The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

It's a pity, because it had a lot of potential. I bought it on Impulse, and I could never get the fucking thing to actually go in game, myself.

Not recommended. I'm waiting for Breach, next.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']It's a pity, because it had a lot of potential. I bought it on Impulse, and I could never get the fucking thing to actually go in game, myself.

Not recommended. I'm waiting for Breach, next.[/QUOTE]

I too bought it on Impulse. It took me around two hours just to get the damn thing to work. It would constantly fail the GFWL update and I'd have to go into task manager and manually delete the process. After hours of wading through forums I finally found a fix.

Didn't matter though as like I said, nobody plays. I got into one single game that took probably 30 minutes to get going and it was horrendous. I think had they actually worked on implementing a usable mouse control scheme, the game would've been more popular. As it is now though, it's almost unplayable.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Quick coming soon news: Atari's new remake of Star Raiders (one of the forefathers of the space sim genre, and a real classic) is coming to Steam.[/QUOTE]

That's kinda neat. Played the everloving crap out of Star Raiders 2 on Atari 800. No idea if a remake would be any good but cool none the less.
A trade in option would be nice, Green Man Gaming does it but I really can't see something like Steam offering it, they'd lose money through the nose right off the bat and I can't see them making any sizable gains from it. There a certainly a lot of games I'd like to turn in though :/

Hugely anticipating DotA 2, I played HoN a lot during the beta but decided to hold off on buying due to the Icefrog/Valve partnership. Excited to see how Source handles an RTS though, I also hope they do a good game browsing system, I assume they'll just use L4D's though.
If Steam ever started offering trade-ins, you could kiss all the kick-ass sales we're all gotten so used to goodbye.

Also, here's two rather coincidental "coming soons":
- Winter Voices (strange-looking episodic RPG from an indie developer in Paris, France. Seven weekly episodes starting very soon, ~$5 per episode, or I assume a discount if you buy all 7. Kinda pretty art, odd in-game graphics, and if nothing else, completely out of the ordinary from the usual RPG trappings)
- Faery: Legends of Avalon (also an RPG, also episodic, also from a Paris-based developer, and also with odd graphics, but unlike the above, this game looks to be very much based in the usual light fantasy RPG trappings. Coming in November, $15).
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Absolutely anyone could have written that "IceFrog truth" post. George Broussard, who has no reason to lie, has asserted that multiple Valve employees have personally told him that the blog post is a sham (at least, the parts about Valve company politics getting ugly and the claims that Icefrog is messing up the direction of the company, not the parts about IceFrog having worked for S2 or being a dick in general). Furthermore, in this week's gameinformer podcast (around 30:00), one of the hosts says that he's been emailed by Valve employees as well, who assure that it's fake and incongruous with the reality there.

It should be of no surprise that from among the DotA community, which is largely a toxic, hateful, segmented, and overall extremely dramatic and rage-aholic fanbase that is highly idolatrous of and fiercely loyal to their various development figureheads (and again, highly segmented in these loyalties), that one of these basement-dwellers might be willing to spend a few minutes writing up such a blog post (with nothing but publicly-available info that anyone could find), if he felt it might prove his fealty to whichever DotA deity he has aligned himself (who obviously is someone other than IceFrog).
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he said she said

w/e as long as the game is good, no one cares if some asshole made it or if the team didn't like each other
Holy balls that looks cool, the control scheme looks kind of janky though.

As for the blog post, I'd say between the aforementioned terrible community DotA has and the recent backlash about the TF2 store, there's some srs bsns fanboy rage going on. It would be nice though if IceFrog were more of a public figure so that we could see how he really is but he seems like a very private person.
Today's "coming soon" updates (would it be better if I did these updates less frequently, and posted my info larger batches, or do people prefer me sharing my news ASAP, in smaller quantities? I know people appreciate the info, but I don't wanna hog the thread too much):

- 007: Blood Stone
- APOX - (RTS with a Mad Max-esque setting; standout feature is support for 32-player online matches. You can sign up for the upcoming beta here)
- Fate of the World - (global-scale eco-strategy game where you're tasked with doing something about some of the inevitable ecological doom our planet faces)
- Fractal (puzzle game from Cipher Prime, makers of Auditorium, which might also find it's way to Steam)
- Rubik’s Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH (you might be rolling your eyes and saying "eh, toy-license nonsense," but this is actually really good, and doesn't have anything to do with Rubik's cubes; it's more like Chu Chu Rocket than anything. From Two Tribes, makers of the fantastic Toki Tori. Already available on Wiiware, where it was met with good reviews.)
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Today's "coming soon" updates (would it be better if I did these updates less frequently, and posted my info larger batches, or do people prefer me sharing my news ASAP, in smaller quantities? I know people appreciate the info, but I don't wanna hog the thread too much):

