The Steam Deals Thread v10

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New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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That looks kind of awesome, and I see you are playing it now! If you like that, you will LOVE Waking Mars (actually, I have no idea)!

That depends. Did it work?
Thanks for Waking Mars. Which I somehow didn't have. Because apparently I had two unredeemed keys from Humble. Along with 16 other ones!!!! Which all will get gifted here sometime soon. Within the next 18 hours*

*Disclaimer - 18 Hours not measured in conventional hours but in AMD/Alienware Hours, Gamersgate Hours, or Indiegala Hours, whichever shall come last dear.

Going to give away some games to celebrate my amazing milestone:

The answer is Bloody Trapland, because spoder, Sifu and I need a 4th to complete our bloody cat stack and jump through this damned portal we're stuck on.

edit: in retrospect, fuck this game. nobody should ever buy it, let alone play it.

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Why won't it let me change the Steam folder I'm installing to when I try to pre-load Thief!?!

I don't want it there. Don't put it there. No. NO, NOOOOOOOOO!!!

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, it may be the next game to be inducted into your featured games. On top of that, the new season for Walking Dead is awesome because we finally get to see Sergeant Abraham Ford. :twoguns:
I have a friend at Telltale, so I could never buy someone else's Walking Dead game (I totally would if it were any good). Think Abraham will
Seriously, this is a spoiler
get shot in the eye with an arrow in the show?

Hope you "enjoy" Ship Simulator Extreme! If it's not too EXTREME!

I figured you would most likely not have a recently released game in your backlog, so I typed in "fun" in the Steam Store and sorted by date. After going through the list and much deliberation, my final suggestion was Starwhal: Just the Tip. My apologies.
I like it. The name at least. Don't know anything about the game. Who are you on Steam?

Since you seemed to like Faerie Solitaire so much, how about Gridiron Solitaire?

Or something more serious, Banished looks pretty nifty.
Banished is a strong contender. I like building cities! For you: Sol Survivor!

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, it may be the next game to be inducted into your featured games. On top of that, the new season for Walking Dead is awesome because we finally get to see Sergeant Abraham Ford. :twoguns:
I have a friend at Telltale, so I could never buy someone else's Walking Dead game (I totally would if it were any good). Think Abraham will
Seriously, this is a spoiler
get shot in the eye with an arrow in the show?

Hope you "enjoy" Ship Simulator Extreme! If it's not too EXTREME!

I figured you would most likely not have a recently released game in your backlog, so I typed in "fun" in the Steam Store and sorted by date. After going through the list and much deliberation, my final suggestion was Starwhal: Just the Tip. My apologies.
I like it. The name at least. Don't know anything about the game. Who are you on Steam?

Since you seemed to like Faerie Solitaire so much, how about Gridiron Solitaire?

Or something more serious, Banished looks pretty nifty.
Banished is a strong contender. I like building cities! For you: Sol Survivor!

Clearly solo-MMOing Cylon toaster references are beyond you.
I really dig TSW - and that's me pretty much running around solo, doing quests by myself..

....even though other players are all over the map and can and will help you out for a second, if need be - then move on! :D

I liked Guild Wars 1 + its numerous expansions back in the day, but never finished any of them - and I did try to play w/ friends back then, but they were so higher-leveled. And well - you know, I was lower. Felt like more of a burden, when they were staying alive and killing stuff in areas, I was DYING!

Banished is a strong contender. I like building cities! For you: Sol Survivor!
Yah, another TD game for me to beat my head against the desk and love every stressful minute! :D

I looked thru your playtimes, and while not quite like Civ5, it seems to be a builder game. Plud you had some Tropico and other city builders with play time.

I liked Guild Wars 1 + its numerous expansions back in the day, but never finished any of them - and I did try to play w/ friends back then, but they were so higher-leveled. And well - you know, I was lower. Felt like more of a burden, when they were staying alive and killing stuff in areas, I was DYING!
Your friends musta been lame then, cause the game only has 20 levels. And levels means crap for the most part. Not to mention, it is trivial for higher level characters to power a noob through the first half of each campaign.

I have a friend at Telltale, so I could never buy someone else's Walking Dead game (I totally would if it were any good). Think Abraham will
Seriously, this is a spoiler
get shot in the eye with an arrow in the show?

