The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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That's why Machinarium won. Too many votes split between QUBE/Paranautical Activity. Oh, and RE6 is no longer a choice, replaced by DMC. I voted for RE6 cuz I didn't care what won and the choices sucked.. but now my vote doesn't show because it was replaced. Hopefully my vote counted toward Snow Globes.
Oh what the hell, my vote got wasted too!

That's why Machinarium won. Too many votes split between QUBE/Paranautical Activity. Oh, and RE6 is no longer a choice, replaced by DMC. I voted for RE6 cuz I didn't care what won and the choices sucked.. but now my vote doesn't show because it was replaced. Hopefully my vote counted toward Snow Globes.
lol same haha wtf steam drunk steam omg i suing steam lol i wouldd choose dmc more than the other two since they been more sale than capcom games and why u do this i beetter not lose vote for this or im goign to go rage buy everyone i hate with fowl space hehh jk kk but that would suck dicks

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They changed one of the community vote choices from Resident Evil 6 to DmC: Devil May Cry.
Uh Oh. I voted for RE6. Hope I still get credit for that. There doesn't appear to be credit given for a vote and I can't select any of the other games. Guess I'll find out later tonight when the next vote rolls around.

I thought I saw one of the voting choices is Resident Evil 6, how come it switch over to DMC? 

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La-Mulana will be bundled soon, because the devs announced La-Mulana 2, it's also announced on its steam store page. I'm tempted, but I've already bought enough indie games, which then I rebought in bundles before I even thought about installing them... well, I've already bought enough AAA games, which then I rebought in bundles before I even thought about installing them. I resisted with Legend of Dungeon, so I'll resist with La-Mulana. CAG all the way.

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I see La-Mulana is a flash deal, actually you're playing it right now... What are your thoughts on it?
Meh. Gameplay isn't great. Jumping is awkward, control layout is awkward, attacking is stiff.

A lot of people talk about the difficulty. As opposed to something like Dark Souls where you are rewarded for being patient and playing smart, La-Mulana is just cheap. You can be walking along and then the floor opens and drops you into a spike pit. No indication that the floor will drop, no hints about a trapped floor, nothing. Many times you have to rush as well so you are bound to die.

I got an item called a Grapple Claw that lets you grab a wall after jumping to stop your fall. When it works, it works. When it doesn't . . . oh boy. It's been about 50/50 of when it works.

Plenty of times I found my weapon passing thru enemies and not hurting them. One particular boss my weapon would pass thru his weakpoint and do no damage so I try to get closer and touch him on accident. I take massive damage and fly backwards . . . right into another of his attacks which also hits me >.> Flying backwards when you take damage is one of the things I hated most in games.

Overall I regret my purchase. I like difficult games and I love platformers but this is not great IMO. Unless La-Mulana 2 improves in a lot of ways I won't be getting it.

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Uh Oh. I voted for RE6. Hope I still get credit for that. There doesn't appear to be credit given for a vote and I can't select any of the other games. Guess I'll find out later tonight when the next vote rolls around.
Me too. It gave me that "thanks for voting" message, so hopefully it still counts towards getting a card, but I wish they'd reset people's votes when they vote for something that's not an option anymore.

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Me too. It gave me that "thanks for voting" message, so hopefully it still counts towards getting cards, but I wish they'd reset people's votes when they vote for something that's not an option anymore.
i though rer that was in voting i must be losing it thanks to steam sale but i was suree re revelations heehe damn it this sucks i would vote for dmc not the other two they should do that lol steam community vote glitch yea that new thing this winter

One $5 EC credit per eligible purchase. You'll be able to use them starting Jan 4 on the games they place on the EC list. Typically, the games are on somewhat of a discount and the coupons stack - but the real magic comes when things get price-matched or glitched.
Is that EC list already complete and all that? Or does that stuff go live on Jan 4 hence price glitches?

Meh. Gameplay isn't great. Jumping is awkward, control layout is awkward, attacking is stiff.

