buy it. I'm not going to pay more somewhere else because I hate one aspect of the company.
well i guess at least i give the money ot charit yor developer then humble will have 0 tip if ever if they do not my bundle then they losing nothing but they not being smart they hurting their brand their consumer and prolly more people

Driver SF on UPlay for $1 was Deluxe Ed when UPlay was promoting their service, more or less.
That was a steal.

But, yeah - I do understand the "I must have this on Steam" mentality some have.
Wish they'd do that again. I skipped that sale because I was avoiding Uplay and Origin. Now I have a bunch of games that require one of those, and I wish that I'd picked it up at the time. :whistle2:(

is this 1999? people still use the 'rumble' feature in games?
The biggest benefit is that the motors add some weight to the controller.

Driver SF on UPlay for $1 was Deluxe Ed when UPlay was promoting their service, more or less.

That was a steal.

But, yeah - I do understand the "I must have this on Steam" mentality some have.
wel i rather have it on steam if it there if it not like ea games ds3 crysis 3 im force to add either drm free or steam two choice that what i should say i want drm free no uplay no nothing or steam causei trust valve more than ubisoft and ea ccombined they have their evils more than the goods valve does some bad but more good. it like how i stop buying from target their customer seervice is crap

The AA is probably dropping your FPS, turn it down and I'm sure you'll get 60+. AA is brutal in Sleeping Dogs, even for high end GPUs.
I was just looking up some benchmarks and 40 isn't unreasonable for me, I was mislead by Mindlink! I saw some benchmarks that were between 44-55 fps. I may reduce settings to play, I just want to see what this card is capable of and make sure it's performing correctly. I had some really unstable fps in Assassin's Creed 3 but I think that's all CPU related and it's just a poorly optimized game. Changing graphic settings never affected the fps so that's pretty clearly a CPU issue I guess. Glad that they claim to have fixed that in AC4!

I've been wondering if PC games will begin to support the new style of rumble that Xbone has, where the triggers have their own rumble function apart from the main rumble. Apparently Xbone controller won't even have Windows support til some time in 2014.

My 360 pad is still good enough for me, except for games with no deadzone such as Dishonored, the left stick doesn't fully return to center so in that game my guy is constantly drifting left when I let go of the stick. That's shitty game design man, I don't have any other games that do that.

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well i guess at least i give the money ot charit yor developer then humble will have 0 tip if ever if they do not my bundle then they losing nothing but they not being smart they hurting their brand their consumer and prolly more people
Exactly. I used to set the sliders to default, but now I'll probably set to 67% charity 33% developers. No humble tip for you!

Exactly. I used to set the sliders to default, but now I'll probably set to 67% charity 33% developers. No humble tip for you!
i think they are goign to lose more tip than ever wouldnt be surpise if it gets much beyond that. i didnt give them tip for ea bundle cause i dont trust them not givingg ot ea behind close doors so rather give ccharity

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