The Wii VC Thread - 12/31/07: Bubble Bobble, Light Crusader, Top Hunter

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I take it Ninja JaJaMaru-kun is not on the level of a Ninja Gaiden? Nice that they're putting out more import games but I think I'll pass this week.

Unacceptable, Nintendo. My wallet stays closed.
I won't buy any more of the SEGA Golden Axish type games until either Nintendo lowers the prices or XBL stops offering them for cheaper.
[quote name='evilmax17']Hah! I had this game on a 250-games-in-1 bootleg NES cart back in the day, and it was really fun. If memory serves, you get to ride a giant frog as a powerup.[/QUOTE]

I loved it as well as a kid and played it via same method lol. Don't know if I'd buy it now though.
Home from work, OP has been updated. I'm actually home later then usual since I had to make a few stops.

Anyway, yeah this week blows.
[quote name='evilmax17']Hah! I had this game on a 250-games-in-1 bootleg NES cart back in the day, and it was really fun. If memory serves, you get to ride a giant frog as a powerup.[/QUOTE]
I recognize it too. I remember on those multigame carts I'd just play everything with the word Ninja in it cause it had potential to be a winner.
Look, just because I fly around in a saucer wearing nothing but a leopard skin thong, along with my equally magnificent friend Darryl, shooting wonderful white lasers from parts unknown, does not mean I am not down for beating frat boy bitches with lead pipes and taking their jumping coins.

Honestly. It's like you can't go to a gym anymore in this country! And oil up your body! And call everyone a silly billy!

"Strell and Darryl after a long day of being oiled up"
[quote name='Strell']NEED.






Seriously, who doesn't own River City Ransom?
[quote name='Cambot']OWN.



Seriously, who doesn't own River City Ransom?[/quote]






I'm having a meltdown right now Nintendo. Give me the kunio kun and nobody gets hurt. This golden axe and pool shit is sickening.

I'll forgive them if next week brings Earthbound and River City Ransom. I'll bask in the glow of my wii for weeks.

Edit: male nudity must have been the theme for japan this week, between cho aniki and the spa in RCR. 8-bit buttocks lol.
whats with the weak VC releases. Lunar Pool? fuck that.

I wish there was a way we could hook on to the Jap wii shop channel. I need me some Kunio-Kun kick butt action. Arco Circus!
Clearly it's been stated of what came out in Japan today..but look..
* Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (River City Ransom) (Famicom, 1-2 players, 600 Wii Points)
* Donkey Kong Country 2 (Super Famicom, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points)
* Dyna Brothers 2 Special (Mega Drive, 1-2 players, 700 Wii Points)
* Cho Aniki (PC Engine CD-ROM, 1 player, 800 Wii Points)
* Raguy/Blue's Journey (Neo Geo, 1-2 players, 900 Wii Points)

Why is Dyna Brothers 2 Special 700 points? Aren't their games 800 points over there too like ours...?
[quote name='The Crotch']For those of you (bi)curious about Cho Aniki, this is all you will ever need/want to know.

Also: what's with all the Golden Axe 3 hatred? The game was and is great.

Edit: I would just like to point out that the above link, while not containing any actual nudity, is probably still NSFW. I doubt you would get disciplined for it, but your coworkers would never look at you the same again.[/QUOTE]

i dont think anyone is dissing GA 3. Its the other two weak ass releases. Lunar Pool? c'mon..there are tons of other games they could have chosen to release besides lunar pool. I just want to see a number for how many people actually spent points on that. even 1 would astound me.

i was also hoping for more neo geo releases but nintendo of america seem dead set to keep giving us 3 games a week and some of it crap.
[quote name='thinktank909']Cho Aniki could be the first M rated Virtual Console game ever. And it would probally sell like hot cakes.[/QUOTE]

Why do I think that you are right? If only for the trainwreck potential...
Well Golden Axe is yet another of the games on the sega genesis collection.
[quote name='thinktank909']Cho Aniki could be the first M rated Virtual Console game ever. And it would probally sell like hot cakes.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't Splatterhouse rated M?
I was just looking at the most popular VC games, and was surprised/happy to see SMB:LL at #2. I also find it unsurprising/funny that all of the most popular games are Mario titles.

Since they have a list of the most downloaded titles, then it stands to reason that they have a list of the least downloaded titles.

My question is, why not discount the least downloaded games? I understand that it doesn't cost them anything to host the games, and thus VC games don't offer themselves to clearances like retail products do. Still, it makes much more sense to sell 100 copies of a game at $3, than 10 copies of a game at $5.

C'mon Nintendo. Give us a VC sale already!
[quote name='evilmax17']

C'mon Nintendo. Give us a VC sale already![/QUOTE]

Seems like it will come eventually. Microsoft did it for a couple crappy titles on XBLA and I'm willing to bet they sold pretty well. I know they got my $2.50 each for Dig-Dug and Gauntlet.
SAMURAI-GHOST is dated for Monday. It is a TG16 game, and will be the normal 600 points.

Also, according to the same page, they added Power Golf (TG16) as a game to be released in November, along with Super Air Zonk (TGCD).

I also updated the OP again. Just made some slight changes..such as making the import titles in red and the Turbografx CD games in a lime green. The TGCD games are still considered to be apart of the TG16, so that's why they will be listed under that category.

Does anyone want to make (or at least know of) a good banner to put on the OP?! Like most official game discussion threads, there's usually the banner of the game..we don't have one here :cry:
[quote name='lilboo']SAMURAI-GHOST is dated for Monday. It is a TG16 game, and will be the normal 600 points.