You could post them as ordered lists or at least remove the dashes though. That'd be easier on me. :)
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I would definitely buy auditorium and fractal if they came to steam (for the right price ;))

Don't get the point of the polynomial though.
[quote name='eastx']You could post them as ordered lists or at least remove the dashes though. That'd be easier on me. :)[/QUOTE]
You mean like this?
  • Game X (this game looks like a piece of crap!)
  • Game Y (this game looks neat!)
  • Game Z (blah blah blah)

[quote name='iRent']Don't get the point of the polynomial though.[/QUOTE]
It's relaxing and pretty. Not supposed to be an extremely complex game. It is also NOT a music-based game; it's just that the visuals are audio-reactive, nothing more.
Yes, that's an ordered list. I think they look sharp. :) Perfect 'cause that way I can just copy and paste the entire line and stick it in the existing list in post # 2 without having to do additional formatting.
[quote name='eastx']Yes, that's an ordered list. I think they look sharp. :) Perfect 'cause that way I can just copy and paste the entire line and stick it in the existing list in post # 2 without having to do additional formatting.[/QUOTE]

Alright, will do. I'll also go ahead and stick with smaller updates; thanks for the feedback, folks.
Hey everyone, I was directed to this thread from someone. I have a question for any of you that can help answer this.
I was told that steam is an alternative to buying discs. I'd like to eventually open up a shop with retro gaming, next gen gaming, and computer gaming. The part I'm wanting to know about is the computer gaming. He told me that steam makes it disc-less. But he was saying that I'd need a steam account for each computer if I was to do this.
The overall question I have is, is there a way to have one steam account and get it set up on loads of other computers? That way I don't have to spend an arm and a leg for every computer I would be buying loads of different games for. Or is there a bundle deal at all? Like buy loads of the same game and you get a huge discount? Please help with this question, thanks a head of time =)
[quote name='zergtillian']The overall question I have is, is there a way to have one steam account and get it set up on loads of other computers? That way I don't have to spend an arm and a leg for every computer I would be buying loads of different games for. Or is there a bundle deal at all? Like buy loads of the same game and you get a huge discount? Please help with this question, thanks a head of time =)[/QUOTE]

There are some selection of games that lets you buy a four pack at a discount. for instance
Bioshock 2
Left 4 Dead 2

Check this out as well

You could set up one account on different computers using offline-mode, but only one can be actively online with that account at any time. If you wanted each individual account to have online access, you'd have to create separate accounts and buy games on each account.
[quote name='zergtillian']I'd like to eventually open up a shop with retro gaming, next gen gaming, and computer gaming.[/quote]
Are you talking about like, a game cafe or whatever? If so, the regular retail Steam storefront isn't what you're looking for, so you can completely ignore it. You'll want to look into the Valve Cybercafe Program, which is totally separate from the regular retail Steam storefront we all use:

The overall question I have is, is there a way to have one steam account and get it set up on loads of other computers?
That would be a huge violation of the Steam terms of service, for a regular Steam account. In fact, it's a violation of the terms of service to share a regular Steam account, period. Again, you need to look into the Cybercafe Program, which is specifically designed for this, and is the only option for what it sounds like you're trying to do. Don't do what the above poster suggested.
From what I've heard, Valve are really, really lame when it comes to working with LAN centers. The LAN center I used to hit up back in like '04 had a very hard time with Valve as they charge an arm and a leg if you legitimately go through their Cybercafe program. At the time, it was cheaper to just create multiple Steam accounts and purchase the basic games (CS, DOD, etc...) for each account than go through Valve.

Granted, that was years ago, so they may have gotten better, but from talking to the dudes that ran the LAN center they made it seem like a nightmare dealing with Valve.
[quote name='SEH']From what I've heard, Valve are really, really lame when it comes to working with LAN centers. The LAN center I used to hit up back in like '04 had a very hard time with Valve as they charge an arm and a leg if you legitimately go through their Cybercafe program. At the time, it was cheaper to just create multiple Steam accounts and purchase the basic games (CS, DOD, etc...) for each account than go through Valve.[/QUOTE]

Well, everything about Steam was a disaster back in 2004. It's basically a whole different thing, now. They didn't even have any third-party games back in 2004.
If he decides to just use individual Steam accounts per computer instead of the cybercafe program, we do list every game that Steam offers in 4-packs in the first post of the thread. :) Actually, Zergtillian, it'd be a good idea for you to read the entire first post so that you can learn about Steam deals and such too.
I had no idea there was a steam cybercafe setup, and I used the locater:

  • Elk Grove Village
    • Elk Grove Village Public Library

Your tax dollars FTW!!!11!
[quote name='eastx']If he decides to just use individual Steam accounts per computer instead of the cybercafe program, we do list every game that Steam offers in 4-packs in the first post of the thread. :) Actually, Zergtillian, it'd be a good idea for you to read the entire first post so that you can learn about Steam deals and such too.[/QUOTE]

Again, you're not supposed to do that, because that would count as account sharing (on a pretty massive scale). Steam accounts are supposed to be tied to a person, not a computer.

