The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Do I go for Shadow Warrior or do I wait? It's 75% off and it's really tempting me.
Even if you want to play it now, you should probably wait to pick it up. Assuming it's the same price during the many winter sales that are about to start, you'll either get a $5 EC coupon from Amazon, 20% off that price from GameFly/GreenManGaming, or (probably) a holiday trading card from Steam directly.

That is the Kool-Aid in which I'm unwilling to drink.

If you want your W7 experience back, the option is there. If you want to stay with W7, do that since it's still purchasable and will be supported for the next 6 years.
I was going to point out that the no, you can't get the full W7-Aero UI experience on Winh8. But then I remembered advise from my grandfather...

The whole argument is moot anyway. Win7 is going to be supported for a long time due to widespread corporate use. Some people prefer iOS toys, some people prefer real computers running *NIX. There is no universal best fit.

The only meaningful content can be had with the Season Pass (Enter the Dominatrix and The Saints Save Christmas), which has been going on sale when the main game does. As far as I know they're otherwise done with story DLC.
Thanks! I was going to post this, but I got ninja'd by a moose with a scarf... A MOOSE WITH A SCARF?!?

Oh, I'm not sure how many people have Shadowrun Returns on their list should likely hold off on buying it this sale... New DLC comes out in Jan and they will be bundling it with the base game for 24.99 at that time... The base game will still be for sale at 19.99.

The DLC itself will be 14.99
I'm wondering if there's going to be a sweet deal for kickstarter backers. They've treated us well, giving us GOG keys...

Now I'm curious...
Don't be curious. To ease your mind, I think I made people's eyes glaze over at that late/early hour. I was off-target and obviously tired. Sleep > 3 am postings. Lesson learned.

That's where I'm at. I don't think there's a "major" title I want to own that I don't own already except for a select few that'll still be priced outside my interest level (like AC4). It feels like not a lot of stuff came out in the past six months following the bunch of stuff between last Fall-Spring (Hitman: Ab, TR 2013, Sleeping Dogs, FC3, BSI, Metro: LL, etc). But all of that stuff I either got on sale or from video card offers and played them all. Now I'm mainly just idly waiting around to see how well Watchdogs does Chicago and wondering how badly they'll screw up DA3.
This is where I'm basically at as well. I think I'm just along for the ride on the Winter sale and am keeping my expectations low. Especially if the deals and discounts are the same as the Autumn sale (like the "leaked" Valve memo to publishers/developers suggested). I scratched the sale buying itch in the Autumn sale anyway. Still hoping for a few games to hit the sweet spot price, but I won't be disappointed if that doesn't happen.

I might be alone on this, but I'm actually alright with the Watchdogs delay if it needed more polish. Was there ever any solid reasoning as to why the game was pushed back at the eleventh hour?

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You get it for free... (actually each copy gets it for free.)
<Tiny Tina's voice> SWEEEET! </Tiny Tina's Voice>

According to that url the only real support that they're offering for 6 years is security updates, maybe that's all you need tho.
Just means no new features, XP was like that for most of it's life. It's nothing to get worried over. Besides, remember the golden rule, Every-Other Windows release. ;)

Well it's no new features, and no non-security related hotfixes. I don't know how important those hotfixes are, I guess most of the time I don't even bother installing them.

So, after staring at the Amazon's sales SS three times, I find that there isn't a single thing that jumps out as a 'buy' to me.  Maybe Tony will come through with some other deals that are still in the works.  

So, since I have nothing sale related to talk about, what are everyone's New Year's resolutions?  I haven't had any in the past few years, but figured it was time to set some goals for myself again.  I'm going with the scattershot approach in that if I can hit one goal or even mildly achieve multiple goals, I'll call it a win.  So for me:

  • Stop buying games that I might be interested in playing.  My game count is already sufficiently padded.
  • Finish remodeling the house.  It has to end at some point.
  • Get back into good physical shape.  Single digit BF% or bust.  Been there before, I can do it again.
  • Get back into good mental shape.  I remember being happy before, I think I can be again.
  • Enjoy the little things. (Rule #32) See above.
<Tiny Tina's voice> SWEEEET! </Tiny Tina's Voice>

Just means no new features, XP was like that for most of it's life. It's nothing to get worried over. Besides, remember the golden rule, Every-Other Windows release. ;)
Really as a gamer, what you will want is threshold or the threshold .5 release. One of these should have the baillity to play xbox one games. The master plan is for all of the windows gaming platforms (RT/Mobile, windows and xbox) to come together. Threshold is the first of these. MS and it's investors want out of the hardware business.

I bought Bully and am loving the heck out of it so far. A lot of people complain about it being a bad port, but I haven't noticed anything so far.

