The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Steam Sales on Steam



Steam Sales Elsewhere on CAG - Updated 11/2

Indie Bundle Threads - Updated 8/26

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Past Special Sales
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Past CAG Steam Deal Threads

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In regards to a 360 Controller/Receiver, I thought I'd mention that these are a much less expensive option that seem to be pretty good quality wise (haven't got one personally, but reviews are positive and it is carried on Microsoft's site so I expect it is better than the average third party option). Plus the colors are a nice bonus :D/

until you're actually going to play it or sell it, you've still wasted your money even if you only payed $1, haha.
"CAG in Training"

Soon, you'll understand;)

Do you know what game doesn't go on sale too often on Steam? GhostBusters the videogame


I got the game, you don't
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In regards to a 360 Controller/Receiver, I thought I'd mention that these are a much less expensive option that seem to be pretty good quality wise (haven't got one personally, but reviews are positive and it is carried on Microsoft's site so I expect it is better than the average third party option). Plus the colors are a nice bonus :D/

Well shit, that seems like a good way to go :) Always saw ads for them, but never considered it, in for Pink ;)
Wait for the Xbone controller.

What the... They sell that rock candy controller on, and on the product page they promote the fact that you can choose the color that best suits yourself and personalize and all that... but they don't allow you to pick the color you're buying! Color is not specified anywhere and the image is of a selection of different colors. is the worst. has the blue one, cool. I love blue but my black official controller still works aside from a sticky L stick which causes issues in games with no deadzone (Dishonored).

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is new vegas still buggy as hell or is it fixed these days? Was thinking for 5 bucks i may bite on it, but i hear it was a steaming mess bug wise

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haha nah im not trolling. I downloaded steam ages ago just because i got a free super crate box and magicka (if they were always free dont mind me) but I havent thought to check as I didnt know classic games were on here. But word of this quakecon pack surfaced, i checked it out and I was super excited to see all these older games i havent played in forever. So I was going to get them last night, but I was unaware that steam constantly changes deals. I assume, like a moron, since the quake con sale is 4 days, that all 4 days the deals remained. I didnt know it was a different deal focus each day. Lesson learned. haha

I am a compelte PC gaming noob. The last game I bought new for PC was Warcraft 3 frozen throne. haha I am a 99% console gamer, only using PC for classics like doom and whatnot. But i have doom BFG on xbox 360 so I dont even use PC for that (i suck witha keyboard and mouse, a controller is 100% more comfortable to me and always has been). I think its because controllers used to suck and many didnt work right for PCs or they were crazy expensive so i just got into consoles as a kid. But with technology being awesome, i am sure i could find a good controller for PC and play some classics. But yea i missed the 75% off so better luck next time i guess. Thanks for the help guys, now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
Burn the infidel!

Or, he can admit his wrongdoing, repent of his sins, and pledge fealty to Gaben.

This is the choice I offer you. Choose wisely.

New Vegas was mostly fixed on PS3 last time I played, it barely worked at launch. I think there are some mods for New Vegas on PC that fix a bunch of the problems that were left over.

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is new vegas still buggy as hell or is it fixed these days? Was thinking for 5 bucks i may bite on it, but i hear it was a steaming mess bug wise
I played it about a year and a half ago with about 10 mods installed and I think it CTD'd maybe once or twice. WAY more stable than Fallout 3 IMO.

Speaking of mods, the only one I remember that I can recommend is Nevada Skies. Adds a bunch of weather and makes the sky the best shade of blue ever.

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Just a last-minute pointing out of A Virus Called Tom, 75% off, $2.49 until 10 Pacific:

Been on sale since the 1st for its 1-year release bday, I don't remember seeing it featured as a daily or during the summer sale, just saw it bought by a friend and was pleasantly surprised.. Pretty original puzzler, fun so far, nice polish, and a great Daft Punk-y soundtrack (I tossed the extra $.50 for it after sampling on youtube).

