The Steam Deals Thread v10

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This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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A: That man has an unfortunate name. I had to google it just to see if it was real.

B: Dean Wind Ass has nothing on Preedatore Beckham.

C: Chicks dig soccer(football) players with mohawks. Especially Hull chicks(but only the hot ones).

D: Market research confirms that you should, indeed, hide your (legal aged, attractive, not psycho) daughters.
Good knowledge!

Fun Deano Fact:

Last time I saw him was at a night game (he's long since retired). He'd been on the booze since lunchtime, fell over Mrs Flow, and made a bit of a tit of himself. He was later found asleep at the wheel on the M62 hard shoulder at around 4am the following morning. He hasn't taken retirement well, as happens with lots of sports stars. He's not the cleverest either which has kinda limited his options. Still our favourite son, mind.

Sorta-back-on-topic: I played some Lords Of Football last night. I've replaced my entire team with posters from this thread, we have a horrible kit and a lot of gambling addictions.

As a football (soccer) sim it's very flimsy and quite shallow. As a Sims-esque lifestyle choice game it's bloody funny seeing people you know waste their fortunes in the casino.

I'll see if I can get the BGCQnited roster on Steam Workshop or something. It took me a while to do but it was pretty funny.

Pop-quiz: which thread regular was the only member of the 23-man squad to be found stuffing his face at the local restaurant?

Unless you're obsessed with Borderlands 2 I wouldn't worry about a GOTY edition, You'll probably have your fill after once through the main campaign. I really couldn't be bothered to do all the DLC. Dragon Keep is the best if you absolutely have to get one.
Well, I held fast and didn't get it.

Moody, I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe I should get the vanilla version for $7.50 at Newegg. I rarely get to all he DLC in games.

Will that keep me from playing with people online who have all the DLC though?
I would just advise people to not give any money to Gearbox at all.
A:CM... we get it already.

Unless you're obsessed with Borderlands 2 I wouldn't worry about a GOTY edition, You'll probably have your fill after once through the main campaign. I really couldn't be bothered to do all the DLC. Dragon Keep is the best if you absolutely have to get one.
I know you're Mooby, but I'm not sure how you can justify such a statement. The game and the core DLC is pretty well-regarded. Some of it is better than the others, true, but as far as DLC goes it's worthwhile stuff. That's like saying you're crazy if you want more good stuff to go with your good stuff. No one says you have to play it all at once.

Caveat emptor: I like BL2.

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A:CM... we get it already.

I know you're Mooby, but I'm not sure how you can justify such a statement. The game and the core DLC is pretty well-regarded. Some of it is better than the others, true, but as far as DLC goes it's worthwhile stuff. That's like saying you're crazy if you want more good stuff to go with your good stuff. No one says you have to play it all at once.

Caveat emptor: I like BL2.
Well, now that I skipped the GOTY edition, I'm tempted to get the vanilla for $5.50 on Newegg. But now I'm looking into the prices for the DLC, and buying the GOTY stuff separately will cost a LOT more than just getting GOTY, even on a significant sale.

If the DLC is really that good, I should probably wait.
A:CM... we get it already.

I know you're Mooby, but I'm not sure how you can justify such a statement. The game and the core DLC is pretty well-regarded. Some of it is better than the others, true, but as far as DLC goes it's worthwhile stuff. That's like saying you're crazy if you want more good stuff to go with your good stuff. No one says you have to play it all at once.

Caveat emptor: I like BL2.
It's pretty easy to 'justify.' The base game itself will probably take most people 25+ hours. And that's just for one character. On one playthrough. So if you're the kind of person who will sink hundreds of hours into it, sure the DLC is worth it. If you think you'd get tired of it after a playthrough or two it's nothing 'can't miss.' I played all of Captain Scarlett and most of Dragon Keep and, really, the only thing that saved Dragon Keep was the parody aspect and medieval setting. I found the pirate one fairly boring. Only briefly looked at the other two with a friend but they didn't seem like anything unique. Then again, I'm not one to grind for loot. It gets tedious after awhile.

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It's pretty easy to 'justify.' The base game itself will probably take most people 25+ hours. And that's just for one character. On one playthrough. So if you're the kind of person who will sink hundreds of hours into it, sure the DLC is worth it. If you think you'd get tired of it after a playthrough or two it's nothing 'can't miss.' I played all of Captain Scarlett and most of Dragon Keep and, really, the only thing that saved Dragon Keep was the parody aspect and medieval setting. I found the pirate one fairly boring. Only briefly looked at the other two with a friend but they didn't seem like anything unique. Then again, I'm not one to grind for loot. It gets tedious after awhile.
I ended up buying vanilla BL2 for $5.39 on newegg. My rationalization was this: I can still buy a super cheap GOTY edition in the future for less than buying the DLC piecemeal.
Trusti Musti if you agonize this much over a $5-$15 game I hate to see how long it takes you to make important decisions. ;)

i will give u (hot girls picture would be here but motaki is bitch so no pics) instead aand gearbox zombies fat ugly running zombies eating them up he h
Wow you actually do possess reading comprehension after all. Who knew?

