The Steve "Dr. Death" Williams Memorial Wrestling Thread

[quote name='mykevermin']Rumble? Triple H or John Cena. Kofi? LOL.[/QUOTE]

I'm just so Goddamn tired of the same 4 guys ALWAYS winning the Rumble...when will the "next generation" finally get some kind of decent push? AKA more than 1 month, by the way....
Sheamus is still the champion, they're not that afraid to take chances... especially if you spot for Triple H at the gym

For that matter, I remember being absolutely stunned when Edge first won the title. Then again, I suppose that was like five years ago so it doesn't necessarily apply today.

I think the next slew of injuries will force a number of changes whether or not the WWE wants to make them. Triple H is due for another tear and he's getting up there in years. Shawn Michaels has been doing the whole, wrestle a bit, take a bit off cycle for a little while now, if he gets injured he seems like he'd hang it up permanently. Batista has said that he's getting close to retiring. Undertaker's knees (I think it was) are fucking wrecked... The list of WWE main eventers who are beat all to hell is very long.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, and someone can bring this up in a year if they want but I predict that by this time next year, either MVP, Miz, or John Morrison will have been a world champion. (and I'd take any of those three over goddamn Sheamus, he is the drizzling shits and looks like a fucking clown)
You know, I didn't mind Sheamus look, but then you see him next to Orton in the ring. It kinda ruined the illusion that they built up by having him kill Evan Bourne and Jamie Noble. It wasn't even really that noticeable with Cena. Having him face to face with Orton in the ring makes him really look like a bad CAW character model.

His in-ring work isn't bad but you get the feeling he's really going over what he has to do in his head otherwise. "Okay...and now I have to hold the belt up and scream, in 5..4..3..2..1..Go"
[quote name='Purple Flames']Edge never really got over as a face at any point in his WWE career, but it's been about 5-6 years since his last face run, so it should be interesting to see how things turn out this time around.[/QUOTE]

I thought that Edge was pretty over when he teamed with Christian and they did the "5 second pose" thing. I still have two of their shirts.
[quote name='Scorch']I thought that Edge was pretty over when he teamed with Christian and they did the "5 second pose" thing. I still have two of their shirts.[/QUOTE]

They were heels during that time. They had a brief face run together, but I don't remember much from it.
I LOVED Edge as a face from around WM X8 until he got injured in early '03. During that time, he had the good feud with Angle(hair vs hair match), the tag run with Hogan, and he was a big part in one of best tag-team eras ever(along with Benoit, Angle, Mysterio, and the Guerreros).

He was on a good run and had huge momentum up until his neck injury. When he came back a year later, he turned into whiny Edge, a gimmick that's lasted almost 6 years. I'm ready for a good face run from him.
While it's true Edge was never really over huge as a good guy, I think it'll be different this time for a few reasons -

-He was hugely over as a heel for a long time, and people are probably getting anxious to cheer for him (similar to occasional reactions for Orton)

-The built-in storyline with Jericho for his return should be pretty solid

-He'll be feuding with Jericho, who is easily one of the best bad guys they have.
Edge's look prevents him from being a face.

His face looks like a gargoyle.
I don't think they can succeed if they just pull the trigger on it, though.

They've missed their window of opportunity, really. If he is to come back at the Rumble match, that is.

Spend 4 weeks (at least 2 or 3, jesus) or so with videos showing the "rated-r superstar" doing dastardly deeds, growing his beard, smiling maniacally, and being the "ultimate opportunist" (don't they call him that a lot?). Be sure to show footage of him and Jericho as tag champs. Make it seem like Edge is coming back precisely as you remember him: evil, villainous, and heelish.

Have him enter the rumble at the moment that Jericho (who's already in the match) is being double teamed by another heel tag team (um...Legacy? Are there other heel teams? Kozlov and Jackson?). Edge returns and Jericho, having been backed into a corner, looks ecstatic to see his partner again. They smile, embrace, whatever, you know how it goes - Edge teases to team up with Jericho, then turns and throws him right over the top rope and smirks down at him.

Now (and here's why you need the heel tag team), Edge then gets caught up by Legacy and is beat down for a moment. He then finds himself in a double team move where Ted Dibiase is holding Edge from behind (oh, tag teams, do you never learn?). Rhodes off the rope with a running clothesline. Our hero Edge ducks out of the way, and Rhodes takes DiBiase out of the match (further teasing dissention!). Rhodes stares, mouth agape, at DiBiase on the outside, out of the Rumble match at his own doing. And, of course, turns around to end up on the business end of a spear from Edge. Then he gets tossed out by Edge (maybe you can have Rhodes and DiBiase bicker on the way to the back) - Edge, alone in the ring, has just eliminated three top heels on WWE (who have no chance of winning the Rumble) and clearly established himself as a face who wants to ruin Chris Jericho's life. He briefly soaks up the cheers from the crowd, until the next entrant in the Rumble match comes out. Maybe it can be some ECW guy who can keep the match in a holding pattern with Edge until they get some more dudes out there and continue other stories in the match.