Steam key available via dev's website for same price, and from blog posts there, cards appear to be imminent, if that matters..
Found a pretty interesting article regarding how the They Bleed Pixels devs view trading cards:

Here's the most interesting bit:
When people are paying more for a valueless trinket than they are for the actual work that spawned them, it can be devastating to a developer's ego. "Honestly, it's a little bit depressing to see the cards selling more than the game is," laments Sternberg. "That to me feels kind of broken." The worst case scenario is that your labor of love, the game you worked hard to create, is being played for profit instead of pleasure by the majority of its users. "You do hope that if somebody is buying [They Bleed Pixels], they're buying it to play and enjoy the game," says Sternberg. "The cards throw this weird psychological thing in the way of that."

I'm sure the extra income from trading card/profile background/emoticon sales is nice, but it would be pretty shitty to know that your game is only being played (aka idled) to get cards to sell for GabeN fun bucks.

Also, check out how much this weed emoticon is going for:


(Does anybody know how to create custom text links? The standard text doesn't work on CAG 3.0)

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until you're actually going to play it or sell it, you've still wasted your money even if you only payed $1, haha.

I think you're right.

Look no further then CAG's very own Humble-owned arachnitwit : Spoderman (spelled ur name wrong doofus)

In 2013 when you buy a game to backlog and you're not all about the Benjamins -- remember -- dat shit will be bundled and dat ass will be salty.

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Do you know what game doesn't go on sale too often on Steam? GhostBusters the videogame


I got the game, you don't

I love to do that with Blur.

I played it about a year and a half ago with about 10 mods installed and I think it CTD'd maybe once or twice. WAY more stable than Fallout 3 IMO.

Speaking of mods, the only one I remember that I can recommend is Nevada Skies. Adds a bunch of weather and makes the sky the best shade of blue ever.

Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta dealt me a renowned game-breaking, save-killing bug that forcibly ended my quest 100+ hours in.

fuck ZeniMax.

fuck Bethesda.

fuck Fallout 3.

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re: Controllers

That red controller is hideous.

I have the official microsoft wireless one and am very pleased with that purchase. I think I've seen them go as low as $30-$35ish on a sale. It's nice to not have to mess with wires and it has a really good range, even through walls. I can use if I'm in another room and have a game enabled via splashtop on my tablet even.

Once you have that dongle you can later add a second wireless controller or wheel to it and you won't need to get another dongle.

re: New Vegas

PC version of New Vegas is fine and has been for a long time. No major issues here. Most of the bugs have been long since patched and any remaining ones that might exist there are mods for.

re: Indie Developers and their games being sold for the cards

If it sells more copies and gets their game noticed and they got to make a living doing something that they like to do there are certainly worse things in the world. For one thing there a ton of games on Greenlight trying desperately to get in that will probably never make it.

So Van Helsing is awesome. Needs me another copy for the hubby now. We said we were going to play Torchlight 2 today, but now I wish I could get a second copy of Van Helsing so we could play it together.

I watched a video on co-op, and it's really weird that co-op has two Van Helsings running around and two of his spirit companions. I mean, I guess it makes sense. The game IS about Van Helsing. But two Van Helsings at once feels like some sort of dual-world weirdness that's inexplicable.

Because werewolves and harpies and mechanical men men make perfect sense.

Both the "Boss Baddie Lunar Pack 2013" games Lunnye Devitsy and Wake were given Steam Trading Cards. I had both from some indie bundle in the past so decided to give them a try.

Geez. After playing Trine and Gianna, this was... painful. I was expecting at least something along the lines of Limbo. No such luck. Yuck.

Both the "Boss Baddie Lunar Pack 2013" games Lunnye Devitsy and Wake were given Steam Trading Cards. I had both from some indie bundle in the past so decided to give them a try.

Geez. After playing Trine and Gianna, this was... painful. I was expecting at least something along the lines of Limbo. No such luck. Yuck.
Yeah, I was really, really disappointed when I bought this pack a couple months ago. I only tried playing Lunnye Devitsy, but it was just garbage. Plodding movement, no map, no clear objectives. Just wandering around in a foggy-ish filtered world. I gave it about 30 minutes before I uninstalled. Will only reinstall for cardz.

