The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

Personally I am just really really really hoping for any kind of sale on Super Meat Boy. The popcap collection being discounted more then it was last year would also be really nice and I still have not had a decent sale on Gyromancer. Regardless with my car needing about $1,000 worth of work everything I buy is going to need to be $5 or less or in the case of the popcap collection or other expensive stuff 75% + off.
The second post only lists games that are coming for Steam which are not listed on the Steam website yet. It's a little confusing, I know... I might figure out a solution eventually.
[quote name='eastx']The second post only lists games that are coming for Steam which are not listed on the Steam website yet. It's a little confusing, I know... I might figure out a solution eventually.[/QUOTE]

Welp thats it! You screwed the pootch, I have to take the topic back now!
[quote name='MSI Magus']Personally I am just really really really hoping for any kind of sale on Super Meat Boy. The popcap collection being discounted more then it was last year would also be really nice and I still have not had a decent sale on Gyromancer. Regardless with my car needing about $1,000 worth of work everything I buy is going to need to be $5 or less or in the case of the popcap collection or other expensive stuff 75% + off.[/QUOTE]

There already is one - you get $5 off when you preorder.

Any sale they do for Christmas will either be the same $5 off or just not happening.

Team Meat is against putting a game out and lowering the price later because they feel its an insult to the people who paid full price. They had a choice on XBLA to offer a discount now or do one in a few months and they chose to offer it now, which is sort of the same deal they are running on Steam.

Point being I'd be shocked if they put the game any lower than $10 so quickly after release.
[quote name='Spyder187']Is there some way at all to get any type of a heads up as to what Steam may throw on sale next week for their black Friday/holiday sale?[/QUOTE]

Is there ever a way to know what Steam sales will be in advance? ;)

[quote name='MSI Magus']Personally I am just really really really hoping for any kind of sale on Super Meat Boy.[/QUOTE]
When the game becomes available for prepurchase on the 23rd (it launches on the 30th), it will carry the same 33% discount that the XBLA version launched with, making it $10. As soon as it actually launches, though, the price goes back to the full $15, so, if you want the discount, you need to preorder.

There's absolutely no way they'll have a better deal on the game than that before the year is over (not in the possible Thanksgiving sale, and not in the Holiday sale), so, between the 23rd and 30th is the time to buy. I know I'm preordering the second it goes up.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge'] I know I'm preordering the second it goes up.[/QUOTE]


Super Meat Boy was probably one of the best games I've played this year, if not in the last few years. Such a fantastic game.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Is there ever a way to know what Steam sales will be in advance? ;)

He's holding out on us! Burn him in digital effigy! :hot:
[quote name='dfg']He's holding out on us! Burn him in digital effigy! :hot:[/QUOTE]

No, I'm afraid I really don't have any special info about upcoming promotions, and even if I did, I wouldn't share it, because I wouldn't want to cause trouble.

And Spore. Man, I really wish EA would do a good Spore sale. I don't even particularly want to play the game, I just want them to sell the complete pack for $10 or something just so I can wander around and look at what people made. I figure one of these days they've gotta do a good deal on it.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No, I'm afraid I really don't have any special info about upcoming promotions, and even if I did, I wouldn't share it, because I wouldn't want to cause trouble.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No, I'm afraid I really don't have any special info about upcoming promotions, and even if I did, I wouldn't share it, because I wouldn't want to cause trouble.[/QUOTE]

You can always PM me, I wont tell anyone! I am great at keeping secrets, in 20 years of knowing my best friend Mark Daniels is gay I have never told anyone.......fuck oops! Sorry Mark
Really hoping that COD collection goes on sale either for the thanksgiving sale or during the holiday one. Still have my cdkeys for CoD/Uo but can't seem to find my disks :(

Also want to get a $10 version of ME2!! Maybe even Dragon Age
[quote name='forbiddenx']Also want to get a $10 version of ME2!! Maybe even Dragon Age[/QUOTE]

Considering that ME2 is just $20 now, I'd say that's quite possible, but I doubt we'll see something that good on Dragon Age. I think EA would rather people buy the Ultimate Edition.
Sooo...yesterday at like 8PM it said Poker Night unlocks in seven hours. I just launched Steam hoping to play, and it still says it unlocks in seven hours. WTF?
[quote name='SEH']Sooo...yesterday at like 8PM it said Poker Night unlocks in seven hours. I just launched Steam hoping to play, and it still says it unlocks in seven hours. WTF?[/QUOTE]

Well it's out now. Let us know how it is.
Oh, I didnt even know. As of 5PM it said it still had four hours, so I figured it'd be up at 9PM. I'm installing right now.
Thanks for your update earlier SEH, I forgot to grab it last night and was still able to preorder it at $4.49 and get the free TF 2 hat to boot once I was reminded by your first post.
Poker Night is pretty fun. If you're a fan of any of the characters in it or want some TF2 items, I'd say grab it. There's some really funny banter between all of them. It's really just a poker game though, not a whole lot more too it. Not bad for $4.50.
Yeah the GiantBomb quick look was what I was looking for. Hadn't seen any gameplay until then, and while it's just a basic poker game, I can see myself playing for an hour every now and then just to hear the banter.