Jeez, at this rate I'll be booking the whole goddamn match. ;)
I think his character works almost as is in the context of screwing Jericho over. He could cause him to lose in the Rumble and the Elimination Chamber. (Jericho could then cause him to lose as well on his way out of the ring).
[quote name='mykevermin'] Maybe it can be some ECW guy who can keep the match in a holding pattern with Edge until they get some more dudes out there and continue other stories in the match.[/QUOTE]

It'll be Christian.
[quote name='AllenScribe']Mykevermin,

If I had the stroke to do so, I would have totally just hired you as the booker for WWE.[/QUOTE]

They already did. It's the formula for most Royal Rumble / battle royal situations like that.
oh hell yea, TNA is coming to Pensacola Civic Center in March. any gulf coasters here we should meet up, first cold beer is on me.
According to Dave Meltzer, there are still conflicting reports going around regarding the TNA status of Jeff Hardy. People in TNA are saying that he signed a deal while people close to Hardy are saying it isn't true. The fact that Hardy didn't appear at the PPV or this week's TV tapings seems to indicate the latter.

WWE is still interested in bring Hardy back but it's unlikely something will happen until after his trial is over.

According to one person close to Hardy, it's possible he showed up on the January 4th Impact as a way to get back at WWE. Apparently, Hardy was upset about WWE and CM Punk mocking his arrest on television when he (Hardy) wasn't an active member of the roster.

People close to Hardy also feel that he wasted his time making the TNA appearance since he comes off as a much bigger star in WWE.
– About her backstage fight with Bubba The Love Sponge, TNA Knockout Awesome Kong posted the following on her Twitter page:

“Kongfucious says: sometimes you must feed someone a fist to make them eat their own words.”

An hour later she followed up by writing:

“Apologies to all of my supporters for the lack of tweets lately. Trying not to give certain talentless hacks publicity.”
Taker news from the newest Observer -
Undertaker was really hurting badly at the house shows over the weekend. The hip surgery that he had last year was considered the last hope before a full hip replacement would be needed. The thoughts right now are that his appearances will probably become more and more limited after WrestleMania this year, but people have talked about it being Undertaker’s last year in wrestling for literally the last ten years because that’s how long he’s been working in serious pain. I just see him as a guy, even if it’s only a few matches a year (and at this stage I don’t even know why they bother having him do house shows unless it’s a major market big event because it’s just not necessary), who will always be around in some capacity.

Also -
A couple of funny things in commentary. When showing clips of last week, Lawler, when watching Orton deliver an RKO, said that Randy Savage was delivering an RKO. It was quickly corrected. Lawler after the show explained that over the weekend he was watching some old Randy Savage tapes so Savage was on his mind. Who would have thought Jerry Lawler spends his weekends watching 80s tapes? Although if you asked me which was more likely, him watching 80s tapes or Smackdown, I’d go with the 80s tapes. The other was Cole talking about how Kingston is the hottest guy on Raw of late. Wait a minute, hasn’t Kingston been pinned by Orton three times in recent weeks?

Archer pinned Hurricane. Nobody knew who Archer was. Archer with his new look lost 75% of the charisma he had as Lance Hoyt. And it’s not like Lance Hoyt had any charisma.
That's why they shouldn't have the belt on UT. The champ has to be at house shows, a titleless UT doesn't. For the sake of his well being I'm sure this is UT's last run as champ.
[quote name='neocisco']That's why they shouldn't have the belt on UT. The champ has to be at house shows, a titleless UT doesn't. For the sake of his well being I'm sure this is UT's last run as champ.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Taker is over no matter what. The belt doesn't need to be on him and at this point in his career he can be used as a "Special Attraction". I mean if he made sporadic appearances and then you KNOW he was going to show at a Smackdown TV tapeing near you, that would push you to get tickets to him live, make sure you watch him on TV, etc. Used sparingly he could sort of be like an "Avenging Angel" type character. With his health and status in the company he does NOT need to appear on house shows unless it's like a special MSG show or something.

They're kinda trapped, though. Who on the SD roster can you give the belt to? Batista and Mysterio are the obvious "WWE braintrust" choices (but Mysterio ain't goin' over Undertaker, let's get that much straight). CM Punk and Chris Jericho would be the internet nerd choices. But other than those 4, you don't have much else, really.

Also, while the idea of Undertaker/HBK 2 really excites me and I would love to see them try to top the amazing match they had last year, I have two reservations about that:
1) I don't want UT's streak to end. Come on - outcomes are for chumps, whether in wrestling or other sports. It's the excitement and anticipation and hope that causes you to get goose bumps, to mark out - really, to climax. Let's be real. But after it happens, don't we all celebrate for a brief moment and then say (thanks to our short attention spans), "ok, that's great - what's next?"

