The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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I think I just figured what the "D" in MysterD really stands for...

Ummm - technically, wouldn't that then change my name from "MysterD" to "MysterDD?" ;)

While we all appreciate the key drops, no one asks for "rep" 'round these parts. This isn't slickdeals, and I really don't want us to move in that direction.
I agree with this. I played through the Base game last Nov, then loaded up on DLC during the 91% sale in Jan. You can disable the cheat content by deleting the respective files from the game's folder.
Yeah, back when I bought the DLC (during the price glitch), I deleted the files from the game folder and played through the game that way. Later, I got Steam support to remove the cheat dlc from my account. The problem with buying the complete collection, or complete DLC collection is it's all 1 license/sub.. to get Steam support to remove it you'd get ALL of it removed. If you don't want cheat DLC on your account, you're better off buying the DLC you want and the base game seperately.
I waited about 10 minutes to see if anyone else would take this, but they didn't, so I got it as well. Thanks again. :)
well i have one more than im off ill do this again some other time when i get more here is another , meh lets make it two keys why not!!!

back to the future the whole game! steam


and PID!! steam


also goodnight cheaparsegamer!

Havn't gotten anything from either Secret Santa. I'm guessing the Hookers are putting up a fight lol. Good thing we have till after the New Year.

Just wanted to say I love this community. My wife always asks "what is that website with the dark background you are always on"
Just tell her it's a porn site. She will actually respect you more than if you tell her the truth. "I'm talking on a video game forum with other nerds about the strategies of buying games separate instead of bundled, even though they are in a bundle on sale, because if bought separately, it's 1 cent cheaper." and then give her one of these:

There's actually a "free version" for schools, apparently. I haven't got time to figure out how to redeem that, but I'm sure I qualify.
NO! Uhh Uhh. That's how they trick you into that fancy book learnin'. I don't need dem not can be taking from mind only be readin what n be needin.... Oh shit, that's how you turn into tewbo. I retract earlier statement.

I only saw cleavage when I looked at this graph, and now I have forgotten what we were talking about.

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No D stands for Derick and Derick = veiny boner

You know, we need some kind of way to differentiate from Derick (when you're talking actually about me) and the other meaning of Derick that you guys have kind of adopted into a CAG Meme.



Yeah, I know - differentiating would ruin the double-entendre & possibly the ambiguity of letting others figure out the context on their own, now wouldn't it?

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You know, we need some kind of way to differentiate from Derick (when you're talking actually about me) and the other meaning of Derick that you guys have kind of adopted into a CAG Meme.

Would using a smaller "D" (d) in Derick when we are talking about your fuck be more appropriate? Just asking.

Seriously though, it's old already (the meme). I blame Steam's shitty sales. Nothing better to talk about. This thread should be moving at 40 pages/day like last Winter.

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You know, we need some kind of way to differentiate from Derick (when you're talking actually about me) and the other meaning of Derick that you guys have kind of adopted into a CAG Meme.



Yeah, I know - differentiating would ruin the double-entendre & possibly the ambiguity of letting others figure out the context on their own, now wouldn't it?
wait what? what "other derick" are you talking about? is this derick typing again? do you also have a derick, derick?

Mysterd has a derick within a's like dongception

*Must refrain from unleashing sarcastic comment...
Well - the comment you'd make probably would likely make a certain someone [me] a (big) boob or a big Derick, now wouldn't it?

Or maybe both?

Dammit - now I'm probably taking the fun out of you guys making these type of jokes, now aren't I?


Er, maybe not. I dunno.

{shoulder shrug}


Someone adopted derick.

I'd feel bad for anybody who would adopt me...or any girl that would even date me, for that matter. ;)

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Well - the comment you'd make probably would likely make a certain someone [me] a (big) boob or a big Derick, now wouldn't it?

Or maybe both?

Dammit - now I'm probably taking the fun out of you guys making these type of jokes, now aren't I?


Er, maybe not. I dunno.

{shoulder shrug}
You keep softballing them in, we'll keep hitting them out of the park.