Interesting fact from the quick look: they recorded more dialogue for this game than any episode they've done.
For the twenty minutes I played poker night, setting the chatting settings to full (so they talk a bunch) I really enjoyed it--didn't hear anything from gabe yet though, and only played a couple hours of sam and max 101, haven't followed strong bad in a long time--so a little out of touch with those characters as a whole, I felt it was $5 well spent. Another reason to own a PC over a console imo (where this would have gone for at least $10-15 on xbox live imo). This game is great on its own, and is especially enticing if you play TF2 in any amount, imo.
[quote name='VGmnk']For the twenty minutes I played poker night, setting the chatting settings to full (so they talk a bunch) I really enjoyed it--didn't hear anything from gabe yet though, and only played a couple hours of sam and max 101, haven't followed strong bad in a long time--so a little out of touch with those characters as a whole, I felt it was $5 well spent. Another reason to own a PC over a console imo (where this would have gone for at least $10-15 on xbox live imo). This game is great on its own, and is especially enticing if you play TF2 in any amount, imo.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Had you said that was your own opinion?
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Had you said that was your own opinion?[/QUOTE]

Oh, was it too difficult to follow? Ok

I like Poker Night at the Inventory.

I think it is worth the $5.

simple enough for you? :roll:
[quote name='SEH']How are the games in that Indie pack?[/QUOTE]
Gridrunner Revolution is my game of the year so far, and offers one of the best "getting in the zone" experiences of any game ever. Buy that pack now.

[quote name='evildeadjedi']A little off topic but, if you are interested in Super Meat Boy and wanted to see what it is like then check this out:[/QUOTE]
Yeah well don't take that for more than it's worth. Super Meat Boy is far, far beyond it's Flash game roots.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']
Yeah well don't take that for more than it's worth. Super Meat Boy is far, far beyond it's Flash game roots.[/QUOTE]

From my experience with the xbla demo and a lengthy video walkthrough, I concur.

Really looking forward to the 30th.
So tempted to buy Alpha Protocol. But I simply have just too much in my steam account already that hasn't been played. Good first day of sales though.
Aside from the visuals looking like something from an early era PS2 game and the controls being slightly wonky at times, Alpha Protocol is decent enough. I'd say it's worth $7.50.
Got myself Alpha Protocol and Sam & Max season 3. Been wanting both of those for $10 or less so that's nice. Did hear that Sam & Max apparently has a new control scheme instead of point and click which sounds like a bummer though.
Kane & Lynch 2 for $5? Even though I wasn't a fan of the demo, I'll take it. Also, I'll ask again, how are the games in the Indie Story pack?
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Recettear is a charming Japanese action/RPG and easily worth $5 all on its own. The Indie Story Pack is awesome.

Gish is fairly pretty but the controls are challnging, which turns many people off.
Bit on the Story pack. I cant resist these damn $5 packs.

Anyone down for hosting a PQ2 group? If so, I'd love to get in.

Nevermind, got in a group.
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Bought Batman today. I rented it back on ps3 last year but I'm all for throwing the developers a couple bucks to support such a great game.
Recettear is really fun if you like economic type games. I started to play it this afternoon and then noticed almost 5 hours had gone by. I would have paid $10 for this game by itself.
Hey guys I've been using steam for a while now and made my account back in 2003, I've realised I don't have access to the email that I originally made it with. Back when steam was first released we need to use an email as the login.

It shouldn't matter now right? It's just an email address used as my login name, it wouldn't matter if that email got hacked, they wont be able to get my account info? Since I'm using a different email (my actual one) as the actual email for the account.

So this is how it works right?
Steam login: just a user name, ie: doesn't matter if its an email just a username and if you have access to the email used as the login it still doesnt do anything?
Steam id: actual name associated to the account that shows up on friends lists and stuff
steam email: NOT my login to the game but my actual email right?

So login: [email protected]
id: ForbidenX
email: [email protected]

If someone has access to [email protected], they won't be able to access this steam account because I have [email protected] associated to it right?

Just a thought that came into my mind because I cannot login to my hotmail anymore and I've been using gmail ever since it came out back in 04/05.
bread's done