The Steam Deals Thread v10

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New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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[quote name="MrNinjaSquirrel" post="11400718" timestamp="1388436500"]Capitalism, ho!

It's not relaxing. Not at all. It's a super fast paced RPG/roguelike/match-3 mash up where you match different types of tiles to get through the obstacles on the top of the screen (fighting monsters, opening doors and chests, etc.). It's very difficult and would probably play better with a touch screen (I played on android), but if you like unusual variants on match-3 games (like Puzzle Quest, although this is much faster) you will probably enjoy it.

I really liked it until it became too much to handle and was slowly degrading my sanity.

Well it's 5x the price it is on android/iOS, so I'm just wondering what they added to warrant the price increase.

You play Simpsons Tapped Out in an Android emulator...

y u h8tn? ima post like dis 2 scrw wit u.

I was about to recommend this as well, one of the few Greenlight games I voted for without already getting it in a bundle.[/quote]
Dat blue hates mobile.

kitty porn?
Still waiting for that Duck Tales Remastered flash sale. :pray:

Anyone know what time the regular sale discounts end on the 3rd?  Just debating on when I should just say the hell with it and just grab it.  Also any opinions on Outlast?

I got in late, so of course ashes and isierra had already picked my two favorite colors >.>
I'm used various shades of pink to mark my stuff... I'm around guys a lot, and my pink pens, ipod, etc don't walk off like my more guy-friendly colors did. Also, I can usually claim it without dispute.

Haha I was actually using the orange color when I replied to multiple posts, so as to make it easier for the readers when they go through the wall of text. Now that everyone has their own color, lets get the color party started! :bouncy:
Same, I copied that but then kept it up as it made it easy for me to spot replies to my posts.

So what did everyone buy today?
Nothing, absolutely, nothing.

So what did everyone buy today?
I rounded out my Tropico 4 collection with the final (for now) three DLCs I was missing. Traded off a few spare keys, a few spare globes. That's about it.

Edited: I started playing pinball fx2 today and wouldn't mind an invite to the Steam group if someone would be so inclined?

Edited again: I didn't see who actually sent out the pinball invite before I accepted but thanks!

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I'm torn on Outlast. As I understand it, it'll be a PS+ freebie for the PS4, which—while I don't plan on getting anytime soon—I might pick up before I finally get around to playing Outlast amongst the rest of my growing Steam backlog.

going to buy the sonic hits collection from jake and then call it a sale, as I just received a 30 day notice to move. hooray! in good news, I finally got around to playing gone home last night. i sat and played it, beat it, then had my fiancee sit and play it and beat it. pretty awesome.

Ditto. Still can't decide whether I should play it on the 360, PS3, or Steam. All three seem to have their unique issues...
I see it like this

360: Runs like ass, is the base game with less content than the PS3 and PC version

PS3: Runs like ass, has more content than 360 version but also has more content locked away as paid DLC

PC: Runs like ass(but can be patched to be a little better), has ALL content with no additional paid DLC, trading CARDZ

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Congrats again. We will be streaming Deadly Premonition soon so maybe you'll win that too!
I was watching the stream today, got some laughs during the Nether portion while I was at work.

Looking forward to Assetto Corsa since you mentioned that was coming up. I was almost tempted to buy it both times it was on sale due to the high praise it is getting here on CAG.