Hope you "enjoy" Ship Simulator Extreme! If it's not too EXTREME!
Thanks for the Ship Simulator Extreme, I won't say that Survival Instinct is a good game but there are rumours that the game may be removed from the store due to the license expiring.

An eye for an eye, with the governor gone, someone has to take his place as the show iconic one eyed man. I find the character Lizzie to be really disturbing, can't wait for the next episode.

The answer is Bloody Trapland, because spoder, Sifu and I need a 4th to complete our bloody cat stack and jump through this damned portal we're stuck on.

edit: in retrospect, fuck this game. nobody should ever buy it, let alone play it.
Turns out you were correct. Bloody Trapland is number 1500. I won it on Steam Gifts back when I used to enter on there and the key didn't work back when I tried it before. It worked this time:


Hope you enjoy English Country Tune!

Turns out you were correct. Bloody Trapland is number 1500. I won it on Steam Gifts back when I used to enter on there and the key didn't work back when I tried it before. It worked this time:


Hope you enjoy English Country Tune!
I was just about to say something about a Dead Island Epidemic being an iffy number 1500, but just saw this. Steam should put redeemed keys in the activity feed the same way as games purchased on Steam.
Turns out you were correct. Bloody Trapland is number 1500. I won it on Steam Gifts back when I used to enter on there and the key didn't work back when I tried it before. It worked this time:

Hope you enjoy English Country Tune!
Thanks, Dr. S!

...and my humble apologies for suggesting Bloody Trapland. Give the co-op a shot though...watching your friends die endlessly takes away some of the pain and frustration of endlessly dying.

Only some though...most of the frustration sticks to you forever.

If you honestly expect that sort of tax money to grant you those things, then I'm sure you'll also believe I am capable of providing all of those things to you for 18% VAT. Simply hit up my Paypal with the appropriate tax documentation along with your social security number, home address, and I'll get all that set up for you.

EDIT: Wait, wrong tack. You don't want no bargain. I'll get you transit, health care, cheap tuition, but if you kick it up to the low low price of 28% VAT I'll kick in resume writing services and I will take over all of your investments for you, personally guaranteeing a comfortable retirement. Again, Paypal.

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If you honestly expect that sort of tax money to grant you those things, then I'm sure you'll also believe I am capable of providing all of those things to you for 18% VAT. Simply hit up my Paypal with the appropriate tax documentation along with your social security number, home address, and I'll get all that set up for you.
Eh, have a couple Dear Esthers:

Thanks for Waking Mars. Which I somehow didn't have. Because apparently I had two unredeemed keys from Humble. Along with 16 other ones!!!! Which all will get gifted here sometime soon. Within the next 18 hours*
Joking aside, I really liked Waking Mars. I played it about a year ago and thought it was a game that did different really well.

Ooooh… Could you imagine if every last (numbered) title made it's way to steam? The amount of hours it would take to complete them all...

They'd so take my life away....

Well, I'd probably start w/ FF10, since FF9 was the last FF that I played & finished.

Side note: I have FF1 on NES; and FF5-9 on PSX.

I might not be able to wait for Square Enix Final Fantasy Humble Bundle, if they pop out some FF games to the PC.

Seems Assassins Creed Franchise Pack has been added to the steam database. Will probably pop up as a daily in the Ubisoft weekend sale. The image of the sub has black flag so im guessing it will have all main titles at least.

Never played.

Would love to see PC port of that.

And since they're at it, I'd love to see Dragon Quest series and both Chrono Trigger + Chrono Cross get PC ports.

I loved Chrono Cross.
Dragon Quest must not happen.

I need to graduate!

Final Fantasy Tactics is where I found my love for such games :3

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Going to give away some games to celebrate my amazing milestone:


First up is IK6E0-QCDZE-3WAB5 Toy Soldiers, yeahhhhhhhh! Also, first person to tell me what game should be my 1500th gets a code for a game you don't have yet (if I can from my list of about 200 keys)!
I see you have Final Fantasy VII but not Final Fantasy VIII. So get Final Fantasy VIII.

Well after looking through a ton of pages I realize I was really late to that party. Oh well. Still get Final Fantasy VIII. Actually you have the Splinter Cell games but no Rainbow Six games get some of those as well.

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Steam already has Dosbox games being sold. They could easily sell the other Final Fantasies running on an emulator as well. There you go quick and easy Steam release.

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