The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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How's sacred citadel dlc? Still haven't played the game, but yesterday was playing castle crashers with my kids and had a ton of fun, and thought on trying another game of that kind with them.
Just finished Narco Terror on the highest difficulty with a friend, took 3 hours....
$1.87 is the max price anyone should pay.. game is riddled with bugs. Turrets kept getting bugged for me. Whenever I used one, it immediately exited the turret and wouldn't let me use it again. Might only be an issue in co-op, but it's annoying as fuck when it consistently kept happening. There's other typical bugs as well, like freezing/crashing randomly. Also has some random framerate issues, didn't happen much for me though.. mostly occured in the first level. Framerate was mostly fine after that. Story is almost nonexistent, but I came into it expecting that. Lag in co-op is bad when it happens (and it will happen..), but it's not that frequent. Whenever my friend and I lagged, the game slowed down for about 5 seconds, then sped up 400% the next 5 seconds, so you probably have a 50/50 chance of dying in the process. The checkpoints in the game are frequent though, so it's not that much of an issue (and you have unlimited continues).

As for the controls.. both KB/M and gamepad have pros/cons. It's easier to aim with mouse, but they make you use the standard windows cursor to aim (I'm serious). Grenades are harder to aim with KB/M, it throws them in whatever direction your facing, while you aim using the analogue stick if you're using a gamepad. Selecting weapons takes longer with gamepad, as well as selecting the special ammo you want to use. Guns/Ammo can be selected using the scroll wheel and number keys with KB/M. Overall I don't think they put too much thought in controls. The action in this game is fast, and having to go through another menu with gamepad to select guns/ammo attributes takes too long.

The gameplay isn't terrible, but it's not that good either. The ammo attribute pickups seemed useless to me, in hardcore (the highest difficulty) everything dies fast anyway so there's not much point in using them. The gun variety is limited, you get 4 guns that come with unlimited ammo (and are upgradeable), and ocasionally you'll come across temporary super guns that do a lot more damage. The problem is, the temporary guns don't last long enough, and you won't see them enough.. so there's lack of variety in what you get to use.

The game isn't too bad for $1.87, but I would recommend getting Renegade Ops as it's superior in every way.. and around the same price during sales. BTW, if you're planning to play online co-op.. when you start the game, "quit" to exit to the menu first. It immediately starts a singleplayer game the first time you launch the game.
Well, it sounds like it was better than Burn Zombie Burn at least. I'm glad you were able to find somebody else to go in on it with you. Though after reading your mini-review, I'm even more glad that it wasn't me.

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Am I wrong, or is there only one Chess game on Steam: Check vs Mate ....? And even that seems to have poor user reviews.

Why can't Steam get something like Pure Chess?

Out of nowhere, I find myself interested in playing 1080p chess with my newfangled AMD video card.
Check vs Mate is basically a newer, shinier Battle Chess. I've never played it, but I guess the AI is pretty weak.

I have Chessmaster in my Steam library, but the store page is gone. I wonder when it was removed?

EDIT: Googled for Chessmaster. Discovered it's now an Ubisoft brand. Clearly the number of Uplay accounts must be skyrocketing, now that Ubi has pulled its chess products off Steam. :roll:

I don't see that as being an unreasonable expectation.
Yeah, not unreasonable, I just don't think it was a realistic one, given that Rocksteady was developing it. Pretty much anticipated it being an Arkham City clone, not that there's a whole lot wrong with that. But you can see in reviews and feedback that people have already grown a bit weary with it. If they decide to make another one it'll be a difficult task, because they're gonna have to change it up a bit. And people tend not to react well to change unless it's really well done.

Yeah, not unreasonable, I just don't think it was a realistic one, given that Rocksteady was developing it. Pretty much anticipated it being an Arkham City clone, not that there's a whole lot wrong with that. But you can see in reviews and feedback that people have already grown a bit weary with it. If they decide to make another one it'll be a difficult task, because they're gonna have to change it up a bit. And people tend not to react well to change unless it's really well done.
Being the same isn't necessarily the problem. I pointed out an EGM review a few pages ago that did a good job detailing the new stuff that was just bad.

Yeah, I think most games ain't worth buying week of release or worth pre-ordering either. Many times, it's b/c business practices are just not-so-hot for early buyers. With games planning to often have tons of DLC; possible re-releases later w/ ALL DLC; inevitable and major base-game price-cuts very quickly; many different digital outlets battling for having the best price; most games shipping w/ some sort of DRM that likely won't be patched-out; games often being released feeling like Beta-in-a-box; games often needing a bunch of patches behind them to fix any sort of balancing, broken quests, graphical, gameplay, stability, technical, or any other issues; and any more reasons that I can actually think at the moment - the industry just keeps finding ways for me to want to wait for the inevitable price-cuts.
Well, I just started playing Skyrim a week or two ago, and I'm guessing a lot of bugs were worked out in the last year or so it's been available. Plus it has mounted combat now although I'm finding that to be fairly useless unless you enjoy spending money on horses.

I think the only real Batman: Arkham DLC that I was ever half-way interested w/ in the Batman games was Batman: AC - Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC, which I haven't gotten yet b/c my damn old Batman: AC key (it's a 5x5 key for G4WL) from my purchase of it over EA Origin still ain't activating up on Steam.
HQR is good but short and oddly a bit open-ended.