Overall I regret my purchase. I like difficult games and I love platformers but this is not great IMO. Unless La-Mulana 2 improves in a lot of ways I won't be getting it.
Thanks, for the info. :)

I'll wait for the bundle... and I'll likely just backlog it at that point. ;-)

u coudl buy on amazon for same pprice incude the previous two games with ec credit?
Thanks for the advice. But I'm pretty sure Amazon wont let me pay for it with my GabeN Funbux. Plus I already own the first two games.

Not a bad deal for people who are looking for all the games, though.

Thanks for the advice. But I'm pretty sure Amazon wont let me pay for it with my GabeN Funbux. Plus I already own the first two games.

Not a bad deal for people who are looking for all the games, though.
You could always trade the Amazon stuff for the same amount in Gaben funbux.

isn't it supposed to be a rogue-like?

they typically don't have save systems, or at least they'll have extremely limited ones
The game is apparently quite long, and a lot of people don't have time to finish it in one sitting.

The save game system that many roguelikes use is "Your character dies, your save is deleted". This lets people stop playing and resume later, and it's not unfair.

Any of those "hidden gems" on sale on Steam w/ a good discount (i.e. 75% off or better)?
Most of the games that would normally go on a list like this are currently going for 0-33% off.

Only 67% off Rogue Legacy? That extra 8% is needed.

Nothing for me again, but at least I got two bingo spaces.
You are just trying to intimidate the other bingo players, but it will not work. As soon as The Walking Dead wins (and you know it will), I will take all that money and buy Bad Rats, Fowl Space, and Infestation: Survivor Stories! The rest I will blow on silly hats for TF2! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

I am not actually that close...

Mayhaps. But my steam wallet is over $200. I gotta start using that money on games in the steam sore even if it's not as good of a deal as I might find elsewhere.

Over $200? How do you even get that much? I've monopolized at least 3 foils for different games, and nobody buys them. How do I lift?

Re: Oblivion - it's a great game, but inferior to Skyrim. The leveling system is pretty archaic, and you'll have to use a guide to get the most out of your character. I mean, you have major talents and minor talents, and you can only level up 10 times in major before you gain a character level. Otherwise, the story is decent and gameplay is routine ES.
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Picked up antichamber and shadow warrior, since I have wanted to try those for a while.

I really need to learn how to put some people on ignore in this thread though, gives me a headache to read the misspelling, FTFY, etc.  Ugh. 

Is oblivion goty worth it for $4.99?
That's a great price. I'd consider the Deluxe version for $6,24 as it comes with a number of other DLC. GOTY has the essential stuff, but if you're enjoying the game you'll probably also like some of the stuff that comes with Deluxe.

isn't it supposed to be a rogue-like?

they typically don't have save systems, or at least they'll have extremely limited ones
They usually do have save system, but it works different. It's not about 'save->screw up->load' system, but rather 'save->do something else->get back to game later'. It doesn't have it, so you want to beat the game, you have to do it in one sitting.

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Is oblivion goty worth it for $4.99?
Yes, provided you plan on putting some time into it. Oblivion is the worst of the Elder Scrolls games, due to some pretty shoddy animation and a world that feels .. empty in comparison to both Morrowind and Skyrim. However, a few of the top recommended mods make Oblivion a pretty fantastic game, and the DLC that comes with GOTY is solid

isn't it supposed to be a rogue-like?

they typically don't have save systems, or at least they'll have extremely limited ones

The game is apparently quite long, and a lot of people don't have time to finish it in one sitting.

The save game system that many roguelikes use is "Your character dies, your save is deleted". This lets people stop playing and resume later, and it's not unfair.
However the developer did mention that he is looking to implement the save feature into the game here.

Hey guys how do I craft cards, my steam acct had not been used in years so all my stuff in unmarketable/un tradeable -_-
You have to buy something with actual money so you can sell / trade that stuff.

So buy, I dunno, a 19 cent DLC and pay with PayPal or a credit card. Boom.

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You have to buy something with actual money so you can sell / trade that stuff.

So buy, I dunno, a 19 cent DLC and pay with PayPal or a credit card. Boom.
Ah i see it now, restricted for 30 days-haha I have bought lots of games already, especially this damn sale! It all started with Just Cause 2!