Well - the comment you'd make probably would likely make a certain someone [me] a (big) boob or a big Derick, now wouldn't it?

Or maybe both?

Dammit - now I'm probably taking the fun out of you guys making these type of jokes, now aren't I?


Er, maybe not. I dunno.

{shoulder shrug}


I'd feel bad for anybody who would adopt me...or any girl that would even date me, for that matter. ;)
a double derick wouldn't be a big derick, it'd just be two dericks. which based upon derick claiming it has a derick, DD would actually be quite accurate.

My third-party 360 controller was falling apart so I got a Logitech f310 when they were on sale a few weeks back. Today I decided to open it up and start using it. It's a nice controller but the packaging I think was forged by Satan.

My third-party 360 controller was falling apart so I got a Logitech f310 when they were on sale a few weeks back. Today I decided to open it up and start using it. It's a nice controller but the packaging I think was forged by Satan.
satans gotten really meticulous in the way he decides to torture humans

My third-party 360 controller was falling apart so I got a Logitech f310 when they were on sale a few weeks back. Today I decided to open it up and start using it. It's a nice controller but the packaging I think was forged by Satan.
I don't remember packaging any controllers recently.

Just tell her it's a porn site. She will actually respect you more than if you tell her the truth. "I'm talking on a video game forum with other nerds about the strategies of buying games separate instead of bundled, even though they are in a bundle on sale, because if bought separately, it's 1 cent cheaper."
who u callin nerd

i'll have u know i've spnaked many a womens in my day

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Ummm - technically, wouldn't that then change my name from "MysterD" to "MysterDD?" ;)
this sales reeks worst than people diapper hheh but i miss summer 2012 flash sale that was funnier than gaming fuck those little crybaby crying like bitches bc u miss fucking flash deal runing the fun it called flash deal if u cant be up bohoo ccry meee river of money ask friend or someone paid theem back that what ffriends are for to help u buy those game lol that is all now im bored as hell might as weell lhave chat party to give mee less boredom

this sales reeks worst than people diapper hheh but i miss summer 2012 flash sale that was funnier than gaming fuck those little crybaby crying like bitches bc u miss fucking flash deal runing the fun it called flash deal if u cant be up bohoo ccry meee river of money ask friend or someone paid theem back that what ffriends are for to help u buy those game lol that is all now im bored as hell might as weell lhave chat party to give mee less boredom
i think this is a run-on sentence

i kind of have to agree but i do not want to ruffle anyones feathers lol we might have walking dead fanboys somewhere even though im a big fan im realistic when i know what's better than what you know
who evr u are nicee drops wont take any cause i like to be nice but do not vote for last two or i will send neuro my mutant neuro oh ya i clone neuro nah jk i send him 65 food nuts from mns

Highly recommend the Humble Bundle puppygames Weekly sale.  You can get Steam keys if you pay more than the avg (currently $3.52).  Pack has four games.  I've listed them in my preference order, from best to marginally good:

Ultratron - twin stick shooter like Robotron (game even uses some of the original sound effects)  I made it to level 100 and got owned. 

Revenge of the Titans - RTS/tower defense

Droid Assault - battle through levels, building up a team of robots by taking over enemy robots

Titan Attacks - space invaders

this sales reeks worst than people diapper hheh but i miss summer 2012 flash sale that was funnier than gaming fuck those little crybaby crying like bitches bc u miss fucking flash deal runing the fun it called flash deal if u cant be up bohoo ccry meee river of money ask friend or someone paid theem back that what ffriends are for to help u buy those game lol that is all now im bored as hell might as weell lhave chat party to give mee less boredom

it is better than walking dead in terms of everything
Except in terms of being good or being The Walking Dead. In those terms it fails. It's TWD-Zombies = OMG SO GOOD for those people who weirdly don't like zombies. I hope they get bitten first.

well feedback at least a thank you would be nice lol i hate people who grab and run! not cool
She doesn't speak for most of us. We'll like your posts with no shame if you drop codes.

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