[quote name='dyeknom']I was just clicking every couple of seconds while I was watching TV/talking on the phone, no secret...

I take forever on those dang captcha codes because I can only half-assed read them hah. In all honesty, I'm not sure how the website works, but I'm assuming it goes after a certain number of total clicks... rather than a certain time slot like other contests?[/QUOTE]

Major congratulations man. Definitely was a great freebie for doing little.
[quote name='dyeknom']I was just clicking every couple of seconds while I was watching TV/talking on the phone, no secret...

In all honesty, I'm not sure how the website works, but I'm assuming it goes after a certain number of total clicks... rather than a certain time slot like other contests?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I watch/read while I click as well...
I agree, it's probably got to do with enough clicks for the ads to generate enough of a percentage to pay for stuff..

Anyway, the only thing I would want from the next few items is the Kindle..then I could read And click with the greatest of ease!
Chad actually revealed it as a time thingie. So you can click all you want but unless you click at the right time no luck ^^. Still you will never know when the time is so click away ^^
FYI on the Apple TV - they ship with the newest firmware, so jailbreaks are tethered for the time being - plus, if you're running windows it's a bitch to get the thing jailbroken in the first place.

But man, once you're done and XBMC is streaming HD h.264 mkv files from your PC, it's a beautiful thing.

Oh, and also, got mine a few days ago, if you didn't pick up on that. I love this site.
Got my DVD prize 30hrs (or so) after winning. Shipped from Amazon. Amazing, as my Amazon orders take 2-4 days depending on size.
I am starting to see a pattern. Well sort of. If you look at the last few winners they all won at a time ending in 1: 06:11 AM, 05:11 AM, 02:11 AM, 10:41 PM,03:41 PM. I think before this pattern, winners all won at a time ending in 9. So basically, if you see a minute pattern starting, click around those times.

watch the site to completely randomize the times now.
My prize is finally out for delivery today. For whatever reason it seemed to take way longer to get it here in California than most other people. Either way, I'm glad it's almost here and I hope I can win again sometime. I've got my eye on that upcoming Xbox 360.
[quote name='Redeema']My prize is finally out for delivery today. For whatever reason it seemed to take way longer to get it here in California than most other people. Either way, I'm glad it's almost here and I hope I can win again sometime. I've got my eye on that upcoming Xbox 360.[/QUOTE]

Mmmm actually I live in Cali (North), and my item got here in a day.
UPS, for one, told me that some of our shipments were slightly delayed to the blizzard that moved through the mid-west earlier this week. So, depending on the origination some items moved more quickly than others.

What up peeps???


Thanks Chad!
I've been at this for a while for a few things (Kinect, Mad Men blu-ray, etc). No luck yet. I've got my eye on the Playstation Move bundle next....*crosses fingers*
[quote name='JokerCard']Third day signed up and was watching tv while clicking on my iphone and won that Roku XDS box.[/QUOTE]

*twitch* Ah, luck favors some of us more than others, I suppose.
Holy Crap... I was just about to go to bed and started just clicking alot and won the Xbox 360 controller! SWEET! Thanks for letting me know about the site OP!!!
[quote name='Player707']Man I was clicking for that ps3 controller, for 2 hours....

Same here. Still haven't won anything from this website and with the way my luck's been with it, I doubt I will.
[quote name='KyRoen']Holy Crap... I was just about to go to bed and started just clicking alot and won the Xbox 360 controller! SWEET! Thanks for letting me know about the site OP!!![/QUOTE]

I was clicking on this for 2 hours myself then stopped for a bit to play black ops and guitar hero and came back and clicked 2xs and it was the ps3 controller.....ugh!
[quote name='Cornkrise']whens the best time to click "Get it Free" I was thinking of trying a few minutes before it ends.[/QUOTE]

Theres no way to know when it ends, just when it starts. It will end sometime between the two times listed.
Friendly bump and update.
I don't know if I ever mentioned this here but I was the first guy to boldly ask for a gift exchange. Chad answered and I quote "absolutely" so I don't think he is mad at us for exchanging gifts. I explicitly asked him if I should be hush hush about the gift change and here was his response

"Feel free to let people know we swapped out your giveaway. We want to give you what you want. That's what it's all about. Now we might not always be able to work it out logistically but if we can we will."

Just wanted to share this to show how awesome this dude is.

Also here is an update on my situation. I asked for Red Dead Redemption but Chad mistakenly sent me Undead Nightmare. Not a big deal on his side, sort of a big deal as a gamer. He then sent me a 1600 ms point card, to make up for it... quite generous actually.

