The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Deadly 30 has been added to Steam (with cards) -- it was previously in an IndieGameStand and the Groupees Meridian4 build a bundle. Keys haven't been released yet but keep an eye out. Sadly I did not have the foresight to buy it then so I'd feel dirty paying $3ish it is now.
I really liked that game.
Deadly 30 has been added to Steam (with cards) -- it was previously in an IndieGameStand and the Groupees Meridian4 build a bundle. Keys haven't been released yet but keep an eye out. Sadly I did not have the foresight to buy it then so I'd feel dirty paying $3ish it is now.
I haven't played this, but I highly recommend it.


Actually, yeah I have, and I still highly recommend it.

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let's just say i know someo... I'M PIRATING IT GODDAMMIT, ARRR! made me say it :(
On that note I think you deserve an avatar, and since it sorta feels piraty and is the first thing that came up when I google'd your name:

[customspoiler='there you go, you monster']

I wouldn't know, us commoners without cable have to wait a few more weeks for it :wall:
And how would I find it anyway? I was helping a friend set up a Dish box to record the new Downton Abbey season and had no idea it was part of PBS Masterpiece. That is how the show is listed in the Dish guide, "Masterpiece". Not "Downton Abbey". Not "Sherlock". Just "Masterpiece". The description of the show doesn't even include the show title and I wouldn't have had a clue what it was if I hadn't recognized the character's names. :wall:

And on a related note I just finished my Netflix Breaking Bad marathon and by finished I mean NOT because they don't have the last eight episodes of the series yet. My OCD can't handle an incomplete marathon! :censored: :wall: :censored: :censored:

And I didn't buy Deadly 30 either!!! :censored: :wall:

I'm hungry. :headache:

How I watched Sherlock:

1. Made a cup of tea;
2. Got myself a biscuit;
3. Plumped up a nice cushion;
4. Sat on the sofa;
5. Turned the telly on.

This is how pros do it.

Best review ever.
Wall of text incoming:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin facilisis, elit eu sagittis hendrerit, metus risus aliquet justo, sit amet consequat arcu felis id ipsum. Proin aliquet tempor fringilla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam posuere metus quis massa mattis vehicula. Vivamus sit amet justo in massa aliquet tincidunt ac ac arcu. Suspendisse congue sagittis ornare. Fusce a ultricies urna. Donec nunc magna, fringilla in augue molestie, molestie dictum libero. Praesent blandit id enim eget mattis. In tincidunt mi eu enim aliquet adipiscing. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Aliquam venenatis tincidunt purus, non tincidunt libero. Donec ac neque ultricies, semper dolor eget, porttitor erat. Nunc semper ante ut varius ultrices. Vivamus eleifend pulvinar leo, sed iaculis augue aliquet vitae. Donec tincidunt augue sed erat accumsan vulputate. Vivamus et nibh purus. Mauris aliquet urna nisl, ut elementum ante porta sed. Aenean sit amet posuere nulla. Nulla cursus id massa tempor mollis. Mauris dapibus lacinia ipsum id ullamcorper. Nam venenatis tortor eget turpis suscipit, sit amet tristique sem laoreet.

Quisque at nisl tortor. Nunc et dolor in eros dignissim iaculis scelerisque a nisi. Ut sit amet justo suscipit, vulputate est nec, consectetur nulla. Aliquam diam nibh, tempor vitae elit sed, semper condimentum enim. Donec eget posuere ipsum, non tempor est. Cras commodo nibh at mi adipiscing scelerisque. Maecenas nulla odio, ornare a pretium nec, condimentum vel eros. Nulla facilisi. Quisque id est et mauris molestie blandit sed non felis. Ut varius venenatis aliquam. Cras tempus id nunc at posuere. Nunc tellus neque, sollicitudin et dictum ut, faucibus sed nisl. Vestibulum egestas nunc sed libero luctus consequat. Etiam sodales eu mi eget luctus. Cras suscipit vehicula mauris, vel euismod leo tincidunt in. Fusce quam nisi, elementum vitae mauris blandit, interdum tempor felis.
I'm so glad I have Desura so I can more easily check and see what Grennlight games I've bought from Groupees bundles.

"Ooh, this has been Greenlit! I'll soon be able to play that game I already own."

And by play, I mean idle. -.-

Reus. What are people's thoughts on it?
I hope Neuro5i5's Like means he got the key, because it's already redeemed.
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And how would I find it anyway? I was helping a friend set up a Dish box to record the new Downton Abbey season and had no idea it was part of PBS Masterpiece. That is how the show is listed in the Dish guide, "Masterpiece". Not "Downton Abbey". Not "Sherlock". Just "Masterpiece". The description of the show doesn't even include the show title and I wouldn't have had a clue what it was if I hadn't recognized the character's names. :wall:

And on a related note I just finished my Netflix Breaking Bad marathon and by finished I mean NOT because they don't have the last eight episodes of the series yet. My OCD can't handle an incomplete marathon! :censored: :wall: :censored: :censored:

And I didn't buy Deadly 30 either!!! :censored: :wall:

I'm hungry. :headache:
I think this is how PBS lists everything in the Masterpiece series. Actually it should show up as "Masterpiece Mystery!" (Downton Abbey should fall under "Masterpiece Classic") so if your friend has the DISH DVR (Hopper), you can set it to record all Masterpiece Mystery! entries and it will definitely catch the three episodes of the new Sherlock series.

this episodic shit really is lame now... I don't even remember what the first episode of The Wolf Among Us was about anymore.

