The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

[quote name='forbiddenx']Hey guys I've been using steam for a while now and made my account back in 2003, I've realised I don't have access to the email that I originally made it with. Back when steam was first released we need to use an email as the login.

It shouldn't matter now right? It's just an email address used as my login name, it wouldn't matter if that email got hacked, they wont be able to get my account info? Since I'm using a different email (my actual one) as the actual email for the account.

So this is how it works right?
Steam login: just a user name, ie: doesn't matter if its an email just a username and if you have access to the email used as the login it still doesnt do anything?
Steam id: actual name associated to the account that shows up on friends lists and stuff
steam email: NOT my login to the game but my actual email right?

So login: [email protected]
id: ForbidenX
email: [email protected]

If someone has access to [email protected], they won't be able to access this steam account because I have [email protected] associated to it right?

Just a thought that came into my mind because I cannot login to my hotmail anymore and I've been using gmail ever since it came out back in 04/05.[/QUOTE]

I had this same issue. All I did was change the account email. I still have to login with the old email that I no longer have access to, but purchase confirmations, attempts to change passwords, etc... all go to the new email I set.

We now have an Iron grip: Warlord Steam group. Please join if you bought today's Indie Clever Pack!
[quote name='SEH']I had this same issue. All I did was change the account email. I still have to login with the old email that I no longer have access to, but purchase confirmations, attempts to change passwords, etc... all go to the new email I set.[/QUOTE]

Yea i've been getting all of that on my email too, but we're safe if somehow someone manages to get into our old ones right?

Basically it's just a string of characters that we login with and it has no association to that first email that we set up the account with right?
[quote name='kinetic medic']I'd be interested in getting in on a warhammer DoW2 Chaos Rising group buy if anyone's interested, I'll host if need be.


I'd be interested too, since I have DoW2 already.

but with 3 hours to go... I don't think there is enough :(
So I am getting a new computer in a few weeks, and I want to buy some of the steam deals. Will I be able to re-download the games I bought on my new computer ?
[quote name='Poorleno']So I am getting a new computer in a few weeks, and I want to buy some of the steam deals. Will I be able to re-download the games I bought on my new computer ?[/QUOTE]

yes. buy away.
Meh deals again today. If Lara Croft was $5 I'd bite. I may wind up grabbing the Pulse pack, but I already own Audiosurf and Rhythm Zone blows, so I'd really only be getting three games. If I didn't already own EFLC on the PS3 though, I'd definitely grab it here. $10 isn't bad, but $7.50 via the group buy is a steal.

Oh, and for anyone on the fence about Reccetear when the group buy for it goes up...get it. I usually hate these JRPG type games, but this one is addicting. I didnt want to stop playing.
[quote name='Josh5890']It looks like there is going to be a counterstrike-source deal coming up soon, is the multiplayer still pretty big?[/QUOTE]

It's always in the top-5 played games on Steam. There are usually at least 50,000 people playing. So, it's more than pretty big. It's huge.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']Got myself Alpha Protocol and Sam & Max season 3. Been wanting both of those for $10 or less so that's nice. Did hear that Sam & Max apparently has a new control scheme instead of point and click which sounds like a bummer though.[/QUOTE]
Entire swag pile is this thus far:
Alpha Protocol
Sam & Max season 3
Kane & Lynch 2
Puzzle Agent
Jolly Rover
Doc Clock
Iron Grip
Lara Croft
GTA Episodes

And I already know I'm going to be picking up the puzzle bundle for the two games I don't have in it (Puzzle Dimension and Tidalis) since I kinda wanted both of those, and will probably be taking part in a Just Cause 2 bundle assuming it's under $10. Thanksgiving sale is hitting me surprisingly hard, but I had a pile of money set aside and prepared for the winter sale so it's alright I guess. Especially since basically the only games I buy any more are from Steam sales, might as well go nuts on them when they're cheap. Still hope the original Fallout collection, the Age of Wonders collection, and Bloodlines end up sub-$10 either during this sale or the winter sale.