I'm not trying to be a dick or a terms-of-service white knight for Valve or whatever, but this would be really unprofessional business conduct, and probably criminal. If he wants to keep his business on-the-level and avoid potential problems, he needs to use the Cybercafe Program.

It's like, if you want to open a video rental shop, you don't go buy a bunch of DVDs at Walmart, and start renting them out. It's a different licensing arrangement that you need to make with the distributor. Same here. You aren't supposed to use a bunch of regular Steam accounts for a game cafe.
[quote name='dfg']I had no idea there was a steam cybercafe setup, and I used the locater:

  • Elk Grove Village
    • Elk Grove Village Public Library

Your tax dollars FTW!!!11![/QUOTE]

Nowadays when I go into a public library it's always kids playing random games on the computers or watching anime =/... Wasn't like that when I was a kid lol
I hadn't thought of that. Yeah, the cybercafe program is the way to go from a legal standpoint.
I'll concede... this time!
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[quote name='zergtillian']Hey everyone, I was directed to this thread from someone. I have a question for any of you that can help answer this.
I was told that steam is an alternative to buying discs. I'd like to eventually open up a shop with retro gaming, next gen gaming, and computer gaming. The part I'm wanting to know about is the computer gaming. He told me that steam makes it disc-less. But he was saying that I'd need a steam account for each computer if I was to do this.
The overall question I have is, is there a way to have one steam account and get it set up on loads of other computers? That way I don't have to spend an arm and a leg for every computer I would be buying loads of different games for. Or is there a bundle deal at all? Like buy loads of the same game and you get a huge discount? Please help with this question, thanks a head of time =)[/QUOTE]

I'm a co-owner of a tabletop gaming store (16 years and going) with a LAN component. Hit me up with a PM and I will give you some resources that may benefit you.

One of the things that I did initially when I first opened was 'Bring Your Own Rig' night. This was tied with a strong promotion to all of the colleges and universities in the local area. There was little prize support initially but after a few months it got up and running much smoother and has been quite successful since then.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']

While I'm not personally a fan, all Railworks owners instantly get upgraded to Railworks 2 for free. Sounds to me like the developer is doing a serious solid. Shame they have all that spammy DLC.[/QUOTE]

God no kidding. New Railworks DLC taking up all the space on the main store page cheeses me off.

That's still really cool of the developer to upgrade everybody for free. I wonder how much is different than Railworks1 though?

EDIT: Holy balls......Buying all 61 DLC packs will set you back $900.43. The sad part is somebody out there probably has all of it.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']EDIT: Holy balls......Buying all 61 DLC packs will set you back $900.43. The sad part is somebody out there probably has all of it.[/QUOTE]

I'm so tired of people acting like Railworks has a totally insane amount of add-ons. Anyone who things this is obviously unfamiliar sim market.

There are hundreds of commercial add-on packs for Microsoft Flight Simulator, from countless different developers, and yes, it's often as much as $30 (and sometimes much more) for a single plane. There's an entire mini-industry of small developers constantly churning out content for Flight Sim. Same for Railworks. It just so happens that all of the Railworks addons are on Steam (which again, are from multiple different developers), which seems to put people under the impression that it has more add-ons than any game evar or whatever.
I was completely unfamiliar with the sim market and I'd never seen anything like the Railworks stuff on Steam before. I thought The Sims 2 (which my daughter is currently playing) had an unusually high amount of non-free add-ons.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I'm so tired of people acting like Railworks has a totally insane amount of add-ons. Anyone who things this is obviously unfamiliar sim market.

There are hundreds of commercial add-on packs for Microsoft Flight Simulator, from countless different developers, and yes, it's often as much as $30 (and sometimes much more) for a single plane. There's an entire mini-industry of small developers constantly churning out content for Flight Sim. Same for Railworks. It just so happens that all of the Railworks addons are on Steam (which again, are from multiple different developers), which seems to put people under the impression that it has more add-ons than any game evar or whatever.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't make it any less annoying.
[quote name='SEH']Doesn't make it any less annoying.[/QUOTE]

Which doesn't make it any more of a worthwhile thing to be annoyed about. Any store is gonna be full of stuff you don't want.