Now that it's the end of the month, I thought I'd post my year end stuff.
[customspoiler="Games Completed in 2013"]
  • PISS
  • DLC Quest
  • EvilQuest
  • Cthulhu Saves the World
  • Persona 3: FES
  • Sam and Max: Season 3
  • Nancy the Happy Whore
  • Half-Life: Blue Shift
  • Frog Fractions
  • Hotline Miami
  • Coconut Queen
  • The Walking Dead
  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Homefront
  • Deadlight
  • The Journey Down: Episode 1
  • Rogue Warrior
  • Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
  • Nightsky
  • The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
  • Devil's Attorney
  • Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
  • Shatter
  • Magicka
  • Cargo! The Quest for Gravity
  • Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery
  • The Blackwell Legacy
  • Blackwell Unbound
  • Legendary
  • Blackwell Convergence
  • Blackwell Deception
  • Puzzlebots
  • Hydrophobia: Prophecy
  • Storm in a Teacup
  • Swords & Soldiers HD
  • Dead Pixels
  • Torchlight
  • Faerie Solitaire
  • Quantum Conundrum
  • Aliens: Colonial Marines
  • Larva Mortus
  • Candybox
  • Still Life
  • Syberia
  • imscared
  • Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy
  • Sherlock Holmes: The Secret of the Silver Earring
  • Hector Episode 1
  • Wallace and Gromit Episode 1
  • Little Inferno
  • Thomas Was Alone
  • Still Life 2
  • Go Home Dinosaurs!
  • Resonance
  • Psychonauts
  • Residue
  • McPixel
  • Ion Assualt
  • The Shivah
  • Dust: An Elysian Tail
  • Deponia
  • Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can
  • Ittle Dew
  • Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge
  • Rogue Legacy
  • Gunpoint
  • Cognition Episode 1
  • Penny Arcade: On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness Episode 3
  • Penny Arcade: On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness Episode 4
  • Saints Row IV
  • Mars: War Logs
  • Lucius
  • Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy
  • Electronic Super Joy
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious
  • The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited
  • Eryi's Action
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  • Papo & Yo
  • Tomb Raider (2013)
  • Finding Teddy
  • The Bridge
  • Gone Home
  • Guacamelee 
[customspoiler='Top Ten Games I Completed in 2013]
These didn't all come out this year and are in no particular order.
  • Persona 3: FES - I really enjoyed the social elements and the style of the game, and wasn't put off by the grinding because I was at the time in an emotional state where some mindless grinding was exactly what I needed.
  • Hotline Miami - The gameplay was addicting and I really dug the aesthetic and soundtrack. I also adored the film Drive, which some here did not, because they're fucking idiots not thinking clearly.
  • Mark of the Ninja - As has been said before, the transparency of the systems make this probably the most accessible and least frustrating stealth game I've ever played.
  • Blackwell Series - These aren't the prettiest or most complicated Point and Click games, but they have a lot of heart, some pretty good writing, and a lot of neat systems that get it out of the usual rut of P&C gameplay that many of its contemporaries fall into.
  • Thomas Was Alone - It's a short, charming, sometimes very touching indie platformer. There's nothing groundbreaking here, but it does everything perfectly and really executes well on its minimalist premise. 
  • Psychonauts - I finally played this. It's literally oozing charm from every orifice. The writing and art design is top notch. The gameplay is for the most part fun. The meat circus is a bitch, but I barely remember it, whereas the parts that shine still seem fresh and fuzzy in my head. 
  • Gunpoint - It's a tight, short, funny, incredibly impressive first effort from a one-man team (is that a thing?), and I'm excited to see what else Tom Francis ends up putting out.
  • Saints Row IV - I loved Saints Row III. Saints Row IV took that and made it a superhero game. Traversal is a blast. Combat is a breeze, which is fine, because I hate challenge and difficulty getting in the way of my funny cutscenes. It fleshes out the characters I've come to care about, and they managed to put out some DLC that didn't suck. 
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious - CSD looks like a cute, casual game, and is not. It is a hectic, challenging, sometimes insane task management game that's incredibly addictive and extremely satisfying. As an aside, Incredibly Addictive and Extremely Satisfying is Jonathan Safran Foer's upcoming book-length expose on masturbation. Pick up Cook, Serve, Delicious. You will not regret it.
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - It's as well-written as everyone says. The game universe is awesome and intriguing, and I'm not really one for vampires generally. The quests are pretty standout, and while the end gets a bit combat heavy, everyone who plays now knows that and if you plan ahead with your stat distribution you shouldn't have any trouble when your reach that gun heavy last stretch. 
[customspoiler="Bottom 5 Games I Played This Year"]
These are the five games I completed and enjoyed least this year. They might not be the worst games. But they're the ones I actively hated. You'll notice, for example, that Aliens:CM doesn't make an appearance. That game isn't great, but it was mostly just boring. I didn't seethe with rage while playing it.
  • Guacamelee - Not a popular opinion around these parts, but I hated this game. The combat was obnoxious, with projectile shooting enemies that constantly stun-lock you and sluggish character animations and a dodge that seemed useless in every situation you might actually need a dodge. The platforming puzzles seemed to use around a button too many, leaving me constant hitting rooster transform or dimension shift when I needed to wall grab or flaming uppercut. It's pretty and funny and I actually thought the bosses were pretty good for the most part, but the last half of the game for me was spent on the brink of punching a wall. 
  • Deadlight - Mother. fucking. Helicopter.
  • Hydrophobia: Prophecy - This game is like the tutorial for a game that was supposed to exist but didn't get made. The hook of the game - the ability to manipulate water - is introduced 15 minutes from the end. The controls on that power are a bear, and you are immediately thrown into a poorly designed and incredibly difficult boss fight upon receiving it. Interestingly, that boss fight was added to the game in the big Prophecy update to give the game more closure. If they hadn't added it, I would have found the game short and inoffensive. As it is while I played I briefly considered killing myself after mailing the developers a suicide note informing them that it was all their fault.  :whistle2:? Then I felt like a really bad person for that thought, which I blame Hydrophobia for. That piece of shit.
  • Still Life 2 - I found Post-Mortem intriguing and loved the first Still LIfe. This was not only a buggy and disappointing sequel, but didn't fulfill the promises made by the ending of Still Life 1, and is nearly 5 hours longer than it ought to be. If Still Life 3 happens I'm sure I'll still get suckered in to playing it, but at least I know it will be better than this was.
  • Serious Sam: The Random Encounter - It's telling that this game is too long at around 90 minutes. A neat concept for a game for about 10 minutes. After that it's just frustration and annoying, often random-seeming difficulty. I wanted to like it and really didn't.