That pretty much confirms the release will be Halloween-themed, which isn't all too surprising I suppose. Here's hoping for Castlevania II and Zombies Ate My Neighbors to accompany it.
[quote name='Pi573']That pretty much confirms the release will be Halloween-themed, which isn't all too surprising I suppose. Here's hoping for Castlevania II and Zombies Ate My Neighbors to accompany it.[/QUOTE]

OMG Zombies Ate My Neighbors being released would cause ORGASM.

But then, there are a lot of "SCARY" or "HALLOWEEN"esque games that could come out this week. Sigh.
One NES, one TG-16, and once NEO-GEO is what we can expect for tomorrow morning, according to the inside source from GAF.

I'd guess Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest and Magician Lord are the NES and NEO-GEO game.
super air zonk...yea i heard that was kinda...crap.. and if it helloween themes i hope they put up zombies ate my neighbourhood and maby a few castlevania games or better yet Friday the 13th!
[quote name='xeno']or better yet Friday the 13th![/quote]
Oh you'll hear screams all right, screams of agony and frustration getting through the game, roars of dissapointment at the ending if they're actually able to reach it, then following that will be moans and self-muttering as to the amount of your life you just wasted with the game.

Overall, it's a good game ;O [/Sarcasm]
Not to rain on the parade of potential Zombies Ate My Neighbors, but I think I read a while ago that the ESRB rating for it had been....I guess the word should be postponed. Like it was on the site for a while, and then removed?

If that is the case, it kind of makes the chance of it showing up a little dim.

Castlevania 2 please.

What a horrible night to have a curse.
[quote name='Foladar']Yeah, I'd enjoy and buy Castlevania 2 right away..
anyone know when the release comes out as to what games? 9am?[/QUOTE]

The press release usually comes out at 8am (EST). I'll be posting that once it comes out.
The games come out at 12 (EST)

EDIT: And here it is! Yup, Halloween themed!

Oct. 29, 2007

This Halloween, you needn't leave your own living room to encounter spooky spirits and creepy creatures from mysterious otherworlds. The Wii Shop Channel is celebrating the year's most frightfully fun holiday by offering a mix of eerie games that'll keep players' spines tingling. Mash with monsters in a classic Castlevania sequel, tangle with supernatural samurai or battle as a powerful magician-you're bound to discover cool tricks and visual treats no matter which titles you choose. Happy Hallo-Wii!

Today Nintendo adds three new classic games to the popular Wii™ video game system's Wii Shop Channel. The games go live at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Nintendo adds new games to the channel every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:

Castlevania® II Simon's Quest (NES®, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone - Mild Fantasy Violence, 500 Wii Points): In this one-player adventure, you'll take on the role of Simon Belmont once again and duel to the death with Count Dracula. Grab your legendary whip, Vampire Killer, and roam freely through Transylvania on a quest to find the count's missing body parts-these are the key to breaking an evil curse. This quest won't be easy, though, for you must battle hideous fiends who stalk the land. In addition to the intense action and tight control the Castlevania series is known for, this sequel also introduced several unique game-play elements into the fold. Build experience the longer you play, buy weapons and items from merchants, or talk with villagers to get clues (some of which are false). Watch as day turns to night and then back again. Take a deep breath, steady your nerves, and help Simon end his curse and defeat the count once and for all.

SAMURAI-GHOST™ (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, Rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older - Animated Blood and Violence, 600 Wii Points): This action platformer features a samurai ghost from the depths of the underworld. In a past war, Kagekiyo managed to defeat the shogun Yoritomo and his clan. However, their evil spirits were not completely destroyed, and now, in the world known as Dark Side, they seek the time of their rebirth. In order to shatter those ambitions, Kagekiyo must make his way across seven zones and head for "The Heart of the Darkside" where Yoritomo lies in wait. Use spirit weapons to power up your sword, or other items, such as candles to recover health, and defeat the endless hordes of enemies. Each zone is not only protected by a boss but also includes demons as well as real samurai from 12th-century Japan. Get ready for some intense one-on-one combat action.

MAGICIAN LORD (NEOGEO, 1-2 players, Rated T for Teen - Blood and Fantasy Violence, 900 Wii Points): Released in 1990 and regarded as one of the NEOGEO's earliest signature games, this side-scrolling platformer mixes action with the mystical world of fantasy. A magician named Elta, last descendant of the famed Magician Lord, takes on an epic adventure to save the world from the evil Gul-Agieze. Elta must battle through eight stages, collecting the eight tomes of power that are key to defeating Gul-Agieze and his evil plans. By obtaining orbs in one of three colors (elements) that appear during the game, Elta's offensive powers and jumping abilities can be strengthened. The effect varies considerably depending on the combination of elements, though, and Elta can transform into six different forms: Waterman, Dragon Warrior, Shinobi, Samurai, Raijin or Poseidon. Can you help Elta to become the new Magician Lord?
Another week without any decent games. I was really hoping for RCR.

I spent about an hour making a VC thread banner in GIMP and then the shitty program crashed on me. Maybe i'll try again later when I'm not so pissed at that awful program. Sorry, I'm too broke to buy/moral to steal Adobe Creative Suite or I'd be making it in Illustrator.
I thought there was precedent for a game being removed from ESRB's site and then getting released anyway? Can't remember what it was, but I thought a release in the last few months fit that criteria. Either way, not surprised about lack of ZAMN, but at least I was 2/3 right (although one, as always, was a gimmie thanks to Hudson)

I noticed Ninja Gaiden III is now up on ESRB. Looks like the sequels keep coming. And say what you will about Castlevania II (I personally liked it and will download it) but if Konami follows Tecmo's lead on this, then we're one step closer to the supremely wonderful Castlevania III, which should be an instant download for pretty much everyone.
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