The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I'm excited to try Recettear. It's gotten really good reviews.[/QUOTE]

Hey there--the demo is pretty cool if you're on the fence. And if you like it, you can import your save from the demo into the actual game too, should you go for it (which it sounds like you may just buy it straight out anyways).
I picked it up on a whim last night and have really enjoyed the couple hours I've spent with it. I thought it was going to be straight selling items until I read the RockPaperShotgun review of it. It's actually a pretty decent mix of the item shop and a Diablo-lite type dungeon crawler.
[quote name='SEH']Apparently you can start pre-loading Dead Rising 2 on Steam. Just run the following and it should start downloading.


Figured I'd bump that for those who missed it on the last page.
[quote name='SEH']Meh, if someone wants to report me over something that dumb, then so be it.[/QUOTE]

He's just being anal. I use NoCD cracks for disc-based games that I own all the time. My notebook doesn't even have a DVD drive any more because I replaced it with an extra hard drive. ~ ~
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Has anyone in here played Age of Wonders?

Gonna grab one off Impulse and I'm not sure if it's worth it to get all three games for $20, or just grab Shadow Magic for $10 since it's far and away the best out of all three.
[quote name='animalspinners']Has anyone in here played Age of Wonders?

Gonna grab one off Impulse and I'm not sure if it's worth it to get all three games for $20, or just grab Shadow Magic for $10 since it's far and away the best out of all three.[/QUOTE]

I still love the original, myself.
My PC is pretty old(meet all the specs expect my CPU which falls below min specs by a small amount), but the demo for Civ V played pretty well on my PC so I went ahead and bought the game. I am concerned that later in the game it is really going to chug on my PC though, so I want to take steps to reduce game play hiccups from the start of the game.

Someone at another site mentioned that playing on Direct X 9 vs Direct X 10/11(which steam always recommends me to play with)could make a very large difference in how your system performs. I was wondering if any of you can confirm this is true? Any other key things I can do to help my system play the game smooth?
[quote name='MSI Magus']My PC is pretty old(meet all the specs expect my CPU which falls below min specs by a small amount), but the demo for Civ V played pretty well on my PC so I went ahead and bought the game. I am concerned that later in the game it is really going to chug on my PC though, so I want to take steps to reduce game play hiccups from the start of the game.

Someone at another site mentioned that playing on Direct X 9 vs Direct X 10/11(which steam always recommends me to play with)could make a very large difference in how your system performs. I was wondering if any of you can confirm this is true? Any other key things I can do to help my system play the game smooth?[/QUOTE]

Well, it's always a good idea to close down and unnecessary programs running in the background while playing. And I mean, ANY. Don't have anything open that isn't either required by Windows or the game. Anti-Virus programs take up a bit, but it's up to you if you want to disable it or not. Defragmenting the hard drive is also a good idea and should help slightly with load times.

Also, how much RAM do you have? RTS/TBS games need a lot of RAM to run smoothly (or that's what I've heard anyway). If it comes down to it, you could always add more RAM. There are sales on Newegg all the time and it's relatively cheap so it shouldn't break the bank too badly.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Well, it's always a good idea to close down and unnecessary programs running in the background while playing. And I mean, ANY. Don't have anything open that isn't either required by Windows or the game. Anti-Virus programs take up a bit, but it's up to you if you want to disable it or not. Defragmenting the hard drive is also a good idea and should help slightly with load times.

Also, how much RAM do you have? RTS/TBS games need a lot of RAM to run smoothly (or that's what I've heard anyway). If it comes down to it, you could always add more RAM. There are sales on Newegg all the time and it's relatively cheap so it shouldn't break the bank too badly.[/QUOTE]

4 gigs of RAM. I pass most of the basic reqs for the game, its my CPU that is pretty behind. I would consider upgrading, but the next PC game I will be dying to buy is Diablo 3.....which is at least a year off but more likely 2 years off given Blizzards track record. So id like to make this one last if possible!
[quote name='MSI Magus']4 gigs of RAM. I pass most of the basic reqs for the game, its my CPU that is pretty behind. I would consider upgrading, but the next PC game I will be dying to buy is Diablo 3.....which is at least a year off but more likely 2 years off given Blizzards track record. So id like to make this one last if possible![/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, you'll be perfectly fine with 4GB of RAM for a good long while yet. Hmm, yeah I guess all I can suggest is what I said in my previous post. Turn off programs and defragment. I would assume they'll be releasing patches with bug fixes and optimizations down the road too. I'm not sure though, I don't know what Firaxis' track record is like when it comes to post-launch support.
Running in DX9 rather than DX10 or 11 in any game will net you a pretty significant performance boost while not really changing a whole lot visually.
[quote name='SEH']Running in DX9 rather than DX10 or 11 in any game will net you a pretty significant performance boost while not really changing a whole lot visually.[/QUOTE]

