The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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It's like people who made mods for RPGs and say "This is a mature mod for mature gamers such as myself" and then it's a cockstorm.
Eaaasy there. I put a gratuitous amount of sex in Fallout: New Vegas because I'm a mature gamer with refined, mature taste. And Vegas needed more pimps and hos.

I'm a big GOT fan, have read all the books and watched every episode of the first two seasons at least twice. I saw season three but haven't felt compelled to rewatch it yet; I was disappointed with it overall. I wouldn't say it's must-see tv, or must-read fiction. It's far better than most other American TV, but that's not saying much. I consider it my guilty pleasure. And although GRRM does characterization really well, his prose is some of the most godawful amateur shit I've read. I think those books are proof enough in themselves that editors don't do a damn thing anymore.

Re GoT sex: if you think that is bad you might want to take a look at the source material :cold:
But there's less sex in the books. And what sex there is generally gets less focus than what is shown in the TV show, which is amplified because the books are more sprawling and the show has to be more focused. Using 2 minutes of your 50 minute show for humping is significantly more than a paragraph or two of in a book. In fact I don't really remember any extended page+ sex scenes in the books. Maybe one with Jaimie at one point, but I'm not even sure about that.

This isn't Steam chat which means it's fucking horrible but god damn. HBO putting gratuitous sex scenes in everything gets my dander up. It's like people who made mods for RPGs and say "This is a mature mod for mature gamers such as myself" and then it's a cockstorm.
This. HBO's attitude toward sex is so bizarrely juvenile that the SNL parody isn't even funny - it just seems like the truth. I don't understand how entertainment executives can still think that boobies are so important when ANYBODY CAN STREAM PORN FOR FREE NOW.

But there's less sex in the books. And what sex there is generally gets less focus than what is shown in the TV show, which is amplified because the books are more sprawling and the show has to be more focused. Using 2 minutes of your 50 minute show for humping is significantly more than a paragraph or two of in a book. In fact I don't really remember any extended page+ sex scenes in the books. Maybe one with Jaimie at one point, but I'm not even sure about that.

This isn't Steam chat which means it's fucking horrible but god damn. HBO putting gratuitous sex scenes in everything gets my dander up. It's like people who made mods for RPGs and say "This is a mature mod for mature gamers such as myself" and then it's a cockstorm.

Edit: Although I guess one Steam related thing, still no Groupees Paranautical Activity activity. Been 3 days now and they still haven't updated their post. In that time Zafehouse Diaries has both been launched on Steam and has delivered Groupees Steam keys. Maybe the Zafehouse Diaries devs should send an email telling them how to email keys to Groupees.
Alright I guess I haven't gotten far enough into them to put it all in perspective. I was sorta going off of some reviews I read that complained it was bordering on pedophilia. I agree with the HBO complaint, not only because it's unnecessary, but how awkward is it trying to watch a show like that with anyone else in the room :shock:

It's not as bad as some stuff, but I'd definitely be fine if they cut out or significantly reduced it in the rest of their shows. As you said, producers need to learn the difference between mature and gratuitous.

Side note: I've given up hope on ever getting a PA key. I never cared to begin with, and this lets me continue to think of them as stuck up pricks :argue:

I was sorta going off of some reviews I read that complained it was bordering on pedophilia.
I'd argue that pedophilia doesn't even apply to a certain extent when the content is in a different time period. It was extremely common in history for very, very young marriages (usually diplomatic in nature) to be arranged. That would include sex, marriage or not. Hell, you don't even have to go that far back--Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin.

It's only in relatively recent history that age vs relationships/marriage/sex has become a highbrow, moral issue. Not to say that isn't rightfully so, since most young people are assuredly NOT ready for sex and serious relationships.

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I'd argue that pedophilia doesn't even apply to a certain extent when the content is in a different time period. It was extremely common in history for very, very young marriages (usually diplomatic in nature) to be arranged. That would include sex, marriage or not. Hell, you don't even have to go that far back--Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin.