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How's this color look on mobile? Worse no doubt...

So what did everyone buy today?
Nothing: GOTY Edition for $0.00

Same, I copied that but then kept it up as it made it easy for me to spot replies to my posts.
I'm just doing it to piss off spoder.

Too much testosterone. Man screaming on page scares me....

I bought Risk of Rain today from our resident panda, and I'm bloody loving it.

I'd tell you why I'm loving it, but that would ruin the sense of expectation. So can wait. Like in the good old days.


BTW if anyone wants to try Game Dev Tycoon there's a demo at the developer's page here.

They also leaked their own game to torrent sites but made a version of it where you will always eventually lose due to all your sales being eaten up by people pirating your games. :roll:

They claim on their blog that paying players "are still outnumbered by pirates".

Ubisoft? Is that you?
I find it interesting that they used the whole game-pirated-OMG angle to promote their own game which basically steals feature-for-feature from Game Dev Story.

There's a word to describe this turn of events but it escapes me right now.

BTW if anyone wants to try Game Dev Tycoon there's a demo at the developer's page here.

They also leaked their own game to torrent sites but made a version of it where you will always eventually lose due to all your sales being eaten up by people pirating your games. :roll:

They claim on their blog that paying players "are still outnumbered by pirates".

Ubisoft? Is that you?
I think I read before that for a long time the only way to get it was from the developer's site, not on Steam or Desura or anything like that. If no one can buy your game, don't complain that no one's buying your game.

I find it interesting that they used the whole game-pirated-OMG angle to promote their own game which basically steals feature-for-feature from Game Dev Story.

There's a word to describe this turn of events but it escapes me right now.
I believe that word is "douchebaggerism"

If you have a Android, buy Game Dev Story. Worth it!

or wait for Game Dev Tycoon to be in a bundle.

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My apathy let me score it free from Amazon's FAOTD.
yea, I didn't want to mention that because it probably going to be awhile for that game to repeat on AMazon's Free app of the Day but I scored it essentially free on Amazon using their Amazon coin thing that they sometimes give out.

For Posterity: Community Vote Results


Edit: I swear I didn't break NDA by a minute...  Cheapy's trying to get me sued.

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you didn't vote :shame:
I did, but Chrome was being cranky... (crashing tabs) so I screencapped from another browser. I voted AOE II HD because EUIV ain't cheap enough for those of us not hardcore Paradox Grand Strategy fans. And Anno 2070's DRM still scares me.

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