I think this is how PBS lists everything in the Masterpiece series. Actually it should show up as "Masterpiece Mystery!" (Downton Abbey should fall under "Masterpiece Classic") so if your friend has the DISH DVR (Hopper), you can set it to record all Masterpiece Mystery! entries and it will definitely catch the three episodes of the new Sherlock series.

Should be on PBS's website to stream during/directly after is airs.
Well I've eaten so I feel more level headed and rational now although I'm still ticked off that I have to wait to see the end of Breaking Bad.

Now that you mention it Warreni I do remember seeing Classic vs Mystery so I better go back in and set up Mystery tonight so I don't forget. All this fretting over 5.5 hours of television. :)

I'm currently playing Bioshock Infinite. Can I get a rough estimate of how far I am into the game?

Spoilers for the game below.

I quit the game last night just as I was about to start a new area. The very last thing I saw in the game before I quit was the Lutece Twins at a piano trying to remember how to play a tune as Elizabeth desperately tried to get them to stop playing so they don't call the songbird. This is just after our airship crashed as a result of an attack from the Songbird.

The major part of the story preceding that was the factory area where a revolution was underway and where Jeremiah Fink And Daisy Fitzroy both died.

I'm currently playing Bioshock Infinite. Can I get a rough estimate of how far I am into the game?

Spoilers for the game below.

I quit the game last night just as I was about to start a new area. The very last thing I saw in the game before I quit was the Lutece Twins at a piano trying to remember how to play a tune as Elizabeth desperately tried to get them to stop playing so they don't call the songbird. This is just after our airship crashed as a result of an attack from the Songbird.

The major part of the story preceding that was the factory area where a revolution was underway and where Jeremiah Fink And Daisy Fitzroy both died.
still got a couple hundred hours

I'm currently playing Bioshock Infinite. Can I get a rough estimate of how far I am into the game?

Spoilers for the game below.

I quit the game last night just as I was about to start a new area. The very last thing I saw in the game before I quit was the Lutece Twins at a piano trying to remember how to play a tune as Elizabeth desperately tried to get them to stop playing so they don't call the songbird. This is just after our airship crashed as a result of an attack from the Songbird.

The major part of the story preceding that was the factory area where a revolution was underway and where Jeremiah Fink And Daisy Fitzroy both died.
Not very.

I'm currently playing Bioshock Infinite. Can I get a rough estimate of how far I am into the game?

Spoilers for the game below.

I quit the game last night just as I was about to start a new area. The very last thing I saw in the game before I quit was the Lutece Twins at a piano trying to remember how to play a tune as Elizabeth desperately tried to get them to stop playing so they don't call the songbird. This is just after our airship crashed as a result of an attack from the Songbird.

The major part of the story preceding that was the factory area where a revolution was underway and where Jeremiah Fink And Daisy Fitzroy both died.
You happen to be about 75% through the main story. I believe my total time was 15 hours on steam.

RPG Maker has cards.

RPG MAKER has cards.

...and since it hasn't been bundled, they still have value!  Looks like I'm going to work a bit more on my game right now.

RPG Maker has cards.

RPG MAKER has cards.

...and since it hasn't been bundled, they still have value! Looks like I'm going to work a bit more on my game right now.
I look forward to buying your game in a future Humble Bundle! :)

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The CAG RPG, make it happen!
Seriously...I want to see a game where the characters go on a Pokemon-like quest to collect games of every variety. Then their backlogs duel to the death while the characters themselves post memes on an internet forum.

Somebody make this game so I can buy it in a bundle and backlog it.

Seriously...I want to see a game where the characters go on a Pokemon-like quest to collect games of every variety. Then their backlogs duel to the death while the characters themselves post memes on an internet forum.

Somebody make this game so I can buy it in a bundle and backlog it.
Featuring an all-star cast of:

  • Unoficial Skitties
  • Robots
  • Incomprehensible Bystander #2
  • Pedo Clause
  • LN The Magical Companion Cube
  • Almost Fantastic Foxes
  • Mr. <redacted>
  • The Spokesman for Natural Steam Enhancement
  • Greedy Spoders
  • A Giant Talking Burger
  • Level 54 Tea Drinking Royalty
  • Scary Moobsters
  • A walking, talking, poorly animated woman's buttcheek
  • Actually Naked Snake
  • An army of pinball fanatics
  • Shadow Walkers
  • A Moose with a Scarf
  • And a squirrel
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