It's only in relatively recent history that age vs relationships/marriage/sex has become a highbrow, moral issue. Not to say that isn't rightfully so, since most young people are assuredly NOT ready for sex and serious relationships.
Mods in 3...2...1... ;)

Just don't expect GoT RPG's combat to be as deep as those titles, though. NWN1: Hordes expansion, NWN2, BG2, PST, DAO, and DA2 all have bigger parties normally than what GoT: RPG has going on. Normally in GoT: RPG, there's 1 or 2 characters you can control and switch between & pause only actually slows-time time to a crawl when you queue-up on up 3 tactics - which is what gives it a feel of being somewhere in-between original NWN and DA:O. See, GoT: RPG really doesn't have the level of "bashing" that the original NWN1 seeming to have - especially if you had a weapon-based character), yet it certainly doesn't have the bigger parties DAO has, either. There's no real party-formation lay-out stuff in GoT: RPG, which some of those old Infinity Engine games and Dungeon Siege 1 had, either.

Yeah, from what I played so far - I don't think GoT: RPG will wind-up anywhere as great as NWN1: Hordes expansion; NWN2 base game + Mask of the Betrayer expansion; PST; and DAO.
Word. I guess I didn't expect it to be that good long as the gameplay isn't ridiculously terrible, I think the lore is enough to carry it for me. I need to read the GOT books, I'm such a geek w/the show. I had never seen it until my friend lent me the first season this year. Every episode I was like ehhh that's okay, just enough to pique my interest to keep watching. I don't know when it clicked, but all of a sudden I couldn't get enough. Ended up ordering the first/second seasons for myself, marathoned the second season and then kept up w/the third. Rewatched them all two or three times in the span of a couple months since then. I'm sooo debating whether or not to read the books. The show is so good that I don't want the books to "spoil" it for me...which I feel like is kind of a stupid stance to take.

Mods in 3...2...1... ;)

I'd argue that pedophilia doesn't even apply to a certain extent when the content is in a different time period. It was extremely common in history for very, very young marriages (usually diplomatic in nature) to be arranged. That would include sex, marriage or not. Hell, you don't even have to go that far back--Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin.

It's only in relatively recent history that age vs relationships/marriage/sex has become a highbrow, moral issue. Not to say that isn't rightfully so, since most young people are assuredly NOT ready for sex and serious relationships.
Yes, I too want to have a drawn out argument concerning the validity of cultural relativism.

Word. I guess I didn't expect it to be that good long as the gameplay isn't ridiculously terrible, I think the lore is enough to carry it for me. I need to read the GOT books, I'm such a geek w/the show. I had never seen it until my friend lent me the first season this year. Every episode I was like ehhh that's okay, just enough to pique my interest to keep watching. I don't know when it clicked, but all of a sudden I couldn't get enough. Ended up ordering the first/second seasons for myself, marathoned the second season and then kept up w/the third. Rewatched them all two or three times in the span of a couple months since then. I'm sooo debating whether or not to read the books. The show is so good that I don't want the books to "spoil" it for me...which I feel like is kind of a stupid stance to take.
GoT: RPG isn't a horrible game by any means. The game is a bit lackluster in some areas (lack of "oomph" in look + sound department for combat; voice-acting is all over the place; mini-map is useless) and feels dated in others (graphics and textures are often dated). But, dammit - in the story, lore, GoT universe, plot, characters, and all of that stuff - this is the reason I just can't put this game down; it's better than a good deal of the stuff in RPG games out there, in these regards.

I haven't read the books, yet I certainly love the TV show. About "the show is so good you don't want the books to spoil it for you" - that makes sense. Books are normally better than a TV series or movie. To read the book and then watch the TV series or movie - I'd guess some would be disappointed b/c often stuff gets changed or left-out from the original work; and often, there can be a lot of differences when comparing book version vs. movie/TV series. When you see the TV series or movie 1st - if you love that version, chances are the book will just be even more awesome for you b/c there'll be MORE there in the book; usually is. Though, b/c of my heavy video game addiction - I ain't sat down to read a book in years, hehe.

What was the rule about selling boosters again? I got a Wake booster today - goes for $0.39, individual cards go for ~$0.10 each. There's a whopping 13 cards for one set, and I have 5 of 13. Better off unpacking for a Foil chance, or just selling the thing?