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I haven't played it for a while, the last time I played it didn't have sound yet, but I would say it has potential but is very rough. Development is really slow since it's one guy working on it. I think the first time I read about the game was about 2.5 years ago and it's still a long way from done./quote]

Thanks! I'll likely drop it on the wish list (which I use as a watch list also) and leave it at that... Though one thing I've notice on early access games... The price on them does have the habit of rising the closer they get to being done.

I would just advise people to not give any money to Gearbox at all.
I can understand and respect that... but at the same time I don't feel like punishing myself and missing out on stuff I'll enjoy. (I haven't preordered any games since going to the PC but on console their were a number of companies I would pick up games long after release... By then the important money has been made or not been made.)

I'll likely treat the PC the same way... and my goal will be to limit the amount of money I give them.
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I haven't played it for a while, the last time I played it didn't have sound yet, but I would say it has potential but is very rough. Development is really slow since it's one guy working on it. I think the first time I read about the game was about 2.5 years ago and it's still a long way from done.
Thanks! I'll likely drop it on the wish list (which I use as a watch list also) and leave it at that... Though one thing I've notice on early access games... The price on them does have the habit of rising the closer they get to being done.

I would just advise people to not give any money to Gearbox at all.

I can understand and respect that... but at the same time I don't feel like punishing myself and missing out on stuff I'll enjoy. (I haven't preordered any games since going to the PC but on console their were a number of companies I would pick up games long after release... By then the important money has been made or not been made.)

I'll likely treat the PC the same way... and my goal will be to limit the amount of money I give them.

I ended up buying vanilla BL2 for $5.39 on newegg. My rationalization was this: I can still buy a super cheap GOTY edition in the future for less than buying the DLC piecemeal.
This mentality is confusing to me. You passed on the GOTY now and got the vanilla because you can always get the GOTY later? If you don't ever intend on playing co-op and/or only a single playthrough, I'd say the vanilla is fine. Otherwise...

I was tempted, but I suck at the online. I'm hoping Black Ops gets cheap someday, as the single player looks good.
OK, now I know you are crazier than I. I'm not saying that's impossible, but Activision. :whee:

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Well, now that I skipped the GOTY edition, I'm tempted to get the vanilla for $5.50 on Newegg. But now I'm looking into the prices for the DLC, and buying the GOTY stuff separately will cost a LOT more than just getting GOTY, even on a significant sale.

If the DLC is really that good, I should probably wait.
Greenmangaming had some pretty decent deals on the season pass and the vault hunter upgrade stuff last year so if you wait for the sales I'm sure you will either spend the same as or very slightly more than the GOTY version. I bought Vanilla and then added on and I think I only spent between 15-16 bucks. The problem I had after though was buying the headhunter add ons and the extra character Gaige so now I'm probably in for $20, but with all the content and the fact that I really enjoy the game it was money well spent in my opinion.

This mentality is confusing to me. You passed on the GOTY now and got the vanilla because you can always get the GOTY later? If you don't ever intend on playing co-op and/or only a single playthrough, I'd say the vanilla is fine. Otherwise...

OK, now I know you are crazier than I. I'm not saying that's impossible, but Activision. :whee:
oh reeally (meme picture) acctiviosn only steam big sale it will happen wait that aint happening on cod games unless toyrus or sell out then only way u buy it otherwise chance are low of cheap doesnt it cmon trusty did u eat too much (meat)balls or did zombies eat half of ur brains?

This mentality is confusing to me. You passed on the GOTY now and got the vanilla because you can always get the GOTY later? If you don't ever intend on playing co-op and/or only a single playthrough, I'd say the vanilla is fine. Otherwise...

OK, now I know you are crazier than I. I'm not saying that's impossible, but Activision. :whee:
I passed on GOTY last night. This morning the sale was over, but I had "not-buying remorse", and saw vanilla for $5.39 on Newegg. I'm not sure I'll ever get to the DLC, so this is a good price for me to dip my toe in. By the time I finish vanilla, I bet GOTY is $7.50 or so.

Does playing vanilla guarantee I'll never play online with anyone because the rest of the world has DLC?
Trusti Musti if you agonize this much over a $5-$15 game I hate to see how long it takes you to make important decisions. ;)

Wow you actually do possess reading comprehension after all. Who knew?
Yeah, I do have trouble making decisions. I'm very black-and-white, and I always want to make the "perfect" choice, to a fault.
For future reference, which DLC is worth picking up (aka "must have")?
Both Gaige and Krieg are really fun to play as. They are tied for second as my favorites in the game. Tiny Tiny I'd say has the best story. The other three DLCs each add some potentially useful gear and or bosses/areas to farm. Torgue is kind of hilarious. And of course if you want to get above level 50 you need the upgrade packs.