Edit: Oh yeah. Haven't really played much yet but the surprising winner of the group is VVVVVV. I figured I would get pissed off at it after dying again and again, but since you instantly respawn it surprisingly doesn't bother me. In light of this I'm considering preordering Meatboy while it's $5 less since it sounds as though the developer won't be doing deals on it past that.
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[quote name='SqueeMK2']Entire swag pile is this thus far:
Alpha Protocol
Sam & Max season 3
Kane & Lynch 2
Puzzle Agent
Jolly Rover
Doc Clock
Iron Grip
Lara Croft
GTA Episodes

And I already know I'm going to be picking up the puzzle bundle for the two games I don't have in it (Puzzle Dimension and Tidalis) since I kinda wanted both of those, and will probably be taking part in a Just Cause 2 bundle assuming it's under $10. Thanksgiving sale is hitting me surprisingly hard, but I had a pile of money set aside and prepared for the winter sale so it's alright I guess. Especially since basically the only games I buy any more are from Steam sales, might as well go nuts on them when they're cheap. Still hope the original Fallout collection, the Age of Wonders collection, and Bloodlines end up sub-$10 either during this sale or the winter sale.

Edit: Oh yeah. Haven't really played much yet but the surprising winner of the group is VVVVVV. I figured I would get pissed off at it after dying again and again, but since you instantly respawn it surprisingly doesn't bother me. In light of this I'm considering preordering Meatboy while it's $5 less since it sounds as though the developer won't be doing deals on it past that.[/QUOTE]

Nice grabs--I've held out on GTA DLC's and Sam & Max season 3, only on account I've yet to play through and beat GTA4 and Sam & Max seasons 1 & 2 (hell, haven't gotten past 101 yet).

Alpha Protocol
Indie Story Pack
Tropico 3 Gold
Indie Clever Pack
Kings Bounty: Crossworlds (got the other 2 in other sales)
Indie Pulse Pack (last minute buy, on account of recommendations for bit.trip beat and beat hazard).

Love these indie game bundles at $5, although I did skip on the first one. Had 2 or 3 of the 4, but now I'm wondering if I should have gotten for the one(s) I missed :)

Pretty much in the same boat as you--almost only spend my gaming money on steam these days, with exception to the occasional RP investment into League of Legends (and itching to give EVE Online another go, and I'm not good/invested enough into the game to sell ISK for Plex/gametime). Money I've spent so far doesn't seem all that much in comparison to the past....which is why I mentioned a bit ago how you'd never see such awesome sales like these on PSN & XboxLive. I haven't played my xbox360 in probably a year now.

Really was hoping Deathspank would be cheaper, and Shank looked good, but decided to wait on these since they probably will be back soon sub $10.

Oh, and finally, hoping (though not too hard) that Civ 5 will be offered for sale, as well as the newer fallouts.
Gah, I'm getting tired of these pack deals. I want some of the games that go in packs, but PayPal's being a bitch for me right now so I can't get in on any of them.

Also, no indie pack today? :(
First time I'm able to take part in the steam sales its so damn fun. Its like a Woot off but with stuff I actually want to buy!

I restarted playing Counter Strike. .... any tips for sucking less?
[quote name='homeland']First time I'm able to take part in the steam sales its so damn fun. Its like a Woot off but with stuff I actually want to buy!

I restarted playing Counter Strike. .... any tips for sucking less?[/QUOTE]

Hold shift to walk when in uncertain areas, it mutes footsteps. Big time helper because footsteps are easily the biggest giveaway aside from being front and center.