Long story short, i havent received the ms points yet cuz UPS is... well... unreliable.

Amazon - Pretty cool ^^
Chad and - Freakin awesome... except that now I spend so much time clicking the darn free button that sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind ^^.

So yeah enjoy guys! and Thank Chad when you guys get the chance!!
I stalked the 360 hard drive all night - literally from open to close, and of course it was won as I got up to go to the bathroom.

Oh well. Maybe I'll snag the next one.
[quote name='genxsis83']Friendly bump and update.
I don't know if I ever mentioned this here but I was the first guy to boldly ask for a gift exchange. Chad answered and I quote "absolutely" so I don't think he is mad at us for exchanging gifts. I explicitly asked him if I should be hush hush about the gift change and here was his response

"Feel free to let people know we swapped out your giveaway. We want to give you what you want. That's what it's all about. Now we might not always be able to work it out logistically but if we can we will."

Just wanted to share this to show how awesome this dude is.

Also here is an update on my situation. I asked for Red Dead Redemption but Chad mistakenly sent me Undead Nightmare. Not a big deal on his side, sort of a big deal as a gamer. He then sent me a 1600 ms point card, to make up for it... quite generous actually.

Long story short, i havent received the ms points yet cuz UPS is... well... unreliable.

Amazon - Pretty cool ^^
Chad and - Freakin awesome... except that now I spend so much time clicking the darn free button that sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind ^^.

So yeah enjoy guys! and Thank Chad when you guys get the chance!![/QUOTE]

Really, man. This guy pulls out all the stops. This is a textbook example of how to win over consumers. Chad's a boss.
Just got off the phone with Chad to fix the UPS problem.
Once again I have confirmed that Chad knows how to please his customers.
This site is only growing and will only get better.

This company is... well almost unbelievable. There want the revenue of course
but they actually care about the people their customers, its crazy!!!!

Spread the word guys! Even if it means it will be harder for us to win ^^
He said that there will be bigger prizes and hopefully that the clicking madness
will be made more interesting as well.
[quote name='The1stMJC']Been clicking and clicking with no luck.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I've tried rapid clicking for long periods of time and I've tried just clicking a few times when I get around to it. Neither seem lucky for me lol.
[quote name='sirerosennin']Same here. I've tried rapid clicking for long periods of time and I've tried just clicking a few times when I get around to it. Neither seem lucky for me lol.[/QUOTE]

Yea now I just keep my laptop open and next to me while I play the KZ3 beta and when my eyes happen to glance at the screen I'll give it a shot. Just hoping it doesn't get won when I go to the bathroom or something.
Posted about the site on my blog and included a picture of my prize, which showed up on Friday a little over a week from win to delivery.
This site is legit.
The customer *service* is without a doubt the best.
But I cant get my second win ^-^
and I am getting a little discouraged T.T

just been clicking a lot with high hopes. so yeah just rambling.

Anyone manage to win more than once yet?
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No, but my first item only just shipped.
Clicking away!

and, did you mean the "customer service"
I mean, I am a pretty cool customer but...:)
[quote name='sirerosennin']No, but my first item only just shipped.
Clicking away!

and, did you mean the "customer service"
I mean, I am a pretty cool customer but...:)

Umm.. I dont know what you are talking about? :roll:
I mean you I guess you are pretty cool as well though ^^
And so am I ^^


I made an errowr!!
Quick question: Can it be ANY time during the start and end times? As in: 6:30 and 22 seconds? Or can it only end at each minute? 6:30, 6:31, 6:32, etc.

Every win I've seen so far (about 4-5) happens right as the minute is up. Either that means it's right at the start of a minute, or it was won previously in the minute but didn't show up until then. Dunno.
The owner said a random second is chosen. It would be nice if the OP could amend his post and put in the post a few days ago about how a winner is chosen, etc. That would end some of the repetitive questions that will eventually pop up as the site continues to get bigger.
Picked up my 320 GB PS3 Move bundle from the post office today :D

Thanks Chad, Dustin, Kevin, and everyone else at TheGiveAway!
I got my Move Starter Bundle today, will post pics latter this evening for proof (when I stop playing)

Thanks to everyone at!!!
and OP of this thread!
Dang I am happy that a CAGer got the ps move bundle ^^
Also wish I won as well ^^

Enjoy man!! and keep spreading the word guys.
bread's done