I always wondered what I was missing running XP instead of Vista or 7...:)
[quote name='VGmnk']I always wondered what I was missing running XP instead of Vista or 7...:)[/QUOTE]

DX10 and 11 do look really nice. In most cases they have better shadows, lighting, and particle effects. That said, it's nothing all that special. If you're having performance issues, there is no reason that turning DX down to 9 shouldn't be the first thing you do.
Did anybody have an extra copy of Serious Sam Second Encounter HD from the weekend deal they wanted to gift? (for the price it was this weekend, of course).

Got caught up in work over the weekend and totally forgot about the sale. Not stressing over it since these games tend to go on sale every few months, and I can just nab it over the holiday's if nobody has any extras.
[quote name='animalspinners']Did anybody have an extra copy of Serious Sam Second Encounter HD from the weekend deal they wanted to gift? (for the price it was this weekend, of course).

Got caught up in work over the weekend and totally forgot about the sale. Not stressing over it since these games tend to go on sale every few months, and I can just nab it over the holiday's if nobody has any extras.[/QUOTE]

You know, and I'll admit, this may be a better post for a Serious Sam HD thread, but I tried MP a couple times, and on the whole, I found it to be pretty dead, or pretty sparsely populated.

Anyone else experience this?

Not to mention it hard crashed my computer due to some kind of video card/driver bug (and drivers are up to date via the new Steam UI updater).

Also, single player was a bit slow to get into, having played the first couple of levels.
Blah blah blah here's some more games coming to Steam that aren't in the "coming soon" section, yadda yadda yadda. you all know the drill by now:

- Breach ($15 multiplayer FPS with some incredible-looking physics and destructibility; check out some of the footage from PAX that's on Youtube. Looks awesome.)
- Clones (apparently this is sort of like a more complex version of Lemmings. Looks interesting)
- Diamond Dan
- Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time
- Evochron series (not sure which games exactly)
- Governor of Poker 2
- Haunted House (remake of the old Atari 2600 game)
- Ion Assault
- Lost Planet 2
- Toki (Golgoth Studio's phenomenal-looking remake of the old arcade platformer)
- Universe Sandbox (not exactly a game, but a seriously kickass physics sandbox on a galactic scale. Check out some videos if you need convincing about how epic this thing is. You can crash galaxies into each other, for the lulz)
This week's new releases:


Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light 9/28
Dead Rising 2
Front Mission Evolved

And on sale:

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic
Gary's Mod $4.99
Turba $4.99

Everyday Genius is an excellent choice for fans of sudoku-like puzzles. Clean interface, tons of puzzles, and all the important Steam features.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Blah blah blah here's some more games coming to Steam that aren't in the "coming soon" section, yadda yadda yadda. you all know the drill by now:

- Toki (Golgoth Studio's phenomenal-looking remake of the old arcade platformer) [/QUOTE]

Toki! I loved that game - I played it on my Atari Lynx tons. Looks sweet - thanks for the heads up!
I agree that Toki is going to be very good. The gameplay is pretty old-school and simplistic by modern standards, but the graphics are super nice.


Anyone get Dead Rising 2 this week? I can't afford it, so maybe I'll wait till the holiday sale. And come on, somebody's gotta like Everyday Genius: Square Logic.

[quote name='VGmnk']You know, and I'll admit, this may be a better post for a Serious Sam HD thread, but I tried MP a couple times, and on the whole, I found it to be pretty dead, or pretty sparsely populated.

Anyone else experience this?

Not to mention it hard crashed my computer due to some kind of video card/driver bug (and drivers are up to date via the new Steam UI updater).

Also, single player was a bit slow to get into, having played the first couple of levels.[/QUOTE]

Hey, this thread's for discussing all Steam games, great and small. I think people mostly play Serious Sam HD in co-op since that's where it really shines. The versus multiplayer isn't bad but there are so many other options out there, you can't expect a smaller FPS game to really compete. If you need people to play with, the CAG Serious Sam Steam group is the way to go. Get to invitin'!