What was the rule about selling boosters again? I got a Wake booster today - goes for $0.39, individual cards go for ~$0.10 each. There's a whopping 13 cards for one set, and I have 5 of 13. Better off unpacking for a Foil chance, or just selling the thing?
Last time I unpacked a booster I got a foil, and that was with only 3 chances...

just sayin', I almost always unpack them because my life is boring and I like the thrill and the (usually) crushing disappointment is worth <$0.10-$0.20

What was the rule about selling boosters again? I got a Wake booster today - goes for $0.39, individual cards go for ~$0.10 each. There's a whopping 13 cards for one set, and I have 5 of 13. Better off unpacking for a Foil chance, or just selling the thing?
If the total value of the three cards is only a little less than the booster itself, might as well open it. I've gotten a foil in one before too.

If the booster is worth a good bit more, sell it. For example, you can still sell Exceed boosters for close to $1, while you could only sell the three cards for 50ish cents. Really not worth the risk on boosters like that.

Woah. I've been gone a week traveling the pacific northwest and I just caught up.

Ahh mah eyes burn, but it's nice to be caught up on all the gaming notes & the regular out-of-left-field posts.

Now the question remains do I continue to finish Saints Row 2 (36% finished) or move on to Saints Row 3? Yes that's right, I've never touched the SR series until recently, crazy I know. I was driven for some freedom & mayhem gaming after all the stealth & linear progression in Metro: Last Light.

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Woah. I've been gone a week traveling the pacific northwest and I just caught up.

Ahh mah eyes burn, but it's nice to be caught up on all the gaming notes & the regular out-of-left-field posts.

Now the question remains do I continue to finish Saints Row 2 (36% finished) or move on to Saints Row 3? Yes that's right, I've never touched the SR series until recently, crazy I know. I was driven for some freedom & mayhem gaming after all the stealth & linear progression in Metro: Last Light.
Finish up Saints Row 2 first. It's worth seeing everything play out and experiencing the crazy missions/characters. I only say this because you'll most likely have a hard time going back to SR2 after playing SR3, so it'll end up being one of those "unfinished" games in your library.

Zafehouse Diaries on Gamersgate has Steam keys now.

Paranautical Activity continues to be a horrible embarrassment for everyone involved.

Woah. I've been gone a week traveling the pacific northwest and I just caught up.

Ahh mah eyes burn, but it's nice to be caught up on all the gaming notes & the regular out-of-left-field posts.

Now the question remains do I continue to finish Saints Row 2 (36% finished) or move on to Saints Row 3? Yes that's right, I've never touched the SR series until recently, crazy I know. I was driven for some freedom & mayhem gaming after all the stealth & linear progression in Metro: Last Light.
Finish SR2. It is worth it.

Paranautical Activity continues to be a horrible embarrassment for everyone involved.

Tried that game and was "bleh", not even "meh". I don't care about steam keys for it.
Now the question remains do I continue to finish Saints Row 2 (36% finished) or move on to Saints Row 3? Yes that's right, I've never touched the SR series until recently, crazy I know. I was driven for some freedom & mayhem gaming after all the stealth & linear progression in Metro: Last Light.
Don't try and 100% it. Just play and enjoy the campaign, and then the kinda hidden post ending material to wrap up the story. If you are playing with the GotR mod, some of the activities provide cool bonuses when completed. Those are worth doing before getting far into the story. I would activate all the chop shops and hitman activities, then go and work on mayhem, insurance fraud, trail blazing, septic avenger and snatch. Also do the base jumping 3 gold stars diversion to remove fall damage.

And although GRRM does characterization really well, his prose is some of the most godawful amateur shit I've read. I think those books are proof enough in themselves that editors don't do a damn thing anymore.
Martin's not a terrible writer. Honestly I think his prose is deliberately coarse, as a reflection of the world that he is writing about. On the other hand, I don't understand how people can unironically compare this series to The Lord of the Rings. Tolkein was writing an epic fantasy novel and Martin seems to make no bones about the fact that this series is very much "low fantasy."