Puzzle pack came up finally, not interested though as the only game that looks like I'd play for more than a bit is Shatter, which I picked up on an earlier sale!
My hull thus far:
Deus Ex GOTY
Puzzle Agent
Jolly Rover
And Yet It Moves
CS Source
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Freedom Force
Just Cause 2

Total 27.91 :)
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I was sending out gift copies from a Just Cause 2 group buy earlier and noticed that I have a guest pass for Day Of Defeat Source that's probably going to go to waste. It expires on December 10. If you want it, let me know and it's your's.
A little off topic from the the sales, but I was looking for a type of game on steam and I figured you all would know best. :)

Basically I'm looking for a mech battle game. Mech vs Mech. Where you can change load outs, types of mechs, and other things.

Any thoughts on this? Any game out there?

[quote name='slofton']A little off topic from the the sales, but I was looking for a type of game on steam and I figured you all would know best. :)

Basically I'm looking for a mech battle game. Mech vs Mech. Where you can change load outs, types of mechs, and other things.

Any thoughts on this? Any game out there?


The PC platform is surprisingly lacking in this department, Front Mission just recently came out though, you may like that. If you've got a console though, I highly suggest the Armored Core series. There are also some non-steam smaller mech games, you're on your own looking for those though. Maybe check Megazell's free game post.

Also, I'm hoping I can get in on a copy of Mount and Blade: Warband or Just Cause 2 if anyone has any left. Unfortunately, I can't give you straight cash (PayPal is being problematic) but I'll gift you a game of equal or lesser value. PM me if you're up for a trade!
[quote name='slofton']A little off topic from the the sales, but I was looking for a type of game on steam and I figured you all would know best. :)

Basically I'm looking for a mech battle game. Mech vs Mech. Where you can change load outs, types of mechs, and other things.

Any thoughts on this? Any game out there?


Not sure about STEAM but you can try Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries it's free.
The Mercenaries game looks like what i'm looking for. Great price too :D

@Megazell I looked though some of your free game posts and I must say they are amazing. You do CaG's a great honor. Thanks
[quote name='slofton']The Mercenaries game looks like what i'm looking for. Great price too :D

@Megazell I looked though some of your free game posts and I must say they are amazing. You do CaG's a great honor. Thanks[/QUOTE]

Ty. Enjoy.

There are others take a look at the MMORPG Sci-Fi section, Third Person Shooter section and Simulation - Mech section in the OP.

STEAM also has some great free games like Codename: Gordon, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch and more.

Be very very quiet though about your appreciation of my thread...they are watching. :whistle2:#

I have a question about gifting. I want to get two copies of Alien Versus Predator in a group buy today and give one to my brother for Christmas but I don't want the gift to appear in his email until then. Will it work if I get both copies sent to me then forward one on to him? I guess I could buy a pack myself but I don't really have enough time to organize something like that today.

Similarly, I picked up an extra copy of Supreme Commander 2 on sale the other day as a present for my other brother and again didn't want it appearing in his email straight away so I gifted to myself to be forwarded on later? Will this work?
Well, after how many years, I finally bought the Orange Box, and I definitely deserve a good, ol' fashioned internet flaming for not doing it sooner. I had never played Half-Life 2 before yesterday.
[quote name='kilm']Sigh... weekend is over. Bought too many games, not enough time to play them =/[/QUOTE]

No kidding. I promised to stop buying games for a while. Damn you Steam!!!
Recettear gets a big time double plus good thumbs up from me. I look forward to our future.

SupCom2 gets a mega double thumbs down from me. I refuse to believe that this game came from Square in 2010, its production quality is so low it stuns me. Everything feels clunky.

Looking forward to Super Meat Boy tomorrow, can't wait.
Jesus Christ is Metro a lot harder to run than I thought. I mean, I knew it required some good hardware, but I cant run anything over high on DX9. On DX9 if I put my settings to Very High, I get crap frames. As for running DX10 or DX11, that's totally out of the question. With DX11 and Medium settings, I'm lucky to get 20FPS.

