The WWE Wrestlemania 25 Thread

[quote name='Demolition Man']So that ROH PPV that was on Friday doesn't count?[/quote]

I didn't even know about that. It's times like these I miss Zen Davis.

You've never seen a picture of Dixie before? Yeah, she's definitely not bad. I saw her down in Orlando once. Not bad at all.
OMG Dr. Stevie is Stevie Richards!!!1/:whee:1!!!

EDIT - What the fuck is wrong with Joe? He looks like a fat, tattooed Fonzie. I haven't watched TNA for like 8 months. It was bad when I stopped but this shit is pants-on-head retarded.
[quote name='moonknight25']yes, they delivered a pretty good surprise![/quote]

TNA's downfall is that they don't know how to hype or sell anything. A big WWE guy comes to TNA, and the announcers have barely any excitement. They treat it like any other guy. The announcers don't know how to sell the matches. They call the finishers like regular moves. They give no hype or anything.

The Sting/Foley match was decent, but the announcers are terrible. If J.R. was calling that match it would have been instantly better.
[quote name='Scorch']Foley is the champ!?

Good god. That'll put butts in the seat.[/quote]

I don't think anything TNA does is going to put butts in the seats. I love Foley, but he shouldn't be champ.
Definitely had more fun at the indie show I went to this afternoon than I would have watching the TNA show. The AWS shop was like walking into my childhood - hundreds of figures all over the place (including carded ECW, WWF, WCW, and Japanese figures), thousands of DVD's from every fed imaginable, and plenty of random memorabilia (an ECW toy ring I'd never seen before with changeable ropes/barbed wire and Sabu/RVD figures).

Such a fun time.
I was out and didn't see the PPV, but... what the fuck Gears of War?

Impact has seen a 25-30% increase in ratings this year. Granted, it's not as impressive when you realize they started the year with a 1.0; however, they must be doing something right to maintain a regular increase, regardless of how much some internet posters say they dislike it. Let's not act like WWE is the bee's knees right now. Personally, considering the resources available to each company and the clout each one has, I think TNA is outperforming WWE at the moment. Much less money, no pull with a network and a much lower name recognition, yet TNA is showing increases. I agree that the show doesn't always appeal to the internet smarks but those types don't pay the bills. Wrestling is a business and, for TNA right now, business is pretty good.
Dixie Carter: We need to put butts in the seats.
Jeff Jarrett: Let me hit some people with my guitar.
Dixie Carter: Ok that sounds good but we need more something.
Vince Russo: Listen to this we put AJ in a Gears of War costume cause the kids love that shit and we make Mick Foley the TNA champ!
Dixie Carter:...........
Jeff Jarrett:.............
Both: I LIKE IT!!!

Vince Russo is the iceberg of the wresting business and any promotion he's apart of is the fucking titanic.
I watched most of the PPV and it is funny how MEM looked so bad last night until they brought out Lashley who sucks wrestling skills wise to me because of how stiff he works. I went to bed just before the Foley vs. Sting match since I knew Foley was going to win so I didn't need to see it.

My thing is that TNA needs to put over the younger guys more often. Now, we have 3D as Tag Champs for the 22nd time which reminds me of how they always use to bring up how many times Flair was champ. Foley who hasn't really performed in years on a regular basis as Champ which means he will probably lose it to another member of MEM which makes me sad.

Now, don't get me wrong I like TNA more then WWE at the moment but they need to stop trying to turn into WWE Old School Edition if they want to keep me interested.
I watched the last ~90 minutes of the PPV. It was pretty awful. They had a commercial of AJ running around with the Gears of War armor on, I almost died.

The Sting/Foley match was decent up until the end. The cage escape had very little tension. Not the worst way to spend an evening but I probably should've been working on my research paper instead.
I'll give TNA credit for trying to hide things and make them work.

I just glanced at the PWInsider news, and let's compare the following:

1) Last Monday, there were leaks from WWE coming on virtually every hour talking about who was moving to what show. These leaks were, to my knowledge, entirely accurate. They were available well ahead of the show itself.

2) Last night, at 10:05PM, PWInsider put up a "Lock Down Spoiler" that Bobby Lashley had arrived in the building. More than 2 hours into a 3 hour show they get their "spoiler." From what that article suggests, he walked into the building just in time to make his debut. Lashley sounds like a nice surprise. I'm not a huge fan, but the guy is over, and more importantly for TNA, under 40. Good on TNA for trying to keep things that should be surprises surprises.

