The Steam Deals Thread v10

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New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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All this old console nostalgia.  Am I the only one who kept all of his systems while growing up?  My living room looks like the Springfield Retirement Castle of video gaming.


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All this old console nostalgia. Am I the only one who kept all of his systems while growing up?
Nope, not at all! I've got the following hooked up or stashed around the house:

-Atari 2600




-SEGA Master System






We still play them on occasion, and the kids don't seem to mind the "bad graphics".

That's not a bad start, but you're missing a few Ataris and Odysseys.   ;)

I also have a Fairchild Channel F in box, but I haven't ever attached it to a TV, so I can't say whether it works.

Love me some gaming nostalgia.  Also, my ever-patient wife.

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All this old console nostalgia. Am I the only one who kept all of his systems while growing up? My living room looks like the Springfield Retirement Castle of video gaming.

I still have my 8-bit NES, Genesis, Game Gear, and original PSX.


Oh, and my Atari 7800, too.

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We still play them on occasion, and the kids don't seem to mind the "bad graphics".
What the fuck is wrong with your s&^^ty kids?

Edit: Growing up, my parents didn't let me have video games because they were overbearing poops. So the only "old" consoles I have are my PS3, 360, and Wii.

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I love me some Defender's Quest. It's a fairly simple, but fun, TD game with some RPG elements (story and leveling). If you're remotely interested, you should definitely pick it up now and play. It's worth more than bundle fodder.
Not sure how many remember it but we talked about the game briefly during the winter sale do to an article about life time sales...

Anyhow, glad to see the game on sale. I'll be picking it up. :)

Woah! That picture of the Intellevision (bottom) brought back some major nostalgia. My cousin had one and let me borrow it when I was about 5ish or so, just a few years before the NES was released. I remember some of my favorites were Armor Battle, Sea Battle, Auto Racing, Math Fun, Snafu (loved Snafu), Burger Time, Donkey Kong, PGA Golf, and Las Vegas Poker & Black Jack. I was hooked for life on video games after that.
My friend and I logged about a bajillion hours on Utopia which was the grand-daddy of the world sim genre.

Also, Intellivision gave me my first taste of a first person RPG:
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My friend and I logged about a bajillion hours on Utopia which was the grand-daddy of the world sim genre.


Also, Intellivision gave me my first taste of a first person RPG:

Groundbrreaking graphics

I bought Defender's Quest from gog a while back for 2.50 or so. I put about 25-30 hours in it or so and i think barely finished though didn't perfect each map (very hard but rewards in the form of equipment are cool). One of the better TD games by far and well worth the $1.49 it's on sale for now. I get tired of TD games too but this is top tier type, and I can't wait for #2 coming out someday with hopefully better graphics and more stuff and such.

My friend and I logged about a bajillion hours on Utopia which was the grand-daddy of the world sim genre.


Also, Intellivision gave me my first taste of a first person RPG:
I used to love that game. I had it on Aquarius, which was sort of Mattel's failed attempt to make PC out of Intellivision and mass market it at a time when most people still didn't have PCs at home.

Oddly enough, my sister just emailed me about 20 minutes ago out of the blue before I checked this thread saying "I was thinking about that game where the weird hurricane symbol would pop out of nowhere and destroy all your cities, or something, on the coast. Wth was that? Early version of Sim city? It was really buckle graphics and sounds... Do you remember?" ;)

Her 10 year old son actually likes really old archaic games which surprised me because I would have thought kids of this generation wouldn't touch those things with a ten foot pole but I guess like Hal's kids some of them actually get into it. Who knew?

I still have my 8-bit NES, Genesis, Game Gear, and original PSX.
Game Gear was my first color portable device but it has much lesser games than the first generation of Game Boy. I had these 2 add-ons for my Game Gear and used it as a mini TV on my desk.



Her 10 year old son actually likes really old archaic games which surprised me because I would have thought kids of this generation wouldn't touch those things with a ten foot pole but I guess like Hal's kids some of them actually get into it. Who knew?
That's beautiful to hear, but it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, many casual games and phone/table games have "old school" graphics.

Rad NES, just yesterday I was wondering if there was anything cool I could do with my broken fat PS2 or should I throw it out.
I'd imagine that the fat PS2 is probably the easiest console to shove a PC into. For being so boxy, it had style.

