THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU, Square-Enix Modern-day RPG, out now! 9s up the wazoo!

That may be what I was thinking of. I haven't played the game in probably over a year, and I never advanced the time on my game.
I beat it a couple of weeks ago and I tried doing
Another Day
afterwards, but I couldn't really get into it. But it's a throwaway thing really. I might go back to it later.

It is by far the best RPG on the DS, and the best Square RPG in years. I'd dare say the best RPG released this generation of systems (including consoles).
Finished getting all of the
Secret Reports
today. There's still tons of stuff left to do, but I'm ready to put the game aside and move on to something else.

There is one thing that's bugging me though... I'm missing one single Noise listing - it's for Noise No. 7. Anyone know where I can find it?
new shipments are coming out soonish - I saw copies at several stores recently.
[quote name='jer7583']new shipments are coming out soonish - I saw copies at several stores recently.[/quote]

It's back in stock at Amazon.
Got my copy from amazon today. Great stuff so far. The music is stuck in my head, protagonist is a dork, and i'm starting to get the hang of bottom/top screen controls. Still trying to figure out how to dodge/move with the chick.
I saw a single copy of this game at Best Buy today, but I can't bring myself to spend $40 on a DS game. So far the most expensive game I have is Professor Layton, which was $30.

The DS prices are pretty shitty, but at least it keeps me from just buying everything in sight.
[quote name='Zing']I saw a single copy of this game at Best Buy today, but I can't bring myself to spend $40 on a DS game. So far the most expensive game I have is Professor Layton, which was $30.

The DS prices are pretty shitty, but at least it keeps me from just buying everything in sight.[/QUOTE]

That's a Square-Enix thing; they price their DS games $5 ~ $10 more than the average, for some reason.

On another note, I seem to have found a repeatable glitch: using Tin Pin Blade on a Pig Jig noise causes the game to hang, so, uh ... don't. If anyone wants to test this out (there's an appropriate pig noise on floor 7 of Pork City) and confirm that it isn't just my copy of the game, I'll drop S-E tech support a note about it.
Hey guys, I loved the player pin art of the game so much I decided to make them as buttons (all 304, plus the player pin). They just look so damn awesome.





I plan on selling them at some small anime cons this summer, but if you guys want to get in before they become popular, I'm selling them for $2 each by choice, $5 for 5 randoms, and $2 flat shipping regardless of how many you order. Just PM if you're interested.
Holy frick this game is good. Yes, I know I'm late to the party but man, go get it. It has a very, very steep learning curve and the story doesn't actually reveal itself as anything interesting for awhile but once you "get" it there's just nothing quite like it.

A few more days of its crack-like draw and Puzzle Quest might be dethroned.

You have a lot of time on your hands.

But seriously, that's awesome. I'm def. interested in purchasing some (not at this exact moment).

That's really cool.
I'm really not feeling this game but admittedly I keep playing it. Where the hell is my autosave? Also I feel like the control system is way to cumbersome. I'm sending this back to gamefly in a week for Rockband 2 and I'm wondering how long this game is. Anyone want to estimate? I'm on day 5 chapter 1 according to a faq I read.
[quote name='ninja dog']Got my copy from amazon today. Great stuff so far. The music is stuck in my head, protagonist is a dork, and i'm starting to get the hang of bottom/top screen controls. Still trying to figure out how to dodge/move with the chick.[/quote]

The music was stuck in my head to! Do you know any way i could get it?
I"ve been playing this the past few days as well. Just finished day 7 and the second day 1.

I'm not feeling it much. The characters are annoying, the dialog is attrocious, the music sucks and the controls are cumbersome. I hate touch screen controls and trying to do stuff on the top and bottom screens at the same time is awkward at best.

That said, it is still somewhat enjoyable and I'm not quite ready to throw it back on goozex yet. I'm having a bit more fun since I just started ignoring the top screen and letting the computer control it.

So I'll keep playing and see if I like it more, but I'm not going to keep playing it as my main game. Going to get back to Oblivion (need to do the Shivering Isles) and then on to Fable II, so I'll just play TWENY when the roommates are using the TV etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm having a bit more fun since I just started ignoring the top screen and letting the computer control it.[/quote]
It's really what you're supposed to be doing anyway.

so I'll just play TWENY when the roommates are using the TV etc.
Where are you getting the N from? The World Ends Nith You?
[quote name='pete5883']It's really what you're supposed to be doing anyway.

Well I think you're supposed to control it as much as possible since you can build up to the combo attacks faster if you're decent at it.

Where are you getting the N from? The World Ends Nith You?

Don't ask me, that's just how it's most often abbreviated around here. I guess because TWEWY sounds stupid. and I'm assuming it just grabs the N from ENds--there are some organizations etc. that do acronyms that way as well since it's more pronounceable.
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I tried the game, and really couldn't see where all the love was coming from. Maybe its an good game, but I think the fact it was a "different" game made by Square boosted its scores abit.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm not feeling it much. The characters are annoying, the dialog is attrocious, the music sucks and the controls are cumbersome. I hate touch screen controls and trying to do stuff on the top and bottom screens at the same time is awkward at best.[/quote]

I didn't like any of the characters and the dialog made me borderline suicidal. But I liked the music, I thought it was one of the strong points of the game.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well I think you're supposed to control it as much as possible since you can build up to the combo attacks faster if you're decent at it.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes it's helpful to do that, but in 95% of the battles you'll be done faster if you set the top screen to Auto.
I'm in a quandary. I want to rent this game to see if its unique gameplay will hook me. However, Video Game Plus is selling the game at $20 CAN. If I rent the game and it doesn't do it for me, fine. If it does, then I've spent more money than I should. I think I'll wait until I finish Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow first. I only want two DS games at a time (the other game I have is Chinatown Wars).
just beat that. Had to lower the difficulty level. Honestly still not digging this game. Everyone raves about it so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and giving it a play through.
I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit, but I'm in my Stubborn Mode and I do not want to admit defeat by turning down the difficulty. I am also trying very, very hard, while playing this with my kids in the room, to force myself not to yell, "Blow me, sharkboy!" at the screen. Because then they'll ask where Lavagirl is, and then it'll get complicated. :D
Just started playing this along with street fighter 4. I can see why people don't like. I am digging it so far. I'm at day 3 which doesn't have a time limit. I like the style and the music but I'm still not sure about the game play. I am fighting with both screens and I have the top screen set to auto after 3 seconds. I got the hang of making combos, passing the ball, turning symbols, hiding the character on the bottom, and doing quick combos. Yeah I got the hang of all that but think it is for someone with extreme ADD.