Oh, and single-player might not be for everybody, but I enjoy it. It's mostly about exploring, looking for secrets, and taking in the beautiful scenery. You also get the silly cinema scenes, which are absent in co-op. And co-op really revolves around blazing through the levels, tearing up hordes of enemies as quickly as possible, not worrying about death.
Yep, picked up Dead Rising 2. Good performance on PC and seems to be staying pretty true to the original. I probably would have played that one more if I could have ditched the controller.

Also picked up Delve Deeper last week. Fantastic game for $5 if you like boardgames at all.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']Yep, picked up Dead Rising 2. Good performance on PC and seems to be staying pretty true to the original. I probably would have played that one more if I could have ditched the controller.

Also picked up Delve Deeper last week. Fantastic game for $5 if you like boardgames at all.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad to hear the performance and controls are good on the :pc: version of Dead Rising 2. Definitely, going to pick it up soon. Hopefully, it's onsale on Steam during Black Friday!
Bloody Good Time now has it's public store page up (no preorder yet). Quite importantly, there is no mention of uPlay. So, it should be safe to assume that this is using just Steam itself, for DRM and multiplayer. Awesome. I'm buying this as soon as it's available. I loved The Ship, and I've been waiting for this for years. So glad that they didn't spoil it with uPlay nonsense.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Bloody Good Time now has it's public store page up (no preorder yet). Quite importantly, there is no mention of uPlay. So, it should be safe to assume that this is using just Steam itself, for DRM and multiplayer. Awesome. I'm buying this as soon as it's available. I loved The Ship, and I've been waiting for this for years. So glad that they didn't spoil it with uPlay nonsense.[/QUOTE]

I pre-ordered this from D2D for $4.95. Well, technically I got it for less than that:

Red Faction Guerilla $6.00
Farewell to Dragons $6.00
Bloody Good Time $4.95

Minus the PAX code made the total $11.95. On the D2D page it mentions you have to download a third party program which I presumed to be Steam so I'll take a chance the code is good to use for Steam.
I really want to test out my new computer but can't seem to find a game I want to play and everything on my wishlist was on sale a few weeks ago before I had built my computer.

It's a little sad and a waste to be using my phenom x4 955 and 5850 on counter strike and hl2 deathmatch with all the settings turned up. I mean ffs, it renders 550-1000 fps in CS and I haven't even oc'd anything!
[quote name='iRent']I really want to test out my new computer but can't seem to find a game I want to play and everything on my wishlist was on sale a few weeks ago before I had built my computer.

It's a little sad and a waste to be using my phenom x4 955 and 5850 on counter strike and hl2 deathmatch with all the settings turned up. I mean ffs, it renders 550-1000 fps in CS and I haven't even oc'd anything![/QUOTE]

You can get Alien Swarm for free. It's short but definitely worth playing. We have a CAG Steam group for it if you need people to play with.

Also just watch the deals forum or this thread as there are terrific Steam sales every weekend and often during the week too.

Speaking of terrific sales, Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalker and all of its DLC are on sale for half off this weekend! Great time to get the game and Expansions 1 and 2. Don't buy the deck unlocks as those can be unlocked manually in-game.
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I'm not 100% sure, but I think that people who preorder The Ball might get some sort of bonus character in Killing Floor (Tripwire Interactive, creators of Killing Floor, are publishing The Ball, hence the connection) or something. Not really clear on this one, just putting it out there. Will surely be announced closer to the release of The Ball.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I'm not 100% sure, but I think that people who preorder The Ball might get some sort of bonus character in Killing Floor (Tripwire Interactive, creators of Killing Floor, are publishing The Ball, hence the connection) or something. Not really clear on this one, just putting it out there. Will surely be announced closer to the release of The Ball.[/QUOTE]

I remember playing this as a mod of the Make Something Unreal contest.. Looks like they went retail for it. Not sure how much they are going to charge for it, though
[quote name='eastx']You can get Alien Swarm for free. It's short but definitely worth playing. We have a CAG Steam group for it if you need people to play with.

Also just watch the deals forum or this thread as there are terrific Steam sales every weekend and often during the week too.

