The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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You obvs haven't played the game. It's as addicting as hell. I have about 10 hours in MYF.

The SNES pad had shoulder buttons back in '91 (North America). Do you feel that the triggers are less intuitive than shoulder buttons?

Buttons are tighter and more responsive (well better tactile feedback at least) than triggers-as-buttons.

I've been using shoulder buttons way before that. (And SNES shoulder buttons were mushy.)

The difference is that triggers have pressure levels. It's easier to lightly press a shoulder trigger than it is a shoulder button, just like how it's easier to slightly move a joystick than lightly press a d-pad arrow. I find that they are equally responsive to the new style of buttons on what is (I'm assuming that we're talking about) the 360 controller. Not only that, but it's a good improvement that allows for more accuracy in 3d worlds, compared to the old style controllers designed primarily for 2d. And truth on dat SNES critique; I've had to take my controllers apart and fix the shoulder buttons because they're more apt to wear out than all my other systems. Except the Gamecube. Gamecube controllers are kinda shitty.

RE Mind Link's previous response to my post:


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The difference is that triggers have pressure levels. It's easier to lightly press a shoulder trigger than it is a shoulder button, just like how it's easier to slightly move a joystick than lightly press a d-pad arrow. I find that they are equally responsive to the new style of buttons on what is (I'm assuming that we're talking about) the 360 controller. Not only that, but it's a good improvement that allows for more accuracy in 3d worlds, compared to the old style controllers designed primarily for 2d. And truth on dat SNES critique; I've had to take my controllers apart and fix the shoulder buttons because they're more apt to wear out than all my other systems. Except the Gamecube. Gamecube controllers are kinda shitty.
RE Mind Link's previous response to my post:
Yeeeeaaahh, I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask Asshole al-Assad to go murder-suicide his mother.

That reminds me of this STMB thread (indie record label) from 2011 that yielded:

thethiefstheme on 10/13/11 said:
[customspoiler="Adults Only but Not NSFW"]

Followed by:

arX on 10/13/11 said:
Slovic’s experimental work suggests that we intuitively care most about a single,
identifiable human life, less about two, and we grow more callous as the body count rises.
Slovic believes that this “psychic numbing” explains the widely lamented fact that we are
generally more distressed by the suffering of a single child (or even a single animal) than
by a proper genocide. What Slovic has termed “genocide neglect”—our reliable failure to
respond, both practically and emotionally, to the most horrific instances of unnecessary
human suffering—represents one of the more perplexing and consequential failures of
our moral intuition.

-- Sam Harris, 'The Moral Landscape'

On a lighter note:

SunnyMeadowz on 10/13/11 said:
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Joypads? Awww, you're all so cute.


Come back to me when you've played Track & Field so much that the joystick doesn't go left anymore.

Hey guys you think Game Dev Tycoon looks like bundle fodder? Obviously I'm not gonna buy now, but I don't wanna buy it during the next Steam sale and then turn around and see it in the "Indie Cyndi Lauper Mega Bundle" or something like that.

Hey guys you think Game Dev Tycoon looks like bundle fodder? Obviously I'm not gonna buy now, but I don't wanna buy it during the next Steam sale and then turn around and see it in the "Indie Cyndi Lauper Mega Bundle" or something like that.

After Humble Origin Bundle, every single game is bundle fodder...

Hehe, cool-looking mod.

All this SR talk w/ this SRTT Mod + SR4 now here reminds me that I need to sometime get around and cheap out the SR:TT DLC that I ain't touched, since I bought SR:TT Full Packages a bit ago just to get the rest of the DLC.

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Finally played To The Moon last night, all in one sitting.  Very well done.

Barely managed not to cry.  My wife didn't fare so well.

Very surprised by all of the Animorphs references.  I have all those books on my shelf downstairs.


Hehe, cool-looking mod.

