The ULTIMATE SPRING LOWBALL has come to a close. Check here for totals!

There are still some bluray deals to be had - some still sealed!

[quote name='Vulgarism']215 :br: 2001: A Space Odyssey S Rexall - $5
216 :br: 30 Days of Night: Dark Days
In Replacement Blu Ray Case
A Rexall - $1
218 :br: Blazing Saddles A Goguenator - $3
219 :br: Crank 2: Full Charged Edition
Feature Film Disc Only, in replacement Blu Ray Case with original Artwork.
A Gojtron - $1
220 :br: Crazy Stupid Love
BD/DVD/Digital Copy Code is unused
A Beatofficer - $3
221 :br: The Dark Knight B Freemason - $3
223 :br: The Expendables
Disc Only w/Original Cover Art in regular DVD Case
A Freemason - $2
225 :br: Green Lantern - Emerald Knights S Rexall - $6
231 :br: Inception B The Lord of Awesome - $5
232 :br: The Matrix S 2supekards - $3
233 :br: The Matrix B Goguenator - $2
234 :br: Mortal Kombat A The Lord of Awesome - $6
237 :br: Superman (Original) A The Lord of Awesome - $3
238 :br: X-men S Gojtron - $2
[quote name='Wchillinman']363 Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver: Volume 1 A - $2

364 Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver: Volume 2 A - $3[/QUOTE]

enjoy; didn't see i'd be bidding against you :bouncy:
[quote name='MasaTFC']i wonder what those taste like.... not enough to pay more than you two are bidding though I guess[/QUOTE]

I wish they would bring some of those flavors here to the states because, I'm wondering that too.
[quote name='Wchillinman']I wish they would bring some of those flavors here to the states because, I'm wondering that too.[/QUOTE]

the one says strawberry ... with milk!!!!:hot:
Alright guys, this is the final stretch. I'm gonna work on updating the OP a bit, but it might be a slow process. Bid hard, hard gay!

[quote name='adriley313']dv8- said it may not have milk, they just say that cause everyone there loves milk. I think he said that.[/QUOTE]

either way it sounds intriguing :D
[quote name='adriley313']dv8- said it may not have milk, they just say that cause everyone there loves milk. I think he said that.[/QUOTE]

dv8 says lots of weird things. Sometimes it's easiest and best to ignore him.
bread's done