I know this is a bit off topic, but any CAG regulars have an Ouya?  I have a $13.37 kickstarter reward credit for the Ouya, but I already sold mine and I'm not interested in ever picking one up again.  If a CAG regular (ideally someone who posts in the Steam thread) is interested, I'd give it away for free :)

On topic, I just finished Call of Juarez: Gunslinger... such a great game!  Almost all the games I've been playing have been original and unique in some shape or form (Gunpoint, Swapper, Rogue Legacy), and though Gunslinger comes with much higher production values, I really enjoyed the dynamic and unreliable narration akin to Bastion.  

Yeah, I was really, really disappointed when I bought this pack a couple months ago. I only tried playing Lunnye Devitsy, but it was just garbage. Plodding movement, no map, no clear objectives. Just wandering around in a foggy-ish filtered world. I gave it about 30 minutes before I uninstalled. Will only reinstall for cardz.
I debated several times picking these two up, but now I'm very glad I didn't. Obviously not every game can be completely great or original, but it seems that far too many indie games of this nature are just trying to get by on Limbo's success but never actually meeting or surpassing it in terms of quality. Maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic as usual, but I'm getting very sick of seeing so many half baked Limbo clones. Give us something new :oldman:

I debated several times picking these two up, but now I'm very glad I didn't. Obviously not every game can be completely great or original, but it seems that far too many indie games of this nature are just trying to get by on Limbo's success but never actually meeting or surpassing it in terms of quality. Maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic as usual, but I'm getting very sick of seeing so many half baked Limbo clones. Give us something new :oldman:
Crap like Lunnye Devitsy makes me wonder how it made it onto Steam to begin with, while there's tons of great stuff sitting in Greenlight.

Crap like Lunnye Devitsy makes me wonder how it made it onto Steam to begin with, while there's tons of great stuff sitting in Greenlight.
A lot of stuff that arguably shouldn't be on Steam/would have to go through greenlight, I expect is only there because it was released prior to Greenlight's inception. For better or worse, Greenlight has at least done a fairly good job of weeding out a lot of indie crap (though obviously it isn't quite as adept at letting the good stuff through).

I debated several times picking these two up, but now I'm very glad I didn't. Obviously not every game can be completely great or original, but it seems that far too many indie games of this nature are just trying to get by on Limbo's success but never actually meeting or surpassing it in terms of quality. Maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic as usual, but I'm getting very sick of seeing so many half baked Limbo clones. Give us something new :oldman:
I'm slightly annoyed by arrogantly didactic indie-devs like Jonathan Blow. He's a really good guy; a good guy who's made only 1 game though.


Despite the lack of proven games the man dispenses pointers to fans and other devs like strawberry Pez .

And then there's Blade's favorite:

Simon Says. Yep, I heard he loves that on the iPhone.

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fuck Fallout 3 indeed, could never get that game to run properly, it would always crash the second I set a foot outside of vault 101.
I had it on 360 XP Fallout NV ended my quest just before I finished the sunset sarsaparilla quest (save bug glitch causing crashing) so I restarted, that game was about 75 hours in and I restarted surprisingly XP
So Van Helsing is awesome. Needs me another copy for the hubby now. We said we were going to play Torchlight 2 today, but now I wish I could get a second copy of Van Helsing so we could play it together.
Well... I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying it because I debated picking it up during the last sale and it's on my wishlist. Now I'm just going to have wait until it goes on sale once more. It's bittersweet.

Yeah, I was really, really disappointed when I bought this pack a couple months ago. I only tried playing Lunnye Devitsy, but it was just garbage. Plodding movement, no map, no clear objectives. Just wandering around in a foggy-ish filtered world. I gave it about 30 minutes before I uninstalled. Will only reinstall for cardz.
From your description you've also experienced Wake. It's pretty much just like that.

Did I say shitfest? It is still an absolutely awesome game... you just have to save before walking through every door, corridor, and over each rock, crevice, or corpse.

If Van Helsing is interesting to you, keep an eye out for Grim Dawn.  This game is currently in alpha and being made by Iron lore creators of Titan Quest.  Grim Dawn was on kickstarter and is in the greelight process on Steam (reportedly it will be released on Steam per game's website). 