Game Gear was my first color portable device but it has much lesser games than the first generation of Game Boy. I had these 2 add-ons for my Game Gear and used it as a mini TV on my desk.
That TV tuner was neat.* I agree, the game selection for Game Gear was underwhelming. The Game Boy selection was quite good. I was gameplay > graphics back then, even.

I remember flying alone internationally, and convincing the stewardess to move my seat and wound up on upper-deck 1st class on a 747. Some kid there had a game gear with a TV tuner. I remember picking up terrestrial TV broadcasts over the US and Canada.

*I had a neat little 5" black-and-white TV that was really the ideal size for sitting on my nightstand/desk/whereever.

I used to love that game. I had it on Aquarius, which was sort of Mattel's failed attempt to make PC out of Intellivision and mass market it at a time when most people still didn't have PCs at home.
Wow, you must be one of the 10 people that actually bought the Aquarius.

I, like millions of other Europeans at the time, went for the Spectrum, from which I can trace a route to CAG today.

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I never had the TV Tuner, but  I had that big magnifying glass thingy that went over the screen. :D

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You all with your fancy color portables!

I was stuck in Korea for a year as a kid, and the only gaming console I had was an old Gameboy with Tetris and Catrap.  I blame that year of spinach green, motion-blurred gaming for the state of my near sighted vision today....

I only bought a GBC two years ago. Up until then, I just bought GB games to play on my Super Game Boy, which was basically the best invention to come out of the 90's. No more hunching over a screen that had to be lit artificially--couldn't see anything in the sunlight--and no more cramped cerebral palsy hands. Played that on my 17 inch color desktop TV for years until I went to college.

(I'm pretty young BTW)
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Game Gear was my first color portable device but it has much lesser games than the first generation of Game Boy. I had these 2 add-ons for my Game Gear and used it as a mini TV on my desk.
I used to think the weird add-ons for handhelds were the coolest thing ever. I never actually bought them, but I remember fawning over the printer and camera for the Gameboy Color, despite not knowing what I would do with them:


I used to think the weird add-ons for handhelds were the coolest thing ever. I never actually bought them, but I remember fawning over the printer and camera for the Gameboy Color, despite not knowing what I would do with them:
Haha I remember the Gameboy Camera and printer. The quality on the camera was terrible and the printer wasn't used for much. My friend did print out his Pokemon diploma though back when we actually caught them all. Good times...was in late elementary/middle school at the time.

Where we lived, if you wanted anything fancy you'd have to import it. I didn't know what a videogame was until we went on a trip to Singapore in 1988 and I got one of these:

In '89 we moved to the States and one of the first things I saw was my cousin playing Double Dragon on the Sega Master System. We stayed with them for a while but he never let me play anything on account of he was a dick.
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I used to think the weird add-ons for handhelds were the coolest thing ever. I never actually bought them, but I remember fawning over the printer and camera for the Gameboy Color, despite not knowing what I would do with them:
For a bit I had an IR-connected thermal printer (similar to that GB one) for my calculator... this was in a time before laptops or PDAs could be owned by mortals.

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I never had, or wanted, a Game Boy until Pokemon came out. I went out and bought a used one (it was this clear plastic one - so awesome!) at Funcoland.

Then next year in 6th grade somebody stole it, along with my Pokemon Red w/ completed Pokedex.

[quote name="DPsycho" post="11474386" timestamp="1390747220"]All this old console nostalgia. Am I the only one who kept all of his systems while growing up? My living room looks like the Springfield Retirement Castle of video gaming.
[/quote]As a kid I had to sell the old one to afford the new one. As I got older I started keeping the old systems, but I have no excuse for trading my GameCube in toward Wii. I really regret that. The other stupid mistake I made was trading in my SNES in original box for peanuts when I didn't need to. Never again. :(

Last year I bought and restored a backlit GBA SP, always wanted one of those but I only ever had a toplit one.
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I think I still have my HP48G around somewhere. I mainly used it to make stickman animations while in calc1.
Mine is is my desk drawer. I mostly reach for my HP50G* now... it's replaceable and six line display (and a lot faster). I still know the keyboard layout of my 48G by heart... I'll never know another calculator keyboard layout better.

I did a whole lot of my studies on my HP48G/GX. (I have have the Pocket Professional SPICE, EE, and Statistics cards for it -- bought cheap of course =D).

*You know, *when* I reach for a calculator... the physical interface is still quite handy though. I also have a HP-49G+ that's plagued by the key-debounce issues, rendering it unreliable.

