The Where Is mykevermin Wrestling Thread

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DDP says Jake now has a new goal doing one more Royal Rumble.

Jake tells TMZ ... he's making that goal a reality, explaining, "I will never give up ... I want a life again and I am pursuing that. The Rumble will define it."

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TNA Hardcore Justice is coming up in August on Impact.. Hardcore Holly would be a good fit. He worked the HJ one night only event also.
I had no idea people liked Bob Holly so much. I prefer Pearce, if not just because he's a.) a new face, and b.) better in the ring.

DDP says Jake now has a new goal doing one more Royal Rumble.

Jake tells TMZ ... he's making that goal a reality, explaining, "I will never give up ... I want a life again and I am pursuing that. The Rumble will define it."
DDP is a miracle worker. He deserves a lifetime achievement award, or something, for helping fix Roberts and Hall.

Odds on the next person to turn to DDP for help:

Tammy Sytch +120
Perry Saturn +175
Chyna +200
Lex Luger +250
Jeff Hardy +350

Though whether he's actually able to fix them like he did with Hall and Roberts is an entirely different set of lines.
I thought Saturn had his life together and was helping the talent at NXT?

Luger is also doing just fine these days, last I read.

I thought Saturn had his life together and was helping the talent at NXT?

Luger is also doing just fine these days, last I read.
Oh. That's very good to hear about Saturn. I thought he still had a drug issue after resurfacing.

Luger is said to be in rough shape and perhaps DDP Yoga can help get him into better shape. Toughen that core and stuff.
So, I feel like this Divas show will make it a season, and that will be it. I don't think it'll be a colossal failure, but I don't feel like the E audience will be too attached to it.

Not enough entitled people speaking as though everything was a question. 

That being said, some interesting politics can be seen. Such as how the Tons of Funk/Rhodes Scholars WM mixed tag match was cut because the match sucked at rehearsal.

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Well he couldn't walk for a while, so he probably is.

I thought Jake fell off the wagon a few weeks ago, although I didn't hear follow up on whether it was a moment if weakness or if he has bailed out completely.

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Jake took two drinks because he ended up running into an old female associate of his. This was his first drinks after a while of being sober. Dallas was pretty amiable and supportive about the whole thing.

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I'd rather be constipated for a week than ever watch another Divas segment with the Bellas and Natalya.  Where the fuck is Cole's gong from NXT?

I'd rather be constipated for a week than ever watch another Divas segment with the Bellas and Natalya. Where the fuck is Cole's gong from NXT?
Ask and ye shall receive:


Sorry because I should have shared this sooner but this is a silly story.

I was on my first date (I'm 25, btw, late bloomer) this past Saturday and while eating dinner (Shake Shack), I randomly asked the girl if she wanted to go to a wrestling show (Dragon Gate: Bushido in Queens, NY). Of course, as a person who never watched wrestling before, she was dumbfounded at first, but eventually, I was able to sell the show well and she decided to go with me.

The show was great: 400 people and it was a good crowd, with great matches. She didn't enjoy it at first, but by the time Tozawa was facing Nese, she was getting really into it, and she went crazy at the 6-man tag match. (She had never seen the depth of relationship that AR Fox had with tables and ladders.) 

Then I heard that the Manhattan show the next day, the 4th Year celebration, while it had great matches, it was not a very good show due to the dead crowd. I was very sad, because the Queens show was building up to the next day. 

Anyways, we both had a good time. That is all. Sorry if this story was uninteresting, but it was wrestling related. DGUSA has been putting out good shows, but the crowd has been really sucking the energy out of it. The smaller Queens show was great, but the bigger Manhattan show was not. It was their anniversary, but it wasn't celebrated like one. Anyways, that's my story. Hopefully it works out with her. : D

Sorry because I should have shared this sooner but this is a silly story.

I was on my first date (I'm 25, btw, late bloomer) this past Saturday and while eating dinner (Shake Shack), I randomly asked the girl if she wanted to go to a wrestling show (Dragon Gate: Bushido in Queens, NY). Of course, as a person who never watched wrestling before, she was dumbfounded at first, but eventually, I was able to sell the show well and she decided to go with me.