I actually bought the Robin and Nightwing bundles but I suck at challenge rooms. And when I booted AC this morning I discovered that it had gone all Securomy on me. That was my own fault for foolishly upgrading to Win 8.1 the other day but now I'm boned and have to switch to the new GOTY version. Argh!
Well, I just started playing Skyrim a week or two ago, and I'm guessing a lot of bugs were worked out in the last year or so it's been available. Plus it has mounted combat now although I'm finding that to be fairly useless unless you enjoy spending money on horses.
After you play that game for awhile you're going to have trouble finding things to spend your money on, so you may as well spend it on horses.

Check vs Mate is basically a newer, shinier Battle Chess. I've never played it, but I guess the AI is pretty weak.

I have Chessmaster in my Steam library, but the store page is gone. I wonder when it was removed?

EDIT: Googled for Chessmaster. Discovered it's now an Ubisoft brand. Clearly the number of Uplay accounts must be skyrocketing, now that Ubi has pulled its chess products off Steam. :roll:
Thanks for the feedback. :)

Saints Row IV for 50% off, I wonder how long until its 75% off on a sale. Seems like a quick drop to me to 50% off.
Same here.

Plus, I wonder when the game will have 200 DLC's and an actual inevitable Full Package Edition re-release.


{Windows 8.1}

Microsoft Windows 8.1 - 32-bit - OEM
Also Available in 64-bit! Free 2013 AVG Anti-Virus w/ Purchase!

Your Price: $99.99
Free Gift Promo Code


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Who the hell wants to go 32-bit on any version of Windows these days?

{raised eyebrow}

We PC gamers really need that 8GB or more of RAM on Win 7 64-bit and above, these days and age.

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Am I wrong, or is there only one Chess game on Steam: Check vs Mate ....? And even that seems to have poor user reviews.

Why can't Steam get something like Pure Chess?

Out of nowhere, I find myself interested in playing 1080p chess with my newfangled AMD video card.
The maker of A Virus Named TOM is working on a new chess game call Chess The Gathering. They were giving out the steam keys for prototype, you can check it out here if you are interested.

Well, I just started playing Skyrim a week or two ago, and I'm guessing a lot of bugs were worked out in the last year or so it's been available. Plus it has mounted combat now although I'm finding that to be fairly useless unless you enjoy spending money on horses.

HQR is good but short and oddly a bit open-ended.

I actually bought the Robin and Nightwing bundles but I suck at challenge rooms. And when I booted AC this morning I discovered that it had gone all Securomy on me. That was my own fault for foolishly upgrading to Win 8.1 the other day but now I'm boned and have to switch to the new GOTY version. Argh!
Actually, Skyrim was one of those games I got for X-Mas, not too long after its release. Had to have it (even at a measly 33% off) - thanks for the X-Mas present, Dad! Anyways, despite their game's usually being buggy - well, they've gotten w/ QA especially since Morrowind - I can't often resist their games. Bethesda RPG's like Fallout 3 + Elder Scrolls series are some of the few games I wind-up getting not too long after release. For me, their games are loaded w/ often so much content and/or are so replayable (see Fallout 3 - been through the base game 2x's), they're one of the few games that I can sink crap-loads of time into and never feel actually cheated out of their price-tags.

I've sunken over at least 100 hours each in:

1. Morrowind: GOTY

2. Oblivion: GOTY - Deluxe

3. and Skyrim base game.

Hell, I still ain't got around to buying Skyrim DLC - I have like over 110 hours w/ that damn game.

I wish my 5x5 G4WL game-key from EA Origin for Batman AC would activate up on Steam - I'd like to give HQR a whirl.

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Offon topic:

Do you guys think new games will be added to the AMD Never Settle promotion? I have a code but i'm not that interested in saints row IV, I'll probably sell it if I redeem it  now but i'll rather wait for a newer game wich I'll like, so any rumor about a new adition to the rewards program?

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Off topic:

Do you guys think new games will be added to the AMD Never Settle promotion? I have a code but i'm not that interested in saints row IV, I'll probably sell it if I redeem it now but i'll rather wait for a newer game wich I'll like, so any rumor about a new adition to the rewards program?

Are they Steam keys? Do they come out to be less costly than MSRP?

Not off-topic.

alright guys 

i have another shitload of steam cards 


i think this will be it for a while 

- 2 for 30, 4 for 60, etc

- no, they're not stolen

- yes, they work 

- check my feedback 

- paypal gifts only

i'll try to unload them all here before throwing them on ebay tomorrow 

well, yes you are right, but this had nothing to do with the conversation "of the moment", any way, ignore the off topic then :)

Cool. It just seems like once or twice a day somebody meekly warns that their post is OT.

Illogically strict parents, eh? Watch more or less Oprah.

No problem Mind  Link, we all have our noob thought/comment of the day heh 

I asked because no new games are being added for a while, in fact, DmC was pulled out of the promotion so I'm kinda worried if I should redeem my code now or not.

i'm not gonna be around the rest of the night. i hit off everyone who PMd me so far. I will get you tomorrow afternoon if you PM me tonight. I have like 20 left.  :twoguns:  :twoguns:

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