From what I've read, seems like another game with performance results artificially skewed towards Nvidia cards. Argh.
[quote name='SEH']Jesus Christ is Metro a lot harder to run than I thought. I mean, I knew it required some good hardware, but I cant run anything over high on DX9. On DX9 if I put my settings to Very High, I get crap frames. As for running DX10 or DX11, that's totally out of the question. With DX11 and Medium settings, I'm lucky to get 20FPS.

From what I've read, seems like another game with performance results artificially skewed towards Nvidia cards. Argh.[/QUOTE]

it is skewed towards nvidia stuff.
Arent you running a 5850? you should be able to run reasonable settings. The game is a beast to run maxed for sure.

edit - checked my settings. very high settings, msaax4, afx4. i remember not seeing a big enough difference between dx11 and dx10 to warant the fps drop, so im running it in dx10. I wouldnt think youd shouldnt be far behind that.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Well, after how many years, I finally bought the Orange Box, and I definitely deserve a good, ol' fashioned internet flaming for not doing it sooner. I had never played Half-Life 2 before yesterday.[/QUOTE]


It's happens, I know two other gamers who have not played it yet enjoy!

I echo the statements of those who love Defense Grid. definitely the best 1.50 I have ever spent!
[quote name='eastx']SEH, it's time to get a new video card. Well, Thursday might have been the time. :([/QUOTE]

fuck that. My 5850 can handle just about anything out there (well, aside from Metro, obviously). If the problem were the fact that my video card was shitty, I'd agree with you, but the game is just somewhat unoptimized and is skewed more towards Nvidia cards.
Final tally:
Puzzle Agent
Jolly Rover
Alpha Protocol
Kane & Lynch 2
Doc Clock
Iron Grip
Lara Croft
Puzzle Dimension
Just Cause 2
GTA Episodes
And not part of the sale but I couldn't resist, Super Meat Boy.

$61 down. $71 including Meat Boy. Did a similar crazy amount of spending on Steam last winter sale, but that lasts me pretty well throughout the rest of the year so I'm going to keep telling myself that I don't have a problem.
[quote name='SEH']fuck that. My 5850 can handle just about anything out there (well, aside from Metro, obviously). If the problem were the fact that my video card was shitty, I'd agree with you, but the game is just somewhat unoptimized and is skewed more towards Nvidia cards.[/QUOTE]

the 5850 is obviously a good card. I wonder if theres something else going on. ive seen tests with the 5850 running the game in dx11 very high settings with tesselation and averaging 40fps.

make sure you disable advanced depth of field. I disable tessellation as well. because amd cards dont handle it as well.
the game could be optimized a bit better but it is an absolutely gorgeous game, with a ton of graphic and lighting effects.
[quote name='kilm']Sigh... weekend is over. Bought too many games, not enough time to play them =/[/QUOTE]

Forty games added to the backlog.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Well, after how many years, I finally bought the Orange Box, and I definitely deserve a good, ol' fashioned internet flaming for not doing it sooner. I had never played Half-Life 2 before yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Congrats, assuming you haven't played portal, or TF2. I think of all my steam games, I have the most time invested in TF2, my favorite FPS...and portal is great, can't wait for portal 2.

But, a secret between you and me...I haven't played Half life 2 yet either 8-[

...and I had every reason to too, heh, just put it off forever. I still got half life 2 in its shrink rap from years ago, and I bought and played half life 1 back when it came out 1 million years ago...*AND* the expansion packs (I still have blue shift in its original box kicking around here somewhere). I guess I'm hesitant because I want to go back and beat half life 1 and the expansion packs before I do...or something :)
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Well, after how many years, I finally bought the Orange Box, and I definitely deserve a good, ol' fashioned internet flaming for not doing it sooner. I had never played Half-Life 2 before yesterday.[/QUOTE]

*thinks every game in the Orange Box is horribly overated*
[quote name='mtxbass1']Is anyone else having issues connecting to steam? I've been stuck on "Connecting Steam account:" for about 20 minutes now...[/QUOTE]

No Problem Here.
bread's done