The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Well, I had played through as a "pure mage" style character. The only weapon I ever held was a dagger enchanted to steal souls. So the whole idea of becoming Archmage was the culmination of my character's existence -- even more so than the Dragonborn thing. You can imagine how fulfilling that felt in the end.

And, as I said, the world itself boils down to the same as most of these Bethesda open world adventures: Great big world to explore and not really very much to see in it. I felt the same about Oblivion and Fallout 3. Fun for a while until you realize how pointless exploring that next cave or warehouse is. Then I just burn through the main plot to say I finished it and move on. I have no idea how people can invest thousands of hours in those games.
well for my sister, it was exploring the world an learning of it existence. she enjoyed finding the random books/diary's an reading what happen, when she find random npc or land mark that fit with the lore, it made her happy.

she never care much about the main quest, she wanted too know more about the world an the people in it. the dark things that happen behind the scene, that books told about but man rarely seen.

anything can be plain or exciting, depending how much it means too you.

Rage and quake 4 at $4 after coupon on GMG. I've played quake 4 on launch (I'm a quake fan) and is great, but that was so many years ago. Too bad RAGE DLC is not on sale. Should I get RAGE vanilla and DLC later... Or quake 4 and give it a go again?
Rage and quake 4 at $4 after coupon on GMG. I've played quake 4 on launch (I'm a quake fan) and is great, but that was so many years ago. Too bad RAGE DLC is not on sale. Should I get RAGE vanilla and DLC later... Or quake 4 and give it a go again?
Definitely get the DLC. For one, it's actually pretty decent and two it opens up the game, so that after you finish the main story you can complete any other remaining quests. It was just on sale for $1.24 at several places.

Oh all the things steam gets right, I still can't believe there is no way to check if a key is good without adding it to your account, even the PS3 has that, and it doesn't even have the ability to sort games in alphabetical order.

What gets more dailies - Super Meat Boy or Magicka? ;)
Meat>Magic>Jon Stewart

Oh all the things steam gets right, I still can't believe there is no way to check if a key is good without adding it to your account, even the PS3 has that, and it doesn't even have the ability to sort games in alphabetical order.
Valve and Steam seem dysfunctional at times all the time.

They use the zombie AI from L4D as a replacement for humans in the customer service department, for fuck's sake.
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Rage and quake 4 at $4 after coupon on GMG. I've played quake 4 on launch (I'm a quake fan) and is great, but that was so many years ago. Too bad RAGE DLC is not on sale. Should I get RAGE vanilla and DLC later... Or quake 4 and give it a go again?
If you're going to bother playing RAGE you WANT the DLC. Seriously, don't do it without the DLC.

If buying the DLC on sale is important to you then I'd say wait and go do Quake 4.

I hate that too. My internet sucks so I can't play games like this online.

They could've just added a sort of "Endless" mode, with no story content, so we could fight against the computer without having to go into training mode.
Skullgirls got arcade mode patched in yesterday. You can play arcade mode, which is essentially 6 battles. Story mode I'm pretty sure will be final release only.

And the net code is amazing, and there's some newbs online now, so now may be the time to get online if you're looking to learn a bit while fighting real people.

If you're going to bother playing RAGE you WANT the DLC. Seriously, don't do it without the DLC.

If buying the DLC on sale is important to you then I'd say wait and go do Quake 4.
I thought the most important part of the DLC was that you could roam the world after you finish the game, so I thought I could buy it and finish it... and then buy the DLC
Perhaps a dumb question, and I can't find it on the webpage... do either Rayman Legends (Ubisoft) or Castlevania: LOS (Konami) require Steam + other software (i.e. Uplay)?  I'm unfamiliar with Konami on the PC.

If you're going to bother playing RAGE you WANT the DLC. Seriously, don't do it without the DLC.

If buying the DLC on sale is important to you then I'd say wait and go do Quake 4.
Is the DLC that important? I got RAGE as a gift from a friend who grabbed one of those glitched Bethesda packs from GG. Even at $1ish I didn't bother getting the DLC. I guess it's nice it opens up the game after the end but it never struck me as something that would have an interesting world to explore. And the content it comes with sounds like it's pretty limited.

All this Bethesda talk just reminds me how much I love those open world games they make. I have Elder Scrolls 3-5 and FO3/NV on Xbox, but I recently got a gaming computer and just had to buy them all so I can experience them w/mods. I'm not sure I'll make it out of my house in the next 5 years now. When LucasArts disintegrated I was hoping Bethesda would somehow pick up the Star Wars rights...somehow making some type of mix of the Force Unleashed combat w/the immersive freedom of Bethesda games would just be frickin awesome.

Is the DLC that important? I got RAGE as a gift from a friend who grabbed one of those glitched Bethesda packs from GG. Even at $1ish I didn't bother getting the DLC. I guess it's nice it opens up the game after the end but it never struck me as something that would have an interesting world to explore. And the content it comes with sounds like it's pretty limited.
When owning ONLY the base game, there's a point in the game - where you just can't go backwards at all & revisit areas from earlier. IIRC, once you hit Subway Town - you were stuck in that area until the end of the game. And once you finished the game, it's all done - go back to an earlier save or start over.