The show was great: 400 people and it was a good crowd, with great matches. She didn't enjoy it at first, but by the time Tozawa was facing Nese, she was getting really into it, and she went crazy at the 6-man tag match. (She had never seen the depth of relationship that AR Fox had with tables and ladders.)

Then I heard that the Manhattan show the next day, the 4th Year celebration, while it had great matches, it was not a very good show due to the dead crowd. I was very sad, because the Queens show was building up to the next day.

Anyways, we both had a good time. That is all. Sorry if this story was uninteresting, but it was wrestling related. DGUSA has been putting out good shows, but the crowd has been really sucking the energy out of it. The smaller Queens show was great, but the bigger Manhattan show was not. It was their anniversary, but it wasn't celebrated like one. Anyways, that's my story. Hopefully it works out with her. : D

That's cool. Hope it works out for you.

I'm not sure many of you outside the midwest/southeast know who Corey Maclin is, but he apparently died in a car accident last night. I was most familiar with him from his days in USWA, when he was announcing with Dave Brown and Lance Russell. He was 43 and left behind a wife and six children.

Only way it's a work is if it's featured on Monday (or maybe Friday). Highly unlikely. You'll notice they VERY rarely do worked fan run-ins because it encourages idiot fans to do the same. Only two I can recall are Steve Blackman helping Vader and Mike Dibiase running in to save Orton (and nothing ever came of that).
Not really interested in 2k14, but if there is a storyline mode where 'Taker stuffs Warrior in the casket, I may get it anyway. That special edition would compliment the old Misfits box set nicely...
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Yes it is.

The collector’s edition will feature the game and these extras:

* Exclusive Undertaker packaging in the shape of a coffin

* “American Badass” The Undertaker (with special entrance and gear) and The Ultimate Warrior DLC

* Undertaker controller skin

* DVD/Blu-ray feature on The Undertaker

* Collectible art card signed by The Undertaker
Only way it's a work is if it's featured on Monday (or maybe Friday). Highly unlikely. You'll notice they VERY rarely do worked fan run-ins because it encourages idiot fans to do the same. Only two I can recall are Steve Blackman helping Vader and Mike Dibiase running in to save Orton (and nothing ever came of that).
Not really interested in 2k14, but if there is a storyline mode where 'Taker stuffs Warrior in the casket, I may get it anyway. That special edition would compliment the old Misfits box set nicely...
Seems like it's a work. Why else would WWE post it to their official YouTube channel?

Shame it wasn't Leo Kruger. I like what I've seen of him on NXT. Apparently, he and Justin Gabriel were a team in South Africa. Would be good to add another team into the deflating tag team division. Return Gabriel in that top-rope-vulture-pose heel gimmick and make them headhunters. Simple.
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Knowing 2K, they'll probably use the "You're gonna pay" theme for the Amercian Badass version rather than pay Kid Rock or Limp Bizkit for either song license.

But I'd rather have them re-add the American Badass version than just reuse the Ministry version from last year's game. Hopefully they fix that motorcycle entrance, because it always looked strangely animated in the Smackdown games.

I don't think Maffew knows what is going on. On twitter, he mentioned it was fine on his end(probably because he runs the site). But everyone has been sending him tweets mentioning all they're getting is an "account suspended" page.

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I actually met Wade Barret yesterday. I have no idea why but he was going into a tanning place by my work as I was walking out the dollar general. Of course since my phone is dead at 3:30-4 PM cause of work, I couldn't snap a picture. He was quite nice how ever to me and offered to sign anything I wanted. All I said I wanted was a hand shake lol.

Here's a fun one: NXT women's champ Paige is being kept off the road because she's under 21 and the WWE doesn't want her getting into trouble. However, "Total Diva" Jo Jo (the one dating Justin Gabriel) is 19 and has toured for some time.

Also, Gabriel's 32.
This wasn't a bad show, but hour 1 dragged on. Sabin-Manik was pretty nothing. Aries-AJ was an outstanding match that was well-worth watching again...outside of the finish. Tito as #august1 is wacky.