But TNA, in the fucking internet age, managed to keep something a secret until minutes before it happened. Color me impressed with both the selection and the execution.
[quote name='Brak']Lashley? :puke: / :cry:[/QUOTE]

I typically agree with you. But Lashley has a great look and has retained his popularity despite not being in WWE for some time. He's also young. And I like the fact that he walked away from WWE despite the kind of shit angles they had in mind for himself and Kristal Whatshername.

He could be effective in TNA using a variant of the Chris Candido "No Gimmicks Necessary" persona, I'd say.

I kinda like the fact that he's soft-spoken. It sets him apart and it works. The Guida dude looks like a doofus compared to Lashley.

Let me put it more simply: I'm not a huge Lashley fan personally, but I'm smart enough that, if I had a wrestling company and the money to afford him, I'd be a fool not to hire him.
[quote name='mykevermin']
I I'm not a huge fan, but the guy is over, and more importantly for TNA, under 40.


That's true. He's a younger guy who can maybe pump up TNA a bit. Who knows. We'll see what happens.

I'm really tired of those douchebag MMA fighters acting like WWE is for pussies or something. I bet a lot of the wrestlers can take down those guys.
I didn't mind his WWE run so much other than how hard they shoved him down everyones throats. I'm not surprised to see him return to pro wrestling after all the bullshit that was going on with his MMA fights.
[quote name='diddy310']the Gears of War thing seems like something AJ would pitch on his own :D[/quote]

It wouldn't surprise me.

Speaking of games, AJ is actually in the new Game Informer magazine. There's a Reader Top 5 games list they have every month, AJ Styles' list is the feature reader's list.

This is supposedly his top 5:

1. Super Mario Bros. 2(NES)
2. Street Fighter 2(SNES)
3. NFL/NCAA 2K Series(Dreamcast)
4. Tekken 2(PS1)
5. Madden/NCAA Football Series(Gamecube)
I like the randomness of picking the Gamecube versions of Madden/NCAA.

Maybe he didn't pick up an XBox or PS2 during the last gen. Silly A.J.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']So was there any other sign of Taz last night besides the tease with Joe?[/quote]

huh, what happened here? i didnt see any of the ppv at all.... oh, and the old comp died, say hello to the new comp and yet ANOTHER return from me to the thread
Joe was on the phone with someone during the huge clusterfuck match. He missed his entrance by a few seconds because of it. I suppose that might've been Taz.
[quote name='diddy310']If ever there was anyone who should dub Anderson Silva's interviews, its Bobby Lashley.[/quote]
:rofl: That would be awesome
[quote name='Purple Flames']Just out of curiosity, who's got the next thread?[/QUOTE]

Anyone who wants it.

Except me... only because I feel that someone else should get a turn at the thread.
[quote name='diddy310']Does the HD version of Raw look worse than usual to anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Typically the RAW shows taped in the UK tend to look worse due to the quick compression that is used while sending the show to the USA Network for broadcast.
[quote name='diddy310']Does the HD version of Raw look worse than usual to anyone else?[/quote]

Looks fine to me

That Santino/Santina/Beth segment was pure gold.
:rofl: Anyone see that Jericho sign? "Jericho is a good, honorable man". Hahaha.
I was half expecting Punk to run in and cash his briefcase in.

I guess there's still a chance of that for the main event, but I don't see it happening.
[quote name='mykevermin']I typically agree with you. But Lashley has a great look and has retained his popularity despite not being in WWE for some time. He's also young. And I like the fact that he walked away from WWE despite the kind of shit angles they had in mind for himself and Kristal Whatshername.

He could be effective in TNA using a variant of the Chris Candido "No Gimmicks Necessary" persona, I'd say.

I kinda like the fact that he's soft-spoken. It sets him apart and it works. The Guida dude looks like a doofus compared to Lashley.

Let me put it more simply: I'm not a huge Lashley fan personally, but I'm smart enough that, if I had a wrestling company and the money to afford him, I'd be a fool not to hire him.[/QUOTE]
I can definitely agree with those points... but the TNA half of the deal has me a little reluctant.
PWInsider is reporting that Paul London and Amazing Red have signed contracts with TNA, and could be debuting as soon as this week's Impact tapings. In other news, it's apparently 2003 again.
bread's done