With Scorchers DLC, this changes everything - kind of like how Broken Steel DLC did for Fallout 3. Besides having new areas, new weapon, new story, and new content - once you finish the main game or the DLC, you STILL can go back to any area you'd like, to do any quests you missed and whatnot.

Also, Scorchers DLC has a good boss fight at the end & (gasp!) it actually completes its self-contained story (unlike RAGE base game). The DLC should take players anywhere from 3-6 hours.

Also, there's an extra Ultra Nightmare difficulty added by having the DLC, too. Ain't tried that - can't speak on it.

I think the Scorchers DLC is easily worth the $1 or so that it was. It certainly was worth the $2.49 that I dropped on it.


If you're going to bother playing RAGE you WANT the DLC. Seriously, don't do it without the DLC.


Definitely get the DLC. For one, it's actually pretty decent and two it opens up the game, so that after you finish the main story you can complete any other remaining quests. It was just on sale for $1.24 at several places.

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When owning ONLY the base game, there's a point in the game - where you just can't go backwards at all & revisit areas from earlier. IIRC, once you hit Subway Town - you were stuck in that area until the end of the game. And once you finished the game, it's all done - go back to an earlier save or start over.

With Scorchers DLC, this changes everything - kind of like how Broken Steel DLC did for Fallout 3. Besides having new areas, new weapon, new story, and new content - once you finish the main game or the DLC, you STILL can go back to any area you'd like, to do any quests you missed and whatnot.

Also, Scorchers DLC has a good boss fight at the end & (gasp!) it actually completes its self-contained story (unlike RAGE base game). The DLC should take players anywhere from 3-6 hours.

I think the DLC is easily worth the $1 or so that it was. It certainly was worth the $2.49 that I dropped on it.


But I can do all that buying the DLC next time it goes on sale (just like Joe's Adventure on Mafia 2). So I can finish the game now and buy the DLC later on and do all that. Or I will need to start it all over?

But I can do all that buying the DLC next time it goes on sale (just like Joe's Adventure on Mafia 2). So I can finish the game now and buy the DLC later on and do all that. Or I will need to start it all over?

I had only the RAGE base game BEFORE the DLC - and finished the base game.

Once I got the DLC, I loaded my last save (i.e. the one where you beat the game). It'll actually take you right back to the game-world. You can go back and do old quests and revisit old areas; work on the Scorchers DLC content; and/or whatever.

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I had only the RAGE base game BEFORE the DLC - and finished the base game.

Once I got the DLC, I loaded my last save (i.e. the one where you beat the game). It'll take you right back to the game-world into Subway Town. You can go back and do old quests and revisit old areas; work on the Scorchers DLC content; and/or whatever. :D
Thanks! I'll buy the base game from GMG, $4 is an amazing price!

Thanks! I'll buy the base game from GMG, $4 is an amazing price!
Actually now that I think about it - I can't recall if your last save takes you right back to Final Battle or straight to Subway Town. It might've took you back to Final Battle (which isn't that long). Either way, w/ DLC installed - finish the main quest, it's eventually back to Subway Town.


Lemme see if I still got that save. I'll go check so I can be 100% on this.


Hmmm, I have a regular save for the Final Level for RAGE base game. Not sure if it Auto-saves after you beat the game, since my last Auto-save was right after Scorchers DLC content. Either way, like I said, after you install Scorchers DLC - you'll eventually wind-up back at Subway Town, after finishing the base game.

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You should get Scorchers with the base game simply because a lot of that content is spread throughout the campaign. It's not an expansion pack of all high level content. If you go back to it after beating the game a huge chunk of it is going to be trivialized. I'd suggest getting it when you start the game or for a 2nd complete playthrough.

Is Super Meat Boy on the "on sale way too much" bingo card?


The corners are to keep things from getting too easy. ;)


Love the bingo card.

Though, Vampire: Bloodlines can never be on sale enough, as far as I'm concerned.

Love that damn game to the true death.

I don't think Bully deserves to be one of the corners. It used to be rare but it's been on sale tons lately. Put Kingdoms of Amalur there and you're on to something.

Skullgirls got arcade mode patched in yesterday. You can play arcade mode, which is essentially 6 battles. Story mode I'm pretty sure will be final release only.
Thanks for the heads up. I had "played" it the once and shelved it, thinking it was going to be MP only for the beta. I don't need the story mode, just a way to enjoy the game on my own.

I don't think Bully deserves to be one of the corners. It used to be rare but it's been on sale tons lately. Put Kingdoms of Amalur there and you're on to something.

I used Bully because I needed a 4th corner and forgot about Amalur, but that's the only edit I'm going to make on this.

From here on out it stands as the really dumb thing that it is.