Like Mick Foley's anti-ECW fan promo from way back when?

2) Razor/HBK ladder match 2. This was a Summerslam match that was forgotten by time (like the Diesel/King Mabel main event) and simply did not live up to the astronomical expectations that preceded it. I'm worried that the match could be marred by anticipation of a "FIVE EIGHTEEN STAR WRESTLING CLINIC/CLASSIC!!!" and instead simply be a very, very, very good wrestling match. And very*3 good ain't going to cut it, because the hype is greater.

But, fuck it. Beats the hell out of an Undertaker...whomever else you could put in there against him. Dolph Ziggler?
[quote name='mykevermin']

They're kinda trapped, though. Who on the SD roster can you give the belt to? Batista and Mysterio are the obvious "WWE braintrust" choices (but Mysterio ain't goin' over Undertaker, let's get that much straight). CM Punk and Chris Jericho would be the internet nerd choices. But other than those 4, you don't have much else, really.


Matt Hardy

Kane really should have had more than a one day title reign by now, and if ever their were a time to push Matt Hardy (especially with Jeff jumping ship), now is the time. I am not a huge Hardy fan, but WWE hasn't done anything with him since he came back.

Keep in mind I haven't watched in months and I have no idea if either is injured or what programs they are working. All I did was look at the Smackdown roster on
I think that's a fresh perspective, though, Guile.

But I think that Kane is expired. He's fine in his role as perpetual upper card dude who won't ever win a championship, but I simply couldn't imagine the fans buying him with a title for a second.

Same with Hardy.
Kane needs another reinvention before he can move up I think. Even if it's working in some new moves, submissions specificially. It worked wonders for Taker when he added more strikes and holds to his offense. Kane's offense is still very caught up in his gimmick. Hell, it's even gone backwards, he had a falling powerbomb that he used as a finisher prior to losing the mask.

I think new ring gear and music would also go over well. He has been wearing the same pants with the stitches since 2004.
With Kane, it's not that I don't see him as World Title contender, but I don't even see him as a threat to, uh, anyone. How many times do they roll Kane out when there's a surprise participant that is supposed to make some dude shit their pants? It's Kane. It's always Kane... but he hasn't been intimidating in years, maybe even close to a decade. Kane is the shitty Undertaker that they trot out for shit that's beneath the real thing. Need someone to annihilate Chavo for the ECW title? Kane's your guy.

It's weird, but for a company that has a hard-on for big guys, it seems that they really only know what to do with the mid-big guys. Look at Kane and Big Show... when those 'bah gawd!' huge guys come out, do you ever expect them to win anymore? Or even care if they win?

Sorry, that turned into a totally different rant their. It just seems like if they aren't building a dude up to fed to Cena, they don't know how to make a monster anymore. Mike Knox is a prime example. That man could've been on top of Smackdown if booked properly, and now he's stuck in something with, well, Kane. And no, Sheamus doesn't count as a monster.

... Matt Hardy? Really? C'mon. Even if he was main event material, I guarantee he's out of that scene for a good long while because of what Jeff pulled with TNA. The man is the lesser Hardy, and it's going to take some serious tweaking to make him seem capable of playing on that level.
What Kane needs more than a reinvention is to retire in the next year or two. Obviously I'm a fan so it sucks to admit that, but the guy has got to be about finished. He's a decent big guy, but he's not the Undertaker, who is pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime performer who has miraculously gotten BETTER with age...and now the talk is increasing that even he is winding it down.

I know Kane is a bit younger but he still has a ton of mileage, and there's really nothing left for him to do. He'll never be in the top 5 on either brand again, and he's barely even considered a threat anymore. When your character is based around the fact that people should be terrified of you, it kind of stops working when he never does anything to anybody. If they wanted to give him a title reign, they would have done it when his movie came out. He's good for an occasional special occasion team-up with Undertaker, but that's pretty much it. His ECW title run was their version of "Hey, thanks a lot for being a stand-up guy. He's a consolation prize." His retirement watch.

I don't want this HBK/'Taker II match. First of all, it's never going to live up to the first one. That's not a reason for WWE to avoid it, that's just my feeling as a fan, so that excuse is obviously out the window. But even disregarding that, the streak should never end. They get more out of the streak being in place than they ever would by having someone beat him. Some guy beats Undertaker at Wrestlemania, they have a rematch at Backlash that Undertaker wins, and the streak being broken is forgotten by June...then it's not there as a point of interest for next year's Wrestlemania. No heel is going to benefit from it so much that it would be worth it, especially because they'd probably bring him back at least a few times after "retirement" for a special match at later Wrestlemanias. "Undertaker returns after a year absence to put his streak on the line!" has a lot more appeal than "Undertaker returns after a year absence to try to go 18-1!"