Def worth the $3.xx

I bought Bully and am loving the heck out of it so far. A lot of people complain about it being a bad port, but I haven't noticed anything so far.

Def worth the $3.xx
I remember one issue that I had was it wouldn't support my monitor resolution of 1200p, but I just ran it at 1080 instead. I think the colors or brightness, something about the look, was bad too but I modded it. Been a while so I might be wrong about that.

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So, after staring at the Amazon's sales SS three times, I find that there isn't a single thing that jumps out as a 'buy' to me. Maybe Tony will come through with some other deals that are still in the works.

So, since I have nothing sale related to talk about, what are everyone's New Year's resolutions? I haven't had any in the past few years, but figured it was time to set some goals for myself again. I'm going with the scattershot approach in that if I can hit one goal or even mildly achieve multiple goals, I'll call it a win. So for me:

  • Stop buying games that I might be interested in playing. My game count is already sufficiently padded.
  • Finish remodeling the house. It has to end at some point.
  • Get back into good physical shape. Single digit BF% or bust. Been there before, I can do it again.
  • Get back into good mental shape. I remember being happy before, I think I can be again.
  • Enjoy the little things. (Rule #32) See above.
No $2 Aliens and Olympics?

Five New Year's Revolution:

1. Try not to be as irresistible to women as I currently am. It's not fair to them.

2. Try to hit 1000 Lbs on the bench press. I'm at 995.

3. Get my 1000 games badge on Steam.

4. Stop buying every bundle (already started this one)

5. Learn to make fried rice. (Combo #1) See above.

It's meant to emulate mouse/keyboard games that you usually wouldn't be able to play from your couch. Things like point-and-click adventures, RPGs with mouse-heavy interfaces, RTS games, etc. Shooters already have a couch alternative in an Xbox 360 controller, a device that Steam is NOT attempting to replace. No controller will ever approach the precision of mouse and keyboard for shooters, and this one is not attempting to.
Yeah, but it's not that great for RTS, RPGs, or point and click adventures either. I don't think anyone that takes those games seriously would ever use this controller for them. I know it can be annoying setting up a KB/M for the livingroom, but I'd prefer doing that than using a Steam controller. The controller is surprisingly ok for platformers though.
No $2 Aliens and Olympics?

Five New Year's Revolution:

1. Try not to be as irresistible to women as I currently am. It's not fair to them.
2. Try to hit 1000 Lbs on the bench press. I'm at 995.
3. Get my 1000 games badge on Steam.
4. Stop buying every bundle (already started this one)
5. Learn to make fried rice. (Combo #1) See above.
Already own Aliens and not big into sports games. And while I do have sights on your number 3, alas it currently conflicts with my number 1. Also, oddly enough that was my [customspoiler=_]leg[/customspoiler] press goal weight as well.

Yeah, but it's not that great for RTS, RPGs, or point and click adventures either. I don't think anyone that takes those games seriously would ever use this controller for them. I know it can be annoying setting up a KB/M for the livingroom, but I'd prefer doing that than using a Steam controller. The controller is surprisingly ok for platformers though.
As far as cursor control, how far off is it from say a touchpad.

Already own Aliens and not big into sports games. And while I do have sights on your number 3, alas it currently conflicts with my number 1. Also, oddly enough that was my [customspoiler=_]leg[/customspoiler] press goal weight as well.
But if you don't feed the hoard it gets mad and you don't want the hoard mad.

Also, I could tell you were unhappy. Which is why I hate you. Because hate breeds happiness. I'm trying to help you.

Yeah, but it's not that great for RTS, RPGs, or point and click adventures either. I don't think anyone that takes those games seriously would ever use this controller for them. I know it can be annoying setting up a KB/M for the livingroom, but I'd prefer doing that than using a Steam controller. The controller is surprisingly ok for platformers though.
I've had a couple of these for a few years now and I love them, but I mainly use them as glorified remotes to control my media playback. I don't think I'd like gaming with them. Still, even they have all the keys...

I haven't had much experience with touchpads, so I can't really compare the two. I would think it's about the same, or a bit better than a touchpad though.
That's a huge assumption. Trackpads vary widely. I'd ask for comparison to an Apple Trackpad (the big glass ones of recent years).
I wonder if the title of this Gone Home article was a spoiler, can someone who has played the game tell me if this spoils anything?

It said

"A tale of two dads"

I know I'm a little late on this, but:


As always, I'll miss being up-to-date with the goings-on of the thread.  Not that I've been so great about it in the past month...

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It's okay, there's no need to hide it.  It's completely obvious to the rest of us... you were playing:

And I know you just clicked on that.
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It's okay, there's no need to hide it.  It's completely obvious to the rest of us... you were playing:

And I know you just clicked on that.
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