All this SR talk w/ this SRTT Mod + SR4 now here reminds me that I need to sometime get around and cheap out the SR:TT DLC that I ain't touched, since I bought SR:TT Full Packages a bit ago just to get the rest of the DLC.
u mean mindlink not mindlinx. AJ Lee will blackwidow MyterD for this so sad!

Hey guys you think Game Dev Tycoon looks like bundle fodder? Obviously I'm not gonna buy now, but I don't wanna buy it during the next Steam sale and then turn around and see it in the "Indie Cyndi Lauper Mega Bundle" or something like that.
TLDR: Nobody knows for sure but you're still probably better off waiting. there's a demo.

Honestly? Who knows. It seems most things end up in bundles but then there are a few indie devs that seem really resistant to it.

The game has actually been out for quite some time on the Windows 8 marketplace that like three people use. At first when asked the devs said they had no plans to take it to Steam and were keeping it just on the Win8 store. I guess somewhere along the way they realized that was nuckin' futs and eventually put it up on Greenlight and it got in.

Anyway, if you're curious there's a demo.

The fact that they have Mac and Linux versions as well would seemingly make them a good candidate for Humble. *shrug*

Oh and there's another way to get it. Apparently the developers themselves leaked it on torrent sites, but the version they leaked has a change in it where you can't get ahead and eventually go bankrupt due to all the lost revenue from piracy. :roll:

Then they went around touting a statistic that 93% of people playing the game on day one pirated it. Never mind that the only places they were selling it was the lame Windows 8 app market that nobody uses and their own obscure website.

Sorry but I hate when developers do that shit. They go and post some statistic like that that makes it sound like everyone is pirating without giving the context that maybe they were selling in obscure places so of course TPB and places like that are going to get more traffic or maybe they are locking their app down too much etc then publishers like Ubisoft of course feel like those numbers vindicate all their bullshit.

Another example is the developer who made the Android game Gentlemen!. He runs to the press with a similar statistic leaving out the facts that the name is ridiculously common and in fact a search for "gentlemen" on Google Play brings up almost entire stuff about Psy and also the fact the dev was super anal and locked down the app to work for only a very few android devices that he personally tested on so for 99% of the devices out there the game was blocked for them and in fact on the torrent sites a number of people commented they wanted to buy it but couldn't due to their device being blocked so they torrented it and installed the apk that way.

And reports were that it did work on most devices by the way so he was being ridiculous and blocked it for nothing. Besides Google has a 15 minute refund period that you can get your money back if a game doesn't work.


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Finally played To The Moon last night, all in one sitting. Very well done.

Barely managed not to cry. My wife didn't fare so well.

Very surprised by all of the Animorphs references. I have all those books on my shelf downstairs.
I got confused at those Animorphs that I have to look twice for references.

Did you make sure there are no dust near your computer before you played the game? I didnt cry either! Men dont cry over some silly video games!
I got a mod to remove the blue glow surrounding your character in Saints Row 4, which appears when you do a power. I think this looks way better! Now where's my nude mod? This game is pretty great.

Daily deal is Castle Crashers. 66% off, $5.09 or $15.28 for a 4-pack.

DLC is NOT discounted this time. It's been 75% off in the past.


No offense to that uncouth bigot: I hate CC.

It's absolutely beautiful and that's why I've given it so many chances to entertain me, but it FAILED as it was wrestled to the ground/junk category.

OG Turtles in Time>>>>>>>>>> and I haven't liked that since I was a small boy.

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No offense to that uncouth bigot: I hate CC.

It's absolutely beautiful and that's why I've given it so many chances to entertain me, but it FAILED as it was wrestled to the ground/junk category.

OG Turtles in Time>>>>>>>>>> and I haven't liked that since I was a small boy.
Ugh! Same here. I cant play more than 30mins of CC, its murdering my fingers.
No offense to that uncouth bigot: I hate CC.

It's absolutely beautiful and that's why I've given it so many chances to entertain me, but it FAILED as it was wrestled to the ground/junk category.