Alright I guess I haven't gotten far enough into them to put it all in perspective. I was sorta going off of some reviews I read that complained it was bordering on pedophilia. I agree with the HBO complaint, not only because it's unnecessary, but how awkward is it trying to watch a show like that with anyone else in the room :shock:

It's not as bad as some stuff, but I'd definitely be fine if they cut out or significantly reduced it in the rest of their shows. As you said, producers need to learn the difference between mature and gratuitous.
This was a bit awkward when I was trying to talk my wife into watching the show, but after the first season I saw how the show was diverging dramatically from the story in the books and I lost interest. As far as HBO goes in general, well, I think they do it because they can. They know they can have bad words and sexual content in their series and it is a selling point in some sense because the broadcast networks can't. Having said that, their shows are generally of better quality than stuff you'll find on other networks as well. If I hadn't read the books somewhat obsessively I'd have probably watched the show religiously instead of my level of interest tapering off after the first few episodes of the second season.

Zafehouse Diaries on Gamersgate has Steam keys now.
Great! I was hoping for but not optimistic about this.

Finish up Saints Row 2 first. It's worth seeing everything play out and experiencing the crazy missions/characters. I only say this because you'll most likely have a hard time going back to SR2 after playing SR3, so it'll end up being one of those "unfinished" games in your library.

Finish SR2. It is worth it.

Don't try and 100% it. Just play and enjoy the campaign, and then the kinda hidden post ending material to wrap up the story. If you are playing with the GotR mod, some of the activities provide cool bonuses when completed. Those are worth doing before getting far into the story. I would activate all the chop shops and hitman activities, then go and work on mayhem, insurance fraud, trail blazing, septic avenger and snatch. Also do the base jumping 3 gold stars diversion to remove fall damage.
Thanks for all of the great feedback. I shall continue onward. :)

Oh, and if both players are using the same version of SR2/mod, drop in/out co-op is a blast. Two player mayhem, heli assault, trailblazing and snatch are great.

Daily Deal

DCS: A-10C Warthog - [DLC] (-70%) $39.99 $11.99

Week Long Deals



Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes - (-75%) $9.99 $2.49
Grotesque Tactics 2 - Dungeons and Donuts - (-75%) $9.99 $2.49


Ironclads: Anglo Russian War 1866 - (-75%) $9.99 $2.49
Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864 - (-75%) $9.99 $2.49
Ironclads: Chincha Islands War 1866 - (-75%) $9.99 $2.49


Dangerous Waters - (-75%) $14.99 $3.74

The Book of Unwritten Tales - -(75%) $19.99 $4.99

Alien Breed: Impact - (-80%) $9.99 $1.99
Alien Breed 2: Assault - (-80%) $9.99 $1.99
Alien Breed 3: Descent - (-80%) $9.99 $1.99

Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition - (-66%) $9.99 $3.39

Super Splatters - (-50%) $9.99 $4.99

Inquisitor Standard Edition - (-50%) $9.99 $4.99
Inquisitor Deluxe Edition - (-50%) $14.99 $7.49


Numen: Contest of Heroes - (-50%) $9.99 $4.99

Gumboy Tournament - (-50%) $2.99 $1.49

I quite enjoyed Splatters on 360, so I'm really tempted to pick up Super Splatters on Steam. $2.50 or less or indie bundle will keep me from buying it at this price though.

Games I either already own and have yet to play or have no interest in to begin with.  Just as well.

I bought the Divinity pack yesterday, though it will occupy my backlog now.  Instead of installing any of those, I earned my Delve Deeper cards.  That game is still wonderfully addictive.

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Because I haven't been paying attention to what games have gotten cards in the last like 3 weeks so I want to see what I missed.
Good point, I miss actually getting a list from Valve for the new cards. I keep checking my badges every so often and finding new stuff.

Wow, I didn't know about a lot of these! Probably just as well since I would have wound up buying a lot of stuff I should probably wait for, bookmarking for future sales.

Good point, I miss actually getting a list from Valve for the new cards. I keep checking my badges every so often and finding new stuff.

Wow, I didn't know about a lot of these! Probably just as well since I would have wound up buying a lot of stuff I should probably wait for, bookmarking for future sales.
Wait, do the badges update now showing you what games you have with card drops?

I remember early on they wouldn't and it was just a big mess so I just stopped checking my badge page.

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