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Today's deal is Age of Empires II HD at 50% off ($9.99)

It's Elder Scrolls day in the Quakecon sale.

Skyrim Legendary Edition is 40% off ($35.99)

Base Skyrim is 50% off ($14.99)

DLC is 50% off for those with the base game

Oblivion GOTY Deluxe is 75% off ($6.24) - Deluxe contains "Fighter's Stronghold Expansion, Spell Tome Treasures, Vile Lair, Mehrune's Razor and much more," in addition to GOTY content.

Oblivion GOTY is 75% off ($4.99)

Morrowind GOTY is 75% off ($4.99)

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This might be my time to pick up skyrim.  I have 8.50 in my steam wallet from cards so it will only be 6.49 out of my own pocket.  I think thats a great deal for skyrim.

although I did just start playing the witcher last night and want to play that and the witcher 2 to try to get a few games out of my current 400+ game backlog on steam.

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Tried to order the Skyrim DLC via Gamefly (20% discount), but my order is UNDER REVIEW and I need to either wait for Gamefly to call me to verify it, or call Gamefly during their ridiculously inconvenient operating hours of NOON to 4 PM Monday through Friday.

I feel like I just bought video games from the Amish. 

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Tried to order the Skyrim DLC via Gamefly (20% discount), but my order is UNDER REVIEW and I need to either wait for Gamefly to call me to verify it, or call Gamefly during their ridiculously inconvenient operating hours of NOON to 4 PM Monday through Friday.

I feel like I just bought video games from the Amish.
I had an order flagged one time. All I had to do was send them an email saying "Yes, it was me who bought this game. This is my username, I confirm I bought this." They replied in less than a day and approved my order.

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I had an order flagged one time. All I had to do was send them an email saying "Yes, it was me who bought this game. This is my username, I confirm I bought this." They replied in less than a day and approved my order.
They just called me, 30 minutes after I emailed them. Had to verify my billing address and email address. 2nd time I have had to be phoneverified by Gamefly (first time was just a robodial "answer the phone" thing).

In retrospect, this is probably a level of customer service/support that I should demand from more internet businesses. While not instantly getting what I ordered (wasn't charged until after the phone verification) was initially shocking and mildly infuriating because GIMME GIMME GIMME, the fact that Gamefly wants to know that I am actually a real person and not some scamming phishing stealing jerkwad kinda makes me feel like i'm actually a real customer and not some scamming phishing stealing jerkwad.

Moral of the Story: Only buy your video games from licensed and reputable Grey Market resellers.

But it will mean playing PC games with a DS3.

Keep that in mind.
Kinda the point. =p

Owns: DS3

Does not own: PS3

For wireless controllers on PC there are really only three routes:

1) Wireless 360 + dodgy 3rd party dongle (I see a good share of complaints about these) (Xinput only)

2) DualShock 3 + $2 Bluetooth dongle (using Better DS3, which will auto-profile on connect, for Xinput & DirectInput)

3) Logitech F710 (thing pictured on the Steam Big Screen promos, XInput & DirectInput)

DirectInput is important for playing older pre-360 games with the controller (e.g. GTA VC & SA). The solutions mentioned are seamless, there are other routes for technomasochists.

So Van Helsing is awesome. Needs me another copy for the hubby now. We said we were going to play Torchlight 2 today, but now I wish I could get a second copy of Van Helsing so we could play it together.

I watched a video on co-op, and it's really weird that co-op has two Van Helsings running around and two of his spirit companions. I mean, I guess it makes sense. The game IS about Van Helsing. But two Van Helsings at once feels like some sort of dual-world weirdness that's inexplicable.

Because werewolves and harpies and mechanical men men make perfect sense.
When looking into Van Helsing on the SSS, there were a lot of posts on SPUF about coop bugs, fyi.
Well it looks like Morrowind and Oblivion decided to hit 75% off right as I don't have the cash to buy them(moving apartments and all). Ah well, I'm sure by the time I would have gotten around to playing them they would already be 75% off again.

Nice to see Deadlight get cards. I can actually use SAM to idle that game and get them. It sucks that not every game has achievements so you can't use SAM to idle. I have 3 games I have to download just to idle for cards. Of course I'm still on America's worst internet so I'll wait till I fully move and get my new internet to get to those.