That's not a bad start, but you're missing a few Ataris and Odysseys. ;)
Mind you, most of the early consoles I listed (SNES/Genesis and back) were in my pre-hoarding days and were gifts from family members. As a kid, I didn't have the means to own every available platform, though I did obsess over them equally and played them when I had the opportunity. Fortunately, my friends and family were into games as well and I was able to spend lots of quality time with each.

As an adult, I kind of would like to begin collecting my "missing" platforms, though I secretly fear that I would be one of those people that would end up with a large room full of nothing but games and consoles in crates and stacked along the walls. That may not be the spouse-friendly route to take.

I do have fond memories of playing the Odyssey, Odyssey2, Telstar, Bally Astrocade, IntelliVision, 5200, 7800, XEGS, Vectrex, and the like. Never mind the myriad of personal computer platforms that were released back in the day...

Any thoughts on the Duke Nukem DLC?
The Doctor Who Cloned Me is supposed to be decent and is a singleplayer DLC. I wouldn't bother with the other as it's multiplayer only. I haven't played TDWC, but I did touch the multiplayer game for about 20 minutes (don't do it).

I'd imagine that the fat PS2 is probably the easiest console to shove a PC into. For being so boxy, it had style.

That TV tuner was neat.* I agree, the game selection for Game Gear was underwhelming. The Game Boy selection was quite good. I was gameplay > graphics back then, even.

I remember flying alone internationally, and convincing the stewardess to move my seat and wound up on upper-deck 1st class on a 747. Some kid there had a game gear with a TV tuner. I remember picking up terrestrial TV broadcasts over the US and Canada.

*I had a neat little 5" black-and-white TV that was really the ideal size for sitting on my nightstand/desk/whereever.
I love my Game Boy because it had a good selection of rpg games but I was intrigued by color portables in the 90s so I bought Game Gear as well.

I used to think the weird add-ons for handhelds were the coolest thing ever. I never actually bought them, but I remember fawning over the printer and camera for the Gameboy Color, despite not knowing what I would do with them:

That was pretty cool indeed, Purikura aka photo sticker booth was very popular in Japan so if I had to make a guess, I say the camera and printer were used for that purpose. For me, this was one of the coolest thing for the black and white Game Boy.


What the fuck is wrong with your s&^^ty kids?

Edit: Growing up, my parents didn't let me have video games because they were overbearing poops. So the only "old" consoles I have are my PS3, 360, and Wii.
You should be very angry with them then. You turned out terrible despite this and you missed out on amassing a lot of early backlog =/

You should be very angry with them then. You turned out terrible despite this and you missed out on amassing a lot of early backlog =/
Actually, they've inadvertently expanded my backlog. Since I didn't play any video games growing up, not only do I have my modern backlog, but I have old Nintendo/Sega/Playstation/PC games to catch up on.

There are some real classics I haven't played yet...near the top of my list is Zelda: A link to the past. But some other games I never played include any of the Silent Hill or Resident Evil games, Baldur's Gate 2 (knocked out 1 last year), Shadow of the Colossus, any single Tomb Raider game...the list goes on and on.

Speaking of old games...the game I'm playing now Is Morrowind. That came out in 2002, and I'm just now getting around to it. So many games, so little time.

Then again, it probably doesn't matter how much time I have. I could probably play video games from now until the moment I die and still have a backlog, even if I only stopped to sleep and did nothing else.

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One Year Game Buying Sabbatical Update

Days until I can buy a game: 354

New Games played: 1

Games completed: 1

Far Cry 3 mini-review: As would be expected from a Far Cry game, the graphics are top notch. Sound effects and voice acting were good, I liked the selection of weapons and how they handled, and world in general was fairly interesting. Being an open world game could have added a lot, but there was a decent amount of repetition. Positively hated the plot and the main character, and all the stupid QTEs. The various ways to get stealth kills are a riot, but stealth in general is grossly overpowered as it requires hardly any skill to accomplish. The crafting system turned out to be a joke, and seemed like it was tacked on in order to create a marketing bullet point.

The worst part was that I started the game thinking I was going to be that badass on the cover with the Mohawk and dual pistols. Playing as a preppy emo who whines and cries the whole game was annoying as fuck, compounded by friends who whine like bitches as well. By the end all I wanted to do was kill my friends, the pirates, the natives and then myself. Oh, and having to climb a tower to turn off a 'jammer' to reveal the map was probably the stupidest game mechanic I have seen in a long time, especially since I had c4 and mines all the time. Shoulda done it like Just Cause 2.

Grade: C

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