If you're going to get Oblivion then go ahead and upgrade it to the digital deluxe edition.

It's my least favorite of the Elder Scrolls games but it does have some interesting quest lines. If nothing else you can use it for Morroblivion but, then again, you can now use Skyrim for that as well. Just know that it's kinda bland generic fantasy in most every direction unless you seek out stuff like the Dark Brotherhood quest line.

Thanks everyone for the oblivion recommendations. I took the plunge and bought it. Interested to see how well it compares to skyrim(which I loved).

You have to buy something with actual money so you can sell / trade that stuff.

So buy, I dunno, a 19 cent DLC and pay with PayPal or a credit card. Boom.
I think they also restrict you for 7 days since your last purchase. Could be first purchase, I guess. But you have to be level 5 to get cards for voting, too. I have an alt that I don't use often, and I can't do anything with it this sale.
Amazon DVG:

I haven't really looked there - seems like the same deals they've had throughout the year, but I should probably buy some cheap games or DLC to get some EC coupons, but I don't know if the EC list will have anything I'd want to buy.
Nothing stood out to me this year either. $6 DuckTales is probably the one thing that caught my eye, but that's not cheap enough for me... however it's also listed to be $6 from 1 Jan to 3 Jan, so I'm hoping it gets EC listed. $1 sounds good. =)

...oh yeah, and the 48-pack Genesis Classics (steam) for $5, 24th till the 2nd.

The big green link it my sig, as the details.

You can actually craft up to a level 100 Snow Globe badge, that is insane. :shock:
I thought they said there was no limit. :rage:

And the winner is...

Machinarium - 38%
Q.U.B.E. - 26%
Paranautical Activity - 36%
Thanks. And as you likely know... that list bugs me... it's not in order!

26% - Q.U.B.E.
36% - Paranautical Activity
38% - Machinarium

<sigh> ...aah that's better. <relief>
That also disambiguates a tie.

But terrific for snowglobe sales!
Excellent Point. Gaben doesn't get his steam marketplace graft unless cards change hads... sitting on your cards denies Gaben of his ill-gotten gains.

Duck Tales is supposed to be $5.99 at Amazon tomorrow. That's the same price it is right now on Steam.

+ $5.00 Amazon EC Credit
- If you pay sales tax at Amazon
This! Though also see above... if it gets on the EC list at the right time.

I'll say something nice and mention Steam site hasn't crashed once on me like in previous sales. So props to Steam for either fixing their problem or driving enough people away with their shitty sales to lower their server load.
Surely it's the latter. In the Autumn Sale the steam servers had issues. Fixing that in the last month after years of neglect seems unlikely.

13 new possibilities this morning... and not even one appears on my card. How the hell did Bingo get to be so difficult?
Your Bingo skills have gotten rusty. Like anything else in life: Practice, Practice, Practice.

I'm a bad CAG.

I just bought DuckTales instead of waiting for Amazon. *shaaaaaaaame*
This is going down on your permanent record.

Is oblivion goty worth it for $4.99?
I'd just point out, on the off chance. $7.50 base Skyrim is better. (Unless of course you have it. Morrowind+Oblivion = Morroblivion: The Resurrection of Morrowind

Stay away from Rivals, the MP is terrible and the SP is HP Part Deux.

What mechanics? There is no way to start an event on those giant empty maps unless you play with a bunch of friends. Racing or chasing with AI is not why I go online with those games.
Nod. I'm still waiting for $5 Rivals due to my expectations from reviews and MW-2012.

Lacking the MW-2012 compare point with Broly, I couldn't meaningfully advance the discussion. He's happy with Rivals, and I didn't want to be a damper on his happiness. ...unlike some Dericks around here. ;)
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Hmm, thinking about Rocksmith 2014. Amazon claims it's only going to be $39.99 on xmas, and I am wondering if Steam will get any lower than $44.99? Thoughts?

I already have the cable from buying the game as a present for family but I am thinking about learning some guitar myself.

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