If you're going the face vs. face route, it makes absolutely zero sense for Michaels to be the one to end it, and beyond him, pretty much every face on the roster would get booed against him. Yeah, what a great passing-the-torch moment, as the crowd boos the shit out of Cena after pinning 'Taker with that fireman's carry slam that wouldn't hurt a 1st grader.

The streak ending would be the closest thing we'd get in America to a lucha legend losing his mask. No thanks.
[quote name='007']... Matt Hardy? Really? C'mon. Even if he was main event material, I guarantee he's out of that scene for a good long while because of what Jeff pulled with TNA. The man is the lesser Hardy, and it's going to take some serious tweaking to make him seem capable of playing on that level.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I never thought JBL would have been capable either but sometimes it takes a completely different approach to be championship worthy. I think Kane would need a gimmick change of some kind. In regards to Hardy, if Sheamus can be a champ then there is no reason IMO that Matt can't be. I still don't know how the hell that happened, even with Triple H's influence.
I think if you want the title off Taker and on to someone else Jericho or Punk are the guys to go to. Punk was stalled out after he lost the belt, but was on fire when he was up against Hardy. It seems like forever ago, but book it right and Punk can regain that pure hatred the fans had for him. Jericho is the best heel in some time, can go with Anyone and has a built in program with a returning Edge. Jericho is the better pick from a storyline standpoint with little effort.
[quote name='KaneRobot']the streak should never end...

The streak ending would be the closest thing we'd get in America to a lucha legend losing his mask. No thanks.[/QUOTE]

Aptly put and a mostly good comparison with mask matches - in this case, though, only one person has the mask.
I'm not fully opposed to Matt getting the belt, but he looks so awkward and stiff in the ring. It's like his legs don't know how to coordinate themselves with his torso. Khali has this same problem, too.

I think Kane would be a good fit with some reinventions. I still don't know why they changed his music from the one with lyrics to this awful, way more boring track. It doesn't intimidate, it just puts people to sleep. Now obviously Kane was originally designed to be Undertaker 2.0, but if they would give Kane some new moves to use in the ring, maybe some chokes, some new slams, maybe even another top-rope move, then they could start building him up as a threat again.

Or maybe they could make a storyline revolving around the fact that people just aren't scared of him anymore. That would be using WWE Writer thinking, at least.
The difference between JBL and Matt Hardy is that JBL had charisma. Everything about Matt Hardy just screams "bland".
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I'm not fully opposed to Matt getting the belt, but he looks so awkward and stiff in the ring. It's like his legs don't know how to coordinate themselves with his torso.

Man, I thought I was the only one who noticed that. It's like he has trouble bending at the waist and knees at the same time.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, I thought I was the only one who noticed that. It's like he has trouble bending at the waist and knees at the same time.[/QUOTE]

I always mention this to my girlfriend as one of the reasons I think Matt Hardy should get future endeavored. Lack of charisma, mullet-ish haircut, and bloatedness being more important, but its one of them. I mean personally the guy seems okay, but he's worn out and it seems like the only pop he gets is his association to Jeff. I used to think he was more technically sound Hardy, while Jeff was more about spotfest. It may still be true, but it doesn't matter much any more.

I think Sheamus has more appeal and that isn't saying much.
Matt Hardy-Janetty for sure.

EDIT: Nooooooooooooo.

Word going around TNA is that one-half of the TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions Awesome Kong gave notice to the company on Tuesday night. Kong was involved in the reported altercation with Bubba the Love Sponge earlier this week.

If it's her choice, as much as I enjoy her character, that's her call and I can grumpily respect it. If this is TNA's call, and they keep that hillbilly white trash fuckin' shitbag Bubba over her, they're in fuckin' trouble something severe. Russo stays and Cornette goes. Fat fuckin' hillbilly asshole of an irrelevant piece of shit stays, one of the finest female wrestlers of this decade goes?

Shit's just wrong, son.
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[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, I thought I was the only one who noticed that. It's like he has trouble bending at the waist and knees at the same time.[/QUOTE]

He's got,what he calls in his book, the Jimmy-legs. Mine are like that, too. When I squat down, my knees bend outward.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, I thought I was the only one who noticed that. It's like he has trouble bending at the waist and knees at the same time.[/QUOTE]

I laugh my ass off every time he comes to the ring and throws up that stupid Version 1 hand sign about fifteen times. His walking and body movement just doesn't seem natural.

Is that Bubba dude actually famous, or is another instance where TNA brings in some hick Nascar driver or random baseball player and sell it like it's huge shit? I've never listened to his show and from the little he's been on TNA television he seems like an annoying prick.
bread's done