OG Turtles in Time>>>>>>>>>> and I haven't liked that since I was a small boy.
It rode a wave of hype taking three or more years to be ported over from Xbawks. It was fun for a playthrough but I can't understand how people felt compelled to replay it multiple times. I suppose it's one of those 'party games' and it was better back in 't3h day' on console where you had tons of people playing multiplayer. On PC, you'll be lucky to find one or two games up. The DLC isn't really worth it although the proceeds do go to charities -- I got the Pink Knight for a quarter during the Summer Sale because... why not.

After playing Sacred Citadel from the Derp Silver Bundle I think it's the better side scrolling beat-em-up (although the AI could stand to be better). Like CC, you won't find anyone playing online but if you already own it from the bundle then CC isn't going to give you anything different and arguably worse.

This is the reason--well, one of them anyway--why I will eventually get a gaming PC. I enjoy goofing off as it is in the console edition, this would just be the ultimate sandbox for me. Is SR:TT still pretty active in terms of modding even though SR IV is out?

It pretty much just started: :whistle2:s

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A good modder. Too bad he is conceited, power hungry, and bat shit crazy.
Pretty much seems to come with the territory for modders.

Daily Deal

Brutal Legend - $19.99 $4.99

bundle fodder.
I want Brutal Legend but yeah I can't shake the fundle bodder feeling either. With all the deals they do I think Double Fine has, if I may take an EAism, devalued their IP, at least as far as I am concerned.

[quote name="poxi" post="11013937" timestamp="1377536586"]
bundle fodder.[/quote]
It was already, but expensive tier.

I already have all the other DF games, so maybe I'll pick this up alone now.

Btw, ghost master is awesome. For that price, is a must
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Weeklong deals get a back rap, but that's a beautiful price on Rock of Ages. That game is such delightful, batshit fun. Art history by way of Monty Python plus tower defense plus smashing stuff with big rocks. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Weeklong deals get a back rap, but that's a beautiful price on Rock of Ages. That game is such delightful, batshit fun. Art history by way of Monty Python plus tower defense plus smashing stuff with big rocks. Can't recommend it highly enough.
Has it been bundled yet? It seems like a prime candidate but I can't recall that it has and neither Indie Game Bundle nor Google is bringing anything up about it having been in a bundle. Nothing conclusive anyhow.

Rock of Ages hasn't been bundled yet, which I agree is a little surprising. But it is a pretty fun (and funny) game, definitely worth that price.

I'm interested in Supreme Commander (I have SC2 from an Amazon bundle) but with Nordic having the rights now, it can probably get cheaper. Eh.

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It was already, but expensive tier. I already have all the other DF games, so maybe I'll pick this up alone now. Btw, ghost master is awesome. For that price, is a must
Yes, I should clarify. I thought about $1 bundle fodder.

All games carried by Humble Store will probably be part of $1 bundle sooner or later.

Pretty much seems to come with the territory for modders.

I want Brutal Legend but yeah I can't shake the fundle bodder feeling either. With all the deals they do I think Double Fine has, if I may take an EAism, devalued their IP, at least as far as I am concerned.
I want it too, but I paid $10 to get Stacking, CQ and Psychonauts from Amazon bundle and haven't installed any of them before they appeared in Humble Bundle for $1, ~$6-7 with Brutal Legend. That was the time when DF seemed to be too 'big' to be included in bundle. I already feel like I overpaid quite a lot and buying Brutal Legend now would only enhance this feeling. CAG all the way.

I'm interested in Supreme Commander (I have SC2 from an Amazon bundle) but with Nordic having the rights now, it can probably get cheaper. Eh.

You can check gold edition at $5
Public Service Announcement:

If you're considering Supreme Commander (you should) then you really want the Gold version. Forged Alliance adds a ton to the game.

It was already, but expensive tier. I already have all the other DF games, so maybe I'll pick this up alone now.
Same here. Any future DF bundle won't be any good to me so I'm biting on Brutal Legend now. It has cards as well in case an extra $0.60 off or so matters to anyone.

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