Speaking of terrific sales, Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalker and all of its DLC are on sale for half off this weekend! Great time to get the game and Expansions 1 and 2. Don't buy the deck unlocks as those can be unlocked manually in-game.[/QUOTE]

I have alien swarm already lol. Just another source game so it runs pretty much maxed out if I remember correctly on my computer.
[quote name='Sinistar']I remember playing this as a mod of the Make Something Unreal contest.. Looks like they went retail for it. Not sure how much they are going to charge for it, though[/QUOTE]

Looks like it will be $19.99 going off what they sat at the Tripwire forums. Can't find anything about a bonus character for KF, but that would awesome if it did.
Lost Planet 2 just went up for 10% off if you pre-purchase. I foresee the game dropping in price quickly. I'm 3rd in line for Goozex though so I'll be nabbing a boxed copy. Hoping there's no sneaky DRM but Capcom haven't been ball busters if I recall correctly.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Lost Planet 2 just went up for 10% off if you pre-purchase. I foresee the game dropping in price quickly.[/quote]
On Steam itself? I doubt it. I mean, they just got around to dropping DMC4 down to $20, for instance.

Hoping there's no sneaky DRM but Capcom haven't been ball busters if I recall correctly.
Capcom usually sells their games on Steam using just Steam itself as DRM, but retail copies usually use SecuROM.

[quote name='SEH']Anyone know if NBA 2K11 will be going up for purchase on Steam anytime soon?[/QUOTE]
Soon. Retail copies will be activatable on Steam (mandatory, I believe), as well.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']On Steam itself? I doubt it. I mean, they just got around to dropping DMC4 down to $20, for instance.[/QUOTE]

My bad, I meant boxed copies. It took em almost a year and a half to drop Bionic Commando on Steam from 40 bucks.
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[quote name='eastx']Anybody play The Sacrifice yet?[/QUOTE]

Yep, good to see the classic characters back, they are so much better. The bots are terrible for the last mission where you have to
sacrifice yourself, duh. They don't protect you at all and you get wrecked by 3 tanks.

Only 3 missions long but from what I've seen play well for versus. Also, mac players are generally super crappy so pouncing them is a whole lot of fun.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Yep, good to see the classic characters back, they are so much better. The bots are terrible for the last mission where you have to
sacrifice yourself, duh. They don't protect you at all and you get wrecked by 3 tanks.

Only 3 missions long but from what I've seen play well for versus. Also, mac players are generally super crappy so pouncing them is a whole lot of fun.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the impressions. You know, when the last campaign came out it seems like there was more discussion here. I'm scared that the thread being stickied is keeping people from checking it...

Anyway, a new Steam game I'm happy to see:

Axel & Pixel: A very pretty adventure game. It was an XBLA title first and it's a bit lazy that it has no Steam features. But hey, $5! And so lovely.
Anyone able to get the L4D(2) items in TF2 yet? Played around with L4D2 this morning, but the items didn't show up when I played some TF2.
Man this is why I like steam because I am waiting for the Black Friday/Holiday sale and I was thinking I was going to have to write down all my games (can't install steam on the computer I go on the internet with) so I didn't buy the same ones but I log into and they list all of them on my account page.
[quote name='eastx']Anybody play The Sacrifice yet?[/QUOTE]

Played through it last night on L4D2 and had a good time. Good to play with the old characters and get some closure to Bill's story. The exploding barrels was a long needed addition IMO. If anyone wants to play L4D or L4D2, I'll probably play quite a bit this weekend so I can finish off some acheivements I'm close to getting in both games.
Here's some more secret Steam news:

- The Humble Indie Bundle thing should be happening soon.
- Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, which looks weird and possibly awful, is coming to Steam.
- When the original X: Beyond the Frontier and it's expansion, X-Tension), come to Steam, they'll be sold in a bundle with X2: The Threat, X3: Reunion, and X3: Terran Conflict, as well as some new bonus content.
- Sol Survivor should have a free weekend, and doubtless a sale, very soon
I thought the Sacrifice was alright, but rather boring. I guess I'm just burnt out on L4D. The majority of the community for the game blows and rage quits after like one round just because they lost by 50 points. I don't think I'd mind it as much if the matchmaking wasn't terrible and didn't take 10 minutes to find a replacement player. Even getting a game started takes ages. MW2 has really spoiled me as far as matchmaking goes. Shit on that game all you want but they definitely did matchmaking correctly.
Oh hey, the free weekend for Sol Survivor is actually already live. Check your games lists. You can install and play it now, free, for the next 3 days. The sale should go up at 7PM eastern (when L4D ends).
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Oh hey, the free weekend for Sol Survivor is actually already live. Check your games lists. You can install and play it now, free, for the next 3 days. The sale should go up at 7PM eastern (when L4D ends).[/QUOTE]

Sale is also live. 50% off 9.99 to 4.99
bread's done