So Van Helsing is awesome. Needs me another copy for the hubby now. We said we were going to play Torchlight 2 today, but now I wish I could get a second copy of Van Helsing so we could play it together.

I watched a video on co-op, and it's really weird that co-op has two Van Helsings running around and two of his spirit companions. I mean, I guess it makes sense. The game IS about Van Helsing. But two Van Helsings at once feels like some sort of dual-world weirdness that's inexplicable.

Because werewolves and harpies and mechanical men men make perfect sense.

Well... I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying it because I debated picking it up during the last sale and it's on my wishlist. Now I'm just going to have wait until it goes on sale once more. It's bittersweet.
Same here, I was really on the fence about Van Helsing and almost bought it when it was a GG summer sale DotD but ended up passing. I will have to grab it next time.

OTOH then sometimes I go ahead on some games that are meh (Shadowrun Returns) or complete and utter festering piles of garbarge (Realms of Arkania).

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine to go back and fix my bad purchases and get my buyer's regret sales I passed on.

Well it looks like Morrowind and Oblivion decided to hit 75% off right as I don't have the cash to buy them(moving apartments and all). Ah well, I'm sure by the time I would have gotten around to playing them they would already be 75% off again.

Nice to see Deadlight get cards. I can actually use SAM to idle that game and get them. It sucks that not every game has achievements so you can't use SAM to idle. I have 3 games I have to download just to idle for cards. Of course I'm still on America's worst internet so I'll wait till I fully move and get my new internet to get to those.
If you look up the game's appId and put it in the box at the top of SAM and hit add game, it will send the signal to the server to show you as playing it.

That's what I did with Star Wolves 3.

Disclaimer: TL;DR if you don't give two fuck cents about a Steam Card Market story.

I bought both Wake and Lunnye Devitsy in the Lunar bundle pack for $1.70 on a Steam sale. I had no expectations for either game other than they were cheap, more than 75% off and looked interesting for the backlog.

In short, I ended up making $4.42 off the 4 card drops while buying up cheap 'The Monster' cards (6) and reselling. There was a low total of 'The Monster' cards (only 5 listed) compared to all of the others cards in the series (25-35 listed per card) for some reason. Three of my four drops ended up being The Monster card funny enough. The drop rates per card in the series were out of whack and inconsistent apparently. I've seen this happen before, maybe it's intentional or just a glitch in drop rates.

So I listed my two cards for $0.70 (the lowest) while one person would keep undercutting me all the way down to $0.16 to $0.22. They simply were just matching what all the other cards were selling for without taking notice to the low quantity and higher price of this specific card. I just kept buying up cards one after the other until they stopped listing since they were cheap by comparison. At this point I was down a tolerable $1.27, all invested in 6 acquired 'The Monster' cards. I listed all 6 cards at $0.62 a piece and waited, when along came some MEGA badge collectors (at levels 110 and 141) and bought up 3 cards each. Perhaps I was just in the right place at the right time with a lucky circumstance.

I thought it was interesting how people would blindly list cards so low and undercut others by $0.50 without even thinking rationally about quantity and demand (even for a not well known indie title). Sure they could unload the card quickly, but still, it's pretty much senseless card posting. It's as almost as if these people have been trained to follow the standard market pricing of $0.20 per card like sheep.

/End Steam Market Story


Same here, I was really on the fence about Van Helsing and almost bought it when it was a GG summer sale DotD but ended up passing. I will have to grab it next time.

OTOH then sometimes I go ahead on some games that are meh (Shadowrun Returns) or complete and utter festering piles of garbarge (Realms of Arkania).

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine to go back and fix my bad purchases and get my buyer's regret sales I passed on.
I kinda really wish I would have picked up Rogue Legacy. Despite all my new purchases following the summer sale, that's what I really want to play right now. This afternoon I found myself actually contemplating paying the full price for it on the dev's website. I just spent 40 hours the last week beating XCOM, and it made me realize that once fall hits I won't be able to play any games that involved, so if I'm going to get sucked into something now's the time...

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