I didn't realize the RAGE DLC was worthwhile, guess I'll keep an eye out for a good deal. I have no desire to go back to that game so it'd have to be really cheap.

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I used Bully because I needed a 4th corner and forgot about Amalur, but that's the only edit I'm going to make on this.

From here on out it stands as the really dumb thing that it is.
So basically, whoever gets all of these at 75% off (or more) wins?


RE: Bethesda Games, to Suck to Not to Suck?

MysterD has good advice saying to play it in manageable spurts, because the game can wear you out (especially if you don't stay focused). All Bethesda games have a feel were if you don't give them a decent amount of time and chance to grow on you, they won't. Give them some time, get the hang of things, and they can really grow on you.

That said, some people need more direction and a more focused, unique experience. Bethesda games are sandbox games with a ridiculous amount of choice and freedom... and they still do a pretty good job at making cool, interesting questlines. Anyone ever done the Pelagius quest in Solitude? That's some crazy stuff, awesome quest reward, super cool. How about the Wolf Queen quests there? Also awesome. The main quest? It's cool, but not the strongest. most interesting quest in the game, in my opinion. I don't see a whole lot of point of "winning" Bethesda games. I find more fulfillment, fun, and ironically direction in making my mark on the game world. I find there's more purpose in travelling, growing in strength and wealth, saving/slaying cities, aiding/destroying peoples' lives, etc.

I also have a wild imagination, so I like to make lots of characters, each with their own personalities, approaches to situations, skill levels, etc. I have a young half elf girl named Tyr that has a strong sense of justice, but is also wild and uncultured to an extent, and may even murder an adventurer if she needs their supplies to move on. I have mysterious, quiet fellow named Gideon, who may kill without reason, all the while passing up vital, powerful loot while he butchers a town with his great axe dressed in tattered rags, all the while having darker, personal motives behind his actions. I have a bright-eyed disciple of the Stendarr, who's sworn oath is to destroy the twisted abominations of Skyrim and protect anyone she can, but when difficult times fall upon her... perhaps even being tainted by a vampire... will her ideals stay so strong in her mind?

Anyways, droning on. Bethesda games are awesome, but they're not for everyone. And if you're fraught with game breaking bugs, that sucks, but you should look into user patches that fix many of these errors and are easy to install. And honestly, if you ever think these games are too generic or repetitive, use mods. They're really not THAT hard to deal with with Nexus Mod Manager, and the amount of content and customization added is virtually limitless.

Also, Fallout New Vegas has the most focus and is easily the best Bethesda game in my opinion (mostly because Obsidian is behind it). If you haven't played that and given it a fair chance, you're really missing out.

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Metro 2033, Crusader Kings II, Deus Ex: HR, the Witcher, Torchlight.  Bingo!

Wait, I don't actually have to have played any of these games, right?

Yea, I have a bunch of those games but no bingo.  If I owned Super Meat Boy....

But no...


Oh snap!  I own Metro, Crusader Kings, Torchlight, Witcher (this one was D2D not steam), Deus Ex. BINGO!

Double Edit:  Nevermind... Witcher was bought from Amazon back before they really did Steam Keys.  D2D was Torchlight.  Back in my non-CAG days.  I just found I paid 11 bucks for that one and berated myself. :p


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You missed Killing Floor.

It has actually been bundled several times.
I ignored the Groupees one because it doesn't really count (you had to pay $10 or more to get Killing Floor), but I did forget about the Tripwire Humble Weekly. I'm not aware of any other times.

I don't think you people know how Bingo is played :D

You would mark off the games as they came up on Steam dailies, not if you already own them or not.  Of course, we'd all have the same card so it wouldn't be a very interesting game.

Going off owned games, I'd have a bingo on the Metro 2033 to Torchlight row.  I'll take my prize hot dog bun toaster now.

I think we all know what this means.

Steam Winter Bingo Hall event... coming to a computer near you in December 2013.
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I don't think you people know how Bingo is played :D

You would mark off the games as they came up on Steam dailies, not if you already own them or not. Of course, we'd all have the same card so it wouldn't be a very interesting game.

Going off owned games, I'd have a bingo on the Metro 2033 to Torchlight row. I'll take my prize hot dog bun toaster now.
True... and put Call of Cthulhu on the center... so Gaben saves more money for burgers

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I don't think you people know how Bingo is played :D

You would mark off the games as they came up on Steam dailies, not if you already own them or not. Of course, we'd all have the same card so it wouldn't be a very interesting game.

Going off owned games, I'd have a bingo on the Metro 2033 to Torchlight row. I'll take my prize hot dog bun toaster now.

I think we all know what these means.

Steam Winter Bingo Hall event... coming to a computer near you in December 2013.

There's the psd if you feel like shuffling around the order to create your own card.

The icons are all just headers from Steam itself resized, if you want to add different games (Alan Wake in place of Shank, for example).

Just don't judge me for how atrocious my photoshop workflow/organization is.

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