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As a football (soccer) sim it's very flimsy and quite shallow. As a Sims-esque lifestyle choice game it's bloody funny seeing people you know waste their fortunes in the casino.

I'll see if I can get the BGCQnited roster on Steam Workshop or something. It took me a while to do but it was pretty funny.

Pop-quiz: which thread regular was the only member of the 23-man squad to be found stuffing his face at the local restaurant?

A BGCQ roster would be awesome. Every time I've tried to jump into a real football sim, I've ended up jumping right back out when my eyes glaze over. This sounds more approachable.

And it was Spoderman, wasn't it?

A BGCQ roster would be awesome. Every time I've tried to jump into a real football sim, I've ended up jumping right back out when my eyes glaze over. This sounds more approachable.

And it was Spoderman, wasn't it?
I think it's Elder P. I think Flow convinced me to buy this. My EC coupons are just going to go unused anyway.
Sorta-back-on-topic: I played some Lords Of Football last night. I've replaced my entire team with posters from this thread, we have a horrible kit and a lot of gambling addictions.

As a football (soccer) sim it's very flimsy and quite shallow. As a Sims-esque lifestyle choice game it's bloody funny seeing people you know waste their fortunes in the casino.

I'll see if I can get the BGCQnited roster on Steam Workshop or something. It took me a while to do but it was pretty funny.

Pop-quiz: which thread regular was the only member of the 23-man squad to be found stuffing his face at the local restaurant?

A BGCQ roster would be awesome. Every time I've tried to jump into a real football sim, I've ended up jumping right back out when my eyes glaze over. This sounds more approachable.

And it was Spoderman, wasn't it?
Check out Flow's Screenshots. He's got most of the regulars. Except Mooby because Mooby hates games and, well, everything.

I've converted two IGN users into CAGs in the last couple of weeks. Have you done your part?

Actual quote: "@Naked-Snake-Eyes you have destroyed my life....there are so many games for cheap on there..."

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Check out Flow's Screenshots. He's got most of the regulars. Except Mooby because Mooby hates games and, well, everything.
Genuinely forgot! I went through the BGCQ group lust and, well, he's not in it. Oops.

Yet to discover whether we can sign players and rename them. Hopefully we can and I can turn Mooby into our fourth-choice goalkeeper. And have him run laps.

Lots of laps.

It's so silly with the hub bub around The Castle Doctrine and never having a sale, yet there it is with a day one discount.
Drabes was all OMGNEVEEVEREVERHASASALEANYMOREMUSTBUY and I'm like meh. Unless he's the next Minecraft he won't be able to sustain a decent amount of sales long term without ever reducing the price and he'll cave.

Drabes was all OMGNEVEEVEREVERHASASALEANYMOREMUSTBUY and I'm like meh. Unless he's the next Minecraft he won't be able to sustain a decent amount of sales long term without ever reducing the price and he'll cave.
If he caves, he's gonna have a lot of refund requests to deal with. I didn't buy it, because I wasn't interested enough, but I doubt he'll cave for this game. If the sales strategy fails (I'm sure it will), he'll more likely abandon the game and work on other projects.

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Drabes was all OMGNEVEEVEREVERHASASALEANYMOREMUSTBUY and I'm like meh. Unless he's the next Minecraft he won't be able to sustain a decent amount of sales long term without ever reducing the price and he'll cave.
He won't cave and it will be one more game in my library I don't play than you

This dev is a weirdo. I think it's the same guy that buried a game he made out of metal somewhere in the desert and it's not supposed to be found for 2700 years or some shit.
Genuinely forgot! I went through the BGCQ group lust and, well, he's not in it. Oops.

Yet to discover whether we can sign players and rename them. Hopefully we can and I can turn Mooby into our fourth-choice goalkeeper. And have him run laps.

Lots of laps.

Mooby never joined the group and he won't friend most people on Steam. He has some weird paranoid Mooby reason that makes sense to him.

If he caves, he's gonna have a lot of refund requests to deal with. I didn't buy it, because I wasn't interested enough, but I doubt he'll cave for this game. If the sales strategy fails (I'm sure it will), he'll more likely abaondon the game and work on other projects.
Eh, people are so gullible. He may even mean it now but I think he'll be forced to change his mind if he actually wants some income while he's working on his next project. And good luck getting refunds.

I just think the whole thing is funny because it's a psychological marketing tactic making people think they'll never get it this low again and feel like they are missing out on some great sale never repeated. I think it will work for some deal obsessed in the short term but the long term it's not going to get him very far for some hipster pixel indie game that's overpriced at retail.

Funny thing is the people going on about this deal so much seem to be more interested in worrying about missing out on a deal than in actually playing the game. Most of them will probably backlog it but feel satisfied (for a time) that they scored in a game deals metagame.

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