I'm mainly having a fun now so I'll keep at it for now. I do kind of want to see if my guess to what is going on is actually correct. If it is the Japanese title for this game was probably more appropriate.
I just beat the main story today. I have to say, it is fantastic. Best DS rpg that is an original game, by far.

Oh yeah- I thought the music was phenominal.
Quite agree with you there. I was really amazed at the storyline. Although Final Fantasys are great and all, it's nice when Square-Enix touches upon another title. It was easily one of the most engrossing and memorable games I've ever played.
I'm going to bump this old thread since a few people probably picked it up for $10 at Amazon the other day. I just started it about a week ago and am not feeling it much yet. I do appreciate the sound quality of the music, but it's already getting annoying. I'm on the day where you're looking for the sound tech. It's where I learned you have to buy random garbage and talk to shop keepers to get friendly with them so they can sell you something you might actually want. I really dislike forced bs maintainence.

edit: I'd like to add that I didn't post here to dump on the game, but I am hoping someone will give me a tip or two to make me want to play through this game if it really is as good as people say.

You don't have to buy stuff, you don't have to make the shop keepers happy, you don't have to buy anything. You don't have to worry about the top screen, you don't have worry about trends, you don't have to worry about items. Or you can worry about all those things.

Me I didn't worry about crap at first. Didn't even know how to make shop keepers happy. Ignore the trends most of the game. Then near the end I got some funky pins. Then I tried to find the best pin combo. Then I looked at a faq and learned about growing pins. Then I went on a mission to get certain pins to see what their super power. One step from Eden am I. Beware my power when I control all the planets.

The game isn't for everyone. If you aren't having fun by the second day I would drop it.
[quote name='MCalvert1']I'm going to bump this old thread since a few people probably picked it up for $10 at Amazon the other day. I just started it about a week ago and am not feeling it much yet. I do appreciate the sound quality of the music, but it's already getting annoying. I'm on the day where you're looking for the sound tech. It's where I learned you have to buy random garbage and talk to shop keepers to get friendly with them so they can sell you something you might actually want. I really dislike forced bs maintainence.

edit: I'd like to add that I didn't post here to dump on the game, but I am hoping someone will give me a tip or two to make me want to play through this game if it really is as good as people say.


Don't worry about getting the shops. It really isn't necessary to do all that, unless you're a die-hard perfectionist. Play this game for the story, and just enjoy it.

As for me, I didn't really bother with most of that shop stuff until the end. When I had money due to normal progress, I spent it on things I liked, then just went on.
Thank you Baron and ID2006. This sounds like good advice for trying to make this game enjoyable. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes!

Giving my update here:

I took the given advice and tried to simplify my experience. It took about another day (gametime), but eventually something clicked. Now I just "get it!" After I got a grasp on how to figure out clothing, food, leveling up pins, and making the most out of my down time exp the game became a lot of fun!

I'm finding that the older I get the more reluctant I am to accept different gameplay elements, but I can still appreciate them if I stick it out. I had a similar experience with Demon's Souls. At first, I hated the game. But I wanted to stick with it because of all the praise and I'm glad I did. Same thing with TWEWY. Hopefully I'll enjoy it all the way through now.

Thanks again for the tips as I would have traded it away early without them!

Final update from me:

I've finished the game and did enjoy it all the way through. It was definitely fun, and had a story engaging enough to pay attention to. Thanks again to all who gave me suggestions!

I swear I have asked about this game on a forum somewhere, but a search doesn't seem to reveal any posts by me.

Since by this point a lot of folks have played this, here's my question: Do I have to be a fan of japanese culture to /enjoy/ this? Something about it sounds like a RPG involving 90210 kids dressing in the hawtest fashions...
[quote name='Gourd']Since by this point a lot of folks have played this, here's my question: Do I have to be a fan of japanese culture to /enjoy/ this? Something about it sounds like a RPG involving 90210 kids dressing in the hawtest fashions...[/QUOTE]

No, not really. The fashion aspect of the game is more or less optional. If you pay attention, it can be beneficial but not so beneficial as to be critical. In my opinion, it's one of the things that gives the game some layers and replayability. You can play through it once and ignore a lot of the stuff like trends, fashions, and evolving badges, but then you can replay it and have more of a challenge.
Alright then. I'm going to give this game a shot, as used copies are thick on the ground here.
[quote name='Gourd']Since by this point a lot of folks have played this, here's my question: Do I have to be a fan of japanese culture to /enjoy/ this? Something about it sounds like a RPG involving 90210 kids dressing in the hawtest fashions...[/QUOTE]

I only kind of paid attention to the fashion element later in the game, when I sometimes needed the advantage. Otherwise, I just bought a bunch of stuff that I could afford or get without too much trouble.
I never finished the game. I had to do almost all of the last boss battles on 'easy'. And then at the final boss I had the sound turned off and gave up in frustration after his health kept restoring. Appearently I needed to respond to the auditory cues during that battle.
bread's done