By the way, folks, preorder for The Ball is up, with a 10% discount, making it $17.99:

Preordering before launch on the 26th gets you a fucking awesome exclusive character for Killing Floor, which was enough to reel me in. I also really enjoyed the old demo of The Ball, so, win-win.
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May pick up railworks depending on how today goes. (if I get some free stuff at BB to sell on fleabay for a great profit)

I miss MS train sim and I doubt it would work well on Windows 7 even though I still have it somewhere.
Really tempted to get The Ball but after thinking about it, I don't know if an exclusive skin is going to make me bite at $17.99. Especially with my current backlog. I love KF and Tripwire so I'll think about it.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I'm so tired of people acting like Railworks has a totally insane amount of add-ons. Anyone who things this is obviously unfamiliar sim market.

There are hundreds of commercial add-on packs for Microsoft Flight Simulator, from countless different developers, and yes, it's often as much as $30 (and sometimes much more) for a single plane. There's an entire mini-industry of small developers constantly churning out content for Flight Sim. Same for Railworks. It just so happens that all of the Railworks addons are on Steam (which again, are from multiple different developers), which seems to put people under the impression that it has more add-ons than any game evar or whatever.[/QUOTE]

Jesus Christ, sorry then. Didn't mean to piss in your fucking cereal.
[quote name='Mike UFC']Really tempted to get The Ball but after thinking about it, I don't know if an exclusive skin is going to make me bite at $17.99. Especially with my current backlog. I love KF and Tripwire so I'll think about it.[/QUOTE]

I have the same problem--I really like Tripwire and their contribution with Killing Floor, and would like to support them, especially since I did get KF for $5 (however, to make up for this, I have bought all the skin packs) but have the huge backlog, and the deal doesn't really grab me, even with the skin included.

I'd really like to see how great the reviews on The Ball turn out, what with all the Steam games I have, and anticipate getting during the Winter sale.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Jesus Christ, sorry then. Didn't mean to piss in your fucking cereal.[/QUOTE]

We should all be ashamed we don't follow the enthralling world of train and flight sims. If we did we'd know that hating on Rail Works for it's DLC would be ridiculous because other games have more.
[quote name='SEH']We should all be ashamed we don't follow the enthralling world of train and flight sims. If we did we'd know that hating on Rail Works for it's DLC would be ridiculous because other games have more.[/QUOTE]

If you can look at yourself and say "I hate train games with lots of DLC," as though it was something important enough to think about more than once, ever, you need to find something more important to do.

You don't need to follow the sim world to know that your objections are stupid. I'm explaining it for you, so no need for shame. It's absurd that it's impossible for fans to discuss this game or any general news about it (like the very significant development of the sequel being released, and all owners of Railworks 1 getting Railworks 2 for free), without people popping up chattering about "GOD I hate how much DLC this game has, it really grinds my gears to see all of it amongst all the shit in the coming soon list that you can easily scroll past, I mean lol what's up with this game it has like $1,000,000 worth of DLC, more than any game ever, this dev suxx they are gouging their fans, worst ever."
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']If you can look at yourself and say "I hate train games with lots of DLC," as though it was something important enough to think about more than once, ever, you need to find something more important to do.

You don't need to follow the sim world to know that your objections are stupid. I'm explaining it for you.[/QUOTE]

I've said it more than once because I've looked at stuff to buy on Steam more than once. It clogs the store pages. It's not like we're going out of our way to look at the Rail Works website and then complain about it. When it clogs up something I regularly check, then yes, I'll bitch about it.
[quote name='SEH']I've said it more than once because I've looked at stuff to buy on Steam more than once. It clogs the store pages. It's not like we're going out of our way to look at the Rail Works website and then complain about it. When it clogs up something I regularly check, then yes, I'll bitch about it.[/QUOTE]

There are 6 Railworks add-ons in the last 100 most recent releases on Steam, and all of them are spaced well apart from each other. Meanwhile, there are 12 Sega Genesis games in a row.

If Railworks is doing that much to "clog up" the list, I don't see how. The list is also full of newly-Steamplay-enabled releases of games that are otherwise very old (HL2 Deathmatch, Penumbra, Garry's Mod, L4D2, etc), strategy guides, DLC for other games (like 4 Mafia II DLCs in a row, or 6 Magic DotP unlocks consecutively), bundle packs, and B-list Genesis games nobody wants. Seriously, have you ever missed something in the New Releases tab (as in it's fallen out of the most recent 100), solely because of Railworks DLC? The bottom of the list is typically at least a month old (remember, it goes to the 100 most recent releases, not just the 10 on the first page), so you have plenty of time to click through it.

Railworks isn't clogging up anything other than people's senseless rage arteries.
Railworks DLC does clog the store pages when new stuff is released or a bunch of it goes on sale. Whether you mind scrolling through pages of it is up to the individual. Now can we please stop arguing about it?
bread's done