Screens -


Anderson's look of sheer panic at the thought of someone horning in on his "most useless has-been in TNA" title was amazing.

Hey Buddy

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Viacom is throwing TNA into the same shipping crate as Bellator before dumping it in the ocean.

I have said I want to see TNA succeed, but, after watching some of the clips from tonight, the likeliness that they fall by 2016 is like -150.
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Yeah there's only so much time Viacom let alone Dixie Carter's daddy will keep funneling money into TNA in hopes of seeing the company finally become successful before they pull the plug on this project. Honestly I feel the recent cuts are a sign of TNA's final days are coming regardless of how Dixie is trying to put her own (badly done) P.R. spin on it. Sorry Dixie but no matter how you word it cutting a guy that got injured on YOUR clock then you promised a job for as long as TNA is around is a bullshit move.

Yeah there's only so much time Viacom let alone Dixie Carter's daddy will keep funneling money into TNA in hopes of seeing the company finally become successful before they pull the plug on this project. Honestly I feel the recent cuts are a sign of TNA's final days are coming regardless of how Dixie is trying to put her own (badly done) P.R. spin on it. Sorry Dixie but no matter how you word it cutting a guy that got injured on YOUR clock then you promised a job for as long as TNA is around is a bullshit move.

Yeah, the recent cuts and rumors of critical financial trouble seem like signs of a ship about to sink. They had a lot of years to do what is necessary to stay afloat in an environment dominated by WWE and kid fans who only know sports-entertainment-style wrasslin. However, I guess the wrasslin market just isn't strong enough to sustain a national competitor to WWE.

They have had some truly bright spots, including the Angle-Joe feud in 2005, most of their handling of the Aces & Eights angle, the evolution of Buh Buh Rau into a breakout singles star in Bully Ray, amongst other highlights, but always take two steps forward and five steps back. Rolled my eyes watching them shotgun Sabin, outta nowhere, into the main event spotlight, and into the world champion role with very little buildup. All I could think while watching them put Sabin over Ray is "And that's how they conclude this major leg in the Aces & Eights storyline?"

This all goes back to bringing in WWE discards and who-gives-a- fuck older talent over their 11 years. Angle and Christian were major steals. The Dudley Boyz, too. But Chavo is the worst Guerrero. I wonder how much he makes. Tomko was there for, what, a year? Wonder how much that costed them. Danny Bonaduce, the NASCAR guys, NFL people, etc. Every small mistake adds up.

At one point in time, near the genesis in 2002/2003, TNA had CM Punk, Ki, Lynn, York and Matthews, The Ballards, Psicosis, Corino, Juventud, The Dupps, Paul Bearer, The Briscoes, SAT, BJ Whitmer, Cabana, MsChif, Shelley, Truth Martini, London, Prazak, Teddy Hart, Sydal, Nozawa, Hero, amongst tenured talent like Daniels, Styles, Sabin, Kazarian, Roode (a bit later in 2004), Joe (a few years later in 2005), amongst a few others. What it comes down to is that TNA brass pushed the wrong people and cut the wrong people. Okada is a prime example of this. He was going nowhere in New Japan, comes to TNA for a year, where they don't realize his potential, and release him. He returns to New Japan and explodes into the megastar he is today. That's pretty much TNA in a nutshell.

Pardon the length of this post.

Edit: And these are the same assholes who couldn't find a way to use Joey Ryan. Joey Ryan! A man with a ton of charisma and drew heat during his PWG departure speech. Ridiculous.

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If they had just gone through with Aries stealing the X title and cashing it in I would have been much more okay with that.  He could then feud with Sabin/Bully at the same time.

They already did the feel good story with Sabin winning the X Division title in the first place so doing it a 2nd time with the world title fell incredibly flat.

There's some good stuff in the spoilers next week at least...

Roode/Daniels/Kazarian appear to be teaming up to ruin the tournament.

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A few years old but this is definitely some fallout from the Austin What chants over the years.


A few years old but this is definitely some fallout from the Austin What chants over the years.

That is pretty much what alot of the dumbass smarks sound like when they are ruining a promo with that shit anymore.

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